Best Restaurants in Rome Italy (Pasta, Pizza, & more!)

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laughs what what what's up you guys welcome back my name is Andrew and today you may be wondering what the heck is he so happy about right well you're about to find out in three two one we're here baby in Roma Italia so I've only dreamed about coming to this place and honestly I am super excited the food is supposed to be really delicious I love their pastas pizzas gelatos and whatever so come with me to eat some of the best places in Rome let's get it [Music] so we are now at tonerellos we are located in trastevere in Rome now I've always dreamed of coming here this is one of the first bucket list items I had they're especially known for their Roman Cuisine the Roman pastas uh which I heard was pretty awesome so let's give it a try in their aperol Spritz for the first time it's good so we got their arancini rice balls which has like amatojana sauce let's see how it is this is them wow baby I can't describe it to you it's peppery it's Smoky and the rice is perfectly cooked the outside is perfectly crispy it's delicious wow look at this oh my God carbonara pasta shall we take a bite wow [Music] is nice and fresh eggs are perfectly cooked cheese is there pepper got the saltiness from the guantali oh my God this is freaking good that's right there which is also another Roman pasta dish oh smells good too oh hell yeah [Music] come on wow I think I want I like this the most wow this so good oh my God I can't describe it to you perfect amount of saltiness the sweetness and acidity from the tomato sauce the cheese is perfect it's not too much it's not too overpowering the sauce oh my God the sauce wow so flavorful [Music] oh yeah what was meatballs falling apart wow first time I can't get over how good this sauce is tomatoes are the freshest Tomatoes I've ever tasted in my life seriously wow try some of their sides it looks like fried home fries I guess it's just whatever what is this spinach wow oh wow yeah that's good a little salty though oh yeah I love this meatball right it's still moist inside juicy tomato sauce to die for now I know a lot of people come here and that is so hyped my God this is so worth it I know the the line could get pretty ridiculous but they say on the website to come before 12 or come before seven during rush hour and they'll teach you right away we we waited nothing literally we just eat it right away so tonarellos foreign [Music] and we just stopped by to get some trappuccino which is basically a popular Roman Street food made by that famous chef show you right here looks great and I really really wanted to try this so so excited let me just show you [Music] we'll try the chicken cacciatore first oh it smells good oh yeah that's good tastes kind of like a like a sourdough bread it's nice and crispy on the outside perfectly moist on the inside that chicken cacciatore is nice it's juicy it's flavorful it's freaking good next we'll try the lingua and salsa verde not really sure what this is but let's give it a shot oh yeah it's really good it's sort of lighter I think it's tripe actually hmm it looks like tripe two take a look at that you see those those dots it's pretty yummy the sauce is nice and fresh oh this is freaking amazing Meridian love this is so oh my God wow anchovy dopia Pana [Music] oh my God it's got bread it's so good the cream helps round out the flavor and kind of put into that the fatty and salty flavor from that anchovy oh my God these two the ones that she recommended freaking perfect so for those of you that don't know papuccino I think in my opinion is basically like a pizza or a pasta inside a sandwich crazy invention I think this might be my favorite one the anchovy which might sound kind of disgusting but it's freaking delicious do yourself a favor and give it a try I'm not even kidding wow do you like the anchovy one I hate it how is it um what is that eggplant Parmesan oh it looks good smells good mmm can I can I eat this one wow I'm so happy this is really delicious like really delicious the bread is amazing as usual the tomato sauce I cannot get enough of this in these bustling streets of trastevere there is a place called tropesino just trust me and get yourself one of these bad boys man [Music] all right so now we are headed to dinner at one of the best restaurants here in Tres levere called otello and my wife always wanted to try it so let's get it dinner time the wait time they set is currently five to ten minutes there are no rezies available for this location so definitely come here early and try to get a table [Music] we've got another after all Spritz very nice so we're now seated here inside otello and we just ordered the pasta one of the four classic Roman pastas and wow I have to say it looks incredible we got it with their classic rigatoni oh yeah look at that wow this is amazing creamy cheesy God the cheese is so amazing wow wow the pasta is perfectly cooked Charlie Oh So Soft so tender it's amazing [Music] thank you basically means cheese and pepper [Music] shall we take a bite oh my god wow this is wow the pasta is so fresh it's definitely homemade you can taste it is incredible perfect amount of saltiness in there and that touch of that toasted black black pepper the cracked black pepper in here man phenomenal I never really thought that Pepe can taste like this beautiful Lupa doesn't even compare to this right I don't even remember I don't even remember that either it was just like whatever unbelievable I'm gonna wash it down with the Spritz [Music] all right that was pretty cool let's go to the place that we've all been waiting for I'm so excited I can smell it [Music] panchi Pizzeria known as one of the best if not the best pizza spot here in Roma Italia let's go try it thank you [Music] banchi Pizzeria I am so excited I didn't know that he would give us this much honestly I was just saying one of that one of that one of that it was so hectic in there but man this looks delicious let's dig in this one looks nice oh it looks like guanciale oh yeah I think this is I am so excited shall we take a bite foreign I am so happy right now look at that actually this kind of reminds me of the pizza back at home that's the right amount of crunch on the bottom moist and fluffy on the inside but damn that tomato sauce wow plus the guanciale and the cheese my God this is really delicious oh my they all look so delicious I don't even know where to start anchovy okay look at that [Music] anyways wow oh my God it taste cheese bread scallions oil and I guess that's the anchovies so it's like strong but not really mmm that's delicious man I guess they they really love doing anchovies here in Rome which works perfectly for me because hey us Koreans man we love anchovies too so this combination is right up my alley great slice shout out to Frank back at home thank you for recommending the anchovy slice [Music] out for the whatever you want to call this Anchovies and what is this spinach