Best of Game Grumps (June 2021)

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oh look at him undulate yeah i love it his spinny tail wow look at him go i think there's i think i'm supposed to get sucked down into the center oh yeah yeah see i'm here dawg food where i'm rewarded with the companionship and friendship of disgusting bug creatures man i like that stuff i like when it's like a little subversive to the tropes yeah i don't want to get sucked up oh but i do what do i though there we go so did you ever figure out how to steal from that guy did you figure out what went wrong yeah it was just what i was doing but you just have to be better at it oh wow story of my life like there's there's there's already been like we can just come out and say it right like there's already been enough hints in this game no no don't say it okay don't say it okay um please i thank you oh you probably all figured it out anyway [ __ ] no they did they have it well i'm not gonna say it okay cool that oh those first three notes ah it always reminds me of look at this stuff isn't it cool or whatever she sings that's neat all right look at this stuff isn't it neat wouldn't you think my collection is complete ah looking around here you think sure she's got everything look at this [ __ ] isn't it nice get the [ __ ] out of my house with your lice right after i buy these sweet bombs bye oh aaron please you're such a bad influence he's like please don't steal my bombs i'll blow this [ __ ] place up with what looks like you can't afford it when i saw my i went to do acupuncture for the first time how did you like it um i didn't like the actual process of it but you know if it helps then that's fine sure um but anyway did it help no well you're supposed to do it for a little while before it has like a lasting effect right um but so she was asking me about like stuff that i didn't come in for so i was just like oh my c4 vertebrae is out of alignment you help with that and she's like yeah sure but then she's like how are your poops and i was like that is none of your business i was like i have been waiting so long for somebody to ask me this question she's like are they solid and i'm like oh my god how much detail would you like me to go into all of the detail i can't get there yet no you can't you need the hook shot no well you don't have it no so i guess you're you're impotent i'm gonna go this way where the treasure is maybe that's the hook shot it's not it could be it's definitely not you don't know i do i'll bet you how much uh ten dollars that it's not open it oh i win what ten dollars to me [Laughter] you gotta i'll i'll pay you back as soon as uh and i'll just trail off and not finish well there's the thing yeah you go down there and go into the mouth hold on i want to see if there's other stuff to do first sucks maybe me or this guy you are fine thank you and you're in both ways like you're fine and like you're fine thank you aaron what an incredibly nice thing to say yeah man you think after eight years together we wouldn't find each other attractive anymore but here we are well more attracted than ever when you ride small world it says it in german and japanese chinese really yeah because that's the whole point of the ride thereby indicating how large the world is well well i well no i mean i guess if yeah i guess you could say that but i think it's the opposite it's the world small because we're all the same really we all just dance as puppets we're all puppets in this [ __ ] stage play of life yeah we got cardboard cutouts and but who's pulling the strings bill gates the world of the the world appears and that's i always remember that part because they say it so quickly because it's like a group of children singing it and they're like it's a world of fish and they just like they start slipping in weird things like have you heard the news the world's run by the jews it's a small like what wait a minute hold on what it's a small i guess it was nothing maybe when it loops around up here at the second time what are you doing man you just had an opportunity to jump over a giant chasm he didn't do it when was that did you go to the right here yeah well you know what and i should cut you some slack no no up yep i should cut you some slack because i do this [ __ ] all the time because it's hard to make jokes and pay attention to the game i was thinking of what rhymes with jews oh you're right [Laughter] but i do that [ __ ] constantly oh there's nothing here as a whole i'm leaving yeah meanwhile people at home are like oh my god just drinking their coffee like you can't blame them i mean i i feel as though uh over the years uh most of our fans have come to a good understanding uh you'd be surprised what is the ultimate comeback that works in every situation uh your mama no oh you repeat back what they say but in a whiny voice oh yeah it's it immediately gets to like your primal monkey brain and you're like oh stop it yes and then and then everything you and then you start it's like no stop it stop don't say that even stop it don't say it anymore like it's just it's unbeatable it's on b it's like putting a mirror up to medusa it's [ __ ] that's what it is that's why that's how uh world leaders do it so you left the nuclear proliferation shut up i'm gonna launch the nukes right now i gotta do it i'm gonna do it [Laughter] uh i saw it happen in real life we were playing rust and there was some kid that was like trying to get into our base and uh and he was just like being an [ __ ] yeah so these kids were like trying to get into our base which one of the things that they said which was hilarious to us was like like completely serious as if this is an insult like what are you 30 would you have a job to get up for tomorrow they were like yeah yes it's that's correct that's great i have money that i can spend on things yeah they started like saying stuff and they're like you stupid and then then we just like you're stupid you really [ __ ] pissed him off wow dude it was amazing you did that after you established that you were in your 30s yeah of course that's excellent well i mean that it makes it even more powerful stop [ __ ] sword sword sword sword oh my god god damn just leave a bomb dude i'm gonna get in your base dude i'm meaning your beast dude stop you're so stupid you're just stupid ah your base sucks me dick it just looks so perfect oh well that's awkward you're older so you're gonna die sooner not if you keep talking like that kid i'm telling you anytime so if any of you if any of you listeners [ __ ] if any of you lovelies at home are being bullied at school by some kid or whatever just do that it [ __ ] works you're gonna get someone's ass kicked well i mean also learn karate did you get the guardian acorn while we were filming god what do we even do this show for yeah it's i got a guardian acorn everybody it's like a guardian angel but way less impressive i love the idea of god someone thinking god's gonna give them a guardian angel but they get that instead like god's like i'm gonna give you a guardian a and you're like corn oh oh thank thank you god yeah i don't know what the how to feel about that now why are you killing the jelly balls i'm not killing them they're killing me jelly balls stop no i'm covered in jelly balls all right let's get out of here spiders are sort of my least favorite animal encounter in la apart from coyotes coyotes coyote encounters are very awkward for me oh really yeah i don't mind the coyote encounters and what about when there's three of them they they're still is free to you yeah but they'll they'll eat my dog oh oh yeah that's right you have another animal they might be like threatened by the duck because the dog will be like no actually camilla's like okay you want to please like they're not dogs camilla they're [ __ ] they'll kill you do you think they would actually play though no no way what they're trying to do is lure her away so they can [ __ ] kill her oh yeah [ __ ] them man they're the bad kids all right we're in good shape the acorn acorns all right very good camilla just imagine this [ __ ] like hunchback like invalid like like goop dripping from his mouth please stay inside the world will never understand you the world will never see your inner beauty no matter how nicely you sit okay here we go danny but i want to go amongst the millers the weavers and their wives no you're safe behind these parapets of stone holy [ __ ] this boss is easy oh no rocks are falling so slowly oh my god that was it yeah that's it holy [ __ ] that's [ __ ] nothing yeah whoever those skulls belong to are [ __ ] lame i was like i made the lyrics different i hope i can make it stop i can't jump far enough why cuckoo that's it is that closest to manba prison i'm ukuku for prairie puffs sorry um yes it is it's very close here enter my house it's like a guy in it he's like hey he's like [ __ ] oh yeah i've been renting this oh that's right remember this house when it was empty you were like what the hell is that look just like this yes correct i don't have to remember it remember the house from this hold this is my fapping grave oh so many people loved at last i can be at peace or a lot of birds like to [ __ ] her yeah oh i like that he's happy thank you [Music] a job for you put something inside this is where i used to put on my cup my [ __ ] jar for you the closer you get to the wind fish the more restless he sleeps like he's been he's been like the whole time he's been convincing you that he's like this cool guy and he's just