BEST Premium Blank T-Shirt For Your Clothing Brand

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world vision podcast episode 12 take three started this thing with 12 shirts and 120 dollars and yes sir now we created this apparel empire and we just hit a man give you all the knowledge give you all the tools that we want you to trust in your vision believe in yourself and and uh know that you can actually make something happen how y'all doing how y'all doing it's the co-owner and ceo of world and vision marlin watts and we are back with another one podcast number 12 baby and we are out here live in los angeles inside of the bella campus headquarters doing it big with one of our bella canvas reps and um man it's we did a live drop we just dropped our new june team t-shirts and crazy literally live live drop instagram live did it live in front of the bella canvas crew and it went nuts man it went nuts let's just uh talk a little bit about how was that live experience introduce yourself to the people hi everyone i'm malia anderson um i'm one of the strategic account executives here at bella canvas based on los angeles we've been so pumped to have you guys it's been such a fun day um that was my personal first live launch i've ever seen i thought you guys teased it because of how big of a reaction you guys got so that blew me away you guys are so legit wow thank you so much you know we appreciate you guys for if you guys don't know bella canvas flew us out here they uh put us inside a hotel got us a rental car got us a hotel i mean got us got us a flight in it's um i mean we're just thankful and grateful for uh this opportunity that you guys were able to present to us and we just want to share a little bit about better canvas and um just get some questions going so i guess let me tell them about the uh shirt that we did also that marlon is wearing right now so we did the official june team collaborate collaboration with bella canvas i need one of these guys we brought some old so uh shirts went crazy so they they actually donated the shirts to us yes no cost whatsoever uh 750 shirts um and we just paid for the print i mean what we decided to do was we actually have a scholarship fund at louisiana tech we want to give a student i'm a freshman a full ride uh i think that what 2020 2021 fall yeah yeah 2022 right after we reached so once we reached the mark that next fall we will get the scholarship so we're planning to to finish that off this year so that this upcoming fall we can do that so we need all you guys support all you guys to continue right now we have ten thousand dollars our goal is twenty-five thousand dollars um we don't know whether it's like forty percent there so with this drop hopefully that that get us that get us a lot a lot closer and you guys can also go ahead and um go ahead and donate to that scholarship fund by just going on the louisiana tech's business website we'll put them in and they'll have a scholarship tab and uh you can click on the world event scholarship and you can go ahead on and just donate you don't even have to purchase any of the t-shirts and you can contribute to that um to give a incoming freshman a full ride yep so let's get it let's go to our questions okay all right take us through the process on how a bella canvas shirt actually get produced and for you guys that don't know uh majority of our shirts are better canvas we find uh bella canvas with one of the highest high quality products the best product on the market let me say that the best product on the market and so uh we decided to do this podcast to share a little by bella canvas and ourselves so let's go ahead and get in that first question yeah absolutely so um many people don't know but we're actually a los angeles us-based company so we do everything from designing eco-dyeing laser precision cutting all in los angeles which is so so cool and then we do have a domestic sewing floor which you guys saw but the majority of our finishing or sewing if you will is done in central america and then everything is flown back to us in la where we ship out our goods from our door to yours well yeah wow they actually took us to took us to the back showed us the the the whole tour and we could put some b-roll together definitely got to put some of that b-roll inside it's crazy how uh how many people they got sewing shirts how many fabric is how much fabric is being cut this is crazy how many pieces you said it was yeah we're cutting anywhere from three to five million units per week oh my goodness yeah that's a lot so my next question would be what would make the bella canvas brand different from any other bird yeah that's a great question so i think there are four main big differences that separate us from others so the first is how we actually make our premium crafted teas and for us the differences in the details and i could geek out all day long and tell you start to finish everything that goes into it but really it's just having the purest and best cotton to start with so for us we comb out 2.5 times more impurities than anyone else in the rock on itself and that alone is such a time-consuming expensive part which is why so many other brands just skip over it we also use the longest staples of cotton so when you're weaving it together it's the tightest and even weave so when you're printing these prints it's like a paper flat printing surface for the ink to just glide on beautifully and then everything has side seams which ensures like the best construction so after tens and twenties of washes your shirt is still the perfect shirt that you originally bought it in um and then it's always like a technical retail fit so you're reaching your largest audience and everyone looks good in their merch right um about the second differentiators are us strong production