Best RAM Ryzen 5000. Best Memory for Ryzen 5600X, 5800X, 5900X, 5950X

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so you're building a ryzen 5000 system but you're still confused about the memory what's better for performance faster speed lower latency both what about the whole two sticks versus four six thing how much more performance can you expect out of better memory and does it make sense to spend money to upgrade your memory or should you invest in upgrading another component instead don't worry we're going to go through all of this in a very simple easy to understand way and give you very specific recommendations at every budget level coming right up [Music] hi welcome back to pc builder i'm jason the ryzen 5000 platform is unquestionably the best in terms of gaming and workstation performance right now and we've done a number of videos to support ryzen 5000 builds including best motherboards verizon 5000 best coolers for ryzen 5000 a ryzen 5600x gaming build and a ryzen 5900x 4k gaming 4k video editing workstation build if you missed any of that coverage i'm going to put it up right there on the card there it goes and you can check it out after this video because this video is the absolute most requested one i've gotten which is the best memory for ryzen 5000 now i understand memory is very confusing doesn't matter if it's ryzen 5000 ryzen 3000 intel memory is just hard to understand so we're going to break this down in a very simple easy to understand way as short as we can to make sure that you walk away from this video understanding exactly what kind of memory you need to get for your build of course that's the goal of this channel we're a new channel it's to take all the technical mumbo jumbo mash it down and give you the best price to performance in your builds if that's something that you want to support please like the video subscribe and click the bell icon it's an absolute free way for you to support the channel and to get amazing content i hope it's amazing with that let's jump into it so very briefly we're gonna go over the whole two sticks versus four sticks of memory that gamers nexus first reported on when ryzen 5000 launched it's a super deep topic so we're just going to focus today on giving you a functional understanding you just want to buy a memory kit not design them and if you want to know more then i will include links down in the description to some videos that do a deeper dive so first off this has to do with single rank versus dual rank not single channel versus dual channel that's something very different so memory rank has to do with how many paths the data can go through at once so for instance all modern eight gigabyte sticks of memory are single-sided single rank that means if you ripped off the heat spreader on them and you looked at the stick itself you'd see chips on one side of the pcb and the bank back side would be blank so with only one pathway to go through these are you guessed it single rank sticks 16 gigabyte and larger memory sticks are almost all double-sided they're for their dual rank sticks there are a handful of single rank 16 gigabyte or larger sticks don't worry you will not end up buying one now in terms of performance dual rank modules have always gotten slightly more performance than single rank modules the ryzen 5000 platform has shown a greater advantage to dual rank versus single rank than previous platforms either ryzen or intel typically they yield an average performance boost of about three to five percent but in some memory sensitive applications it could be as much as 10 percent so how do you get dual rank so either you're going to get two sticks of memory that are already dual rank and that that's all you need or you're going to get four sticks that are single rank and together they're going to work as though they're dual rank that means it's only realistic to get dual rank on 32 gigs of memory or more as all eight gigabyte chips are single ranked so if you want 16 gigabytes and get two eight gig chips that's still excuse me sticks that's still only single rank and four gigabyte sticks are they're just gone off the market so don't even don't even try looking for four or four gig sticks they're just gone so if you want to take advantage of this you're either going to get again two 16 gigabyte sticks or larger or you're gonna get four eight gigabyte sticks simple as that now it's time to talk about whether or not you're actually going to see a performance increase from faster memory lower latency memory and then we'll get into what memory you're going to want specifically well i've aggregated data from a number of different sources around the web tech yeah city did one optimum tech did one uh gamers nexus did did some stuff uh hardware canucks just did anyway i've grabbed data from all over the web i'm gonna give credit to them down in the description below and i'm gonna include links to all of their videos and i would strongly recommend if you want more information about this please take a look at it what i've done is i've aggregated their data to see what kind of performance increases they were talking about now it's important to note in workstation applications we're talking about anywhere from three to five percent that's because the main bottleneck in those when memory is important to an application some applications don't care at all about the memory speed really that that's the only bottleneck it's the cpu the graphics card isn't involved gaming is very different in gaming you need your cpu only needs to be as good as maximizing your graphics card ryzen 5000 is already a pretty advanced platform so for the current generation of graphics cards and previous generations i'm talking about the amd uh 5000 series and the nvidia 2000 series for the older generation graphics cards forget it you don't need faster memory you could get away with ddr4 3200 cl 16 memory and get just