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yep that's me you're probably wondering how I got myself in this situation it's probably best we start from the beginning [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] oh no yes sir yes sir yes guys best in the nation that's what he knew come on come on [Music] [Applause] bro come on bro stop that [ __ ] all right yo I'm on your ass now now you are [ __ ] up shut that [ __ ] up bro block it in the back look at your ass pop as [ __ ] out beat your ass got me [ __ ] up yeah come on what's up [ __ ] [ __ ] I won this [ __ ] [ __ ] beat your ass all that cheap shot [ __ ] [ __ ] gotta go to college look we gotta go to college y'all with that cheapest cheap [ __ ] [Music] go ahead boy I'm blocked in now bro I'm locked down I'm locked in bro I got something for all right trust me trust me my name man Charles mother for a reason I got some for that get off me I'd hate to be on the other side of that man bro I only got medicine because it's my ankle my bad anchor right here nah [ __ ] I'm not even going for it I put down go to heaven no you're good bro hey I'm just trying to compete [ __ ] I know bro I know I hit you back on accident hey I love but let's just play bro yeah bro you say bro [Music] [Applause] hey that [ __ ] is so open you seem to run around in circles you they don't run around the circle you see you running around you good God it was so open it was open though hey look you know Travis trying to look like Rascal from Monsters [Music] man I Can Shed a Tear right now my son just want MVP look at him you doing an interview on TV go son what y'all doing if you see him line up in front of you bro coach take me out [Music] I use all your money oh my dog with the mask up this [ __ ] cannot be out here with a mask doing all that and be trashed [Music] together [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] right hand yellow the masked up goon coming back up [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] kill him [Applause] around [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when you come out here with that mask gotta know something you gotta do something appropriate [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] all right really yeah hey who's the Texas city I'm in oh Lord let me not say that Marshall football name come check us out and then let me not say that either it's charity you feel me I have to give it to the teddy [Music] but not that big cranking up now it's turning over now [Music] foreign foreign [Applause] [Applause] thank you I ain't gonna light up boy got up fast as hell I felt that I feel like a Jake Paul punch to the gut that's it that way hit me right in the spot I don't even know what I'm saying [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] fake pipe that takes meth right there and a hurdle that takes big balls whoever they special teams coordinator is he got big nuts both start fall start pushing boys back man second and four push them boys back man they said they thought this was traffic yeah [Applause] it's a full start [Applause] let's go I'm a proud father right now that's all I wanted we can leave let's go what I'm so excited right now Travis I just scored a touchdown College in front of me this final game at Jackson State they go off for two they're going for too late foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] don't convert this 4.7 right now it's over and North Carolina Central University celebrates comment what y'all think will happen [Applause] [Applause] let's go it's the last play of the game right here fourth and ten seven seconds left Jackson State still has not scored they're still on the 20. this is it if Dion was gonna say anything right now you know what it would be now [Applause] foreign [Music] him [Music] good job man I love the energy and the spirit from the kids man hey let's go back [Music] is that a strap I could call strap for that yeah you go okay okay so halfway strap not all the way he got done he got the the waist seat belt yeah [Music] Lord Voldemort on our Channel we call that groupers two words grip moose okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] his ankle monitor probably went off because he got lost got lost in the wilderness [Music] [Applause] I told you my receivers are not playing I know you got some real dogs out here today my receivers are not playing if you're on the DBS what you think about the DVD's got imaginary friends out there they chasing him use a [ __ ] so just I don't never call that man that he's Burger than me so disrespectful man he's actually a nice guy man I'm still trying to figure out who he is put my hands on somebody no now I got to put my hands on somebody see y'all did that y'all did that y'all did that y'all want to make him look good [Music] all right let me tell you I will help me be a great DB I'm talking [ __ ] I don't need to be mad at me but I was gonna run out there and get an interception a couple times [Music] what kind of stamps [Music] not