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hey thanks for joining us for disaster detailing i'm jeff i'm josh and we're here today to talk about [Music] carpets [Music] we are new to this game you guys know that thanks for joining us uh we want to know what's going to clean carpets best yeah so we've got a couple of products here uh josh tell us about the products okay so one i went to this store yesterday uh we have locally and it's amazing it's chemical guys it's called uh i'm not gonna tell you any of the store yet but they sell chemical guys products and we haven't got this yet we've been looking everywhere for this called fabric clean so apparently this is the gold standard for carpet cleaning that's it that's what they're saying okay let's do a smelter so it's important to do a smell test why are we if that's a gold standard why are we even doing this video oh wait a second that's nice is that right it's like lime citrus oh bubble gum there's bubble gum citrus it's nice so it smells pretty nice so uh the guy told me at the store this is uh if you've got a heavily stained carpet like this one here i went to a record yesterday and i said can i just go get some dirty carpets use our own car so i went through with weston with our sandals on yeah westy stepped in a big giant mud puddle it was great but he charged me 10 bucks to take all these carpets he's never going to use so wait a second we paid 10 bucks for these yes we did i got a bunch though i could literally get as many as i wanted so i got those carpets and i found the soiledest one here and then we've got this one so our control is pretty dirty yeah so sorry the next product we have is called resolve found this at the dollar store i just want to see it's a little let's go laundry fabric cleaner i want to see if it does anything are you allowed to do that sure it's not ours okay and then we got this bissell auto carpet cleaner solution which is uh diluting it i don't know we'll dilute it did you get a receipt for these carpets no can we return them maybe just throw them back i think there's no uh refunds there so and then we're gonna do control so this is the other carpet we're gonna work that we're gonna use um we're gonna use this and water literally just straight water on this carpet with the resolve and see what overall what comes best because i think they're all gonna clean pretty well because we're gonna we're gonna agitate it with the agitator brush that's the biggest part of this whole thing well the biggest part of the whole thing is the drill brush right so the drill brush is the one that gets deep and cleans it all out now and aggregates all the dirt and stuff but let's see if the soap actually makes a difference products are got to make a difference because because soap uh science it breaks down dirt grime grease those kind of things so it's gotta help i'm thinking science it's science for sure so speaking of science we have to dilute this product right this says for 20 to 1 for general purpose or eight to one for extra dirty which i'd consider this dirty that is gearier than epstein's island so it says eight to one i don't know math so what take to one like that much oh no see there's actually ratios on the side here five five one so go higher than five to one nope that's incorrect it's eight to one lower so you need eight parts oh i'm stupid i'm dumb i don't science yeah okay you science that's math and then we're going to spray this site is going to be um chemical guys actually yeah they're both equally disgusting this will be bissell this is going to be resolved and that's going to be straight water i think that's a prox okay let me get some water pretty sure for all the products the best you're gonna get best results if you vacuum first so let's quickly do that jeff's favorite thing is it is vacuuming i just like not leaving anything that's my favorite part so whether whatever we're doing if we're vacuuming if we're extracting if we're wiping something down i don't like missing a spot it like eric some it bugs me he can't sleep yeah let's do it [Music] okay let's spray it on and we're going to agitate it which one's this this is chemical guys also guys and we're going to go hard on it we're going to give her you got to give it we're going to give her especially the really soil parts getting on there i'm going to give her this smells so good dude like i it rivals it rivals stoner car care uh leather conditioner for me like it smells really really really good sounds like vacation you're wrong it smells like vacation it smells like vacation it doesn't rival though it doesn't okay okay let's either cleaner is like the best [Music] reapplication to make sure we whatever we do though has to be the same the same like already oh my gosh look at this already unreal re-education [Music] holy it's almost like it's like it went it went on like vanilla now it's like french vanilla you get the little flecks of vanilla that's what it's like a lot of veggies doesn't taste like it [Music] so [Music] do [Music] all right so here's the pour from this side of the carpet that's nasty okay that's good there's so much there's some gunk in there bro rhyme and shame let's do it two to one we'll just finish it up okay let's do it bruh let me do this we're trying to compare apples to apples but they're different products okay so i'll do this one all right i'm going to do this side because jeff usually does all the work and i want to try some stuff so we've got the solution in there i'm going to