Best Plugins for PyCharm

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Hey thank you for these quick tips. Is it possible to install Kite without the app. I know that you are Kite, but I hate to install useless app when I only need the plugin.

Thank you.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Feitan21 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2019 🗫︎ replies
pycharm is one of those popular ids for Python development there's a lot of great videos to describe how to set up and install PyCharm on your system so in this video we'll dive into the top plugins for pi charm that can turbocharged the default features pie chart makes it extremely easy to download and install plug-ins from their in-app marketplace to get to the marketplace all we need to do is go to the settings slash preference tab in PyCharm now to open this on windows you can go to file and then click on settings and you should see the tab pop up you can also hit ctrl alt + S on your keyboard at the same time now if you're on Mac that shortcut is gonna be Apple comma from here what we're gonna do is locate the plugins tab in the sidebar for some reason it doesn't pop up for you simply type plugins here and you should see it popping up on the sidebar now here you can see a list of pre-installed and recommended plugins from pycharm you may have already installed these when you installed your IDE so through the rest of the video what I'm gonna do is show off the most useful plugins that you can have for PyCharm the first plug-in I want to talk about is called kite now kite is a free plugin that uses machine learning to provide better completions for your Python code there's a few standout features of kite that make you better than the default completions from pycharm and what can be offered by some other plugins essentially it provides you better completions more often since kites autocomplete is powered by advanced statistical models it can incorporate relevance from your script and all the open source Python code on the Internet to complete up to full lines of code now let's have a look with this example in this script here so if I delete this line and I start typing P we can see that kite will recommend PLT as it knows to only provide relevant things from the modules that we've imported previously so we'll do p LT and if I go ahead and do p LT dot we can see that plot will be the first thing to show up for us so we'll double click on that and it will even include for us what the parameters of this function should be so as I click here we can see that it's recommending my X and my Y as the two arguments to this function another cool feature of kite is called co-pilot now when you download the kite plug-in the kite application is installed on your computer as well this allows you to configure a few settings as well as acts as a companion window while you're coding now if we go ahead and click on the gear icon in this kite window we can see that we can change the settings for the theme to dark and light and one of the most important settings I want you to notice that we can set our copilot window to be our top-level window now this is important because while you're typing the copilot window will try to show you hundreds of thousands of lines of documentation based on the modules methods and functions you're using and let me show you what I mean you can see here it says the docs are following my cursor so if I start clicking through a few different methods and a few different functions you can see that the copilot window will respond to that and show me the documentation for them even if I start typing for example maybe the print function down here and I move my cursor around we can see that it's showing me the documentation for that specific module now this is a great plugin and the easiest and fastest way to download is from kite comm and there is a link in the description now the next plugin I want to talk about is called string manipulation now to install this we're gonna go to the same plugins tab that we were at before we're going to go to browse repositories and we're gonna type string manipulation now you can see I already have this installed on my machine but essentially what this plug-in does is give you some tools to work with large pieces of text and of information so let's do a quick example here on some text that I have simply highlighting and right-clicking the text I can see the string manipulation tab pop-up here with a little pencil icon and I can use some tools like escaping encoding switching cases incrementing and decrementing and so forth so one of the cooler ones is something called switch case for example I can make everything uppercase by doing that I could even change from snake case to camel case and so forth so let's try that screaming snake case to camel case and you can see we get something that looks like this now if you want to bring some color into your day one of the most popular plugins for pycharm is called rainbow brackets now it's one of only four plugins on the pycharm marketplace that's rated 5 stars and what it does is help you visualize deeply nested statements where you have a large series of brackets it does this by simply covering the brackets and it's pretty straightforward here you can see in the script here that I have I've just done a few sets of nested brackets and you can see that it changes the colors it makes it easy to visualize which brackets go with which now here in a more advanced script that actually has some proper code you kind of can get an idea what it looks like now a lot of people contemplate the usefulness of this and I'd love to hear your opinion on it in the comments down below this next plugin is geared towards developers and those of you working in and this is the github plugin now chances are you've already installed this when you installed your IDE but if for some reason you can't find it you can always install it from the plugins tab now the github plug-in place is commit push and even rollback buttons right on the toolbar allowing teams on github to rebase their local code without leaving the IDE developers can map keyboard shortcuts each command check to do items before push and see different comparisons in the commit popup window now I'll click on the commit window to show you what this looks like you can see we have a list of a few files we can choose to commit or not we can look through the files and see things that we've changed in different to-do list items that we need to implement before committing we can even change the commit message and then select commits or commit and push and do all of our changes directly from the IDE without having to go to github or a command line window if you use Django or flask you'll find grep console especially useful the grep console plugin highlights console output based on simple reg X search patterns which makes it really easy to debug code and to find things in large logs let me show you a quick example so you get an idea what this is capable of so you can see here I have a short script that simply generate some console output print some warnings and once in a while raises an exception now if I run this script and we have a look at our console output here we can see that the grep console will automatically highlight any items I'm specifically looking for as well as any errors and show me any exceptions now here if I want to open up the grep console settings I can click on this little red icon that's up at the top here and scroll through here and change the colors and settings to what I'd like you can see here I've added one as a pattern to search for but I can also throw in some other reg X patterns here and maybe I could search for an item such as two and now when I highlight we can see that all the twos are being highlighted in my console again this is very useful when you're searching through large pieces of logs and output as you can quickly highlight and find any piece of information that you need these plugins that I've shown you are designed to help turbocharger experience and PyCharm kites AI autocomplete stands out as the most valuable plugin and you can download it from the link in the description now to wrap up this video we'd like to hear from you which plugin was your favorite and which do you think you're gonna use the most let us know in the comments down below
Channel: Kite
Views: 87,131
Rating: 4.8078079 out of 5
Keywords: python, pycharm, tutorial on pycharm, pycharm tutorial python, pycharm plugins, best pycharm plugins, pycharm plugin best, pycharm plugins install, pycharm github integration, pycharm autocomplete, grep console pycharm, kite pycharm, kite python, pycharm python
Id: I5SroLnCVYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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