because that is so unique most people are doing everything overseas because it's the cheaper and quicker way right but for us we don't want to do it the cheap way we want to do it the right way and the best way um so having it under our roof and making sure cut and color is consistent is our number one focus for you guys right like if you're ordering like 20 navy shirts but the navy's are different colors like what are your customers thinking when they're posting it on instagram's like wait a minute that looks different from mine right so making sure everything is the same dye lot in-house is so important um the third main differentiator is our eco and sustainable production which you and i were talking about earlier how more and more people actually care how things are produced so you know having everything in house we're making sure we use less water than anyone else and i'm sure we'll get into this a little bit more using electricity just waste in general that's a huge focus for us and then lastly we are constantly innovating so a lot of other brands in our industry only come out with maybe one new shirt a year maybe a couple new colors like you have seen in our factories like we are constantly pumping out never before seen fabrics and colors and we are not going to stop you know so we're always giving you guys something new and cool to show that's they gave us an exclusive look yeah products that's dropping bro i can't i can't wait i can't wait i can't wait till we put those new colors out it's going to be crazy absolutely you want to take the next question we'll be the next question um so uh because we we we was on the uh that was the diversity panel that's how he was able to get to this point and what we realized is that the founders have a very similar story of the world and vision brand um so could you give us just a brief description or just a brief little explanation on how uh y'all actually got started yeah so we're almost i think 30 years old now which is kind of crazy but our two co-founders danny harris and marco de george were just two best friends in high school and after they graduated they decided to make a screen printing um i guess little business right in their parents garage and so super humble beginnings kind of like you guys were saying like you just learned as you went right like that was it like no one was telling you what to do there was no footprint ahead of you so same with them they built up their screen printing business and then eventually they got into private label manufacturing so like making retail shirts for gap banana republic those kind of companies and their screen printing customers were like hold up we we want these retail fitting and feeling shirts why can't we have this in our wholesale industry and that was their aha moment where like retail fitting and feeling off the shelf apparel just didn't exist especially when it came for women's garments um so that's when they created bella chemist came to wholesale um and ever since then over you know almost 30 years ago they've really been changing the industry with apparel that people actually want to wear and as a result bella canvas is now the largest and fastest growing premium brand in our industry which is pretty insane yeah and you say it is 30 years old right yeah almost yeah we like 10 years old that's right we got like 20 more years left and we're going to be just as big as this guy is the limit for you guys i'm gonna take the next question yeah let me see the next question so all right for us doing the collab with bella canvas is like it's like a dream come true because we really like marlon said we started this brand with 12 shirts like 120 dollars it's crazy um so just uh you know two years ago when we came here we seen you guys uh showroom and stuff like that i would never think we'll be able to work with y'all like this yeah so for us it's big this is this is big like but could you tell me what does what this mean for your brand like y'all collabing with us i mean it's the same you guys it's the same like even though we are that big company we do what we do for you like this is the dream to see you guys you know start with the 12 shirts and blow up i mean if you think about bella canvas actually can translate into beautiful canvas so it we really are just that blank canvas for you guys to bring your dreams and your art to life um and we're just your support right we're behind the scenes um and so yeah it means the world to us and to see your growth it really is so cool appreciate that yeah and we just want to say thank you again for donating those shirts that's going to help out our scholarship fun we'll really appreciate that absolutely i had like 2 000 shirts sold for the day so it's crazy definitely crazy i guess my next question would be uh how did kovitt affect you guys uh production and distribution yeah i mean that was a trip so to give you an idea too so when covet hit i guess we all kind of were shut down like mid-march right um we ever all the factories everywhere in the world including los angeles were getting shut down and so we were getting really nervous but virtually overnight we switched all of our production to start making mass like overnight and so everything you saw on the cutting floor they were all mass and we were pumping out like 10 million mass per week and that allowed us to stay open as um you know a central business essentially so none of us got let go we all got to keep moving and grooving um and within a couple months demand for t-shirts and fleece came back and so we started making that transition because of our u.s production capabilities and because we're deemed an essential business it really didn't slow down production which was amazing um but what was interesting was more recently and i'm sure you're seeing in the news