on the whistle homie I try to be a good guy I try to give people chances I try to put on for the community and came out here said he was been out here since seven seconds [Music] yeah [Applause] I'm out of here I said do this and then do this and he did that pick him up he gonna make him a bottle next on the quarterback how much receivers I got how much DBS you got I abused him [Music] way to be coachable well I try to be nice and let people rap but that's what's gonna happen so I might not pick y'all [ __ ] no more I try to be nice to let them listen if we don't feel sorry for you you signed up for this right that's what you're saying if you ain't supposed to be here they're gonna get you out of here it's real life my boy I didn't figure this [ __ ] out all right whoever cleats clean get the [ __ ] out of here [Music] [Applause] you got big boys he did us proud out there I'm saying I could have did the same thing but I let him do it [Music] tonight number one come on [Music] baby [Music] [Applause] um [Applause] [Applause] me personally I wouldn't have took that I'm sorry [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my God [Music] [Applause] that was your room for him bro baby fat whatever his name is [Music] [Applause] y'all ain't seen them yet [Applause] meet me up top man I would have got up and ran a whole another way let's do it oh my God [Applause] this and one mixtape this nigga's getting put left and right what his ankle's all over that back pylon we got to go back to the gym on that one I ain't never seen to play cover just like that the boy pick his head in the backfield lost his man shame on you Rossi foreign [Applause] earlier somebody skipped him he's like bro my whole family's here and that's what he did in front of his mama he got bits 2001. [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign no [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] come on man [Music] he's the Freshman he's a freshman a freshman just locked up a grown man that was a bad ball [Music] he ran into me he ran into me bro that's tough that's Bonnet and that's otb's son so we can't say we're being biased because we'd be biased for both of them [Music] [Applause] so now take this is the best of three situations it's the best of three situation man damn kill everything I feel away son I feel away kill him cause I can't [Music] kill them foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] he's there I'm here boy I'm here boy he's coming across every time every time decoy do get that [ __ ] to me cook them rushing a little bit like you get in the sack or you're getting pressure or you got a force it's a seven seconds come back goals go to the store and then come back then go again and you still have enough time to get the ball off I don't know why we rushing what that's out man hey I like this [ __ ] I ain't gonna lie I get respect well I like that [ __ ] oh we have to go it has to spark go line up I have to get one back you're gonna do it you're gonna do it do it [Music] hey boy I like that I like that's it [Music] Let's Go sir I'm gonna come across the goal line foreign [Applause] [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] you're a [ __ ] hey I try to stop hey ref you're running into me and he ran into me [Applause] bro I'm coming across your game baby I hate I'm losing I hate that [ __ ] bro we're so close you see me coming across the back bro I should have caught that ball before dude ran into me threw me off my route dumb ass Flex [ __ ] man [Applause] I threw the flag on you because I thought you was a part of squad that's me I got excited foreign he's a freshman a freshman [Music] he's a freshman oh yeah [Music] Jacob Jacob oh yeah Jacob [ __ ] Jacob he's a freshman too [Music] You Gotta Throw faster than that yeah foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] all right [Music] here let's go [Music] Stupid Hoe but he knocked out come one [Music] I'm just right here way to go up and crap we need to take them on tour here to Hype man [Music] amen ran into a baby in a stroller black babies the baby's okay though [Music] great D great initial stab on that first win like to back up again let him know it was real came and got the ball at the highest point that go to the DB and I think you broke medic management he's the biggest guy on the field yeah yeah you the biggest player in the field 13. I ain't gonna lie I have confidence in that past but he came down with it that's off my boy [Music] thank you [Music] now we just let them do that who the D coordinator no Flair that's cool I love coach you know I'll be fine foreign foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh my quarterback Beast skating I ain't gonna let you you crapping or you dead you can't waste everybody time tonight because if you don't walk I'ma throw him off the field take it off the field man you acting like your hair go [Music] sh nine minutes 30 seconds left for the fourth man if they score the extra point order two whatever they go oh a girl