like so you're gonna want to go to the thing and then you just dive into the volcano yeah or like it's all just something for him like yeah you'll want to go into the dungeon and there you'll find a pile of dead mice bring them up to the land you see i will bless them with my mouth where does he go i don't know away definitely not to find mice yeah he goes back to like his giant command center with like 30 monitors and he's looking at it he's at the gravestone oh man i wish there was a keyboard near me so i could have just done like that the color dungeon [ __ ] love it i love it too it was the extra dungeon for the dx version that was on the game boy color uh the game what color had color so i wanted to see if there's an extra heart in here it's like oh it's a new dungeon this is color you see the color it's great i think that's cool it is cool i mean they could have easily done it with just shapes well i did whatever okay that took me like eight hours on my own oh really yeah i was like oh neat this dungeon is delightful yeah it's it's pretty simple right like for like a mid game dungeon it's it's just very clean and yeah very like we're not going to give you too much trouble yeah you're here because you lost this one god dude you got to think about it what are you doing almost got it oh wait you oh oh oh yeah [Laughter] almost got it all right fine let's think about it okay that turns that it's every adjacent one switches uh-huh oh wait hold on do what you did before god damn it so much fun almost got it almost honey i'll be right i'll be right at the i'll be at the car in a second just just doing something i'm gonna be honest with you man i'm [ __ ] garbage at these let me try sure all right this one okay that one and then that radiates outward this changes those so that changes that oh that's red and that just swaps it though okay and then and then you got this and that swaps it okay you got it uh not really that's fine don't worry about it uh-huh oh oh hey that's different this is it nice you're a genius aaron bro i retained nothing i learned nothing i care not i don't have the nightmare key ah jeez you got oh what are you gonna do about that now i'll go to the place i haven't been to okay fine good plan [ __ ] you think you're so cool but as it turns out you may be as cool as you think oh cool at least he felt thanks dude oh great holy [ __ ] well that's just grief well that's just prime no that felt good step stop stop get out of the [ __ ] stop wow this is like the definition of brute forcing i know i know it's so frustrating well i love sturdy blue oh you do like the blue yeah i like defense are you sure you want the blue mail i am a blue man okay as you wish relax and close your eyes just like burning like ah this tail will have a happy ending oh god you got the blue mail take half as much damage i will now take you outside you love getting caught you love getting caught oh no my family my friends i'll miss you martha your family is dead what's this a letter for me oh [ __ ] i'm so happy [Music] i'm gonna pray and look the letter came with a photograph oh what wow is he getting catfished by a goat i think so oh well she's gorgeous well she also like goat printed it she's like here's my signature and it's just like puff like hoof and ink um she's so beautiful i must give you something for your trouble she was she was a cute goat that's what i'm saying yeah i mean whatever i mean this is not helping my status as dan's a furry but like she was a cute goat she was she's adorable she's got those cute little little cute little black dot eyes oh oh oh oh [ __ ] what was i gonna say god damn it i had a funny little quip bit that i was gonna go to and i just did it have to do with the fishing hooker no it was before we even started the episode oh crap [ __ ] i [ __ ] knew it i [ __ ] knew it i knew i should have just like gone straight into it but i didn't because i forgot what it was so good too is that what the show has become aaron us just being like oh man i was gonna say something funny you should have been there this one give it why am i under water oh cause i'm peeling one off of her lower abdomen jesus thank you all i have to offer is my skin oh my god i will happily take it if you pull off the scales you just deflate it's like flying not that one [Music] i'm back baby man you go all the way up there from martha's bay oh i got to get back to martha's the hell did you get up there i don't know man it it just kind of happened all right let's [ __ ] do this we're in kentucky oops i used a fairy dammit there's this little flash movie i don't i don't want to quote it because it's just it's a little too raunchy for today's standards but okay this old flash movie i used to [ __ ] love it's so funny it's mostly because the yoda voice sucked but the yoda voice i was just doing was like very much akin to that voice it just reminded me of it oh yeah okay good story yeah i can't tell you but i did two of those now on this episode oh i know god i wish i knew what i was it was ah i wanted to talk about it so badly and i was like i've considered tweeting it but you know it's like but i could talk about on the show and it would be like funnier because it would be more in context it wouldn't just be a tweet it would be me like ranting at about it but i don't even remember if i was gonna rant about it because i don't remember what it was what the [ __ ] are you talking about i don't know dude that's exactly the point [Laughter] so pissed off right now oh my gosh it's like the chad story but you finally did tell the chad story and everyone was like that was dumb it was more funny on a stream oops i told it on a stream and it was funny i think you could have pushed the blocks to block them ah that's pretty clever that's something i should have known oops guess you don't want to experiment or not really i guess you're right this is what i got the blue um armor for so i could just get my ass beaten no one will be any of the wiser so true but like yeah i guess the red red would can you change it can you go back to the ferry and be like i've changed my mind i don't know i never tried oh [ __ ] [ __ ] she's like you can't change your mind you already chose it i told you i gave you the choice and then i asked if you were sure and you did it you said it like whoa whoa okay okay i'll go just come in here and change when things are the smell just works you're like backing out of the room slowly like i'm sorry like what's wrong yes nothing's wrong you just really freaked me out i just need a minute okay listen i think honestly you're just mad at your dad and you're kind of taking it out on me no nobody thought nobody thought anything of me i remember i was having a conversation it's just one of those conversations you have when you're like playing smash bros or whatever i'm a millionaire i'm going to do this and then this and that you know and then i remember in that conversation she was like how are you going to become a millionaire who said that and i was like [ __ ] you who said that i don't want to say it's just a person oh just uh someone from your high school yeah how are you gonna become a millionaire yeah i was like it's [ __ ] rude because i'm not gonna date you unless you're definitely gonna be a millionaire anyway she's like a like a top-level doctor or some [ __ ] yes cool so joke's on me i guess wow rich successful and an [ __ ] yes please sign me up god i remember there was one kid i did that too i did i cup two spell eye cup he was like i see you pee and i was like he was like what the [ __ ] today like really or like that you know like the nine-year-old version right right right oh god i don't see you peeing things um all right now i can yes now i can do all the things it's gotta be like a modicum of light down there right because there's what is it called demi demi luminescence what is it i don't know when you pull adhesive apart um it creates bioluminescence no it's got another name [ __ ] it's got another name anyway did you know that no yeah all when you pull tape apart yeah i believe all adhesive if when you pull it apart it creates a glow boy isn't that wild this is the first time hearing of any of this i gotta show i wonder if there's anything here i can show you it but what's the tape for instance well i don't have any tape oh dude i am gripping and ripping all over this level now you are and you should like go off king [Laughter] it's so dumb okay maybe you have a key there's a door you can open where look at that there's two i see it i see it just dude how do i you don't want the nightmare key one you want the other one the one that one that one yeah i see it aaron stop pointing boy you were doing that thing do you remember when we talked about the the game grumps uh walk through help that we'd give where someone it's just us pointing and being like this way join the the game grumps game help hotline so i'm stuck in this zelda page all right go to it all right i'm in this part i can't see what you're doing with your finger yeah you get the blue male doesn't even [ __ ] matter at this point i know it's the best what are we doing no no not that one not that one oh my god dude i mean i guess there's probably another key around here of course there's another key you've got to open all those doors eventually i know but you had a key already that you could open this door with but you don't have it anymore fool maybe it'll be behind the door you're a smarty pants you are no left left go left bridge you got the nightmare key nightmare [Music] [Music] here