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I don't understand why do you have to do it right now I skip yet why do you have to break up with me on the phone right now though I think I love you though oh my gosh hello oh hey man how's it going I heard any lady alone I just gonna let it out I don't I don't I don't know man we were together so long that's like hey just give us some space I just got a small surprise rebel oh my gosh I can't this so embarrassing I can't believe this is happening right here no dude nowhere right now dude that's life I'm gonna do that it had been over for like three weeks and it's been it's been so beautiful well so I'm gonna go ahead make it with medium today man you gotta go I'm gonna cover you today go ahead just chill out anything else yo you down let me know all right I'm gonna get somebody now I just don't have my money to pay for it yeah I spilled my drink and it's I just didn't want to like move it around too much cuz yeah it's you know it's it's it's it's gonna probably sink into the keyboard or something and I could wash it I could clean your guys's floors or something cuz I just can't afford to pay for this I am so screwed Oh what the hell are you no it's uh it's a prank hub you don't need to throw the cup it's like like it's a prop [Music] so anyway [ __ ] there's my girl mr. Rogers open TV shown here excuse me Hey he hasn't pop and lipstick on what's your name I'm really a high- one nice to meet you where Hedren huh oh really well well of all your curves your smile is my favorite yeah you want hang out sometime well uh what is your number actually we just enter your contact for me get easier oh yeah I mean it's just life like well thank you I like you you save it for there before yeah that's right is that right what like we save like your name and stuff you don't remember how to use this one so yeah my name is Amelia you could type in it all right okay well it's nice to meet you yeah nice to meet you there's only one backpack allowed per person oh okay purposes like for lifting I have I that's not my business okay I'm just here to enforce the rules I don't know what's in there nobody around us knows what's in there okay all I'm trying to say is you might want to hide that I don't want to have to get the coffee ball put in your shirt or something to make it look like you have a belly that's the only way I'm thinking you do this today what like if I did this is that better a week yeah it's made to that can I leave it here and then pick it up later yeah you can leave it right here I'll watch it well it's not I can't leave it unattended either because it could be a bomb how am I supposed to know looks like got a lifting - I was gonna go work out can you please keep the tab on me I might have to call John okay let me see you thank you like I might call my supervisor and see what he says about it okay okay you can look inside check the big yeah I'm gonna have to I don't have to take this man I'm sorry hey Siri how do I ask got a really pretty girl Oh what did you hear that oh what's your name - Juan Tatiana was it actually I was actually no I was honest no she just said to do your best [Music] actually being for real and then you laughs oh [ __ ] this is pretty go right there really yeah what you doing out here business no well sort of I'm inside oh that's awesome Oh awesome yeah you know I from the West as well from Arizona I just come up yeah I go there all the time almost every month for work and stuff home I make videos and stuff yeah I'll just like YouTube stuff you know YouTube Facebook stuff yeah what are you doing here I am filming oh I'm doing a video called awkward Siri commands so sorry hos late turn last sign there now this is who are you [Music] [Music] what is your name nice horn are you late yeah I punch I totally forgive all girls going right now it was it was so great to have this experience with you one day I'm gonna find you [Music] interesting give the pants I could borrow with the name by the way sorry why I couldn't hear you over the sound of my money Mela my name is Juan nice to meet you she actually got the all from the bank but I don't I don't trust the bank come on what rich person does you watch this real quick I'll be right [Music] hey we'll turn him I said I'm on this one like a jeans thank you are you new here yeah where are you from what part yeah San Diego that's awesome it's beautiful there I love I love going over there I am I'm from Tempe yeah give me one sec hey man don't go anywhere what's your name Evan nice to meet you this is Sienna she's from California same here Oh what part of Cali Diamond Bar Diamond Bar uh I don't know where that is you know that it's like right outside Orange County okay cool are you new here is what I'm new here I just got started well you got a new connection cool so before you guys head out you should just exchange like contact information since you're both are new and I'm sure trying just to meet people you know it doesn't have to go anywhere just of course you know I never use it hey but you're gonna use it now and look at this bill come on dude hey what's up yeah yeah sorry sorry I'll just I was just on my way to class and then I fell for you oh Jesus these are new pants what's your name Maria hi - one yeah was that impressive not you're gonna marry me no okay we can work on that oh no no I was I mean it hurt a little bit though hope that was like worth like a snapchat or something awesome are you from you well part really yeah no wait my parents are from no they're from Oakland yeah I swear to god no I swear to God my parents my parents would love you I'll speak of the Devils mom dad this is Maria she's from where you guys from