kick him [ __ ] let's run it let's go [Music] he's a sophomore let's go all right right on time stop playing with him bro he's cramping look at him [Music] okay you got that run all right I'm still not impressed all right listen [Applause] yeah gonna always come down with it hey homie you got mops man you better stop standing still close to me that's why I'm running deep distracted foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] all right hey he caught a bit though [Music] [Applause] that [ __ ] in the weight room [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my God unnecessary roughness [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] crazy about me [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] was Kodak bopping on the field he was dead [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you skip all the way down [Applause] somebody take the ball away from that guy he's a boy [Music] he's not one of them we had to take a quick commercial break the mayor popped out bro so you know we got to flick up foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] he is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Applause] I wanted to line up that safety and take a shot at one of them officers hit the ground okay okay [Music] are you okay can't you see I'm grieving who'd you lose we're gone too fast I looked up they sold out of minutes [Music] um they just restocked oh wait what the shorts too oh foreign split set is now back in stock go get it before it's gone the 11 Dodge store [Music] guys Alexa you're about to break the internet today bro we got the fire and the girdle right I was born to be a glacier boy or a zapper tonight is the night the Stars had to align I wouldn't rather do it on anyone else's platform we're gonna break the internet tonight [Music] foreign attack [Music] you are Legend Pack [Music] my friends stay safe oh my God that's a crazy [ __ ] this man threw a touchdown came over and lit the black and said we smoking that Glacier pack you need to go right so game over video is done cut this [ __ ] I did it for a reason it's about time hey if an athlete goes and drinks the beer it's okay but heaven forbid we hit the gas come on let's think about it that [ __ ] wearing Kyrie Irvings to play football [Music] like that [Music] you got clean [Music] [Music] yes sir yes sir after school he to go all game on man that's what we do we make plays I'm just gonna go yeah hey throw it to AJ I'm gonna try to get the rebound [Music] appreciate it might be the worst that might be the worst joke no no no no no no no no no no I told you she's gonna get bad bro sorry bro keep your head up praying for you brother oh go hey you gonna be bro hey look you're real Uncle out here come on this [ __ ] they brought me the ball that's ultimate disrespect [Music] s now you don't want to listen Michael he got his ankles stuck them up yeah [Music] you guys shook so bad you dab the other [ __ ] up bro that's crazy [Music] [Music] I was good with these [ __ ] I don't know it's pissing me off they always do this [ __ ] in pool players that's all right brother bro they do this [ __ ] every tournament they be chilling in pool boy and then James saying oh no oh what's up [ __ ] no did that foreign [Music] trainers are running out of steam [Music] y do you all have any sales today yeah you got a hell too [Music] how's it going over there buddy so I bet my shoes on the game we started they put the backup quarterback in I said what are we doing bro I want to took my shoes it took my shoes and gave an 18 merch I said wow wow I don't know if grip boots made it to Hawaii [Music] [Applause] oh my God what a place Tom's running them boys down by three right now times around the rebel squads trying to make a comeback [Music] oh wow Idaho potatoes [Applause] damn who's X yes who's this bro you want a sluggle kid or what you want a slugo kill his ass who's my ass oh our first body our first body yeah from the D to L.A that boy came back you already know that's love man [Music] rapper and a football players [Applause] that might or might not be my son ain't nobody ever pick it up baby foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all the way [Music] I told you I'm recording yeah he don't know what he just did [Applause] [Music] thanks bro I've been waiting here for a while [Music] [Music] doing we just lost put that [ __ ] on YouTube foreign [Music] [Applause] oh hey man yup Hey listen well we still gonna win that's some [ __ ] we always sound like he smoked cigarettes for breakfast lunch and dinner look at them they're racing around they coming back [Applause] [Music] hey none of that stuff today bro [Laughter] look at this dude [Music] we're gonna see all that yak today foreign I'm hallucinating oh hell no let's get highs I'm about to cry how can you watch the game from right here what the hell look like some ants they tripping man they tripping me ain't no way I'm watching the game come up down but get that I'm gonna find it on the way up ain't no