spray the solution they're going to agitate like we did with the other stuff don't forget like we over killed this like i put so much on here and here so we overkilled it but because we get soiled [Music] okay about the same you did on this side close okay ready now we're gonna retract [Music] [Music] all right jeff okay so okay i'm impressed like no no joke both products seem to work pretty much equal i mean we didn't get up this red but we can't control it with the rust either so yeah it's a little bit rustled for us so pull the tape and see if we uh if you've got a control strip still yep yeah that's gross so honestly in my opinion you want me to smell it oh yeah that's part of it smell it that jeff has the smell test it's important to smell it why do i always have to smell and eat things do it buddy it's not as good as that here don't say anything no don't sing in it no i'm going with uh so so let's go we'll grade everything so cleanliness or so for cleaning power out of five stars i'm giving this one four stars and i'm actually giving bissell i just feel like it's just not as thorough it's about three and a half stars for sure i just feel like maybe the control is done because i did it and you should have done both i don't know but basically basically the same thing but i feel like this is a little bit cleaner than the side see i actually feel like the pile on this side looks a little nicer okay and smell test will point on three one two three really disagree there smell there ah it smells good to me i mean if you did a whole carpet in a car like that would smell like that you like the bissell smell better man they're different smells this smells cleaner to me maybe i think i have something that's triggering me that i don't like to smell smells more like it's smells like a dirty hotel yeah that's what it smells smells like it's commercial it's a commercial scent yeah where this is like a non-commercial sign i'm doing a full sniff okay sniff at all that's a consistent hotel smell from top to bottom it's bissell that's what they use okay i smell what do we say it smells like it's like citrusy delicious bubble gum i smell the citrus bubble gum sniff again mixed with cigarettes oh you're right see oh this okay so you're right bissell took i still like to smell this better but bissell took the smell so you see what i'm saying yeah there's some cigarettes in that yeah i smell that so yeah so i mean that to me is this masking cigarettes or did it actually take it out it's it's a stronger odor so i'm wondering if that's what it is but i do not detect that definite uh i do smell that a little bit yes smell i'm still going with the smell i like better so if we can get an ozone generator here we can get rid of the cigarette smell but smell that i'm not smelling control smell like control strip so there it is guys look at that how cool that is all right not cool all right not bad all right jeff let's do the pour all right this will pour ah this thing up oh that's dark it's nice like a coffee yeah oh the pore is less soapy obviously so it's less of a soapy solution which also i don't like i like the sun the suns are clean but my question would be well i guess it comes to our extraction you got to get those suds out though because if you leave suds you're going to just attract more dirt that's right so look in here let's look through here you get something to stir it with your finger what is this i'm getting a tetanus shot cigarettes dude you're definitely getting an sti from that so both are equally kind of dark it pulled a lot of dirt look at the carpet it both works look at the control strip and then look at the carpet night and day tell us in the comments which one you think looks better i mean with what we could show you what you think you can't smell it but i don't like bissell it smells too commercial to me i don't like that i don't like the smell of commercial i don't love the smell of commercial either but i also don't like smelling cigarettes through my citrus bubblegum it's true now we're doing resolve i this has promised to me have you used resolve before i know pre-treat laundry stain remover so i feel like this has got uh something going with this crazy foods and this is all water here this is a different carpet too guys there is some salt stains on this and this is like really crunchy we're not getting that off that's not what we're testing today it's almost like that's like a sock you find in your 15 year old's bedroom i cracked a blanket in half okay i'm just going to kill it spray it like insane because we did the other ones there's a lot of grime on this carpet like a lot of grease you can tell this one smells like grandma's perfume no joke dude it smells like grandma's going out to bingo and this is what she puts on i like it you like that no okay so we're gonna go up and down twice side to side twice yep go [Music] right [Music] okay that's the resolve let's uh you wanna do a pour you gotta see the pro get the camera i'm actually impressed that that got that carpet pretty clean i mean i definitely can tell already it's not as thorough as the other stuff but it's a different carpet too it's a different car but it had different substances on it will show us oh wow i feel like we're gonna be surprised i think the water is gonna stretch just as much so that's the resolve foamy yeah it does fall up a little bit i like the rolls i like the foam all right just hit the water with it you got the water in there let's do it normal just water and hit it [Music] i'm actually truthfully i'm impressed with this little machine i know right it looks pretty cool and that's the small bissell man look at the real one see that yeah the pore isn't as dark it's more gray obviously i'm not going to pull the deep dirt out but also we didn't get a huge big piece and we thought we didn't agitate the water side oh my god you're right anyways doesn't matter we know it wasn't gonna do anything oh it's not here let's put the control strip off here let's see what happens yeah wow you got it see that way basically what this proves to me is that to get a carpet really really clean no matter what product you're using you need some elbow grease yeah because even even just working hard at this now granted this was the cleaner side of the carpet yeah uh but still i'm impressed with this this little bissell machine it uh it extracts grime for sure now definitely the products help we didn't agitate the side because we're done with them but we knew it was gonna work anyway and it definitely didn't it was just straight water it was more control test but but look at that it's still it's still way cleaner than the the carpet so sorry for not advocating we threw straps well and truthfully we were agitating product in and we thought no product but the product i guess was h2o yeah and we didn't do it we didn't do it back okay sniff test okay go ahead do it that's resolved oh right it's powerful you know you give grandma kiss he kiss your neck a little bit by accident and you get right before church because she's wearing like straight oh my strength so strong it's so strong i couldn't i couldn't handle it dude well we we piled it on yeah i know but i don't understand why a clothing spray that you're going to wash afterwards needs to have that crazy ascent that's like a college dormitory guys trying to clean like cover the smell of their ass that's what that smells like okay okay give her the water sniff no no it's garbage it's kaka oh okay so obviously it's not gonna it's no good it doesn't smell good obviously so i mean overall i'm gonna give resolve the two it didn't get any of these stains out this stuff that's salt unfortunately but let's get one this big one and this one hardly we're using different products too so who knows if they need more time whatever but yeah i i wouldn't use this stuff because your car is going to smell like like you literally like you smashed a bottle of grandma's perfume yeah it's like antifa is now throwing perfume at the police and this is trying to get them to run away so but they're lighting on fire first that's what it smells like don't use resolve in your car i mean it's cheap and maybe in a pinch you need it maybe but i wouldn't do a whole car literally in a pinch i would do water over that so you don't have that smell in your car so overall my overall boom right there it actually it does what it says it does smells good cleans really well thistles number two for me this is number three and water is number four because clearly i mean obviously the chemical guy stands out and for a good reason we it really does really work i'm i'm impressed what's yours for me i would reverse these two just based on our uh the way we did our control with how many passes we did because this one i think masked that it was that it came down to that that faint smell of cigarettes that i can still smell that's what did it for me now that being said i like the smell of this better so i think with a couple more passes this is gonna win again in a real world situation we have a car full of cigarettes you you hit with an ozone generator for a couple hours get because the ozone generator actually kills the the smell particles in your vehicle like it kills it like they don't exist anymore so it was an ozone it's a thing i promise you it's a thing ozone generator look it up it's not illegal in canada so but so you hit it with an ozone generator get rid of the smell first then do this and if it all works then this obviously stands out overall and there's other cleaners out there too that we haven't even touched there's also another alternative to getting a cigarette smell is don't smoke hey don't smoke in your car dumbass it's already a depreciating asset you want to make it worth less thanks for watching disaster detailing on carpet cleaning let us know what you think below what we missed give us a product that we might have missed stoner car care if you've got something to send us we'd love to use it on products but so far so good this stuff actually rocks the socks yeah it works i would love to see stoner compared to that absolutely what's up thanks for watching like subscribe hit the bell or whatever if you don't yeah how you gonna know i don't know get notifications just do it get on youtube tell them say why are you notifying us yeah like what the heck [Music] you
Channel: Disaster Detailing
Views: 47,465
Rating: 4.7711015 out of 5
Keywords: dirty car detailing, filthy car detailing, complete dirty detail, car cleaning, car detailing, interior car cleaning, interior car detailing, car interior cleaning, auto detailing, the detail geek, detail geek, interior cleaning, satisfying, carpet cleaning, satisfying car detailing, best way to clean vehicle carpets, chemical guys carpet cleaner, chemical guys, bissel, james stauffer is a douche, best caret cleaner, how to clean dirty carpets, cleaning vehicle carpets
Id: -owM5bLA-sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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