she's from Oakland what it surprised so we just we just exchanged Sanchez I don't know I fell for her like literally probably I mean what do you think this is how most like romantic situations start out oh oh I mean like we're just here signing up some classes but you know yeah I don't know so I was kind of nervous about it but would you want to go to dinner with us the football games or something oh my god the Raiders are one Oh interesting okay well I can about it okay yeah we'll talk about it you guys ready to go yeah all right we'll see you later it's nice to meet you [Music] hey I'm new here hye-young fun with oh it's not your boy for anything right no like your shoes oh thanks oh that's a nice compliment what's your name Megan hi minus one are you single yes you are I'm just a nice little stretch going in here wanna hang out sometime yeah sure what's it you know by email are you from Boy I'm from Mexico I don't do I mean I can but oh I just didn't know if I was too strong for you okay yeah what's your number hey friend this is Cameron hi Cameron I'm new Hey oh I wish she was in my ear I'm just kidding oh yeah sure I was just wondering is it possible that you've given me directions to your daughter's heart hi I'm Anya nice to meet you Wow really change of weather I have a I actually have a lot of family out there in Anchorage really I have actually never been surprisingly but I do have a lot of him like that sign of the families all there we keep talking about taking trip summer but it hasn't happened yet but I'm missing out yeah I want to go pick it up can I date your daughter except to her she didn't make this we don't get to make the city for trots right you're a college girl yeah you're single I'm a senior even better yeah go ahead hey Dad gets permission okay I don't care she's gonna die I could tell her if I told her to date you she won't you will so I don't care she makes it she makes good decisions I wonder we don't worry all right what is it nice car boys yeah I'm fine yeah yeah I had a hell of a night thank you thank you all so much how would you get that for I'm thinking about putting it down payment that man they think easy to get you know I keep the change the slate is crazy there's so many beautiful girls in fact there's one walking by me right now and [ __ ] but oh I'm gonna let her go you know because I'm trying to explore some more what oh I I was just in the bathroom but anyways I just wanted to say what's your name hi - one I said I wash my hands don't worry I did go - never mind we don't need to talk about that we'll get personal later were you busy [ __ ] that's all I was not to go eat you want to eat together and hang out and stuff yeah let's do one so it doesn't turn you off that I kind of just like use the bathroom oh you know we're all human right yeah that's what I said okay that's cool excuse me do you know where the Science Library is yeah oh you don't sorry about that into my flash or my sound design that's really awkward no I just thought you really attractive what's your name I'm sorry was that Marty hi my name is long one yes where you from Iowa uh school I'm from Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico another country you're in Spanish yeah oh that's awesome seems to be conflict like in Phuket though yeah that's cool hey I like your shoes and I like you I like you what's your name why is it so weird what do you mean you look great right now you usually look why do you say you usually look bad it's kind of a weird thing to say about yourself you seem like a confident girl I Drive here so I have to wake up super late for work clay right no I don't like new TV okay yeah yeah understood yeah Oh comics I have to wake up earlier than everyone else and come here which makes it really hard well you're looking great today go so if you want to like eat some octopus or something sometime uh yes oh really oh I need to talk to people pretty words okay yeah what's your email my why what I mean I I mean I wasn't gonna come on that strong but if that's your style whatever AOL or yeah Twitter all right okay give me some sort of some form of contact yeah okay all right what else is it oh yes sure [Music] what's up brows numeron lunch room is are you serious are they kidding are you gonna buy me another one or what you're gonna get me another one you that was the last flavour bro oh hey pretty lady what's your name hi my name is Juan I can give me one if you want one of them what if I mmm that's not good oh yeah now what are you studying oh why you gonna arrest me one day take me home put me in some handcuffs pretty from fun why would you I look why would you I just got I had like one lick I think you had more than me from it [Music] [Laughter] you made me drop my screw you you squeeze the light Oh what can I expect my run pretty girl stop looking back at me stop it ah yes the female specimen indeed what's your name so what are you up to in this fine day ah can I trouble you with the ride indeed if I if I can write it myself first would you uh would you hop on afterwards oh yeah oh yeah is that is that okay with you my lady okay indeed thank you so much [Music] I actually got my first ride all right your turn I'm just gonna tell you what you don't have today but you have to do it another time so I'm gonna get down your cellular device indeed very well maybe all right
Channel: ThatWasEpic
Views: 7,224,288
Rating: 4.9291515 out of 5
Keywords: epic, prank, hilarious, pickup, girls, cholo, thatwasepic, comment trolling, best of thatwasepic 2017, best of thatwasepic 2016, hilarious videos
Id: MET_GYikr9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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