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[Music] does extremely well against heavies but maybe he doesn't feel he doesn't feel it wants to take him to battlefield instead of get those triplets or out allows her to be able to dance around i think smashville wasn't the correct option against the likes of bowser i think this is a smart option as well mostly because juice's style of play is going to allow him to control the base platform by just denying it from liam if he can get these combos started a lot of those aerially oriented combos are going to be juice bouncing back and forth off the platform corner pocket okay you notice the juice is going for a lot of back ears against leon shield it's a really safe uh pressure against it i think he uses double jump so oh don't matter and that's huge because now lucina has a rush at zero suit samus as long as she has room behind her to retreat she can get with punishers with stuff like pivot grabs and side b and of course there when she has to come to lucina though that's when you see those uppies out of shield and i'm not talking matt booster oh my god dunk city tell me that this thing is not magic yeah it's pretty neutral when you're playing against snake snake talk about uh ps2 no get out my face me let's talk about this yes that's on ps2 though [Music] daddy dad back here you're dead bye-bye right he's he can you can make this come back oh for sure we've seen i mean we've seen it and rob in this game is a menace to society what oh my gosh i got you bro still not too far behind in terms of percent he's slowly letting this get away from him but i still believe in his ability to get another tipper all right the backer forces him out coward's way down the rifle will just go down mr game and watch oh no oh no oh no mr game and watch yeah both ways out of the quarters that's a crazy press button press a button especially with all the range that zero suit has oh boy oh boy to deal with persona for like you know a few more seconds yellow that was that little interaction there off stage was a revolution yeah i've never seen joker go for arsene there it's always the big hefty backyard down there all you need is the little narrative stage bike and it's a huge hitbox and it's there the whole time yep oh this is a very good edge guard yeah but vinnie g versus mars uh mars with a very great showing at uh genesis uh he wanted overlail something that not a lot of people can say they've done winning a tournament overlay that's the second time he's one of the late he won a um at mexico versus [Music] that option is so disgusting it's so good because you can't drop shield on the neutral b until i'd put my money in that move that's how safe it is nothing off the air sometimes you're not sure if it's gonna hit if you're gonna get the firm right so you just kind of chill with it there's not used to that downer you're saying that's so good so you kind of reset them because it pops them up at like just a perfect angle for fair off air oh it's absolutely insane so leon at least giving himself a shot here you know being the closest it's been but just like that mars wasting no time putting him back uh in the disadvantage another shield in the corner here tomorrow's gonna find a grab for it trying to find a paralyzer too but leon not going to be hit by it oh another big juggle here to opting for stage control these up air juggles aren't really what's wrong foreign i need zero suit to win glitch that's what he told me he was like i i want to go falco but i need zero suit if i want to win glitch yeah so he has to warm it up he has to get it ready in order to you know defeat some of his demons or some of his tougher matchups you know i i would say i always say and ultimately can't sell a manuka i don't think that's like truly possible i think the problem with villager is that their whole punishment game is grounded yes like there's no oh dear speaking of grounded yeah bowling ball we have the tree we have all this stuff but if you want to hit xer suit in the air it's like you got the slingshot and you've got a one and three chance on the tournament so it could be a little bit tougher not again okay people forget about that and if you haven't been to a tournament like a real life one you will lose the first villager you play yes every time yeah you don't realize it until it happens to you yes we're like they throw jesus christ not against foreign [Music] foreign [Music] he gets attacked but not what he wanted i think he was trying to uh angle the downbeat and instead gets that side b off an sd but that was a great edge guard from pb nonetheless all right chunko just kind of falling how would you eyes out and is that gonna be it i try to cover that but he just doesn't know where he's going i gotta say something i really love about this game is the ability to drag down people with multi-hit upgrades oh yeah yeah is all about that life you could be seeing him doing more he doesn't speak every time i play him putting on the pressure a little bit more just out of arms reach for lucina all the time wow there it is again there's there oh and that's a quick zero to death yep guys just pressuring each other shields it's there into up smash you see the sti on that by the way from zach ray he was popping out of that quick i think he might have avoided a hit or two maybe there's that zero into a conversion here mars looking like a new player are sent online here not looking for a paralyzer but we'll find a read on the roll with the grab zachary just got up sort of shielding like how zachary just like it was such a such a precise jump there just landed right towards the ledge didn't press the button didn't do anything and just waited for mars it's so good pulling up there a couple of bears here grabbing oh my god airdash down immediately gonna get covered by the hashtag too very very close to our set online as well up here what you got this will probably bring you arsene oh but you're dead for that firebit offstage usually a strong option against people try to eat their edge guards but because he was in hit like afterwards and juice is able just to hop over with the flip jump able to get the spike and he died for it but spawning back here it works dude sometimes it does there we go leon 51 percent you see juice trying to keep him at arm's length with these zeros doesn't want to go get go off to ham doesn't want to risk it up b is that gonna kill missing missing this uh the tech there is huge [Music] and now suddenly all the momentum with mr e yeah that's gotta take the wind out of your sails quite a bit man for sure he was like 40 something after the hit too yeah golfing slash not to be trifled with off the level yeah trying to space some forward airs on exodus shield but zss can uh kind of punish that oh man he's been so on point with that
Channel: 1437 Ultimate
Views: 38,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zero suit samus, zero suit samus montage, zero suit samus smash ultimate, montage, ssb4 zero suit samus montage, samus montage, samus, zero suit samus combo, ultimate, zero suit samus combo video, zss montage, zss montage video, zss combo, zss combo video, zss combo montage, kuro zss, smash ultimate zss, super smash bros ultimate montage, marss zss, ultimate zero suit samus montage, zero suit samus ultimate montage, ssbu zss
Id: VjR007wQNHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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