we go boom jams forever those chiefs want to jump up at you they sure do but they can't have me they want to eat your butthole well take a number that's so stupid and yet so funny to me excellent yeah good for you now you got two oh yeah i got a heart container look at that there's another monster face i saw it yeah a vibraphone dude it's a xylophone oh it's a marimba you're both wrong but i said mine with less authority you're like um takes off glasses slowly [Laughter] [Music] now that's comedy i don't care who you are that's funny oh my god all right oh i can finally kill these things what you can oh wow that's new and you gonna do that or not and kind of thought that was gonna be it have you ever seen the walking dead yes i enjoyed it did you stop after season one i definitely stopped at a certain point have you ever seen breaking bad aaron stop do what are you doing what i'm just curious about the things that you've seen yes breaking bad is one of my all-time favorite shows okay yeah that's great have you ever seen frasier aaron yeah did you like read a book on how to start conversations and now you're trying to apply it but it's not coming out right so i had something funny happen to me today oh my god what is happening what is up did you actually have something funny happen to you or just are you no i'm just trying to make conversation oh my god i'm trying to i'm trying to say things because all i can think about right now is how i forgot about the thing that i was gonna say aaron that was two episodes i know it was and it's still driving me mad gotta let it go i wanted so badly to talk about this thing and it's gone it was clever and it was fun and i'm really like in my mind i'm like this was the greatest thing ever but it was just kind of like oh this one feels 30 seconds like i'm sure what did you get from that treasure chest um some scub like uh what a scum i got it's like the stuff that uh crazy tracy puts on you where you um if you die you'll come back to life what yeah man what's the problem what the [ __ ] it's it's scub i don't know what to say oh [ __ ] i i love this guy he throws his ball at you he's like you're gonna get it and then then he's gonna run after it all frantically go god and then if you get it he's like oh [ __ ] you are you got it again oops oh this is killing me i love this guy this is killing me this is this has been a delightful play-through ow just [ __ ] stop oh my god i remembered what i wanted to talk about you did yeah what was it it's not as exciting oh it's not of course it's not it's really so this is like the chad story all over again holy [ __ ] just say it before you forget it all right all right all right now it's been built up it would have been so fun to just have like a casual conversation about this but now that it's like it's like dude this is gonna be the funniest thing ever all right you know how you know how apps when you like plug them into your car or whatever this is gonna suck it's like spotify too you know and then and then they change the like car mode or whatever and they make the buttons all big that [ __ ] is more confusing to me because i'm not used to that one i'm used to the regular spotify thing the interface because i know it i've you've been using it so like i can use it in a car because i know where everything is it's like muscle memory but then when they change it it's like well now i gotta learn this whole thing while i'm driving i can't believe that's what the thing was that was the thing that you were like this is going to change the face of i told you i was building it up in my head because i couldn't remember what it was i mean it's just really exciting to like have something to talk about for once it's a fine observation but my god aaron all right well you can't i i literally said when i was when i was talking it up that i'm talking it up and it's nothing you're right you did i always i just have to kill everything because sometimes it gives you stuff when you're oh there it is god dude i did bro i told you whoops you're amazing dude you're the one who is amazing what did you get oh my god give me a break dude what the [ __ ] gives frogs fat ass oh my god [ __ ] now you gotta [ __ ] do the thing where you throw the thing get the thing gotta throw the thing get the thing gotta go and throw the thing now i got the thing with the pots where am i okay now i got the thing where the pots hot spots now i got that thing with the pants just never got the thing with the purse pepper pots i don't know aaron you're the one who wanted me to go this way you could still go up how exactly there's a staircase up there yes and how how would you like me to get there you [ __ ] hit the thing and then go up no you're dead to me they go down dude impossible it doesn't make any sense what you're saying how did you get the treasure chest then i couldn't tell you look at that it's nothing oh it's nothing yeah more like a secret seashell but yeah it's nothing let's just [ __ ] about secret seashells look that was exactly what you wanted it was the path that didn't lead to advancing so you went down the bonus path that got you the stuff and now you're going down the real path that's 100 completion baby you know for a fact if it had been the other way around you would have been like bro that other way would have been a waste your [ __ ] time this is the way all the [ __ ] is you need [Laughter] i know my errands no because i would have been looking at the map i do that all the time in this game when i look at the map and there's a treasure chest and you have the nightmare key and you're just like i'll just go for it i'm like oh but there's thing but i guess it doesn't matter [Laughter] if i argue all sides then no one can say no because i didn't want to make a fuss about it because then it would make a fuss and yeah a whole bit and i would lose my friend definitely doesn't sound fuss like lose my show and i would be out on the streets begging for cash lose your show yeah do you really think i would ruin one of the greatest friendships of my life who oh my god you are really testing me you're like god giving me a test to test my strength and my faith strength now can it open what the [ __ ] i don't understand what the [ __ ] what about the what about the house tell me to open a treasure chest use the pot uh oh you gotta smash it with a pot oh my god dude oh my god good thing we checked with that owl dude that was it that was literally oh my god i'm screaming see that's not even where you want to be maybe it is what a waste of your time maybe it is where i want to be but it's not but it is though is it no [Laughter] no it's too low you would have gone through all that stuff with the crystal and then got it and come back and you've been like [ __ ] yeah but yeah yeah absolutely i mean i took a capture that's okay man you know what treasure forever yeah [Music] are you really [ __ ] serious did that happen dude was that real i think it was real otherwise you wouldn't be laughing so much i'm worried about you [Laughter] if the wind fish wakes up everything on this island will be gone forever and then you're gonna feel like a big old dick and i do beat everything i mean all you're hearing about this is that it's gonna be terrible if the wind fish wakes up yeah but those are that's according to the nightmares but the ones who have infiltrated the dream and are being jerks the dream what are you talking about the the windfish is dream that's what they're saying they're saying like we're all inside the windfish's dream and if you wake up the windfish everything will be gone he just said that but it was what we've been avoiding saying that this whole time yeah but they just said it now no but they didn't say it that clearly yes he did oh he didn't say wake up the wind fish yes he did well he didn't say it was a dream though what do you think wake up means i don't know that's he didn't say it was a dream though i mean maybe that means he wakes up and he's like bro he like blows everything up with his blazers or something mountain that's what i thought when i first played it something calls you didn't think that from the mountains you played this the first time and you heard him say that and you were like oh it's all just a dream yeah what else would it be because i don't know he's the wind fish she could [ __ ] fart and it poisons everyone i don't know i think it's a she i think the wind fish is female did i ever say he you just did like a second ago damn it are you messing with my head right now the island many the wood fish is about to awaken what are you so worked up about man [Laughter] martha's bay sure no the prairie is first what what do you mean because i gotta go through the town to get to the shores i don't i do no you could have gone there for martha's pay pretty sure you did it before really how i don't know that that there's one left you just went left you were at the ghost house that's from you got there from the shores right i can't recall this will take one second one two man you are like the only thing you hate more than playing the games is not playing the game it's right [ __ ] here but look how awesome the rang is like [ __ ] y'all [ __ ] y'all oh my god what the [ __ ] dude the the boomerang is super powerful in this game dude the boomerang's never been that good i don't know why i probably [ __ ] knock this monkey off now ooh you could probably pegasus boots into there and knock them off oh i wish i should try that monkey just goes flying does he no i wish hmm yeah oh my gosh