about every frame out of out of your graphics card so this is also only pertains to graphics cards that are trying to render huge amounts of frame rates usually in 1080p performance so this is situations where you're going to be cpu bound not gpu bound if you go up in resolution to 1440p or 4k forget about it the memory stop stops mattering because the bottleneck isn't the cpu and the memory the bottleneck's the graphics card so this is actually for gaming there's only a really narrow window where it really matters what kind of memory you need to get and that is if you are playing super high 1080p frame rate games with a 3080 or higher graphics card or a amd 6800 xt or higher graphics card that's really it and again 1080p once you bump that up to 1440 or up to 4k forget about it the graphics card's now your bottleneck the memory speed isn't going to matter at all and when it does matter it's only mattering three to seven percent again at 1080p just to underscore the gaming performance part of it i want to show you a little bit of the tech spot article that steve from hardware and box wrote so you can see right here we're looking at shadow of the tomb raider again we're talking about 1080p gaming he's using an rtx 3090 and the differences he's seeing from ddr4 3200 cl 16 right here he gets 170 fps to the best tune memory which ended up being ddr4 uh 3800 cl 16 this is a manual tune he got 179 fps that's a 9 fps difference that's five and a half percent using rtx 3090 at 1080p who games on a 30 90 at 1080p you would that's a 1440p card so if you look at just a slightly lower performance not slightly lower if you look at a lower performance graphics card like a 2070 for instance you'll see that the the frame rates are virtually identical all the way down hitman 2 doesn't matter what you pull out here shadow the tomb raider they're all the same shadow the tomb raider at 1440p they're all the same i just want to underscore if you're a gamer the only difference you're really going to see and it's going to be a couple of percent three to five percent is if you are using one of these super high-end graphics cards and you are gaming at 1080p so what's happening there is you're creating a bottleneck at the cpu rather than at the gpu once you go up resolution or if you have a less powerful graphics card the gpu becomes your bottleneck and then the memory speed doesn't really matter anymore because ryzen 5000 is a very powerful platform it can already get a lot out of your graphics card without having to have super high tuned memory so just want to emphasize that point showing some graphs here what are the technical limitations you might run into buying higher speed memory number one if you're on an older platform b450 or x470 and you're just getting those bios updates and you're you can't wait to install your ryzen 5000 cpu don't think that you can necessarily run some of this faster speed memory at those advertised speeds you may have to down clock it so it may not make any sense for you to go out and buy ddr4 4000 memory uh when you're gonna need to unclock it to 3600 anyway save yourself the money go out and buy a 3600 kit but look at what your motherboard is going to be able to support secondly this is for everybody the infinity fabric for ryzen 5000 if you look at the memory topologies we've got right here connects everything together think of it that way and the infinity fabric can run at a maximum clock of 2000 megahertz so that translates into 4000 mega transfer memory so when we say dr4 that's double data rate memory ddr4 4000 that memory is running at 2 000 megahertz times 2 is 4 000. that's how we go get to from 2 000 megahertz where it's actually that's the clock it's running at to the 4 000 speed that we often refer to i won't bore you to death with the details on that one but you need that infinity fabric and your memory to run at that same speed so right now for whatever reason even with the latest bios updates folks are having a hard time hitting two thousand megahertz on the infinity fabric so they're not able to run dr4 4000 memory at a one-to-one ratio right now so they're down clocking their memory if you're going to down clock your memory you might as well buy cheaper memory in the first place right so that's just another thing to think about i do expect amd is going to iron this out at some point however they just haven't yet so and we're a couple months into the launch at this point now let's go over to thinking about what are the actual memory recommendations we're going to make all right let's consider the memory market now because this is probably where most of you will actually have to make a decision because you have this thing called a budget and whatever you spend on your memory maybe you can squeeze you know maybe you can up your budget a little bit um there's probably three kinds of people right there's a people who are just gonna spend whatever it takes to spend because they got the money and they're they're dedicated to it then there's people who are a little bit more in the middle and those folks you know they don't mind stretching their budget a little bit if it's going to get them some performance and then you got folks who if they're going to spend more money on the memory it's going to come out of something else in the system they're not their budget is not really fungible then of course you've got all the folks who are just watching this video either for fun or they're just thinking about building right now and they're not even considering their budget but let's consider budget if you want that three to five percent uh that we've been talking about and you don't have any objection to spending whatever it takes ddr4 4000 cl 16 memory is available dual rank that means 32 gigabyte kit for 270 i'll go actually through the kits themselves there will be links down in the description you don't have to write all this down i will