and everything but there's truly like a worldwide supply chain issue like getting things delivered right like and it's not just our industry it's all industries across um but so that is kind of more of the struggle right now so like for instance our long beach port if you look out into the ocean there's like a chain of like miles of boats just waiting to get their products released wow it's crazy so for us you know just like how quickly we pivoted for mass the same thing is what we're doing now for distribution and bringing things in so we're like shipping things into the east coast and driving it across the country so i'm just so happy i work for a company that's super nimble as big as it is it truly is a small lean and mean company that can just work with whatever's thrown our way so we're we're working for you guys man i promise that's crazy that's right our most popular uh shirt that we use is the 3001 yeah i want i would like you to explain what's the difference between the 3001 and the 3001 cbc okay yeah yeah absolutely um so first of all cbc just stands for chief value cotton it's an industry term that just means that there's more cotton than anything else in the blend so forget that but the 3001 and the 3001 cbc are the same exact silhouette they are the same weight of 4.2 ounce um the same singles which is 32 singles the only difference is the fabric so the 3001 is our 100 heirloom combed and ring spun cotton and then the 3001 cvc is that heirloom cotton and a poly blend so it's a 5248 blend but with the poly it just feels so much softer and in terms of looks it just is a heathered look because there's two yarns being woven together right but yeah that's crazy i know it's not true take the next one all right so uh i mean everybody will look at bella canvas as just as just t-shirts yes you know just apparel but yeah what what other things or other resources and tools do bella canvas offer that somebody like who's ever watching this video may not know about yeah so um we actually are all about being super transparent and helping companies you know figure out how to build up just like you do right and i i think a lot of listeners come to you for that too same thing for us so we actually are constantly every week um putting out new videos um new blog posts um new education materials so one of the biggest things we did was create a fashion apparel master class specifically for our industry so i mean it goes into every and it's a free master class by the way no seriously we're giving away free no seriously it's crazy yeah we got to put that in the description absolutely yeah go to the bottom of website and sign up for the fan master class you guys it like dives into all the different fabrics out there right so you get a crash course it goes into unique decoration ideas and printing methods um it teach you how to make a collection right um different um i don't even know like it just how to upsell how to everything you need for business it's so so cool you guys i mean like this is what i wanted 12 years ago when i came into this industry and there truly was no education platform out there specifically for us so this this is that um yeah we know about that i'm gonna have to go get on it oh yeah because we love you we love courses we love listening to podcasts we always love just meeting people in general like just to be here and see this environment like it shows us what we want our company to be like and we want to have and do with our business and how you guys have just like you said earlier the people make the business and just all the great people you have here uh are really making this business special um and so i think i get into my last question is as we know the fashion is the third most polluted industry um in the world yeah can you explain to us how bella canvas is maybe combating uh this problem and uh using it uh to you know because we get asked all the time or like it's not really helping it's not really helpful right what are we what are we doing to help the environment and we can explain what we're doing in the healthy environment because we buy t-shirts from you guys um so how how can we explain to our customers that um as we continue to produce shirts we are helping the environment yeah absolutely so well you're definitely using the right brand i can tell you that much i used to be on the other side of the industry and bought all the different brands out there and bella chemist was always my favorite but it wasn't until i took a tour of the la factory and learned all of their eco-conscious and sustainable production methods that it really brought me over so there's three main sources of waste and that's pretty much what we focus our efforts on so the first is water reduction so we have invested when we're talking about like investing in the best technology that yields a better product so we use the most up-to-date dyeing machines that use seven times less water than anyone else so to give you an idea you know how many shirts we cut that conserves 24 million gallons of water per week compared to anyone else that just alone that's staggering but also it's important to know that almost everyone else is dying overseas when you die overseas there's little to no regulations right when it comes to wastewater so first of all california where we're doing our dying has the strictest water epa regulations in the whole entire world so we are holding ourselves to the highest ethical standards possible which is crazy so we already use way less water but the water that we do use gets recycled and reused again um and also in our dyeing process we only use blue sign certified dyes which means no harmful chemicals to our bodies and then also to the environment god forsake and anything gets out right um and then the second is all about energy so when you took