oh yeah awesome i wonder where he went i don't know [ __ ] him exactly yeah see that's the mindset that you and me are friends for that's what we need in our lives oh you want to do the rapids why did i remind you of that sweet let's do some rapids damn it it'll be fun okay oh my god you're getting rupees like a mo i'm a pho no it's just a regular mo oh oops oops oops look at all that loot that you missed don't you feel bad about it no i'm all right i feel bad about it look at that this is [ __ ] yeah oh th these these guys are perfect examples of why the boomerang is good nevermind all right i was thinking of the electrocution guys what is this australia oh dude oh no oh well [ __ ] oh dude your path is not easy but you are almost there go east the wind fish is getting restless wake up you [ __ ] [Laughter] i think it's the outside one [Music] there you go [Laughter] go this way like this look out there's a jelly bean after you like what ah great you did it oh whoa it's all covered in algae hell yeah holy [ __ ] man do something specs at it yeah and it opens like damn all right damp you shack bring me any weird stones cool all right bring me any weird stones you're fine it's here yeah i could polish them up for you you could bring them to a pine shop excuse me sell them for a million billion dollars millions you give me 10 10 wow a million billion huh that's how much my stones are worse i don't like to brag but no name is reagan's stone worth nothing polish it up a million million dollars how do you think i was able to afford to shock yeah i guess if you want to go cheap you could get it for a thousand i know not how to do this ooh that's a shazbot of a situation right there that is a spot i think you have to kill those boys and a treasure chest will appear and then you can hook shot into it really but then yeah right how would i kill them you're gonna go over there first [Laughter] there was the eagle statues at the beginning i was trying to ignore them for the sake of my bit yeah there were actually but like i don't know it a four eagles right there listen he like walked two feet in here looks like as soon as the sunlight like stops touching the inside you you're looking at eagles okay and there's a big eagle over the [ __ ] that's not an eagle really that's some kind of bird i think you [ __ ] up i think i did oh yeah you [ __ ] up yeah resetted the ball oh fiddle battle all right why'd you leave anyway uh just to make a jape i didn't i didn't mean to leave i just was walking near the sunlight to make a hilarious jape whoops that's what happens with goose and gaffes dude they seem so innocent from a distance of goofs and gaffes required reading and third groups the story of gorge and memmi you are in his dream well [ __ ] that's not good well then i don't feel bad about killing you because you're just a dream yeah how's that feel victor oh [ __ ] oh take me to you cuckoo prairie hello hi it's all right the head of the turtle is in your way it will take some miralax and it'll come right out there's something very imposing about them but also like very yeah just whatever yeah i agree [ __ ] stop back oops hold on i think i can get him with the with the rang oh oh nice oh no he's tiny two little guys tiny two little guys yeah that's the worst mob boss name i've ever heard a tiny toodle guys where oh yeah look at that i didn't see that one at all good job aaron yeah man well i'm always looking out for you how come you see the ones that are like practically invisible and i see the ones that are like right in the middle of day maybe we have different levels of color blindness that's not it's just black and the other color see i need two days because i need the first day to be like this week ah and just like scream into a pillow for 24 hours and then after that sunday i can be like all right well you know i guess i could rest today and then on monday i'm like i'm sort of relaxed but since i worked on saturday then on sunday i was like this week and then monday i was like it's a new week ah so i guess it was a little different for me because i was just so excited to hang out with my friend for the first time in a long time that uh i didn't even think about it well this is all new for you you can come to the office and you're like wow that was amazing but for me i've been doing this the whole time this is just the same for me except now you're here that's kind of what i was thinking and i was like should i say that out loud [Laughter] listen i've heard a million ufo stories i have my own ufo story you do yeah of course did we talk about it i told you about it i don't know it doesn't sound familiar i okay well were you abducted and or probed no i wish you kidding me of course daddy listen yeah i lived in palmdale um for a hot minute mm-hmm a little under a year that was when we met mm-hmm and uh you know palmdale is uh just south of what is it edwards air force base i think anyway it's some air force base i don't know if it's edwards or not but it's an air force base just north of palmdale right okay so we're driving up we go to la all the time we're driving out from l.a palmdale's south uh north of la so we're driving up and it's like 2 a.m and we're just about to enter palmdale and then we're behind this flatbed truck that's being escorted by four army convoy that's being escorted by six police officers whoa um and on the flatbed truck uncovered no [ __ ] tarp is a straight-up saucer like i'm talking like saucer with dome top and i was like okay and i tried to get pictures of it but all i had was like a shitty sidekick because this was like a fart a long time ago so none of them came out okay it was all just blackness um but they were just they were just beelining it straight to the air force base just running through red lights and uh we were stuck behind it for like a good five minutes because they were going really slow because it was you know they were escorting a [ __ ] ufo right um but that's my story that's insane yeah i really don't feel like you've ever told me that before really how could how could that be well i don't know i mean did you ever ask yeah i guess that was on me i suppose it's my fault please please get him dude let me kill you oh dude nice that's like a kiss on the butt right there so that to me that that just sounds like a really terrible like 70s uh singer songwriter album like you'd be sitting there with an acoustic guitar and like in front of a fireplace and it would just be like aaron hanson the kiss on the butt kiss kiss who wants on the butt [Music] like two minutes into the first song [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm making triangles this looks like it this looks like it oh boy are you excited mount tamarranch all right um let's just throw in the well okay look oh i like that it's marin's song you're in love with her or well she's in love with you yeah she's in love with you you you kind of like i don't know if you're real or not yeah i can't be in love with a ghost ghost to me well this is adorable who's playing them though you are no you're not you're playing an ocarina correct look at the [ __ ] the xylophone badookadookazoo aren't even moving it's it's um they could have animated them moving it's like in beauty and the beast when all the instruments come to life they could have shown the little bumps and like the keys getting depressed and and the it's like aladdin where the teacup sings and they go to treasure this planet damn is this going to play forever yes [Laughter] yes thank you that's a big egg it's a big hunk of egg oh oh just two feet come out and you have to fight it yeah oh come on to my goo uh um to my egg goo should i do i wanna at last you've reached the goo can you imagine this [ __ ] coming out of me what that was no that was one crazy wednesday i just i don't like when his arms are like slightly off oh didn't like that did you [Music] yeah i think we did it eric turn off the microwave yeah that's it awesome oh that's it yeah yeah squackle you have oh that's you you're the owl oh squako you have beaten the nightmares climb the stairs before you i'd rather stay inside the fish brain okay fine i don't care your choice hold me stay alive as long as you're down there i like the brain of the fish it's gooey and it's cosmic oh look at that i love that oh wow this feels very end of gamey doesn't it yeah definitely especially in a super nintendo game this was how i feel a lot of super nintendo games ended well you're in space now hey honey thanks for waking me i'm the wind fish long has been my slumber like just like a real southern belle in my dreams an egg appeared it was surrounded by an island with people animals an entire world i hated it but verily it'd be the nature dreams to end [ __ ] when i just awaken colon will be gone only the memory of this dreamland will exist in the waking world and then you can have the rugs that lie upon my head yeah weird right how'd these gems get someday thou may recall this island that memory makes the dream world real except for your girlfriend marin she's dead i can't play any of these hmm [Music] oh no they're all like oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] not the children no all they ever did was play catch all life wasted i guess the octo rocks can go bye do you see a little spike he got like oh [ __ ] yeah i got a mushroom oh no i don't exist i've got a whole life going on no not marin and her fox friend oh yeah that's actually kind of sad she was very nice oh geez yeah don't show a thanos thing away yeah this [ __ ] didn't happen holmes oh i thought the egg was just gonna fall into the ocean and then crack and a yolk pours out a big oil spill so what was he inside the wooden fish yes yes and he just got blown out of the spout that's more or less what happened anime and now we're back to anime reality you've been unconscious in the water this entire time geez your feet are disgusting well really no not yours i mean lynx from being like all puffy and oh my hands are all pruney oh oh that is is that it that's very animated okay oh he's like man that was way better than this i should just stay to sleep finally found love and well is that oh it's maron's song oh beautiful oh i'm getting the chills man wait so where oh is that the wind fish you better believe it it's god's nut sack [Music] oh god thanks for waking me [ __ ] yes [Music] yeah i'm sure it'll work out for him oh sure yeah yeah you think you could give me a ride since you could fly and swim since you're a fish no that's cool i guess i'll just drift wait seriously that's okay it's just a drift in the ocean [Music] he's all happy about it [ __ ] applause though because this game is fantastic that's adorable yup hey everybody hello and welcome we have returned as promised to uh mario maker two um who knows this could be the level or the episode that aaron beats uh this final level spoiler alert does it say finale yeah i do it probably doesn't i don't want to do that oh god oh god okay back we go did you learn a lot i certainly didn't retain anything from months ago okay so that's good and fine was it months ago that we played this yeah i guess so i guess it must have been that's right because we were talking about japanese diaper cafes don't you remember oh we heard himself wow that was cool what a dumb ass yeah the the guy comes into like a real estate agent agency diaper and they're just like one floor up [Laughter] okay here this is this is just like impossible i remember this this is just simply impossible you can do it oh you just have to survive oh easier said than done dude truth yeah this is on on unimaginably brutal even for ross [ __ ] god damn it i hate this i i truly hate this i was like all smiles at the beginning you were you were you were in a good mood because we just did the kingdom hearts episode and like that was we were giggling and having a good time because kingdom hearts appears to be i've never played it but it appears to be the exact opposite to this as far as stress goes oh it's just whimsy yeah yeah pure whims you just you just swing around a key oh oh i was like where is he going with this oh aaron you got us like in my head i'm like don't let the thing hit you you know well you know what why don't you do it here you do it no no no no go ahead go ahead no no go ahead no you're it's yours all right just just just make it happen for yourself oh my god i hope i do it on this first one how [ __ ] awesome would that be how do i spin jump uh the right bumper okay and if you do it while you're in the middle of a regular jump you'll just do that little blip spin okay oh god sorry i [ __ ] stink dude will he not come out if i'm okay i i honestly i'm happy i'm happy i'm happy for you i'm happy for you through this yeah and i'm [ __ ] stoked as hell because i don't even care at this point i just wanted to be done yeah what's going on down there he's stuck is he yeah is he going to kill me no he's going to boop oh good job you didn't get hit once okay here you go no no you keep going oh all right you you're on a stride right now boy you are you just want me to fail i don't actually if you beat this i i will be please this punch i'll never hear the end of it but we'll be done with it oh that's right that's i got a twist okay oops oops oops okay that is very difficult can't lie that's a tricky one that's a tricky dicky god i should have just retired undefeated after the first level yeah all the single ladies love it dude oh come on oh come on he's like you should have put a ring on it if you liked it i didn't like it oh i stink i want to go home i hurt my soul hurts my heart hurts you will go home i know you're definitely going to get home we can all go these are the moments where i like flash forward to like the end of my life and i'm like man where am i going to be when i die on camera like i'm serious that's actually a thought that i have when i play stuff like this like it gets existential to the i seriously i get so angry and frustrated i'm just like this is my life right now and someday oh my god yeah just be careful my buddy um uh used to use bitcoin way back in the day to buy world of warcraft stuff and um he he sold i think he had 1500 or yeah something like that 300 coins yeah 1500 coins and he sold them for like 14 dollars a few years ago and he thought he made a killing now they'd be worth 80 million dollars he was like so that's fun to think about wow yeah but whatever that's incredible can't buy happiness no no i mean unless you have a lot of money yeah yeah i mean that goes without saying unless you're rich i mean yeah then of course you could buy happiness do you see jeff bezos yacht that needs a smaller yacht to tug it maybe we should look online and see if anywhere i did and it's just like you can't even like get anything it has to be like muscle memory oh man because i was watching and i was like that looks impossible even watching it was impossible oh good but was the person just killing it did they fly right yeah that pet was killing it okay oh it was madpad of course god yep yep do you ever look at matpat and think boy it's like if god made me but was like now let me make improvements in every section just make him handsome and talented yeah yeah smarter yep yep yep more successful that sounds about right we're generous just all the things yeah [ __ ] [Laughter] of matpat he comes out right when the [ __ ] googly goo is there and they're googling you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i had a good thing going there and then it stopped and now it's not good it's all bad it's bad like my life it's bad like everything that happens to me god i don't want to be part of this world anymore i won't even part of this internet anymore why do i do this the hell's the point oh spike ball spike ball to my face can't even get out of the way i was inside him the whole time that's hot it wasn't back it was not oh there it is there it is oh that was my window that was my [ __ ] window god dammits i actually almost just passed out i saw that i saw the head going home hello everybody welcome back yes welcome look at bugs he's like who loves you baby dude he's about to smoke that [Laughter] i don't think smoking carrots means what you think it means aaron oh well it's fine you got to come from the streets if you want to learn that kind of lingo all right we're playing bugs buddy's birthday blowout for the second time yes yes we are we already played a little bit of it but then everything broke so we have to do it again right and you've heard me rant about the everything breaking on this show that's super easy and nothing should break the only thing i break are codes sorry as members of your fan club it is our pleasure to request your presence as the honored guest at the spectacular bugs bunny birthday blowout [Music] are very unhappy about this is wiley coyote really is pal i guess they're all pals i don't know i imagine they're like cast members of a show oh i say you know and like what we see is the it's like what people see of game grumps like it's a show they don't really get to see like us like palin out which we never do yeah what is this 2014 please we have not looked at each other nobody has ever we're doing this between like a piece of glass yeah yeah well like but like very tinted yes i always thought it was just like a fireball like a flaming ball of fire it's got a face i think yeah that's a that's it oh it's like a seahorse i think it is a seahorse yeah what the hell yeah did that just blow your mind a little bit your child-like mind your feeble cannot comprehend adult stuff mind what are those mailboxes with feet yeah i think they're mallets and is that a can they're like mallet people because i have a mallet right and why wouldn't they have them for heads love it get out of here oh dude daffy duck your first boss fight and it's over in order to research writing watership down he apparently read this book called the secret life of rabbits and uh it's all about um the the the scientific study of how they uh how they're always doing crime yes it's just like the secret life of rabbits i just think like oh wow what are they doing behind the scenes mostly eating [Laughter] like a diet beer i don't understand the difference between it to be honest with you okay i don't know what the difference is between a roguelike and a roguelite [Music] it doesn't matter it's all words they're all just video games in the end trying to get from point a to point b concentrate on what point other points try to stop you yes oh thank god yeah man when you can when you have a crowd source of like a million people it's like yeah i'm sure one of them is going to know something well i mean i i also want to give them more credit than that i think it's a an unusually learned group yes oh yeah i mean my fans are [ __ ] geniuses like i said after all they've been liking my fart jokes for five years that's what i'm saying you know what it just made the game feel a little different when i had that little ceiling here because it was like oh there's a ceiling but there really wasn't it was