put the i will list all the timings and the speeds on um with the links themselves but let's take a look at the overall cost so if we assume our system is going to cost about fifteen hundred dollars now if your system costs more adjust if we assume this is a fifteen hundred dollar system because we're putting a 380 ti in it maybe we've got a ryzen 5600 x that is 11 the difference between ddr4 3200 at that same speed uh cl16 excuse me and the 4 000 speed memory that's 160 dollars that's eleven percent of our overall system is just going to go into stepping up that memory for that three to five percent well what could you do with 160 bucks instead you could again if you unlimited budget you don't care about this but for the folks who are more in the middle or on the end of this you could get a better graphics card you could go from a 30 60 ti to a 30 70. you might be able to stretch from a 30 70 to a 30 80. you might be able to stretch from a 30 70 to a you know uh rx 6800 xt consider what you might be able to get in place of that you might be able to get more storage you might be able to get a better case you might be able to add a whole bunch of cool rgb to it so consider the size of the increase again three to five percent with the size of the cost now let's go through these kits and i'll wreck i'll jump through each kit and i'll make recommendations for every budget level so let's start with you three percent out there who just you got the money you're dedicated to just getting the best you don't care uh in terms of you know price to performance you just want performance period here you go 16 gigabytes g skills rip jaws ddr4 4000 cl 16 at newegg 134 for 16 gigabytes now remember you won't get this as um dual rank so if you want dual rank you're going to need to jump up now you can either just go ahead and buy two of these kits that would be 168 or you can buy that would give you 48 gigabyte sticks or you can buy this kit which is two 16 gigabyte sticks for 270 to me that's more money than i care to spend on memory and i think that's probably but again this is for the three percent now let's jump down to the kind of more middle range people who might be thinking about stretching their budget a little bit in order to grab a little bit of performance ddr4 3600 cl 16 memory now this is a 32 gigabyte kit because again we're going to get the dual channel on this excuse me the dual uh the dual rank see see how easy that is for 160 155 dollars here that's not a bad price whatsoever for 32 gigs at this speed at this latency and because it's much better memory you may even be able to tighten these timings up further again we're just talking about dumping something in its stock for those of you who are going to tighten timings up the better memory you get the easier it is to do that similarly if you don't if that's a little too rich for your blood but you still want to get slightly faster memory you can get a kit more like the ddr4 3600 cl18 and you may be able to tighten these timings up to cl 16 for only 120 bucks so you can see as you step down you're going less and less and less now frankly for those of you who just want the base level of performance and you don't really care about stretching your budget you just have to hit something you think well maybe i should spend the money on my graphics card instead there is absolutely nothing wrong with getting a 16 or 32 gigabyte kit that's ddr4 3200 cl 16 just like the kit i'm looking at right here at amazon for 110 dollars for 32 gigs of memory that's a great price it comes in a bunch of different colors this is the team group module and again if you just want 16 gigs of memory at that same speed 60 bucks is all it takes uh here's a team force vulcan one i never know how to say these folks i know it's supposed to be yolo i always read it as oloy i can't help myself so i'll list these out but i would say the sweet spot is for folks who are super budget constrained don't think twice about getting ddr4 3200 cl 16 memory either 16 gigs or 32 gigs you're not going to see a huge difference spend the money in other places for those of you who are already spending the money in other places and you don't mind spending another you know three to five percent of your overall budget on the memory to get maybe a little bit less performance than that ddr4 3600 cl 16 is where you're at and for those of you who just don't care about budget you got the money ddr4 4000 memory you might have some challenges getting the timings but i'm going to get i'm guessing you're also buying a very nice motherboard where you're not going to have any of those issues so that's probably where you want to end up and again links to all these are going to be down in the description that's the video if you got value out of it please remember to give it a like and of course if you enjoy this kind of content and you want to support it we're a new channel please remember to subscribe and click the bell icon i just wanted to say thank you so much to everybody because we are about to hit 5 5000 subscribers as i film this video um man a couple months ago i couldn't even imagine hitting 5000 so just really really amazing want to thank everybody again and with that i will catch you on the next one [Music]
Channel: PC Builder
Views: 547,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ram ryzen, best ram ryzen 5000, best ram ryzen 5900x, best ram ryzen 5600x, best ram ryzen 5800x, best ram ryzen 5000 series, best memory ryzen 5000, best memory ryzen 5600x, best memory ryzen 5800x, best memory ryzen 5900x, best memory ryzen 5950x, ryzen 5600x ram, ryzen 5800x ram, ryzen 5900x ram, ryzen 5950x ram, ryzen 5600x memory, ryzen 5800x memory, ryzen 5900x memory, ryzen 5950x memory, ryzen 5000 memory, best memory for ryzen 5000, best ram amd ryzen
Id: HZwP4GNtaS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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