way you're doing that way I goal is to try to make your hamstrings Buzz oh my God that's what we're trying to do we want to make the hamstring because we want to see if you quit we want to see if you'll shut it down because if you shut it down with no one in the stadium you definitely gonna shut it down when it's packed I wonder what Travis think about right now that's what we do man that's what I do that's what I do it's what I do one two three [Applause] state of the art 2025 Jeep escalated Cadillac Duke Deville on 24s golf cart got the little front lights you could go off-roading this you could drive through the ocean in this you could drive on the moon in this drive to the field I think that's everything bro what's up my boy you're good hey you know when you back in I don't need your teeth stepping all right I don't even know how to do it I'm telling y'all bro cause Prime he just gotta hit that ain't all can't be doing that you got it hey all that drinking and smoking you drive a Lamborghini you need a soda look what are you doing he's taking the playoffs I can't get in front of you walk too fast look at you look at that when the camera we got the one the only Colin Murray what's good my boy brother found me straight how you feeling how you feeling good obviously we all watch this crazy insane Raiders versus Cardinals game so basically we're gonna be sitting today and reacting to it we're gonna get behind the scenes what's the stop process like what was going on how was the locker room how's the bench everything right here obviously we got seven in the Box y'all boys let me preface let me person now let me preface he didn't know none of this [ __ ] before the video started before the video started I had to run through what was going on he talking about it's too high we got first of all we got one it's one I told you he said it was Zone it's man he said it was covered too he said there was nine muffins in the Box there's seven Come On Son y'all believe him come on bro 36 talk to us what did you think they're running around everybody in the Box everybody's not in the Box this is what I mean [ __ ] your ass would get back there and look like it would look like everybody should be spooked and see that's what I love about you I don't know if he faster than me but you're pretty fast stop playing with me you pretty you can kick the ball you you act you can do backflips and all that [ __ ] I'm not doing it I'm not I'm not doing all that you don't know about me you gotta look you gotta you're not running with it one day you're not running with me now we're gonna have to set up the race y'all I'm not racing you dog after the season we're gonna wait because excuse me we don't want your confidence to go down we can race in Tesla I'm not racing you though this man all right look he got a Lamborghini Urus and what's the other car GT gt63 and he swears that if we line up my brand new Tesla Model X play at 0 to 60 in 2.5 seconds then his [ __ ] gonna win oh my gosh you don't even know his brothers made up metrics all right Google it check right here we checked the speed option oh yeah next cross nice little bro yeah slide you know D slide I don't know what this is it's the fourth quarter up boys at this point I ain't gonna I'm at home watching this I'm like versus ew so yeah 15 minutes earlier it was 15 minutes left yeah but what about the other 45 minutes 15 minutes left with The Rock in my hands come on fam you had the Rock in your hands for 45 minutes you're right you're right we don't even score this guy that's the [ __ ] up part that's what I was saying it's a l bro hit me right here too that should have been that should have been y'all was trying to end this man career nah did you check on him bro I didn't I was he probably broke his whole ankle we were in shambles right here so I was I just got hit I'm on the grass I'm on the turf yeah you got to be my elbows are sore come on helmet to the Elbow I'm telling the old line just y'all gotta y'all hold up for me right here receivers light up y'all gotta light up oh my God I'm already assuming that you know once the concept don't work we Scrambler bro you look like he was playing Madden bro at that point it was back in football that boy trying to point I wish I had the angles with a like talking to the receivers they was like bro I'm just standing there run down tired crucial player we gotta make plays on his feet who should play funny thing right here run into the bench the Gatorade I'm sorry I bet I'm I'm making this play myself I'm making this play myself [ __ ] maybe you got a little bit of Wheels you wouldn't have made that play though you got me [ __ ] up you want to tackle me you're the taco of course I might have lowered the boom on your ass right here oh yeah he's coming across that's crazy do you think they know what you mean when you be pointing this [ __ ] I was just created over there I'm like go this way and then at that point you trusting it and you you gotta let it rip I can't flesh I can't bro if I hold it