Best Table Saws for the Money! (Table Saw Buyer's Guide)

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welcome to the den of tools hi ho guys guys it's red your friendly root tool bear back again here in the old tender tools and today we've got a topic that you all have been asking for for a long time i'm sorry it's taking me a while to get to it but we're finally covering it and that is what is the best table saw that you can buy but real quick i want to say a huge thank you to today's sponsor and that is skillshare they have an amazing online community for learning and exploring and being creative but we'll talk more about that later well here's the reality of it and the reality is that best is a subjective term uh are you a commercial woodworker are you looking for the best table saw for a commercial space maybe for a home shop two car a one car garage you're gonna have different uses there are you looking for best job site out on you know portability take it somewhere work out if there's a lot of different bests out there so we need to talk about what your best is so basically we're going to break this down into a few categories here first thing we're going to talk about are the big boys these are what are referred to often as cabinet saws all right and cabinet saws are the big top of the line full boat no compromise table sauce they run like butter the one you can sit a a quarter on its edge and won't fall over they're fantastic sauce and they're always a dream to work with they often take 220 power uh they can you know single or triple phase you know three to five horsepower motors they cost an arm and a leg they take up a huge amount of space but they are fantastic and then we also have to talk about job site table saws these are a more portable kind of table saw something often that's set up on a stand like this you can take with you uh you can roll it around that kind of stuff and then the third category really is compact table saws and these are actually technically called compact job site saws now what sets these all apart well the first thing we have to talk about is trunnions i know you're like what the snot is a trunnion is this something the pigs snuffle for no no no not quite the same thing those are truffles tasty but not the same thing so what we got here is this is the the in this that you can see it says saw stop so this is a sawstop uh cabinet saw and this is all the mechanisms and how that motor is attached to the blade and all that mechanism how it moves and tilts and goes up and down that whole mechanism is then bolted directly to the the cabinet of the saw and you'll see in a situation like this there's an older kind of saw but you see all those mechanisms are bolted directly to the cabinet that's what defines a cabinet saw now every other saw you're going to talk to is usually referred to or at least used to be referred to as a contractor saw and a contractor saw that trunnion is mounted directly to the bottom of the table of the saw itself to the cast iron plate or aluminum plate or whatever the main saw plate is where the blade comes up through it's mounted directly underneath that now that's a less expensive way to do it but it adds vibration directly to that so it makes it a little bit less accurate and that's why high-end woodworkers and professionals like those cabinet sauce because it reduces the vibration the dampening puts it down in the cabinet and leaves the table as smooth and unbothered as possible now this can get really confusing when you look at a song like this you may look at a salt like this and go well it has a full cabinet there so clearly this is a cabinet saw however this isn't this is a contractor saw often referred to in this style as a hybrid because the body looks like a cabinet it's kind of set up like a cabinet but the reality is the trunnions and the whole blade mechanism are mounted to the underside of this table now here's where it gets really head scratching you look at something oh say like uh like this saw here and you're like well clearly that then is also a contractor grade saw because it's the same concept no this this is actually a cabinet saw in fact this is one of the best deals you can find when looking for used sauce this is the old ridgid now they were sold i think they're made by emerson actually uh but they were sold under the ridgid name under the craftsman name i think they even saw it under daytona the secret of this saw is that the top rather than being made of cast iron is actually made of granite and because of that they could not mount the trunnions to to the table it would it would crack the granite so they had to mount it to the cabinet and a lot of people that will sell these for fairly dirt cheap on craigslist so keep an eye out for those so moving along then we talked about the the you know these are often referred to as contractor saws also uh they're now referred to as job site saws this is what i often consider like the middle of the road kind of saw it they're often big enough that you could use it as a as a decent you know shop saw you can fold up and get you know put it up against the side hang it somewhere get out of the way you can also take it with you in case you had a project to go and do the one rule is you always want to remember here is you always want to use the biggest saw you can get your paws on if you need portability then