the tour you got to see all the ways we were reducing our carbon dioxide emissions right so like everything from our solar panel farms which are powering our our cutting facilities our sewing facilities um in all of our offices there's motion activated lights we have outside electric car charging stations um everything right like we're just doing everything we can um and then also in just like fabric waste that's a huge one so everything that isn't made into a garment gets recycled or repurposed in one way um so like upholstery stuffing or like baby bibs it nothing is essentially going to waste um but it also trickles down to our personal life so if you look around everyone just has a recycle bin at their desk we really only have one trash can of shame and then we did lunch for you guys and you saw everything was recycled material too but that's it's definitely like our it's a lifestyle it's a lifestyle and it's trickled down to all of us and we've taken it home with us which is really cool so oh wow yeah i've seen like one of the bands say this is not for food that's right this is not true this is not true yeah we have composting yeah yeah yeah it's the future man everyone's starting to care how things are being manufactured and sourced so you guys are definitely a step ahead and we are always constantly looking for more and more ways to be better definitely so we got your back thank you so much um so we are we we're gonna wrap we're gonna wrap this thing up um do you have any questions any one question that you would like to access before we leave him i mean what's next for you guys all right i'll let you go first when i go next all right so what's next for us is uh really just keep on going with the momentum that we got um like you see we just did we just sold 2 000 shirts in like 10 10 20 minutes so we're really just trying to continue to build uh our marketing team yeah you know our team that create content um and just trying to be consistent um like we started on this youtube channel in january we had 200 subscribers um and now we had 12 000 subscribers and we did that so quick so um we're really just trying to be consistent yeah that's what i would say uh is for us and um got our scholarship fund coming up just different things that we're trying to do to just keep the brand going and just keep on elevating yeah because it's so crazy because i mean you guys are both so amazing but you can only do so much in your day right so as you're growing like you really have to find those great people who are extensions of yourselves and that's what i was gonna talk about oh yeah so you know just building up these systems because a lot of people a lot of people come and tour our facility and be like y'all need this yeah who can solve the job yeah who came up with this now like we are down like it took trial and error like we did these things ourselves we you know the same system that we package the 100 orders wasn't going to be the same system that we could package a thousand orders so stuff you know things had to change and um i think we we did we did a great job of um finding some good team finding a lot of good team members that's actually helping us make our vision come a reality and just putting now uh we actually getting to the point where we're not just hiring people to do production and fulfillment we're hiring people to be managers you're hiring people to help us create manuals and systems yeah get to the next level and uh that's been i guess the the most challenging because it's not like this is how you cut a shirt it's more of a thinking thing like we had a meeting and we talked about the levels of everything and most uh let's just say a team a production or worker they're really only thinking two plus two equals four right and then we get to the manager position and we we use the math problems here and it's like two plus two x equals four so now managers you know you have to solve for x yeah and get the same and get the same answer figure out a strategy and then once you get to where we are it's like m plus p equals c that's nothing else you gotta you gotta you gotta figure you gotta figure it out yeah you know you know we're only 25 years old so we're challenging other younger people to think and uh it's been a challenge but i think once we get that process done and we build a solid team on the back end that's doing a lot of thinking and then doing i think we're gonna be able to like really take this thing far because um the more minds that we have thinking of like the more minds that we have contributing to the brand at actually working on the brand maybe instead of in the brand all the time even though we need those people i think that that's gonna allow us to keep scale mm-hmm so cool yup so we we're only as strong as our team as long as we're only as strong as our weakest link so we got to get our weakness linked up we don't know who that is we're gonna identify it we're gonna get our weakest link up and i'm marlon weiss the coolness [Music] vision shout out the bella camera we in la i love you babies thank you lebron if you see this please buy [Music] you
Channel: WRLDINVSN Clothing Company
Views: 43,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bella+canvas, blank apparel, bella canvas, WRLDINVSN, best premium blank t shirt for your clothing brand, best premium blank t shirt to use, clothing brand, bulk blank t shirts, t shirt wholesale, how to buy blank t shirts, wholesale t shirts, best blank shirts online, how to start a clothing brand, clothing line, wholesale, brand, gildan, apparel, blank t-shirts, t-shirt for your clothing brand, best blank t-shirt, premium blank t-shirt, clothing brand tips, best blank apparel
Id: zPPTB1aPmy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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