for another second it's a wrap if I don't throw it away it's big bro it's a wrap we going home miserable that's crazy [Applause] is that boy got smacked at this point I'm like Leonidas when he on his knees and the arrows coming up we [ __ ] we did all we could do we did everything we could do it just ain't meant to be today you feel me like it's not meant to be [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Dead come on thank you foreign [Applause] [Music] thank you SmackDown [Music] s [Music] hey we need to punch the ball out bro this is random we need to use those conditions to our advantage go in there don't stop [Music] you got are you good all right step on his head [Music] I'm hungry so they said they got Wings over there I said somebody give me some they said they don't got no wings we only got fries and Glitters here it'll be over for me so I just picked the fries [Music] enemies [Music] everybody eat man everybody [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] it's the prize bro they giving [ __ ] superpowers [Music] Oh Come Back I got smacked hey bro you're killing me right now we've got the footage he said he caught that bro I gave the referee fry earlier I gave that [ __ ] fries you feel me one fight for one call you feel me so this is it [Music] [Applause] a pass is blunt it's hugging this man why are you trying to be hitting here that's supposed to be I'm hot bro I know what you've been you hot yeah I'm hot foreign honestly [Applause] [Music] all right that's what we do at Grayson that's a grown man [Applause] catch [Music] [Applause] ers [Music] [Applause] embarrassed [Music] [Music] [Applause] that's all right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the song okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh my gosh guys oh my God that's so crazy foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] have you seen it one hit time [Music] [Applause] hey bro certified flipper bro real life black ninja tonight [Applause] [Applause] hold on let's see if the spot from the uh the football stood there now I think they fixed it y'all remember when I put the ball and it [ __ ] up the screen I wonder if I could hit that [ __ ] I'm gonna just put it here and see if it's gonna look like it's gonna go laughs I think they had some maintenance coming here and you know do their thing and uh we're good now post it posted this is AJ Green route oh what that was oh he got to go back to the t-shirts that's how you do that right there [Music] oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] hey it happened to the it was out of bounds so I ain't gonna lie it was out of bounds but that [ __ ] was nice oh yeah the game is about to begin let's meet the players Brown uh Lounge High going Miami 305 baby the money then out of Jacksonville Florida committed to Michigan go Blue hey gamani he asked I'm coming for you straight for you man yesterday bro we went to Foot Locker they have no damn shoes and how you a Foot Locker with no shoes they had a two-story I'm Reggie Matthews the third I'm a water boy I go to YouTube University hey I ain't gonna lie that was smooth huh these short Productions stepping up huh foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes sir turnover run down what two three [Music] I ain't gonna lie that boy three been cutting up look at him he's been cutting up hey bro why you doing that out there bro why are you doing today thank God they committed they think that [ __ ] popping that just that's just them committed they gotta do something with that [ __ ] I ain't gonna lie boy you cutting up oh my God thank you [Applause] look at him [Applause] he's not going to school these boys talking [ __ ] on the field right now they was talking [ __ ] at the hotel way back when we was there popped the clip so you don't play no DB you don't play DBS we've been a toaster well hey hey where you from who here that [ __ ] ass hey what are you committed at shut up stop talking my team ranked number two stop talking well I can't ride with me what you mean you better be wrong boy you better be wrong because you talking like you like because I ain't gonna lie bro right here getting real sensitive you don't have to see me my team is ranked number two and I'm signing all the sign you ain't signed yeah we like your boy quiet down for what football for what why are you talking for what thank you [Applause] everybody [Music] okay [Applause] yes sir yes sir hey Ralph come on bro I'm not playing no no chill out rough two two two I didn't do that you saw how he looked at me oh god I've been waiting all day I feel like I got a glock ready to ah [Music] Jones [Music] they get another opportunity [Applause] my knees too old for that man [Music] [Music] smacked in the face mask hey give us a drink blessed the score it ties it up at 13. you want to be announcing one day I want that's my dream job bro yeah I mean I'm in broadcasting the game for the entire time over here number two that is Roger Pleasant that is the fastest kid in America [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] why do [Music] I picked the kids yeah grip purse [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Roderick Pleasant Roderick Pleasant but there's only one cheetah hold on what but there's only one cheetah so okay but there's only one I thought she was gonna say so as soon as I said that that's what I'm waiting on all right he'll say that yes oh Batman [Applause] oh my God [Music] [Applause] oh [ __ ] yo big boy Big Boy come on come on all the smoke [Music] hey you can't see bruh so [Music] Batman go back to the Batcave you know it's bad when you got a cake ball and your cape ain't even catching on wind as you're running you got to be really really slow [Music] gorgeous oh oh man I can't do that I'm messing with that guy right now about five ten years ago [Applause] [Applause] [Music] let's see what's wrong [Applause] [Music] [Music] personally I wouldn't let somebody do that okay [Music] he came here some little kids [Music] come on I ain't saving him he good he's good he caught it he said look at me look at me [Applause] here right hand yellow last video left hand green this one [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was the longest 40 ever ran what it's like an everyday every 10-yard call he got they do run like some type of anime character I swear bro a little easy up but can't throw either God damn 11 you making a number but I'm gonna give him a second chance [Music] foreign [Laughter] I don't need jargons boy good catch bro that boy needs Jergens [ __ ] that boy actually is a [ __ ] [Music] up top oh wow that's a concentration thank you hey he said not 49 50 nuggets bro no I'm talking about when you try to get up bro that boy said [Music] I heard somebody say oh he got a better chance of being AIDS of cancer I'm like what man I ain't never heard that one before I'm gonna put that one in my in my little toolbox I'm gonna use it I got to go up two two two nine two five quiet come on now everybody free [Laughter] [Music] hey you know he traveled he looking at that villain you're like did I just throw that ball yeah put it tight in there put it tight in there put Thor in that [ __ ] [Music] that's me that's me I'm a man show us that [ __ ] do you think you were grabbing at all Chef in the kitchen oh my God damn pop my dog chain and all right Chef in the kitchen I forgot what happened you know we appreciate all your efforts and certainly saw a lot of good things so I'll just realized from every coach we'll review it thank you the first white Coach that tall ball all right but again I thought the effort was outstanding I thank you for that I know guys traveled all over the country to get here control here drove long hours Planes Trains and Automobiles all that kind of stuff cut my [ __ ] off too years oh my God duh I didn't play a game oh my God bro sign up I'll be right here I'll be right here I'll go down here bro I don't know Gloria bro they really been doing this [ __ ] it's gonna be a cat for real [Music] oh yeah day five I got scared slit on them [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] press it spam in the circle button hey but that was clean though all right [Music] good job [Music] [Applause] a boy's scared of contact let's go here take it oh [Applause] yeah [Applause] let's go boys [Music] [Applause] hey man the [ __ ] out that plate I know I'm on this sideline but hey I got a story to my guy I ain't gonna lie I ain't say it though put a star in his name he an extra if he was a three-year phone now he was a four here not a six I'm only six foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] I already been topping what the [ __ ] I'm talking about oh I don't play it ready a different breed on God play the game My Boy put it on man yes sorry stay tuned hey just the first game stay tuned for more money oh if y'all win I'll let you borrow four days [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my God you're ready I'm up so aggressive the game is not over [Music] there thank you [Music] everybody's money on a Wednesday that ain't good come on hey boy somebody shot his hand that's a sniper right there I see him call him [Applause] [Music] the lack of competition out here got me stressing out I got gray hairs lack of competition out here I went crazy foreign [Music] like [Music] [Applause] [Music] that [Music] oh my goodness Frederick [Music] remember [Music] thank you [Applause] hey friend man we love you did you ever get to sleep over your boy's house [Music] oh yeah she's so happy look at it that's so unfortunate oh my God they got so happy when she said yes yes [Music] that might be our top scorers you're telling me we can fling our bodies across the finish line right now like I'm literally flying across the line I see raven come out of nowhere hers is literally flying across the Finish Line I'm like maybe we should restart maybe we should restart because if I got to do that again maybe I would take flight people probably got some stuff to say about me