by all means go with a contractor or even a compact you know table saw but if you've got the space you want a stationary saw that's just all there is to it the rule of thumb if you want to keep your thumbs use the biggest saw you can and that brings us to the the old compact table saw or compact job site saw now these things are fantastic for those specific uses they're lightweight considering you know all things considered they they usually have these and the all the job site size rather the middle size and the smaller ones they usually have an aluminum or aluminum composite table so there's no cast iron again they're trying to make them lightweight for portability but there really isn't much to these things you look at the back and you can clearly see it's a plastic shell with an aluminum plate on top and with the i saw a direct a direct drive saw right in there that is running the system hung directly under uh you know under the the plate there the table now i'm not you know this is the one from harbor freight and i'm not nagging on them specifically all the saws in this category will be made exactly the same in fact even all the way down to the old as i like to call it the finger slicer 2000 here and harbor freight is not the only one who makes a saw like this ryobi's made saws like this craftsmen tons of companies have made saws like this i'm not a fan of them they're small they're janky the the the fence on them is is ridiculously hard to operate at times and fun fact with this one if you zoom in real close you can see that the uh the the saw is not actually mounted to the stand this has been a harbor freights website for years and years and years i've been meaning to call them out about it and i keep forgetting to but but this saw does not fit that stand you'd have to put the saw bolted into a piece of wood and then bolt the wood to that stand but somebody in harbor freight's marketing thought it would be cute to do this i don't get it but you know i think actually it's been discontinued so i guess they they dodged a bullet on that one anyway let's talk about the big sauce okay the cabinet sauce i'm going to give you a couple options here if you're looking at cabinet sauce now the big boy that everyone talks about especially if you're on youtube because they were giving these things away like candy a few years back and that is the saw stop all right now sawstop was an invention that guy came up with uh i did a whole video on sawstop so i'm not going to get into the history of it uh but nobody he thought somebody would buy it by buy the patent they didn't buy the patent so we started his own company just said screw you guys i'm going to do it alone and he did it and he's made actually a really good table saw now i'm not going to say it's the best table saw out there but it is an exceedingly good saw and of course it has that saw stop instant you know safety functionality where if the if your hand or anything connected to the body part comes close to the blade just even barely nicks the blade it drops down and uh you know and it never you know you never get cut or hurt or anything you keep your digits where they are where they're supposed to be which is great however i will say this that kind of injury is not the number one injury you see from a table saw but we're going to talk more about that later so these are good songs but they're not fantastic sauce i i've talked to a lot of professionals who use it and they they say they have to use it due to insurance because it gets their insurance rates down but if they could they would rat much rather use something like a delta unison now unison is an old name when it comes to table sauce they've been around for a long time my grandfather i can still remember as a little cub standing in his shop and being in awe of his delta unisa and delta's gone up they've gone down they you know a lot of people say they're not the company they used to be and they're not because i can tell you about four or five years ago they got bought by a taiwanese company who they're super excited about what they're doing over there i've actually been talking to him i got some stuff i'm going to be showing you guys here uh over the next month here from delta and unfortunately not the table sauce but i got to tell you these things are fabulous i've been a fan of delta for years if you've been around the channel you know that uh and i i lamented along with you that their their decline and i am super glad to see them uh with new ownership that's excited that's investing in the company and you're seeing the quality come back there so you're looking at a five horsepower unison here 52 inch bezomer fence i always mispronounce that don't correct me i'm never going to change i'm that kind of you know i'm an old-school bear once i get it stuck in my craw that's just the way it's going to be but i always think of it as a t-square style fence these things are a dream to work with and you'll always see this style fence on all the high-end kind of table saws and that's that's what i grew up learning how to use it's what i'm used to and it's what i like if you like some of the other styles that's great you're allowed to be wrong around here i i'm not going to stop you from being wrong but this is the best style of fence out there anyway so that's your second option your third option if you're looking for a budget option is uh