Best Sand Art Wins $5,000!

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today we're going to be making art out of sand we're on the beach so we have lots of sand to use and whoever has the best sand art after six hours wins up to $5,000 for subscriber let's go and whoever wins this challenge gets $1,000 worth of seafood time starts now so everyone has basic tools they have a shovel buckets and toys look at all of this art supplies I have to use we just saw real dolphins out in the open and I almost started crying it was so cool hey everyone Gather in real quick so the last person who brings me a seash Shell gets ocean water dumped on them go here you wait what oh okay hey we already got two over here okay nice yes I think I found it okay you got it technically that counts yes Izzy brought me a tiny shelf let me see it let me see it all right all right Ben what happened I found a bottle cap Michelle come over here look what I got you I got you seashells thank you all right Ben come over here oh my God all right everyone get back to [Music] work Gabe who do you think is going to win this challenge I got my bet on this if you're correct I'll give you $500 but in the meantime come over here all right I'm going to start digging a hole over here because it's for punishment later on in the video going start digging Jake if you're watching this I'm sorry Zach told me to do this I'm about to fill up a bucket with sand for guys I want to see really big sand art for this challenge size does matter this is my hole so far I'm not sure why I'm having so much fun digging this tole but one of the contestants is going to get buried alive in just a little bit which should be pretty funny at the sand word [Music] where I need a new shovel there's worms here ky already tortured me with three I thought you liked worms I hate worms the passion I hope they all die I swear if that was a worm you're dead Jake what's the plan I'm making a butterfly I don't think it's what you have in mind going to build a rhinoceros I want to make like a giant dragon guarding a sand castle for I'm going to do like a mermaid L like leaning against some rocks so I'm going to make a huge hole and I'm going to have like a staircase made out of sand and everything you have two towers and have break connecting but that's only if I can get the stupid sand out of this Bucket look looks like you're in trouble Ben all right they're about to get another challenge in just a second all right artists you have 10 minutes to build a sand castle whoever builds the best one gets an advantage go you get a really big Advantage Jake looks like he's struggling he doesn't have much down yet shoot it keeps falling 5 4 3 2 1 Stop building all right Jake let's look at yours we have the world's most Exquisite sand castle Jake Jake I don't think you're winning this challenge Ben it looks like a big boom it's like a big tower with stairs going up to each room that's not too bad probably the best one I've seen so far this one's good this is my space see I don't think it doesn't look like there are buildings it looks like a giant mud mound in my opinion I think McKenzie had the best one McKenzie you don't just get an advantage you're not getting two advantages you're getting three first one give this to someone and take their shovel for an hour right now yeah okay go deny you're welcome choose one person and make them dig a hole for 30 minutes Jake all right Jake for the next 30 minutes you're digging this hole you have to make it as deep as [Music] possible how's it going Izzy okay so I don't know it's taking kind of a while with this little pink shovel Izzy you can stop using your tiny shovel you made such a big booty that's what I said I was like I'm going to make my mermaid thick because it's like rounded perky Jake you may stop digging yes so the butterfly is not working out now I got to think of something else because I'm having a hard time over here new challenge everyone grab your shovel and come with me you guys will be digging holes you have 3 minutes to dig a hole Whoever has the most shallow Hole In 3 Minutes gets buried alive all right go start these holes are looking pretty good Michelle's hole looks pretty wide guys hurry up 5 4 3 two one I'm going to stick this shovel into Jake's hole all right it goes to around here oh my goodness JZ your hole so deep all right here's up to here JZ still has the deepest tole right nowen McKenzie all right Mackenzie come with us Mackenzie get in that hole looking at the bro I can't St like that hurry up and just shove it in all right McKenzie get lower wow okay yeah I think that's good guys Jake don't do that I'm dancing on maen you're going to be here for the next 30 minutes all right guys get back to work nothing to see here found some seaweed I think I'm just going to go put it on Ken's face for fun going to kill you all right Mackenzie do you want to guess how much time has passed 20 minutes it's been 30 minutes you can get out I really can't you guys bury me deep all right 3 2 1 go stand up I'm trying all right y MacKenzie's [Music] free what's the plan for the next few hours you have around 3 hours left I'm going to make a really good a hopefully really good uh frog head I might extend the skeleton and or I might just add some like cool designs on the side like maybe some flowers Michelle what do you have I just see a hole not the hall it's a cat's Mansion I went ahead and like got wet sand to build with because I see that everybody's like trying to build with dry sand but it doesn't stay as long this is going to be a castle so right now it's just a pile of sand all right artists stand in the circle we're going to go one person at a time the lowest scorers will get punished have to bounce it as many times as you can like that Mackenzie starting with you 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 