Best of Thomas Bergersen | 1-Hour Epic Music Mix
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Channel: Epic Music VN
Views: 2,397,713
Rating: 4.8903041 out of 5
Keywords: thomas bergersen, best of, epic music, epic music vn, Epic Music Mix, two steps from hell, ocean princess, nhac epic, nhạc epic, epic hits, epichits, 1 hour, epicmusicvn, immortal, cassandra, compass, remember me, 1-hour, 1-Hour Epic Music Mix, Epic Mix, Epic Hit, Best of epic music, Best epic music, TSFH, Merchant Prince, bergersen, two steps, emotional music, skyworld, musica epica, invincible, illusions, best, top, Thomas bergersen best song, two steps from hell best song
Id: GKJvnO-I57U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 33sec (3873 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 05 2014
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He also has a lot of stuff on Spotify, which is what I listen to. I haven't listened to more than a few minutes of what I linked to, but from what I heard it should be adequate. Either way, you guys have given me a lot of great ideas for study music. Since my academic program requires me to study allllll thheeeeee timmeeeee, frequently switching up my soundtracks has really helped my moral. Cheers.