with grizzly no relation you know it's not a cousin or anything like this but grizzly industrial tools they make some fabulous stuff i'm a huge huge fan of the band sauce huge fan of the band sauce but their table saws are fantastic as well and they're some of the best bang for the buck when it comes to these larger table saws now here's a three horsepower 240 volt cabinet saw full cabinet saw full bolt bolt full full boat everything you want here doesn't have the extended table and all that but this is the good core system that you could build on and you can get this for fourteen hundred dollars now that's a sale price right now normally it's fifteen hundred dollars you're getting a hundred dollars off uh on you know but they have sales throughout the year so you can always look up one of these just wait around uh you know hopefully you can you have the opportunity to wait i always recommend looking online looking on craigslist facebook marketplace stuff like this we're going to talk about used sauce here in a bit but if you if you want to get one and you don't want to spend the two or three or more thousand dollars but you want a cabinet saw this is a great one to go with let's say you don't want to spend that kind of money but you want a stationary table saw i hammed and hot over this i was gonna have a whole bunch of different options for you i'm sorry there is only one option if you want a stationary table saw and you're a diy or two prosumer grade kind of kind of you know woodworker or you know you have your shop and you want to have a good solid saw that this is the solder half this is it this is the delta table saw that you buy over at lowe's it's 600 it's been that price or around that price for years and years and years i had the original version this is the mark ii version i had the first version of this i absolutely love this saw for the money uh it's it's not a high-end saw you know it's not 220 it's not running on three horsepower you're getting just under one and a half horsepower which is honestly the most you're going to get at a 110 if somebody tells you it's a three horsepower and it's running on 110 it doesn't work that way okay there's only so much juice they can fit through that pipe if you get what i'm saying here this is a fabulous saw it's got the right kind of fence on it it's got a good solid motor now they did have some issues when they first released this they had bad capacitors on some of the motors they figured that out they they recalled those uh the ones that they were shipping out there they're under warranty if you get one and it dies and they usually when they die they die quick like within the first couple months so it shouldn't be an issue they know about it i've talked to them about it they they say that they've replaced all the ones that were that were in stock that they knew of if somehow you got some new old stock and you get one that's got a bad motor or or you buy one that's used and it's got a bad capacitor on it contact them should still be under warranty these have not been out that long anyway it's it's an issue going forward and it's a fabulous saw if you've been around the channel you know i recommend this saw all the time i can't say enough about it all right now let's say you need something a little bit smaller say you need some portability or often what i hear is hey bear i got a smaller shop or i don't use a table saw all that much that's a big one that i hear which is you know what i need a table saw every now and then but i don't need it every single day i need something i can get out of the way then what you want is you want a job site table saw one of the the bigger job site table saws in fact you know as i always say we said before the bigger the better right so this is the metabo hpt that i've been talking about now the nice thing about this saw now this is currently listed at 569. hold your horses before we get into that um this this has got a system if you like let's try to show that you can't really see it here on this picture maybe i can show it on another picture there the uh it's got a it's not a cooperative it's got a table saw fence system that's similar to the dewalt so it's that geared kind of mechanism now if you like that i'm not a huge fan of it i'm i'm used to the senior t-style t-square style fence but if you like that sort of thing this has got it it's got an outfeed extension it comes with the stand with the rollers and everything else this is a fabulous saw it comes with a good solid warranty comes with everything you're going to need it's got the guard it's got the kickback protectors it's got the riving knife system it's got a great extension there on the on the the fence as well this is a fabulous saw and we've seen it before under 400 we saw it around 350 and then for a hot moment there we saw it for under 200 holy cow that's not something i think we're likely to see again until maybe black friday next year that said acme tools right now has this saw listed for three hundred dollars now there is a fifty dollars or forty nine dollar special handling charge so it's going to be two let's call it 250 for rounding here's the caveat currently out of stock until january 15th uh so which means that you can order it now uh and you'll get it mid january i know it it sucks having to wait a month to together or just over a month but at that price you might want to