for McKenzie 1 2 3 four for Michelle 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 very nice babe 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Michelle Jazz you get a small bucket of ocean water Izzy you get the big one all right Jaz you and Michelle share one bucket my right Izzy we're going to throw it on three three [Music] so so we ran into a couple of subscribers just now I really want to include them in the video so so we're going to have them judge some of the artists art the artists have 10 minutes to draw a giant drawing in the sand worst one gets dunked in water the best one gets a secret Advantage 10 minutes starts now oh my [Music] God they cute saking frogs I don't know why they're green and they're [Music] cool Mother Nature hates me a come on all right so what did you guys give this out of 10 i' give it 7 7.5 7.5 8.5 8.5 s seven s this was so good six I'd say nine n eight and 1/2 I'd say s and 1/2 I'd say seven you think Ben won correct I want each one of you to fill your bucket up with water all right surrounder on three you guys are all going to drencher three two one go all right good job guys all right Ben Michelle got a lot of water dumped on her you can take one of the buckets fill it up with water and pour it on someone's art wait what are you doing wait wa Kenzie suck it what a [Music] bummer now we have another challenge but we're going to do something nice for this beach while we're at it you guys will be picking up trash for 5 minutes whoever brings me the least amount of trash has to pick up trash for another 30 minutes go is B trash trash I'm seeing no trash the beach is pretty clean I feel like I already got a lot of trash I see some trash over here hey Michelle you're not allowed to take things out of the trash can all right let's see everyone's trash the finest the finest trash iszy where'd you get so much I'm a scavenger Jake there's a lot of pieces very good Ben all right I got a lot of mini items Melle I got a lot of mini items okay Mackenzie a piece of wood is not trash all right everyone go throw away your trash except for Michelle Michelle you said you like cleaning up the beach so I do your job is to make this beach squeaky clean for the next 30 minutes sounds good right Izzy so I believe you picked up the most trash out of anyone I want to reward that behavior this is yours I got my own big shovel no no no no you get to scoop a huge chunk out of anyone's art stop I know rhinos are endangered but oh come [Music] [Music] on 3 2 1 everyone time is up all right let's start over there with Jake so I made a frog and it has a party hat I actually mined some some darker sand and I made that into the pupils Jake I must say your forms are very nice it's very smooth my goal is to make it really clean it is really clean it also looks really scary I made a demon skeleton coming from the ground here's the school got some horns coming out and then this is pretty much the rib cage area we have one arm right here the rib cage is probably my favorite part that's really I have many windows and I have stairs very cool I I actually really like the Brick Designs over there that's a soccer ball for my soccer stadium I like how you used those plastic thingies for the goals the bottom looks like a giant Pokémon ball I made a big Rhino so this represents the Rhino struggle coming out of the sand it represents the Rhino's struggle to come back from being almost extinct because they're very endangered animals I like the body and form of the Rhino I feel like overall you executed the form this my mermaid princess I gave her a little seaweed sash I use the materials of the beach you know I gave her some seaweed hair very nice job I I would say this is one of your better pieces so I made a dragon uh I initially wanted to you know make it defending a castle but the castle was just not holding up so instead I made it a mama dragon in defending her eggs I especially love the head I I would say the structures the form is incredible Mackenzie take notes she rocks as the eyes stand all right we have a lot of really nice pieces but unfortunately we can only have one winner so as much as I hate to do it we're going to have to start eliminating one person at a time Michelle yes I admire the effort but you're eliminated W Ben very nice piece but unfortunately I'm going to have to eliminate you I'm sorry Ben Jake unfortunately I'm going to have to eliminate you and your frog well fought Jaz unfortunately I'm going to have to eliminate your mermaid I thought it looked really nice but there were just too many good pieces today all right McKenzie you're eliminated I am sorry beautiful Rhino but I don't think you made the cut okay and our winner I'm gonna have to go with Izzy good job Iz have $1,000 to get as much Seafood as you want well I can't eat all that Seafood by myselfy guys everyone gets suy well that's very nice of you Izzy good job yeah and for the rest of you so I'll tell you guys already to late just once the ti goes down everyone lays down your nose have it crash out and everyone run back all right let's go let's go wait what wait what where are we going to right here go lay down so Izzy and I are going to be giving one person who presses that subscribe button in the next 10 days up to $5,000 subscribe and she might be able to win something for you Izzy what are we doing right [Music] now this is my first time trying Sushi tastes good but the texture is a little [Music] weird so we only spent $476 so we're going to donate the other half to charity I chose don't for Humanity because they donate domes to less fortunate countries to protect them against disaster subbe [Music]
Channel: ZHC Crafts
Views: 22,677,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aVxHSHzm4kE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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