Best Python GUI Libraries Compared! (PyQt, Kivy, Tkinter, PySimpleGUI, WxPython & PySide)

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creating graphical user interfaces makes it agrees for users to direct with a script when it is for data entry or for viewing data guise can increase efficiency Amino programs usable by anyone this makes it possible to distribute all the seller applications in Python there are wide variety of GUI libraries that can help you out but which is the best first up let's teach in the this is perhaps the most common one you'll come from since it comes with every installation of python is simple to get started with and should only take a few days to learn it has straightforward functions for using widgets and creating applications alongside easy to use layout managers and support for event handler for example here's the amount of code it takes to create a simple calculator there are packages that can improve the appearance of teaching such as custom key candle which provides widgets that have been customized to look much better and also allow for more customization gtk bootstrap is another package that provides widgets and pre-made beams for teaching the that have already been installed to improve the applications you can feel but by itself picking this look and theories on data it lacks Advanced ridges and it has limited customization options usually only being able to customize the background and text color Tiki Intel also only has about 20 to 30 ridges on its own for basic things such as adding tax and getting user input but due to its popularity there are also many third-party extensions and packages that you can find to have an additional which is and functionalities to the library here's one that can add key rules and here's one that can help to unclaim the widgets next up there's 5 qt piquity has the most amount of ridges and has the most options available for customization such as being able to add gradients halfway effects and new style sheets which is similar to using CSS for web applications this gives you final control to implement that design you have in mind if designing using Code isn't your thing iqt also has QT designer which makes it possible to drag and drop widgets to then convert the code to create your application the library has more than 100 widgets including cables list views even web browsers data visualization dialog boxes calendars and video playback which is built in without having to use external packages most of which other query libraries don't have built in for example here's the code to make a textile built with the library [Music] and here's a drawing application made with it as well iqt uses a more gen oriented approach when it comes to building applications for example you create a class for your applications window and additional classes if you wish to add your own custom Widgets or to extend the functionality of existing ones this approach makes it easier to maintain your applications but also makes it more difficult to learn overall it should take about one to three weeks before you get familiar to the way applications are created with piquity and since there are a multitude of starting options and widgets available it also usually takes longer to create your applications and sound them than with other libraries with pi Duty una external packages to add additional functionality of widgets since the library has practically everything net built in but there are still packages that can help their pre-made themes and icons dual Provisions which speed up development next up the Spy simple glue this library's main goal is to Paradise method who is as easy to create and to understand or being able to master within a few days for example instead of using layout managers and Adobe images to that layout the way you create a layout is by placing the elements within the ls for each row that you need this alongside many other improvements to Crown and GUI libraries makes it possible to create applications and just a few lines of code compared to others such as ticketm so even if it's our first time programming you can get up and running quickly the library also includes a wide variety of demos and examples and designs that encourages you to use as a starting point for your application there are also a good selection of elements to choose from from chat boxes to these boxes and pop-up dialogues however since it's meant to be as simple as possible the unmatched customization you can do aside from the basic changing of colors and signs this also means that the library is best used for smaller projects since it prioritizes Simplicity over scalability and maintainability what makes it simpler and quicker to create such applications by removing much of the boilerplate code that you need to do right it can also be used to work with other Google framework since iqt and WS python using the same syntax but those are currently a steel work in progress you do also have the ability to change the themes from a set of pre-made color combinations to change the look and feel of your application and enter a popular Google library is QV QV allows you to do the desktop graphical user interfaces and games and is the most popular choice for building mobile apps which can be done by using the producer package and to specifically meant for building mobile apps for TV applications when using the TV Library you can also make use of the KV language which is used to add install widgets as soon as to add event handlers to them this can help you stop breaking your contents when designing your applications and also makes it easier to reuse and to maintain your code in my experience this is much more intuitive and sustained than doing it with python methods in terms of which is the key library has about roughly 60 which is available this includes things that you would expect such as check boxes and boards and layout managers but also others such as accordions carousels and register interact with the user's camera for example one great technology library is pvmg this Library helps to drastically improve the look and feel of the application by making use of the Styles in Google Ultimate keyword design system packages built on top of KB helping you enhance your designs also providing more pre-made stock images icons and themes to choose from by itself KIVI which is also fairly customizable this includes changing their colors font size and pattern and more advanced customizations like that ingredients and animations perform the documentation for key videos of the white examples and explanations to help you get started but since there are multitude of widgets the hours and Concepts to them lending it will probably take a few weeks and find a comfortable refusing like lastly the swx python the library includes widgets such as buttons text boxes tables and web browsers that can help you in creating simple and complex applications however the documentation isn't the best and do not provide much information or examples the widget is also due to fairly outdated and there aren't many tutorials to learn from other party packages to add more widgets or to improve their appearances I would personally recommend using 550 if you want to move some more widgets features and customization from web browsers to display video audit because IQ teams pretty much every widget you need and announce you to customize them in practically in every way possible it also has a track and drop interface you can use to create interface of your application which makes development a bit faster but due to the amount of features and that way you run the other patients with 5qt it will also take longer to learn usually within a month's time if you're just looking to create increase as quickly as possible and don't care much about the design and features you have in doing so High symbol is a great option you can easily learn it within a few days and make use of the query documentation and Community to make applications as quickly as possible if you can't quite decide which to use and when the library does both fairly easy to learn but also looks modern and has a great selection of widgets I would recommend teaching that there's a large community and an abundance of guitars online to get started with one and so on it looks outdated and there are many widgets but it can make use of external libraries to add more customization options and widgets such as with custom decanter and ttk production lastly if you want my mobile website python the most popular option will be to go with QV to make use of qvmg recently adopt Google's material design system into your apps as a site noted when looking to learn any of these libraries or leave links in the description below with recommended tutorials and the necessary documentation to get started another thing to consider if you intend on Distributing your applications is the license for the library is shown in this video works for piqi they are released on the licenses that mostly allow you to freely use and distribute your application but for pi Duty it is under the general public license where you can use your applications for personal use but if you want to distribute all the same application you need to give your users the source code as well if there's not something you want to do then you need to purchase a license for PIQ key from Riverbend we shall leave a link to in the description below alternatively if you want to distribute or to several Pi TP applications without having to give access to your source code or have to pay for a license you can use Pi side instead which uses an lgpl license allowing you to fully distribute or sell applications are incredibly similar providing the same widgets and features and both provide the python bindings to the QQ framework although pancake is more popular and has more content in the dollar suit than for it since it was released first pie site is created by two key more paiqi was created by approval Bank Computing which are two separate companies there are only a few magnetic sensors in the way that we write 5gp and python applications and I'll leave a link in the description to an article that outlines those differences that's all for this video if you're interested in building green applications in Python I'll recommend watching this video next besides that that's all for this video please consider possibly liking it and subscribing to my channel for more such content
Channel: TurbineThree
Views: 52,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Q72b6tDQMKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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