consider locking it in will it be down around that 300 price again at lowe's or something else maybe and i have seen people go two lows with this ad and be like will you price match and some managers are like well it's out of stock so no we're not going to price match or they'll say well there's a 50 handling charge so we'll price match at 250. but i've also or 350 i've also seen guys in our facebook group if you're not a member of the facebook group have no idea why not because you're missing out on the deals but i have seen guys there showing receipts pictures of receipts where they got the sales manager or the floor manager to to price match at that 299 price which is great because they're out of stock so anyway that's just an option i would say if you're looking for a middle-sized you know foldable portable job site saw that's a great way to go now we're going to talk about the little guys which are the compact table saws and people always say well what about the dewalt the dewalt the dewalt now dewalt has been for a long time the king of compact table sauce and they make a really good table saw i do have some issues with dewalt uh mostly with the um i'm not first of all i'm not a fan of of the ratcheting style fence but if you like it that's great uh i always think of it as kind of like training wheels for woodworkers uh if you're just ripping wood and that's what these are for really these are just for ripping wood yes they have it set up so you can rip plywood with it i've ripped plywood with this saw it's not a fun experience you want to use two people or a person and a bear or whatever you got here that's going to help you you want to have two you know four sets of paws on this because if you're ripping chic sheet goods that you know full size sheet because four by eight this is a really small tool all right and it does not have a big base on it and all and that's not just the dewalt that's all compact uh job site sauce um but my other issue is that dewalt customer service has not got really good reviews we've seen issues with you uh i've talked to lots of people and then you can look it up online for yourself they have an average rating of like 1.2 stars so you know but anyway let's not harp on them if that's what you want this is the new top line this is the replace the old i think was the 7480 we now have the 7485 so that's the new boy in the block next up we're going to talk about the ridgid ridgid makes an excellent little job site compact table saw here uh 15 amp 10 inch you're going to see about the same specs on all of these uh it is a really good quality saw and at 2 280 and it's hard to beat that price i've seen also seen at 300 where it comes with the stand but it's a little what we call like the scissor legs or the spider legs not a fan of those stands they're really not the most secure kind of thing uh but you know if that's what you want that's you know that's up to you but 279 and then of course i have to talk about the harbor freight the hercules i've got i've done videos on i still have it i use it you know anytime i need a table saw this is the saw i have right now because you know we bounce back and forth between vegas and montana so i need a song that's fairly portable i would love to get i know i used to have that delta the lowes delta 500 table saw fabulous table saw in fact i used to have a jet uh just top line in fact i've got four or five videos about some of the you know buying old table saws fixing them up and stuff like that i'll try to link them down below there's a whole series i think i have a playlist on that i'll link but anyway i like this sauce some people like these saws some people don't like them again it comes down to usually the fence on this 329 it's an okay price 300 when it goes down we've seen these around 250 at 250 it's a no-brainer it's a it's a great deal on that saw and speaking of deals i need to say a big thank you to today's sponsor and that is skillshare online learning is quickly becoming a primary source of education and skillshare is leading the way their community allows millions of creative people to join together in learning and even inspiring others they offer classes on a wide variety of topics you'll not only learn but you'll also interact through class projects one of my favorite features is that they're also adaptive to fit your schedule that makes it perfect for busy tool bears like me my family has always believed that learning is not a destination it's a journey and that you're never too old to learn new tricks now skillshare offers as i said before a wide variety of topics some of my favorite are photography cooking and productivity a class i recently finished was the productivity master class how to do more while working at home yeah we all know how 2020 is going and as wonderful as it sounds to be able to work from home it does come with some significant challenges those are how to stay focused and say be productive while being at home and classes like this are helping me do just that members get access to thousands of ad free classes with hands-on projects and feedback from a community of millions all for less than 10 a month and the first 1 000 people who click the link in my description below will get a free trial to skillshare premium all right so that covers what i recommend as far as you know the best songs to buy you know going right now all right