but at the end of the day is money on the line so I really don't give a [ __ ] they gotta say okay well damn who's qualified disqualified I'm seeing girls that listen and girls that don't listen it's five grand on the line get some points I see you in them Grace damn [Applause] [Music] oh God wrong sport she tried a volleyball what don't volleyball Spike this week [Music] hey uh unfortunately I lost I'll let them win I could never lose but you know what else my girl Grace she had to she doesn't come we said one of us is Gonna Leave Here with a dub and it's gonna be her yeah and so if we locked it wow [Applause] is fun [Applause] let's see if she hits hopper for the game [Applause] she dropped the church's money [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] right here asked me to break I said he know he's not and then yeah [Applause] [Applause] I know something about that release [Applause] hey how many of y'all know the hacker hey nobody nobody nobody knows nobody knows let's just start bro let's just start damn man [Music] that [ __ ] kind of hurt my shoulder bro nah you still a little bro how much you bench bro [Laughter] all right [Music] oh I gotta get you them laces hey this is for the money it's for the money [Music] [ __ ] we need to have some little kicker celebrations man we need to bring some damn I got hella Turf in my mouth foreign I'm going to Snoop Dogg hey bro here I took my mic off bro hey you hear me okay okay okay okay okay my jersey said yellow like a certified boom screen bro oh my God every time I leave that side they go that song Hey man get your ass over here always running away from me bro don't run it from me hey other side bro y'all doing the road cause y'all well over there hey coach I'm smart in the air you can't run these things with me right here man he called one he's called one coach he caught one in practice in practice it's a miracle I'm feeling a hockey dance brother here you see these hashes you see these houses right right there [Music] let's just do it again right now we're just running snag from here damn bro what you eat for breakfast bro children rice chicken children I dare them to throw that [ __ ] in the boundary I daring my throw that [ __ ] in the boundary damn damn that's me coach my dog got the brakes on so I don't know again he should have powerful mouth guard in his mouth [Music] all right that boy look like a bomb you gotta have your legs out like that you feel me [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [Applause] that pig catching bodies all right slap the [ __ ] out his back boy [Music] well I wonder who that quarterback's Barber is but he probably got Stevie Wonder you look like Joe Dirt that was Jordan [ __ ] he got it that's full game [Applause] [Music] I don't feel good at all I'm scared how did I felt ah he missed that God it went right here damn you're good no it's just painful right in the back bro that [ __ ] is painful let's go man we gotta redeem ourselves man good evening [Music] oh I'm old boy I think I hit my knee on the ground we're trying to suck that up well that is a shot look at your shirt let me see if you like the mark lift your shirt up let's go pray for me in the comments bro I don't aim on purpose I just put in the vicinity you're good you're good damn [Music] I'm about to go home Dad don't hit the same spot he said don't hit the same spot you switched it up on me crack hey let's go line up line up bro we got nothing to say no more line up bro [Music] [Music] for me the grip drawer you got one shot I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared yes yes he saw the blank bro he shot a blank oh no oh no did it come out [Music] yes sir oh one more one more you're selling you're selling why not [ __ ] oh my God oh my God [Music] we handle moves the box when we left the crib he's like I'm gonna go to my room grab my cleats grab my gloves and meet you there on the table how do I leave first how am I the first person to leave and it's my responsibility to carry the boxes the box was giving Sean said no he said hold this for me I gave it to you no you didn't Sean did Sean did you give me the box of the D give me the box I didn't give you a box huh [ __ ] what's going on over there idiot are you over here doing all that yapping and chit chat [ __ ] you can't even grab a simple box [ __ ] we're leaving you asked me do we have the bullets right I said moose has them on everything I love you gave me the bullets I gave it to you oh we ain't going for that let's go bro let me get another TD man send them home in a coffin go up with two hands yo boy do not miss he shot photos when they hit none yet we're just gonna take this like men and light his ass up five times [Music] is it too high bro I'm aiming low as hell how's it going up like that bro look at my jacket look at it spotless damn brother no way he walks away unscathed that's crazy bro keep going keep them going oh well um [Applause] oh my God bro I'm sorry brother brother I'm sorry man you good you good bro