Best PowerPoint Add ins

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hi everyone kevin here today i wanna show you my favorite top eight add-ins in microsoft powerpoint there are hundreds of different add-ins some of them are good and some of them are bad lucky for you i went through and i installed hundreds of them to identify which ones i think are the best if you install these add-ins you should be able to increase your productivity in powerpoint well why don't we jump on the pc and let's check these out here i am in microsoft powerpoint and today i'm on point to pull together a company meeting presentation for the kevin cookie company this is an internal meeting that we have over on the left hand side you can see i have a whole bunch of slides already pulled together but i think add-ins can really help me elevate the quality of my presentation to be able to use an add-in let's go up to the top tabs on the ribbon and let's click on insert over in the middle you'll see a section for add-ins up on top we can get add-ins so if you don't have any yet we can go into the add-in store and yes it's called a store but don't worry you don't have to pay for all add-ins some are free some cost money and then also you can access all the add-ins that you already have let's click on get add-ins to see what type of add-ins we can get this opens up a prompt with all of the different add-ins that you can add into microsoft powerpoint in the top left-hand corner you have a search field where you can search for specific add-ins as i go through my top 8 if any of them seem especially appealing to you you could simply search for it and then you can add the add-in over on the left-hand side there are also some different categories of add-ins you can browse through those just to see what all the different options are and here you'll see an overall list of all of the different add-ins now i wasn't kidding when i said there are a lot of add-ins there are hundreds and hundreds of different add-ins that you can add to powerpoint now that we know how to get add-ins that brings us to add in number one you can add qr codes to your powerpoint slides here within my presentation on slide 2 we've recently rolled out a website for the kevin cookie company by the way as a quick aside if you're interested in being able to create your own website that looks like this for free i've included a link in the description with a tutorial video right here i want our employees to go to this website and they could type in the url but it's a mouthful instead i'd rather have everyone take out their phone and they can simply take a picture of a qr code now i've already installed the add-in called qr for office to access my add-in i'll click on my add-ins right up here and then here i see qr for office i'll click on this and then next let's click on add this opens up a pane over on the right hand side with qr for office right at the top i can type in a url or text that i'd like to encode here i'm going to type in kevin over on the left hand side i could insert many different types of values here for instance i entered in a website i could also enter in an email address a telephone number an sms or a geographical location and you could even insert custom values i just want to insert a website so i'll go with http down below i could also format what the qr code looks like right now i just have it set to a black foreground and a white background the default looks fine to me so i'll stick with that right here i could also adjust the size here i'll make it a little bit bigger next i'll go down to the bottom and click on insert here now you'll see that it's inserted a qr code into my slide here i could also adjust the size to make it a little bit bigger now let's say that maybe i wanted to use it outside of powerpoint too i can right click on this and i can even save the picture if i want to use it elsewhere i'm now on my phone and i'm aiming it at this slide as soon as i aim it over at the qr code you'll see that my photo app automatically identifies that there's a web address associated with this qr code when i click on that link it'll bring me to the website so this way it makes it super easy for all of our employees to check out our new website and i hope they like it i put a bit of time into creating it this brings us to add-in number two you can add free stock images using an add-in called pixels here on slide number three at the kevin cookie company we are opening a new factory now unfortunately i didn't make it out to the factory to take an actual photo so i'm hoping that i can use pixels to find a great stock image of a factory and pass it off as our own microsoft powerpoint includes its own set of stock images under insert on the ribbon down here under pictures you can insert stock images however i think it's still worthwhile getting pixels i found that it has a broader selection of images once again if you want to install it you can click on get add-ins i've already installed it so i'll click on my add-ins right here next let's click on pixels and then click on add right here this shows me a message that pixels has been added to my insert ribbon right here i can click on pixels and this will open up a frame over on the right hand side it's extremely easy to use pixels right up here to find a photo you could simply type in the text for the photo that you're looking for what's also really neat is you can search for photos by a specific color now i want to include a factory photo but i want it to match the color of a cookie cookies are brown so let me look for factories that are brown here i'll click on search by color and let me go over to yellow and over here on the right hand side this is kind of a brownish color so let me see if i can find a factory that looks