now let's get into the faq section because i'm going to cover a lot of things that people ask me about because uh you know i can only answer so many questions in the comments i try the bear tries but let's see if i can answer them before you even ask them first thing is people going to ask what about used sauce well i need to do a whole video about how to buy a used table salt but i recommend as you heard me before highly recommend looking at buying and used table sauce here's the thing though there's some great old table saws out there however they're lacking the one major piece of safety equipment on the i'm talking about most of the older older saws some of them some of the mid-range ones still have it but anyway they're missing the one piece that's way more important than like you see than the saw stop thing where it yanks the blade down the most important thing that's going to save your hide nine times out of ten is a riving knife all right an arriving knife is a little piece of steel that rides right behind the blade and what that does is it keeps the the wood that you're cutting from pinching together and causing and uh kickback and kickback is the most dangerous thing in fact the people who often get cut get a lose a finger or something like that to a table saw was because of kickback they're reaching past the blade you know they got their little paws out there and they're reaching way out there past the blade trying to grab the outfeed and it it gets caught in the curve for the blade and it yanks their paw right back through it and uh you know and yes the saw stop would stop that but so will arriving knife because if you have a riving knife you can't get that pinch which means no kickback this is the number one thing you're going to have now some of the newer saws out there they have all the other safety equipment on it but even if you take those off because a lot of people don't like the guards and whatnot even you take all that stuff off you still have this unit right here that all rides on which is essentially that's a riving knife with a mounting point on it for all the other little accessories you don't use those other accessories fine i'm not go i'm not your dad i'm not going to tell you what to do i i don't use them either okay anyway but this thing and this is your arriving knife and that's what's going to keep you safe now people are always chiming in any time i'm talking about well driving has to go well what about splitters you can get splitters splitters no no i'm sorry yes they they do work ish but here's the deal with a splitter you're limited to the size of that splitter okay and then you got to change the splitter based on the curve of your blade i mean you could argue this with the riving knife thing right or whatever but the fact of the matter is here these do not rise to the height of the blade if you raise the blade up pretty high that that splitter is not going to rise with you and yeah there's some little you know diy kind of stuff no it's not the same kind of safety kind of mechanism you're going to get you can do it you could you know if if you're you know a frugal you know kind of a you know badger kind of person and that's what you want to do fine you you do you man but i'm going to tell you you want a riving knife bare minimum i said bare minimum all right now accessories i get a lot of people saying well you know i want to look at this old you know this old table sauna so i'm but it has a terrible fence on it uh the tube style fences you see those those aren't the the best there's a lot of old style fences that you know you really want to upgrade and you can buy an upgraded table fence the table saw fence like this besamer style bezel i don't know what's called they'll call it the t-square with here's the delta delta fence here this thing is 200 all right and i know it kind of went off the screen now let me see if i get it over there there you go sorry no it's 184 all right and this is off amazon i'll put links to some of this stuff down below if i can only one left in stock hopefully there'll be more i looked around some other places you used to be able to find these at home depot all the time and for some reason they're not showing up there's only a 400 kit over there which is ridiculous now it gets you the full extension the super long fence on it if you want to add like a router table and stuff to the side maybe that's what you want to go with but then also menards has the same system here for 200 now here's the thing i'm gonna say if you're looking at an old table saw and you're like well i'm gonna up you know say you pay 200 bucks for it and you're like and i'm going to upgrade the fence well now you're at 400 and you're going to upgrade you're going to create a uh your buy a retrofit arriving knife and you're going to do all this you know you're getting really close really quickly to that 5 you know 600 price well this is on sale it's often on sale for 550 you use some coupons i've done some videos showing how you can get this down to 500 you know our 450 for a used song that you've had to put a bunch of work into and stuff versus just picking up one of these for five five hundred and it's a hard argument to make now let's talk about real quick we're gonna be real quick on this we're gonna talk about saw stop by the way yes besides cabinet saws they also make a fantastic job site saw it's a