just a glitch i see what you're saying like i said it sounds stupid it doesn't sound stupid i just had trouble following wow that look that was stupid well i didn't know how far it went of course i thought it would enable me to jump easily but it didn't okay and i paid the price for it god has already judged me so you don't need to [Laughter] i judge aaron so you don't have to i just finally purchased that shirt that i saw at a concert once and always loved that said i shaved my balls for this i like every like once a year i would think about it and laugh and then i was like wait a minute i have the internet i can just order that yeah so when we bring power hour back you better believe man by that logic i need to get that shirt that's like in the doom font it just says [ __ ] yes please that one [ __ ] kills me every time i see it so stupid someone on the internet who didn't didn't know how to pronounce shrimp scampi and it was i tried this new food i think it was called shrimps camping [Laughter] so someone made a little a little picture of like shrimps like making s'mores around a fire shrimps camping so that's my new favorite all right you [ __ ] frog yeah yeah try to take no frog damage yes there you go that's the way if you land on them and smash them against the wall they go they go ape [ __ ] yeah i know how to kill frogs i would never kill a frog i held a frog the other day that's different oh about the [ __ ] [ __ ] my peers about to [ __ ] my pants how about the [ __ ] pants i was thinking of never mind what do you think is weirder what of the rabbit related games we've played recently yeah is it bugs bunny trying to hit ghosts that look like dennis the menace with a hammer or is it super bunny man where you and i are two grown men in rabbit pajamas who look like they're blowing each other as they tumble over and over across a tundra um that one the second one yeah cause like nes games are like allowed to be weird i guess you're right it was part of their charm right it's oh thank god yeah this was a long one there's oh pepe le pew yeah he shoots his poo at you that's not poo well all right just lingering like a stale pepe le pew fart sorry pepe well there's three there's three famous rabbit games right mm-hmm never mind what's the third famous rabbit game i just i don't want to talk about it okay good god man it's so weird and random and cocked easy yeah it's fine okay no problem it's it's it's it's bugs bunny's birthday blowout all right number one yeah um what is happening right now it's nothing it's nothing okay don't worry about it i'm i'm just trying to create art right now okay all right god sounds good you might actually have a hundred bugs bunnies by the end of this game oh god dude you got to do that another time yep at least once more oh what i don't want to do this though well you're racking up those bugs bunny lives and that's really what matters oh man all right go on yeah the third that okay so there's bugs bunny's birthday blowing uh-huh there's a super bunny man okay never mind oh my god aaron what are you doing you're grinding this play through to a haul no i'm not oh this this stage is weird all right it's it's bugs bunny's birthday vlog it's f it's [ __ ] uh super bunny super money man and it's this game for the amiga called get licking get lincoln get licking these nuts yeah get licking that nose good looking [Laughter] [Music] holy crap i love hanging out with you yeah well i love hanging out with you you you indulge me it's so much fun i can't believe we've played [ __ ] we're three episodes of bugs buddy play 200 years it's two episodes still really no i think i think it's three at this point nope we had to have started the third no cause you were gone for like eight minutes eight minutes yeah so then we'd just be starting it now right uh no yeah in like a minute oh my third episode oh my god i mean this is going to be our best performing series by far of course it will three episodes of a bugs bunny related game from 1986. all the kids are gonna be like yes please well it's been a while since i don't know i was into it too you went to the wall and you were like let's just play a random game and i was like oh that's fun i mean this wasn't what it was it was because i mentioned it yeah i do dude are you kidding i love this it's like a throwback to to how to how it used to be i know i missed playing video games remember when we used to do that remember when we were just two guys on a couch playing video games and now we're two guys on a couch playing video games no it is truly different we're two guys in two chairs playing videos oh yeah that's true actually yeah we found out the couch was a little too uncomfortable for our backs we're actually like it's it's we always kind of crack up when people say that like you guys have changed we're actually like one of the least changed like shows that have been around for almost a decade on youtube in fact and a lot of other youtubers have criticized yeah yeah that changed that would actually be the criticism that were stale as [ __ ] the same [ __ ] over it meanwhile [ __ ] markiplier's like reinvented himself 17 times he's incredible jacksepticeye he's basically curing diseases over at his channel but yeah it's fine like we're having fun oh god i gotta say man now that we've gone down this rabbit hole rabbit hole huh uh of playing bugs bunny for what will be an hour and a half a full-length feature film's worth of bugs bunny's birthday blowout yeah i am emotionally invested in this well dude yeah i really want him to get to his birthday party well you know you're gonna be surprised cause there's a twist ending he's been dead the whole time it's his death day party oh my god oh by the way yeah i um i was hanging out with my buddy joe and uh the the band pod came up and he actually said what it stood for i wish i could never remember puddle of dust well i told him that you said it stood for puddle of dud and i just wanted he wanted me to let you know how brilliant he thought that was he laughed for five minutes straight bro that is so funny hot dude but i mean i get it i laughed hard too it's cause you can picture it with the two d's at the end oh here it is oh yeah it's he is wearing a football helmet he's gonna throw footballs at me oh god how will you dodge that gotti i stand wildly corrected how's that man beat it aaron that's it way to freaking oh my god yes finally bugs arrives at his party he's like oh [ __ ] man you [ __ ] ready for this yes i don't know if you're ready for this this is some sick sense [ __ ] right now okay okay he enters he farts yeah he's greeted with thunderous cheers and applause from all his loving friends boom baby bugs for surprise he finds all of his looney tunes pals there who had just moments ago been playing some very funny tricks sending their cyborg versions after him wait and bugs why is he well because he's there with him oh i'm sorry i thought that was like from his perspective what he's seeing and we're like um yeah it's like my friends are here we got tears elmer fudd who the [ __ ] i'm you bugs i built you in my image what they all shout joyously i just love the idea of like all his friends are there they've been playing they're all like we've been playing tricks on you and he's just like i almost died yeah hey you know what aaron i really enjoyed this playthrough i'm sure it will be one of our worst feud of all time but like i i really i really had fun it was great yeah hopefully it's a sleeper hit like jackal jackal's not a sleeper hit what are you talking about it's just a sleeper [Laughter] hi who wants to be a billionaire yeah who uh among you leave in the comments who you want to be a millionaire you i want to unlock mango yeah well i want to like all of these all right what the [ __ ] we've got work to do yeah seriously all right and i just studied up on harry potter what about arts and literacy literature arts and literacy i'll do that well [ __ ] it right okay sure i know it yeah so does everyone in the world there shut up okay you're a liar look at the people scratching their head in the back what's going on with that well they don't know how to raise the roofs it's just like oh my gosh it's [ __ ] itchy in here it's like a flea outbreak just people slowly having a life epidemic like qua like this new question shouldn't give you a heart you hear like what the hell and then like it's like a whole subplot going on yeah gradually it like raises his screams i locked in yeah boy well done sir i knew jeong room free [Laughter] all right dude jesus yeah good job well why would she want to stop the music then you wouldn't be listening on your ipod well you can't stop the beat either [Music] that's part of the music with the guy just staring into space yeah yeah i know like the dramatic music and he's just like the i guess you can't stop the beat uh all right um what oh [ __ ] i was thinking of louis armstrong oops i was thinking of somebody in a jazz band [Music] oh yeah because of altitude ah yes well then we're very smart they have my son [Laughter] god i know it's so drag it out okay sweet damn it now you've got the bonus x2 yeah kill me oh that's too bad oh we got a thousand though that means we can unlock it one more again so that means if we actually clear it and get to the top it's like a bazillion dollars yeah all right let's cheat a little okay why because i want to unlock the things i believe it was the pocket watch right yes no no aaron aaron no oh oh ah yeah that's why he gave you a final answer i know you are waiting