How to Clean Stained DIRTY Car Seats with Chemical Guys Fabric Clean

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all right in this video i'm going to show you easy way to clean fabric seats using citrus fabric clean as you can see over here the seats are not too bad in my truck they do have some staining some spots so i may just use a citrus fabric clean and remove all those spots and staining on the seats and in this video i'll show you easy way to clean cloth seats in a car truck all right this is the shampoo that i'm going to be using it's chemical guys foaming citrus fabric clean this is made for carpet and upholstery it's carpet upholstery shampoo this is a 64-ounce bottle i believe that they do sell it in the 12 16 ounce bottle and you can pick this up locally or you can order online i recommend if you're if you're if you don't have a business i recommend getting a smaller 12 or 16 ounce bottle uh if you are doing this professionally it makes sense to get the larger 64 ounce bottle or one gallon of this if it's still sold in one gallon over here i have a sprayer i dilute 32 ounce i dilute it eight to one i feel like that gives me the the most effective uh cleaning uh eight to one removes just about any stain from the seats alright for this video i'm gonna use a drill brush just to make the process go a little bit quicker if you don't have a drill brush and what this is is just an attachment for a drill drill brushes comes in a kit with three different drill brush attachments i believe they're somewhere around 20 or 25 dollars but if you don't have a drill brush and drill you could just use a simple brush like this just make sure that the bristles aren't too stiff you don't want to do any damage to the fabric so just a you know five or six dollar brush like this will be totally fine to agitate the surface and make sure that you lift up that stain on the seats and i also have a microfiber towel just to wipe up any excess uh the citrus fiber cleaning it does foam up so any excess um you know dirt from the seat will lift up with with this um microfiber one thing i want to mention is a microfiber towel with a higher gsm a thicker towel you're going to be able to pick up mop up more of that solution that's on the seats so it's important to have a thicker towel that's going to be more absorbent and it's going to pick up any of the remaining solution off of the seeds just to make the drying process you know a lot quicker and then also i'll lift any any um thorough grime off those seats all right i'm gonna start by applying a liberal amount of the solution onto the seats uh [Music] first part of the demonstration i'll show you how it is using a regular brush so basically we're just going to use a brushless to agitate the fall and you currently see that solution starting to form up on the seat laughs all right i'm going to spray more of the solution so we're getting more of the shampoo and citrus fabric clean onto the seats now i'm going to use drill brush to make the process go a little bit quicker [Music] [Music] you [Music] laughs let me mop up the solution use a microfiber towel um all right so you can see some of the dirt that left up it's not a crazy amount because these seats weren't too bad to begin with all right right now i'm just making sure that the seats are as dry as i can get them for right now and for him to fully dry it will take at least you know a day or two foreign all right i just want to show you how the seats look the day after and the seats actually dried a few hours after i was done cleaning them but this is the day after seats are totally dry and as you can see just about all of the staining is off of the fabric all right i just want to show you mixing cup that i use to dilute the solution so i use about six and a half ounces of the chemical guys citrus fabric lead and diluted 32 ounce bottle so six and a half ounces and i have a small collapsible funnel that i use to put a solution in to a bottle and then just mix with rest up with water concludes this video i just want to add that the citrus fabric clean it has a very light smell to it and it's not strong or powerful at all so pretty much the next day you're hardly gonna even notice that smell which to me is a really good thing the last thing that you want is something that has a very harsh chemical smell and with this fabric cleaner it definitely doesn't have that which is a good thing uh just so you know uh remove stains odors from uh carpets seats and floor mats so obviously uh seats easily removes the stains also on your your um carpets in floor mats it's getting cut through stains you know pretty much no problem using either a just a regular brush or a drill brush on the floor mats you'll probably want to use a stiffer bristle just to lift up those stains easier and like i said that concludes this video if you found anything useful in this video like and subscribe thank you
Channel: Detail Auto Lab
Views: 23,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Clean Stained DIRTY Car Seats, fabric cleaner, foaming citrus cleaner, chemical guys citrus fabric cleaner, fabric truck seats, clean interior fabric, cleaning interior fabric, cleaning truck interior, auto detailing, remove stains from fabric, car seat stain removal, upholstery cleaning, upholstery cleaner, citrus fabric cleaner, how to clean dirty car seats at home, auto detailing tips
Id: 9qhxs9JaELk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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