fifteen hundred dollar job site table saw but it is fantastic it has a true uh t-square style fence on it it's a great saw but the thing that people keep asking is when is their patents gonna run out when i'm gonna and am i gonna be able to buy that that same kind of safety mechanism from somebody else well their patents expire in august of 2021. well their original patents let's say this they've got over a hundred patents at this point and they're doing they are lawyering up like nobody's business of course they don't quite have the money that everyone else does and trust you me every other company that makes a table saw has already fully developed and is ready to roll out a saw stop copy all right they've got it it's sitting in the works they're just waiting for these patents to expire to roll these things out and there are some things that sawstop can try and do to extend these patents but i guarantee you that the these companies are going to be lowering up as well they want part of this market as well that sawstop created it uh and they they they want to you know drink their milkshake and they're going to do their best in fact bosch even already tried they jumped the gun with the bosch react system which actually is a really good system it actually does the same thing without damaging the blade so it saves you a few bucks but that said they got ban hammered uh you know over the the patent infringement on that one they had to pull it off of store shelves but that said it it's coming is it going to be next year is it going to be 20 22 is it going to be 20 i don't depends on how much of an extension they managed to weasel out uh we'll we'll have to wait and see don't worry the bear will stay on top of it all right the next thing people always ask me about is can i use a dado stack with this saw and inevitably i don't know why they're always asking when it comes to compact jobsite sauce and my answer is always the same uh maybe look at look at the manual but honestly you know you shouldn't this using a dado stack with one of these is like turbo charging you know a a hugo you could you do it yes should you do it probably not probably not very safe i i'm sorry but these are small saws and and you know they don't really have the table space much less the stability i mean look at this look at the legs on this thing this is this is one of those little scissor stands i'm talking about you do not want to be running a dado stack through something like this if you need to be doing a dado kind of cut a rabbet or whatnot you need to be using a router and a straight edge it's just that simple and safe oh my gosh why would you not use this get a nice flat surface get a straight edge and get your router out there's all sorts of little router mounting plates that you can get you know rockler makes one now granted rockler can be a little pricey but there's cheaper options out there also i found this one on amazon for 34.11 there's all sorts of options you can do to do this safely you can get a better cleaner cut doing this it's safer you don't have to worry about hurting anybody and it gives you a chance to you know buy another tool if you don't already have a router all right now some of the accessories i want to talk about real quick is miter slot uh our miter gauge uh slot tools here and two things the smaller jobsite compact saws as you see here they use this little thing where it's got a a slot on it you're often going to be limited to that style of tool if you've got one of these smaller compact job site table saws when it comes to the regular job site the folding you know like the metabo that's kind of hit or miss 50 50 whether they've got the t-square or the t-slot on there whether it's just a standard slot you'll have to check your saw but that said there's some great options out there if you want to upgrade incra makes some fantastic stuff you made me need to be a mathematical genius to understand how to use the whole thing but um they they do make some fabulous stuff it's not inexpensive you're looking at two hundred dollars which considering all the things you get with this incra setup is really not that bad it's a fabulous you know miter gauge you can do all sorts of stuff with it i think you can do your trig homework with it if you wanted to another one is craig craig you know every time you see this blue and a nice aluminum you know you're dealing with a craig product you know you're dealing with quality they make really good stuff it's a little more simple if you will but it still does a lot of the same things it's a hundred and fifty dollars there uh it's got this the movable stop block on it it's got the the the small you know the minut adjustment angles on it it's got the fence that goes along with it so you can use it kind of like a miter sled it it is a really a good system now one of my favorite ones is the old shopsmith miter gauge now believe it or not uh this thing's been around for probably longer than me and i've had a few of these and they're fantastic the nice thing about it is when you grab this first of all it's got a nice angle on it you can get a full paw right on there and when you grab this it clamps this and this part comes down and and clamps the work piece so it holds it in place now you don't have to use it you can move it out of the way or something like that but it gives you a really firm grasp rather than when