Best Pauses in Super Smash Bros

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The best one will always be the professor pro one from that money match where he danced on the dude. The guy did it right back though

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/boopthat 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
how's the sacred present do it oh he paused please hit yes okay all right I think this is too too now getting some some air pressure never mind he's getting he's getting all the ups oh my oh my god ban this guy banned this guy dude who who does that ban him Matty what does that that look like the melee like invisible wall glitch Jules Jules face maybe he paused Oh take it take the win this time it's tight he's tight what says I can't believe that hit bang is tight boy pause though take the win you take the W you look more mad and you change actually what are the rules is it stalker or game that would have been game about the no but I'm at the pause if I'm to starts up on somebody and I get hurt the killing blow might take it con even care their real beer what yeah pause twice trying to eat boss and he's a temp close up this path like honey like I'm a new head man right now looking like he is it out here in the wild putting in a safari hey just go ahead and post him one Diddy Kong via to stock nicely done on the fire on the right now look at that man look at that right yeah mundo just kind of moving in face basically not doing anything afraid of course aren't that gonna move and that was a great fair by oh oh are you kidding me did he just snapped oh my god he just falls the game I took a snapshot he knows okay goes the other direction a little unfortunate [Applause] if he harbors that box to get back Oh got any cat think he's looking I think he's looking needle deckers of and incredible learners rain definitely having a much easier time against his Ganon oh I'll go give it in the green ranger 2-0 nor hell it's all about emphatic combo beautiful the gorilla of Legends expansion study the hell out of it if they copy the exact button input state will be our motto oh my goodness I'm going to snaps okay sir I'm gonna kick you and I'll kick you Kotaro sound enough of your garbage and this is how I feel Oh Akane you bully he's a bully beautiful button exhibition right now as you can see look at all the buttons being pressed wow wow wow wow hey this is what it's about let's have fun this race start controller exhibition and shield you can um sway from the comeback and then yeah oh oh that's it that's the she'll break isn't it the disrespect well that didn't kill [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] ready cuz he took our stock yeah this would be a the night definitely kept that same is Diane information if you wanted to enter and then oh oh oh my god yeah typo asked if you wanted to enter and the nazar is like not and then at the laughs oh this is gonna miss it's gonna miss oh he got it let's go I thought that he was gonna have too much startup [Music] it's bid on this is the tournament match stupidest tournament match I've ever seen I'm last VJ Nintendo currently on blast yeah we have like people dying a laughter over here I don't know what's going on there they're all I was pretty good alright that's pretty good that give you that now early game is kind of tough with four ninja it feels like the - Kirby and greninja they switch early game a bit as well late games a ninja disloyal we about to see his ear to death Austin please arcade oh well that's a pause that is literally horn oh my Balu seen David he had to win he has a window he pretty much did and looks like french pros approaching a whole lot right now consistently doing good I think this I gotta take a sip it's got the gone get all hacks okay oh okay here comes a crazy carburetor and then oh my god that was the greatest pause oh I have no idea this works [Music] disrespect my 50% though not bad at 54% okay oh wow the answer in style Wow Wow I congratulate you rest that strap who's allowed be optimal the partition oh the camp attack doesn't work this time the back here let's balls off stage oh great great cancel Oh beautiful Joey westballz I don't know man on this stage I'm kind of scared of like he gets like that one grab Oh knee doesn't quite growl oh you want but Oh Captain Falcon that hard read to the girl like luck you wanted to do this you'll put the camera right now oh my god oh that's probably not gonna do it for that while this is snake graceful don't do that real-life over yeah [Music] you know the cross oh my god do the road next week good stuff guys Troy very Troy perfectly shielded all of the mines and stuff and if he dies and if he dies now I'm gonna yeah it's gonna kill him that if that doesn't kill look at look at those he gave them a little bit of the a little bit of the show Ezard
Channel: GRsmash
Views: 1,155,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Super Smash Bros. Melee (Video Game), Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Video Game), Super Smash Bros. For Nintendo 3DS And Wii U (Video Game), Super Smash Bros. (Video Game), Super Smash Bros. (Video Game Series), Pause, Pauses, Disrespect, Overkill, Unnecessary, SSBM, PM, Ultimate, Melee, Project M, SSBU, Brawl, Smash, Smash Bros, Smash Switch, SSBB, Smash 4, SSB4, Taunt, Bad Manners, Disrespectful, Pausing, Bowser, Donkey Kong, Snapshot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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