that's my final answer okay okay oh it was the alarm clock no [ __ ] we have zero neurons come on what the [ __ ] god i wow i had that backwards in my head i just wanted star wars we're going again oh great google it wait i can pause it google it oh my god i just want the points all right i don't care about it okay all right uh do botticelli i guess come on come on come on come on come on come on yeah yeah 32 000 that means we're gonna unlock star wars yeah guaranteed cash prize 32 thousand how many point neurons oh my god next time on game grubs did you know did you know did you know did you know did you know new york city my favorite place [Music] wow aaron what we've seen the devil inside yeah oh dude four more for a flawless run for you oh my god this is amazing yes you're doing very well i'm feeling pretty good right now and are not alike the proof with this [Laughter] come on give it to me oh sunk of a [ __ ] i lost my boners yeah but you've got half a million dollars but it's not as good as a not a mil it's not as good as the game is right you are unfortunately oh my god it all ends here for you charging laser looks like the power of the sun all right good games damn yeah you too aaron that was super fun so aaron has to uh pick up boxes from the side avoid the the tiny noids and uh who will uh smash his boxes like that and thereby uh reduce the amount of time he has to show the picture and aaron has to figure out what the picture is in the allotted time it's sale okay well you know what how about a little [ __ ] hello look it's clearly sale about a little excitement in our lives well i'm excited about it i got it right why wouldn't i be excited this is big meow okay they're they're synced up pretty much damn it and now they're perfectly out of sync no there's no empty spot oh all right that's fine that looks like they might be synced up now kind of damn it come on dammit stupid green blobs he's going he's going crazy with the keys it really is it really is a matter of whether you get like those four central things knocked out because that's where the image is [Laughter] staying over here that man can die i have chosen the death of that man does that does that make me a murderer yep big swinging dick you are you had two and you couldn't even make it wow aaron you are oh man i'm not gonna let you get to me i'm not going to let you bully me i'm not bullying you it's just it's it's it's a friendly banter or whatever except it's the kind of friendly banter that makes you feel shitty it makes me feel great you know like boy dude we got it at exactly the same time but can you finish it in time oh better hurry [ __ ] man god just you're such a dude [Laughter] aaron [ __ ] you are such a sassy bacca cinderella not entirely sure what that means but i heard somebody say it on the internet and i was like okay [Laughter] how dare you how dare you enter my world yeah how dare you use terminology that is far beyond your generation's understanding stay out stay out of my wiebdome okay what could it be we wanted to go easy on you door door door then what is it oh my god i just lose my mind screaming um joe and mac boobies but yeah it's butt cheeks wow aaron great work man that's the fastest one we got have you ever farted on an elevator and then like a bunch of people get on and you're like today was like this it was like this when i got here we're all suffering together but you always like that when i got here yeah but you want to acknowledge it but you don't want to give away that you did it so you say something kind of neutral like pretty crazy right [Laughter] i feel like we're on the same page oh my god pretty crazy that's [ __ ] up [Laughter] i want to see the eevee just like squat and take a [ __ ] [ __ ] on like one of the really huge swirly shits that like lifted into the air as it twirls around and just thuds on the [ __ ] wood like randy marsh when he's like [Laughter] photos of pokemon in an ordinary state get fewer stars more unusual behavior means more stars okay so if that pikachu were shall we say raw dog in a log it would have been extra stars for you simple enough right and in fact if you do get that picture let me know but don't tell anyone else okay thanks yeah sure oh my god i forgot to tell you teleportation turns you inside out she'll be fine she'll have fun oh dude great shot you got it it was a panic photo but it looked amazing all right what are you doing very exciting gonna do it she's gonna do it are you gonna do it come on do it you know you had to do it to him floris come on she's gonna do it oh what the hell she didn't do it i don't know you got a picture of her jailing that leaf so yeah that was a little strange what do these people do to stay young if it's lotion i'm gonna be very angry of course it's lotion son of a [ __ ] face cream bro face cream more than love who the [ __ ] is answering these surveys hey zero's working on his weight man jesus zero's gonna look like one in no time [Laughter] come over here family come on we're all related yeah but we're a long enough timeline [Music] cut the camera b camera b please we're basically all a big family if you believe in the bible then adam and eve i mean they had to bang right we're all cut we all must be inbred wow weird right that's what they say that's what they think [Music] [Laughter] oh welcome back to game grumps hello uh um uh welcome we're gonna we're gonna do a little rematch yeah yeah because this was fun [Music] i just didn't think the episode was happening at that moment the bedroom [Laughter] my [ __ ] we're so close to completion uh lucky please don't say that independence day what [Music] i don't know about that oh july 4th yeah i guess one of our families halloween is so much more commercial than that what products do you buy on independence day fireworks and that's it yeah and it's like illegal in most states yeah i don't know halloween isn't illegal i don't know dude take it up with 13 people yeah [Laughter] people you'd be surprised all right oh man fun times man all right happy birthday hey congratulations happy birthday i just felt like saying oh my god for like the for like the hundred people that watch this whose birthday is today they're like they're gonna be like what the [ __ ] yeah the category oh great answer this tennis term is equivalent to zero ah do you not know you do know what is love baby don't hurt me answer the topping scene here is a combination of beef and there's meat okay god damn it uh uh yeah exactly exactly no [ __ ] wow is your name sherlock i'm killing the pizza game answer the pizza scene here is topped with this food stuff in two forms sliced and as an oil come on dude jesus christ i'm like right there i feel like i'm shaking oh my god i am a pizza god for the style of pizza scene here head to the giordanos in this city come on so easy you [ __ ] holy [ __ ] so [ __ ] funny it's agony i know final pizza answer legend says the type of pizza scene here got its name from a woman who noted its colors match those of the country's flag [ __ ] and i got excited because you went yes right yes i only second guess it because it's like [ __ ] yeah i crushed it it's the obvious answer didn't i crush it i know alabama more than any british royalty answer students at the alabama institute for the deaf and blind know this woman is on their state quarter i would assume uh a crab railed rotated oreo rotated scrotum [Laughter] wow all right it's hard to concentrate what's the third was it shrooms it's oven roasted scrotum it totally fits doesn't it oh we're actually playing now yeah now now and now it's now we're playing the future look at you you go first okay let's let's spin baby hey you know what's weird you know what i find weird you say now we're playing the feud at every other game but family feud oh i know kill me that can't be his natural hair color what do you mean please you've got to be [ __ ] kidding right [ __ ] i started wow that's two that's two that's amazing three is when i start tossing stuff around the room how the hell does that happen all right here we go um i'm getting nervous this is this is pretty this is pretty impressive starting to freak out a little okay no we're in the safe zone noodle oh um um unfortunately [ __ ] all right how do what do you mean how what is it what is it hospice i need hold on i need to get uh oh please god no two bankrupts [ __ ] kill me baby with a bunch of y's that's correct show me tinning with binning baby it's not even the right game show flip it dude you've had great luck with bankrupt lately okay let's flip it awesome [Laughter] do you need that um do you need that anything i can bash my head in with that's near we'll get another one i guess it's important that you are able to let out your emotions j we have one j i'd like to solve the puzzle is it jack it off i gotta this is this is there's a lot of bankrupts happening i think we might have been cursed by a witch or something maybe that's part of what like when you choose hard ai oh like you just get shitty rolls there's only four bankrupts and one of them two of them are not even full size i know they some g's thank you music to my freaking ears [Music] walking and dog [Laughter] you weren't doing any gambling with that but i think you'll get time to do that soon are you ready it'll be great if he just started doing that as he was presenting you're not big everyone's like um i don't know 22 000. that's pretty good okay time is limited what the hell sand wank food food bank oh aaron you're a genie we're a genie together we are one