you're talking about using one of these and you're just grabbing the handle on that and everything and the ergonomics so you've got a nice straight handle you're going to have to get low down on that to get a good angle grip this is more of an ergonomical ergonomical is that a word grip there now one thing a lot of people don't realize is now this is with most miter saw gauge or miter yeah miter gauge miter saw anyway the bears had a long wig miter gauge slots is it these little parts here or so you can put a wood fence on there and bolt it through onto this and create that kind of same situation that you see with something like this so you can adapt it to that now as far as buying one of these i really recommend you know craigslist marketplace and and ebay when you're looking for if you want to buy one new they're 114 115 if you want to buy it directly from shopsmith all right now some of the other options here you probably want to consider if you really want to get your your your saw dialed in uh you want to get one of these magnetic bases with a dial indicator now this is the one that i have i've had this for i bought it in january of 2018. i've used it for a lot of saw setups and whatnot anytime you get stationary power tool equipment you need to go through and tune it all right that's a term you're going to hear got tune your equipment and that means making sure everything's square everything's lined up when things get shipped things adjust they move around often they come in in pieces and you've got to put it together yourself now the job site especially like the compact job site saws often aren't quite as often an issue very often you get them out of the box and they're just square and ready to go because they know the guys buying them or taking them right to a job site often want to get right to work but you do need to check always double check and make sure that you know your fence is square to the blade the blade is square to the table and this is a great way to check to make sure that your your saw is properly aligned uh your blade's properly aligned and this is 30 for something like this and you'll use it on a lot of stuff if you have a shop you can use it on drill presses you can use it on miter gauge use it on on tons of stuff now this is not a super high end piece of equipment it may look like it but it's not this is for woodworking if you're going to be doing you know if you're working off of a mill or something you're going to need a higher piece of of equipment to calibrate that this is this i would not use this for for mill work i would use it for woodworking another good piece of safety equipment is a feather board and what a feather board does is it lightly applies pressure to keep the the work piece where it's supposed to be as it moves through the tool you can pick up one of these here off amazon for 13 you can mount them not just on the fence to hold it down but you can also mount them in the table to hold it against the fence people often use both of them we'll go two at a time to keep it down and against the fence while pushing through the push stick now i'm not going to recommend a push stick because people who really get personal and all bitey when it comes to push sticks do your own thing when it comes to a push stick whatever you like just make sure you have one i will say this though now one option i i will say you might want to consider is one of these gripper things i know for they advertised really hardcore on youtube for a long time but this thing it it looks like it has a heck of a ridiculous contraption it really does but the reality is look at that it lets you lock the the work piece in where you want it to go and push it right through and get your paws out of the way out of out of danger and uh i don't know why you wouldn't want to grab some one of these now they are 60 dollars maybe that's why but i think keeping your digits and sixty dollars is is it's a fair compromise to make anyway let's talk about some of the other stuff here you might want to get this i'm a huge fan of this i've got one of these in my shop i use it for all sorts of stuff it's a magnetic angle gauge device literally the base of it right sorry right here uh has a magnet on it and i put it right on and i bring my saw blade up i put it right on the saw blade i zero it ah and uh or i zeroed off the table put it on the saw blade and then i could tell you exactly what the angle is you know compared to what i mean you know what it it you know it suppose allegedly says on the gauge on the saw especially when i'm dealing with compact uh table saws stuff that gets moved around a lot it gets bumped it may not be exact i almost never use the gauge that's on the saw i always use this and at 27 there's no reason not to get one of these if you're using your table saw like that because this is what's going to ensure that you're getting the cut that you think you're getting if you're upgrading an older saw i highly recommend you drop the 40 or whatever to get one of these uh v twist belts there there's a little segmented kind of things they're weird belts i i'll be honest i was hesitant when i first saw them i thought there's no way that doesn't make any sense they're smoother they are they look like they would run bumpier and whatnot i don't know how they do it but they're adjustable first of all you can take you just take out the links