like that here i'll type in factory and then let's click on search here i can see a ton of different pictures of factories and there are lots of different options here but the one that looks most similar to the kevin cookie company factory i'd have to say is probably this one right here when i click on this this inserts the image into our slide my slide is now looking a lot better and one thing i just want to call out this is an internal presentation and i'm sharing you these tips in confidence so please don't take a screenshot of this slide and share it with the press i can't have people knowing that our factories look like this this brings us to add-in number three you can add a break time timer to your slides now at the kevin cookie company we work extremely hard but we also like to take breaks lots and lots of breaks and i'm probably most guilty of that to add a break time timer once again let's go up to my add-ins and over here i have an add-in called break time i'm going to click on this and down below let's click on add this inserts a break time timer onto my slide here i can move where the break time timer appears i want it to be a little bit over on the side so you can still read the title of the slide over here i have a few different controls first off i can set how long i want the brake timer to run for now we've only gone through three slides in the presentation so 10 minutes seems a little excessive let me go with a 5 minute break over on the right hand side i can also choose the type there's nothing like having a drink break so let me select that and here you notice the background has updated now you probably thought i was talking about alcoholic drinks no we're just gonna have a water break come on it's a company meeting over on the left hand side i can also start my timer and here the countdown has started i could stop it and here i can start it again or i could reset it so it goes back to five minutes this brings us to add-in number four you can use to create flowcharts in powerpoint for free if you've ever tried to create a flowchart in powerpoint before you probably know that it's extremely painful here i put down the first step i could put in an arrow but it requires lots and lots of clicks instead we can use the add-in for to make this extremely easy i have open and you can access it by going to or you can go to the website if you've ever used microsoft vizio before it'll probably look very familiar the biggest difference though is this is entirely free to use so your wallet won't be quite as light at the kevin cookie company not only am i on point to pull together the deck but they also want me to show how we're planning on making it to profitability so i put down a quick flow chart showing how we're going to do that now i want to bring this into our powerpoint deck i'm now back in powerpoint and i pulled together my flowchart and i'm ready to bring it in right up here under insert let's go back to my add-ins and right here at the top i have the option for diagrams next let's go to the bottom right hand corner and click on add this opens up a prompt over on the right hand side showing me that i now have a new icon on my insert ribbon for let's click on this this opens up a pane over on the right hand side you can access your files from onedrive from google drive or from your pc i saved the file directly to my pc so i'll click on pick device file once i select my file i'll click on open here over on the right hand side i can see a preview of what the flowchart looks like and then i'll click on insert this is now inserted my flowchart onto the slide i could adjust the size to make it a little bit bigger and i think leadership will be very pleased with this plan of making it to profitability we're going to sell trillions of cookies this company will be worth a lot of money this brings us to add in number five you can create your own custom comic characters using an add-in called pixton now just like we've been doing all along let's click on insert and let's go over to my add-ins right here i see the add-in for pixton comic characters let's select that and then click on add here now i see a new icon added to the home ribbon over on the far right hand side for pixedon characters let's click on this this opens up a pain over on the right hand side for pixton comic characters now with this slide where i talk about our path of profitability this is a really exciting plan but i don't know if a flowchart on its own really communicates that instead i want to use a comic character to help reinforce that message to get started let's click right over here on this button and first off i can choose the type of person i'm going to go with this one right here next i could choose a skin tone here i could choose the hair type and here i can choose the outfit now this is a cookie company so let's go with the baking outfit last i can also choose a pose and once again i want someone who looks really excited and i think this one fits the bill when i click on that it inserts my comic character into my slide and i can now resize it and position it wherever i want on my slide i'll put him right here i think it really helps to reinforce the message this brings us to add in number six you can very quickly and easily insert a word cloud into your powerpoint slide at the kevin cookie company we value customer feedback and as part of every company meeting we want to make sure that all of our employees are looking at recent feedback from our customers here i have a big list of feedback and it's kind of hard to make sense of it when it's just in a list like this i think an add-in can help us here once again let's go up to insert and then click on my add-ins within my add-ins let's select the one that's called the pro word cloud once you select