under there I don't even know honestly this was an Impulse decision he was like rushing me and I kind of just chose one so let's see how it is [Music] that's interesting not my favorite but that's pretty interesting yeah it's I I think so far that's my least favorite okay so that looks like I don't even know a bunch of veggies it looks like prosciutto in there olives and uh what is this oh is this egg oh maybe it's artichoke yeah it's definitely an egg on there which is very interesting yeah I think it's eggs and chopped parsley all over and a bunch of other things I don't know but let's give it a try I like the Olive and the pizza itself is so good that tomato sauce is really good the eggs are whatever honestly it's kind of like a turn off but they got too much going on there I can't appreciate that one I'm sorry yeah that might be now my least favorite this one looks really good this one he kind of pointed to looks like it has some mushrooms some ham chopped parsley and oil drizzled on top it looks pretty delicious let's give it a try oh yeah it's good I mean you can instantly tell we eat with our eyes first right all the time it looks good perfect look at the color on the crust guys wow last but not least looks like a tomato sauce and uh mozzarella either mozzarella cheese or burrata the inside of the burrata oh yeah mm-hmm so all their Pizza is really good the only things I have to say that kind of turned me off are the two prosciutto slices that were kind of like a bit of a turn off because there's just way too much going on and I can't really appreciate it too much but I'm sure a lot of the folks here the locals and whoever else uh comes along and gets those slices I'm sure they actually enjoy it and they could appreciate it but not so much me so if you're ever around this area we are only 10 minutes 10 to 15 minute walk away from the Vatican and uh it's incredible you just get yourself a ticket in the front and wait for your number to be called and then bam be ready to uh be in a line full of hectic busyness hustle bustle going on in there oh yeah I almost forgot they gave us some free souply because we ordered a lot carbonara souply hmm wow it really tastes like carbonara and this one is I think he said Pomodoro wow damn pretty nice [Music] we are in Piazza navona which is basically the biggest and most famous Piazza in all of Rome I our next spot is just around the corner about five minutes walking distance let's get it [Music] all right okay so we are here now at Osteria da fortunata which I heard was pretty awesome they make awesome pastas fresh homemade let's go give it a try [Music] got a aperol spritz oh my God this looks freaking good wow which is a wow spicy tomato sauce smells delicious cheers [Music] wow oh yeah wow this is delicious look at this silky smooth noodles wow nice fresh it's Al Dente the tomatoes oh my God I can't even describe it to you so fresh amazing and we also got the oxtail fettuccine [Music] plus it's deep it's Rich it's deep it's so good I like mine those pasta is freaking perfect everything here is freaking good man my God let me just say like I cannot say enough about this damn pasta it's so good the one I ordered the strikatelli when I order arabiata this tomato sauce oh my God it tastes so freaking good like nothing like my favorite tasting the tomatoes are fresh they're sweet they're slightly acidic the oil is just perfect and I can't describe it any better than that it just melts in your mouth and the pasta just slides right in nicely it's very perfect and Al Dente you have to come and try this seriously one of the best pastas I've ever if not the best pasta I've ever eaten in my life geez man my wife likes it as well she also agrees this is probably the best pasta that we've eaten here in Rome so far so that's saying a lot because we've already tried a lot trust me Osteria fortunata that's all you you like it this is good let me try it strawberry cheesecake introduce you to one of the best restaurants here in Rome and it's tucked away in this little corner it's right over here it's right over here I'm just kidding it's just McDonald's [Music] so when in Rome we just had to get anything artichoke so what they have here is a fried artichoke which is basically like a they say it's Jewish style it looks pretty unique let's give it a shot [Music] oh wow oh that's really nice it tastes like it does taste like potato chips I'm sorry if that's a sin to call it like that but the outside is really nice and crispy um they use safflower oil which is a very neutral oil that you could just simply taste the the salt on top it's delicate in the center the heart of the artichoke I love the contrast crispy on the outside really fluffy moist on the inside it's really unique very unique delicious this is a must here best park this is the best part oh yeah oh my God this was great these are super nice that guy is really super nice and hard working I haven't seen him stop moving a single time since it's been opened shut up wow next up we got our pastas we ordered their classic Roman pastas the grizia uh and we swap it usually comes with rigatoni but we swapped it with tonarelli because I heard that's what they're known for here oh my God it looks incredible man it smells incredible shall we take a bite nominal the flavor is coming from all that fat from the guanchali I love that that toasted black pepper on top along with the pecorino mad good next up we have another classic Roman pasta which is basically the same thing as riccia plus their tomato sauce their tomato sauce if you haven't known by now I'm the ticket today at Tomatoes oh baby Chief I'm in love do yourself a favor and get the 20 rally because it's delicious it has a nice bite that Al Dente bite to it and yet the chewiness you can't get it anywhere else other than fresh pasta beautiful wow this is seriously like major food coma right now that closes it out for us for our food Tour of Rome thank you guys so much for watching I hope you liked some of the places that we hit up here in Rome let me know in the comments down below whether or not you liked any of the places and before you go please hit like give it a thumbs up and hit subscribe if you want to see more of these kinds of videos and uh if you would like to see more like this one click right over here all right over there and I will see you in another video ciao yummy
Channel: Andrew C Yang
Views: 7,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rome, best restaurants in rome, rome restaurants, best food in rome italy, best restaurants in rome italy, rome italy, roma, roma italia, food in rome, food in rome italy, food tour in rome, foor tour in rome italy, restaurant rome, restaurant rome italy, roman food tours, food tours rome, foodie tour rome, best places eat rome, rome where to eat, where to eat rome, where to eat in rome, best food in rome, pasta in rome, pizza in rome
Id: S2rKQz81R8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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