genius apart we are a ass but together we is a genius yeah all right baby come on thirty four thousand dollars in the non-existent bank you're gonna pump my [ __ ] nuts out seat breasts it's a seat breast it's a proper name aaron what do you what how can it be that well then what is it great question i don't know why more people don't play wheel of fortune or just like pat what is it why do you just [ __ ] tell why do we have to dance this dance oh god daddy needs cash needs a little 500. can you slip that into my backpacking and like send me off to get ice cream [Laughter] one more cause father is greedy father wants to spin the wheel maybe go to bankrupt it's gonna bite me in the ass of course oh my god hey man i like i had my choice i i can't be upset about that one unbelievable i don't know what is it what is this word fart i'm dying inside turning on the southern fart f-h-a-r-t yes what is that the the polite spelling oh my god oh my god well you've earned it turning on the southern charm aaron what the hell does that mean southern charm you've never heard of that oh whatever they're they're charming people uh nuts butts and cherries i'd like to solve please is it nuts butts and cherries show me nuts butts and cherries oh that's the cruelest of all of them it's unbelievable yeah four nick fournic it can't be anything nick aaron the ends are in the other world oh you always know things that's truly wheel of fortune no no no no god dude this is brutal i know check out the entertainment capital of the world check out the entertainment capital of the world completely shut down right now nobody can go you'll be staying at the beautiful deserted ramada inn accommodations will be slim to nil pancakes and pizzas will be shoved under the door during specific meal hours now we gotta really work together on this one because this is gonna be oh oh i have a chance at the million yes you do oh it's just on there somewhere yeah they replaced one of the cards with a million holy crap what happens when you get the million there it is there's the millions follow me just stand right here please take the shot oh a million dollars congratulations fondue pot oh good job aaron haha i do like cheese you clever boy i do like some cheese bravo did i get the million bravo oh [ __ ] off emma effing oh 34 000. i've played this game seven billion times both on game grumps and with susie and i've never ever ever gotten the million you fully leveled up though dog hey why do you think they call krispy kreme krispy kreme when it's not really that crispy it's more creamy than anything it's not even that creamy either it's just a donut don't they just call it donut you know what we'll write letters to them welcome to find yourself yeah is this a scary game are we playing a scary game right now dude do you think i would make you do that do you think i would put you in a scary game situation well the fact that it says haha probably a comedy rom-com see there it is there it is yeah every time i look at something something weird happens ooh what's this boxing glove it's a candy wrapper i don't know why there's a candy in there a boxing glove i don't know from a destined to look like a boxing glove shut up why are you judging me on all my things that i do it's just weird there's two very different things what is this toothbrush no it's a car whoa oh it's a prius middle mouse focus look what's over there if something jumps out what okay all right this isn't good as it turns out this is not good oh hello maybe i shouldn't talk that's super pt-ish talk on the phone maybe oh ah oh no that's not good at all wait did i lose yeah i think you lost what i don't know i'm oh i hate this immediately really i'm sorry yeah oh i mean part of me is not but of course no part of you is oh check it out it's buzz light beer buzz light beer yeah he's like to a long time and farther than that you know what i mean oh one of them died how tall are you wait how do you know that because it's along the years of when they got taller and that one just stopped at 1961. well maybe calvin moved out maybe he got a job calvin moved out at age seven yeah i'm i'm sick of living on the farm i'm over to the city [Laughter] all right what happens in that cartoon after that he shoots himself in the head [Laughter] i knew it was something drawing peter hi cars no it's peter four years aaron i swear to god i thought i said high cars i was like what the [ __ ] is high cars i don't know oh he flied away yes or maybe that's his dad i can now fly when i sleep never mind all right all right oh are you in there are you yeah i think you're in there with it oh whoa whoa lights are back on baby okay neat you like it oh oh oh come on man ah there it is there's the creature oh stop i can't move just great yeah you like it love it can't get enough creech oh creature's gone ugh at least the luggage is bad purse oh not good not good oh i think that's the child that can fly excuse me i think that's you dude i think that's your childhood that you're like i the child aaron please focus oh the door is open oh la dee da uh friend or foe she's louise hi friends okay all right that's fine [Laughter] stop laughing at me boar [ __ ] you man oh act two don't be afraid of the dark i'm extremely afraid i don't want to walk through here i don't like this at all no this is awful this is like that scene in silent hill which has to walk through the nurses it's horrible little teddy bears looks like someone's on a little journey did you say that excuse me what did you say everything sounds scary when it's said in that voice yeah no pickles are man [Laughter] all right well next time on game grumps god damn this game yeah we're going to keep it no yes of course oh it's a bad time eric oh you're having a great time hey welcome back everybody welcome back to dan hates this all right let's talk more rock let's just just dive into it so we could get to play curious george for xbox i have to think about my behavior but me only scarier here okay well if you want to think about your behavior perhaps you should also address your grammar oh rocking chair just kidding that's cheese uh look at this scary clown you did not [ __ ] tell me they were gonna be clowns i didn't know there was going to be clowns what do you think i would i would have said yes to a clown game that's too far i hate that clown that's a bridge way too far hi he's trapped though he can't get oh yeah no problem well man [ __ ] this [ __ ] sucks what are we doing oh what is that it's an automaton oh no it's a [ __ ] scary-ass clown i wanted one for christmas oh no no no no no no no need to look around no what this is fun this is awful stupid clown get away from me clown i don't think that you're funny at all this isn't the time for [ __ ] talking i'm gonna leave you a bad twitter comment on your scary clown twitter account stop get laughing dude [ __ ] time to leaves time to run and leave and hide and go and we're good man we're good we're so good everything's so good dude everything's fine man this clown doesn't even [ __ ] know what's going on anymore yeah dumbass clown okay oh all right uh what treasure's await uh uh what it says alert okay open her up oh okay all right good man this is just like [ __ ] jump scare the game well there's plenty of rope here yeah there's a rope how about this no not that rope that's not the good rope oh there's the good rope let me interact with you open door please open door [Music] oh i straight up hate this why why oh you're right i don't know it's been great what else can i find here i can't take much more of this why do people like this because it's it gives you a thrill man it's an adrenaline rush you know it's taken years off my life i get plenty of adrenaline rush from gardening when you like oh the begonias are coming in beautifully what a ride after i was abducted by a maniac in a clown costume my consciousness separated from reality and i began to plunge into the astral cool yeah sounds very sci-fi that's [ __ ] dope i wish i could plunge into the astral bro i'd be plunging every day i'd be like the plumber of astral plunging the [ __ ] out of that plane you know what i'm saying let me get that let me get at that astral [Laughter] to do this he needs to return to the dark land and defeat the black witch and he did then the sun shone a bright yellow light freeing every corner of the green earth from darkness okay there's also yellow spreading quickly through my pants [ __ ] he found salvation army i think he's saying he killed the woman he thought was his mother i don't think so uh oh what oh it's mephisto what what's that happening he's the devil or whatever was that me and the d was that it whoa spooky scary oh that really gave me off for white wow that was awful that was a terrible experience well thanks wieslak and thanks alexander axed yeah i mean it was good it was very well done but i hated it so what i thought was that he killed he killed his mother but it wasn't actually his mother oh wait this isn't what was there last time is there more i don't want to do any more oh my god all right well you know what i don't want to do it next time on game grumps oh god no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Grumpilations
Views: 229,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, game, grumps, best of, best of game grumps, compilation, comp, comps
Id: 2fj_Y8zjtao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 11sec (6431 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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