Best of Speak Out on 'The Ellen Show' (Part 2)

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[Music] what the donkey did what to your mom what is this thing first of all why am I shoving it right now hold on go to a conversation [Music] that novel had a knit slip that matter had her neck slip yeah that NADA had a Netflix that that model had a nip slip okay yeah a fleet a fast foxes a sleet of cast foxes yeah a fleet of fast foxes yes yes oh gosh Frugal fashion is half price Frugal fashion is half price Google fashion is half price yes yeah all right you're good at this one more I can't quickly I can't quickly talk there are islands I can't quickly huh the balloons I don't know what you're doing to the balloons but you shouldn't do it I'm not sure what you're trying to say I can't quickly hop yep the river ran deep with massive Crocs the river ran deep with massive Crocs you're good you're good I mean you're enunciating a little too much but it's okay okay this is hard hugs like really hugs like really fedoras thugs thugs prawns thugs thugs hugs hugs hug legs all right we're back with Mandy Moore and uh so we're gonna play a game it's called why is Mandy crying um because you're really good at being sad and crying and stuff so it's kind of like speak out but you have to cry but I have to cry I have to cry or be really sad and I have to figure out what you're saying um I don't want to look at it okay okay all right all right there you go all right okay [Applause] no it's ridiculous look at that okay okay but really be crying and really upset and I'll figure it out can you help me As We Know huh yeah he got me hey he humped you and is [Applause] thank you hurry up he humped you in his hernia are you alive okay I didn't get that one he's scared my balloon oh no something about a hot air balloon ready years he's hot right balloon Britney Spears caught your broom Britney Spears caught right around taught your balloon caught caught something popped your balloon okay okay this is it one more a donkey what the donkey did what to your mom what did the donkey do [Laughter] you know she was Donkey did not do that no one extra no one that's terrible no wonder you're upset the donkey booked your mom oh all right okay [Applause] okay read the card read the cards hi guys what what sugar her hot her Hawthorne oh I got that I got that yeah she said Hercules I'm gonna start drawing I heard that that's I'm gonna start drooling the person was Hercules had a had a hearth on her Hulu her car oh my God Hercules Hercules heartburn curl Hawthorne Hercules Herald popcorn okay try another one okay what what was it perfectly popped perfect popcorn enunciate you're not enunciated yeah you're not helping us go ahead one more I need a hyphen Buffet you need a husband and that's it you need a breath mitt what'd you say [Laughter] [Applause] say it one more time go I I and they are a question I got it I got it I need I need the attention I was just throw so long why is this show so long this is good I thought Tina and Amy were hosting I'm laughing at that yeah you heard that yeah serious Hound is so hot oh you're good at this you hardly this is done you don't really know I go to the gynecologist fantastic this is years of practice years attractive yeah Jimmy Fallon yeah all right uh uh uh agree what the heck they're out of tequila that's good yeah yeah this is Disney it's I actually talked better with this thing right now and then I normally talk you really do and you look good too I do yeah is that your kiss [Applause] thank you nope nope oh yeah yes yes okay all right you're going to read the first one normally okay hi [Applause] you're actually melting and I Cry [Applause] I had a sticker in my thigh yeah and I hi got a pickle in your pie ah this is going to be emotional [Laughter] ready ready [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] okay okay all right okay I'm contemplating okay this is sexy okay mm-hmm candidates [Applause] I don't know I don't know what you're saying I'm concentrating things um has a Nutty silly hat Bigfoot has a Nutty sin hat I'm perfect has a Neti ready uh [Music] it's a nut it's a Nutty fanny pack s he has a Nutty ready ready mud muddy ready yeah they put it as a muddy cup okay okay is it it kind of hurts a little okay fuzzy ferrets are very attractive though fuzzy carrots are better than doll beagles [Music] fuzzy carrots this is very serious album this is her children okay because he hits [Laughter] [Applause] like a weasel fuzzy parents yes are better better and better better better than bald then bald Eagles [Applause] [Music]
Channel: TheEllenShow
Views: 234,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2y_CMyz_a1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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