that let's click on add this once again opens up a pane over on the right hand side here we could select the font for our word cloud the color the layout the case how many max words so there are a whole bunch of different settings that you have to configure what your word cloud looks like here i'm going to select all the words that i want to include in this word cloud once i have all the words selected i'll click on create word cloud here you see the word cloud up above and here i can click on it and that copies it to my clipboard here i can go over to my slide and now i can paste it and here i have a word cloud this is a lot easier to read than this list words that appear more often in this list show up larger within the word cloud now we have some interesting feedback rude expensive salty slow that can't be oh at least some people seem to say delicious i don't know if i buy this there must be some mistakes in this list you know here if i look down i see one person said nasty i think that's a typo i think they meant to say tasty i'm going to go through and just update some of this feedback before i finalize the deck add-in number seven you can make your presentation more dynamic by including polls now most presentations you sit in they tend to be just a one-way communication where the presenter spews out information at you instead why not insert a poll into your presentation to get your audience a little more engaged just like we've been doing all along let's go up to my add-ins and let's click on the option that says pull everywhere now one thing to call out within the add-in store there are all sorts of different poll applications you have one called swift polling you have mentimeter and the list goes on and on now all of them work fairly well the reason i chose poll everywhere is because you can construct your poll directly in powerpoint so in terms of simplicity this seems like the easiest to use once we select it let's go down and click on add this inserts poll everywhere onto my slide and i don't yet have any polls created i want this to be a q a let's go to the top left hand corner and click on new activity right within new activity i can see all of the different types of activities that i can insert to engage my audience i could insert a multiple choice question a word cloud and here's a q a that's exactly what i'm looking for i'll select q a and then i can type in a title for my q a i'll type in what questions do you have for the kevin cookie company leadership team next let's click on save i now have my one question showing up within this list just like i could do with many of the other add-ins here i can reposition the add-in now i want the q a to take up the full screen so i'll simply reposition this so it uses up the full slide once i'm ready to launch the q a i can click on this activity once i click on the activity you'll see the website url that attendees can go to to submit their questions with multiple choice questions they can also go to this url and submit their responses to the multiple choice questions and in a moment we'll see feedback directly on this slide to be able to see feedback over on the right hand side first off we need to activate it once i click on activate people can now go here and they can start submitting their questions and look at that the questions from our employees have started to flood in we really have an inquisitive bunch of employees here at the kevin cookie company unfortunately we don't have enough time to respond to them now because we need to move on to the next add-in this brings us to add-in number eight you can add a to-do list to your powerpoint presentation now we've gone through this presentation and it's really taking shape and i think i'm almost done however there are a few more things that i want to make sure i update and if i could use a to-do list that would be really helpful i'll go up on top and let's click on my add-ins within my add-ins there's one called to do list pro let's click on this and then next let's click on add this opens up a pane over on the right-hand side where i have a fairly basic to-do list here i could type in a list name and i need to finalize a few items in the deck down below i can type in what those items are here now i've included a few different items and i can add them to my list if i save and close my presentation and reopen it i'll be able to see this same to-do list again once i go through and i finalize some of these items i can check the box and that'll complete the item if i click on this red x this will remove it all together so this is a nice way to stay on top of tasks that you need to complete related to your powerpoint presentation all right well if you found some new add-ins that you think you're going to start using moving forward please give this video a thumbs up also to see more videos like this in the future make sure to hit that subscribe button if you want to see me cover any other topics on this channel leave a note down below all right well that's all i have for you today i hope you enjoyed and as always i hope to see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 285,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin stratvert, powerpoint, power point, tips and tricks, tips, tricks, microsoft, microsoft 365, powerpoint tips, powerpoint tricks, tutorial, add ins, addins, add-ins, plugins, plug-ins, add on, add-ons, add ons, ppt, pptx, tips & tricks, QR, QR code, QR4Office, pexels, countdown timer, timer, countdown,, pixton, character, cartoon, word cloud, poll, todo, to do list, to do, task, task list, list, microsoft powerpoint, survey, quiz, top, stratvert, office, office 365, 365
Id: BsXzeEEpMvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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