to make it the size you want they run much smoother than a standard v-belt or groove belt they just do and i don't understand the physics behind it maybe somebody who is smarter than me can explain it but the fact of the matter is they work better and they don't cost that much and it's a really good upgrade if you are you know fixing up an older saw all right and outfeed is a big issue it's one of the things i talked about it's one of the reasons i recommend the metabo uh it's got an extension out feed uh it's got outfeed extension how about that but also if you're dealing with really long stuff and you're running it through the saw having something like this it's also good for miter saws and that kind of stuff but if you're running some long stuff through your table saw having something like this is really useful it's gonna add to your safety and at 18.17 1750. this is a harbor freight uh there's not a whole lot to it it's basic it works it's the hallmaster 132 pound capacity roller stand i don't know if you'll be doing 132 pounds on it but hey give it a shot let me know how it works out for you all right now a lot of people talk about what do i do to protect the surface of my table saw and one of the tried and true ways that people do is paste wax just like you'd use on your car kind of stuff you rub it on in a circular motion you let it dry you buff it off now the thing is uh you're going to have to do this probably multiple times per year now this is really only for cast iron tops if you've got a job site table saw chances are it's got an aluminum top and it's already sealed in some sort of epoxy resin thingy you don't need to worry about it but i'll be honest i'm not a huge fan of this because it often has to get reapplied very often uh and the finish can be yeah i don't know there's some people who like it who swear by it i'm not a fan of it um some of the other options you may have here rather than this is uh this uh bow shield i don't know if that's borschia bow shield t9 rust and corrosion protection uh a lot of people swear by that uh the and also a fluid film is another one that people really like you can spray it on keeps it nice nice and safe you know if you're in an area where you get a lot of corrosion stuff like that this may be something you might want to look into i've used in the past spray on polyurethane people tried wipe on you know or brush on polyurethane i don't like that i just use a light coat of spray on polyurethane and i've not had any problems of course i've also been in some of the more arid regions so that might have been part of the the cause as to why i didn't see those same kind of problems that others had seen with it now somebody always asked me about this thing this is there's several companies that sell this this is a combination miter saw table saw and if you haven't seen one and you're living in the united states there's a reason why and that's i'm pretty sure it's because osha said no to this thing this thing is not the safest thing in fact uh when that blade is down in there and in the miter saw configuration you have to have the the the fence slid over it to cover it because that's what covers the top of the blade to keep it safe so you don't take your arm off or something the only time i've seen this configuration legitimately used in a situation where i'm like hey that's not that's not a bad solution for that is it people who install flooring all right they're often having to cut trim pieces or chop you know the end of the length so here you got a tool that will do all you know you'll do miter cuts your chop cuts and you'll do rip cuts on all of it great for installing flooring maybe even for like you know siding paneling kind of stuff for for those kind of tools for the home user no no no no no in fact i think for most people just just say no i mean there's every once in a while some company pops up that's importing it to the u.s and then after a couple years uh you know somebody from the government gets wind of it and says no those things are not approved for sale here in the u.s all right well there you go there you have it there's your kind of buyer's guide your best options for table saws as well as some of the you know ins and outs the faq as well as your best accessories i hope you like it if you do like this and you'd like to see the bear cover other types of equipment go ahead and comment down below let me know what you want to see me do a buyer's guide on next and we can talk about all that stuff anyway i know it's been a long video so i'm going to let you go the bear's going to get out of here don't forget to chump that like button on your way out you all take care god bless and as always come on stay with me shine on you
Channel: The Den of Tools
Views: 260,449
Rating: 4.7869725 out of 5
Keywords: Tool reviews, best tool, top 5 tools, top 10 tools, harbor freight, milwaukee, dewalt, ryobi, kobalt, black & decker, hercules, ridgid, porter cable, craftsman, bauer, chicago electric, admiral, hatichi, makita, doyle, quinn, pittsburg pro, Best Table Saws for the Money! (Table Saw Buyer's Guide), best table saw 2020, best table saw for beginners, table saw kickback, buyer's guide, 10 best table saws
Id: q2UrIgl5BYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 50sec (2450 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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