we're not gonna [ __ ] for a week I'm sorry bro I was just trying to do a slip and slide put the text messages then it got cold so we had an audible [Music] oh my God that's the number one receiver in the nation Brandon McGinnis oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my God [Music] oh my God [Music] [Music] roll out what's up foreign Let It Go come back get there good defense they got a debate right now that they use that blitz so talked me into doing that going into the pit for the winners man I know you're young you've got to understand esteem understand this game for your job do your job son that's a bad call he just got it so hoodie on now so it might just be blocking his vehicle [Music] is that not a pig he run through the guy what's up again that's not a real life Peter it's too loud he might see me he's gonna swing him [Music] and he's 15. [Music] back [Music] oh come on come on I'm about to go crazy I might have would have ran to jump in the phone on that for him they still got to play man but y'all seen the catch y'all seen athleticism [Music] [Applause] declined the penalty it was 33 seconds left in the game they're just going to call it championship sfps [Music] I said I'm going to jump in with the winner I gotta turnover what you doing in there he said sister baby foreign [Music] oh my God [Applause] was that a pick or a catch or what what hold up hold on hold on bye-bye bro not bad it's good man thank you man yeah [Music] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] damn that's just crazy that was crazy foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] here we go coach you switch teams on me they always tell you don't throw across your body don't throw across the field late you can't do it when you play quarterback you can't do it and that's what just happened big unfortunately I did it last week actually I threw a pick I was rolling out saying [ __ ] kick [Music] s it's literally the first quarter we playing football in the 80s they scored touchdown right here I'm getting in the car I'm going home if they don't I'm getting in the car and I'm gone what else turn on camera's channel is blank is what now these drawings channel is blank fill in the blank it's Gucci dope it's woke rippers he need it yeah oh wait did he say that's what your [ __ ] right oh wait that's why we reverted it to grippers we could bleep it out oh yeah [Music] I made a rap song about my daddy what and I would just show where it rolls and it pops up when they think it's going to be right there it pops up and Pops it makes the helmet you gotta go for inertia you want inertia in the ball something like that Isaac Newton he's coached oh dog get that [ __ ] out of my face that's the whole ass [ __ ] man it was so goofy funny huh get the hell out of here man Sean get the [ __ ] out of there bro they got a ball game going on [Applause] wait wait wait [Applause] wow I play both songs [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] Pizza Pizza World Regular he should be getting drafted today but he out here having fun with us who threw that that was that was changed the game yeah yeah I know I'm trying to I'm trying to help the boys out [Music] [Applause] all right so these are the two main villains at UCLA this is Royce Hall this is Powell Library so it's another iconic spot and we'll see it's one of those sounds yeah if I was nice if I don't know you I wouldn't have used this something hold on let me throw a dollar in there real quick this might be my spot where I end up you know committing to so I gotta leave some good luck man feel me real quick that's still good right keep it moving look at the architecture bro like oh my God just look at this it's like Beethoven and Mozart was in a bit doing they make music huh never mind um Who's the artist Who's the artist who who a famous artist back in the days Michelangelo Picasso bro he was up in here you feel me just now we go to the power Library it's gonna be our first time stepping in the library huh in five years [Music] anyway [Music] oh they changed the gymnastics the UCLA women's gymnastics crazy too dang this is dope y'all won't do no backflip though man you can't hit no back how much you want to bet you can't all right put money on it I bet that you can't how much did y'all bet yeah you don't think I could hit a quick backflip yeah [Applause] it's time to get it in real quick another damn you got some hops on this that's crazy hey you owe me some money you said I couldn't flip what happened [Music] like my dog say you're going to the little sculpture garden we're the team but your haircut is off your Edge messed up you know you've been going through fall Camp you've been grinding not worrying about how you look you just come here to the dog how you doing baby getting people right man oh yeah every Thursday man I just gotta cut two days ago so you know I don't really need one yet okay I might see you next Thursday [Applause] we're going to war today look to your brother to your left until right and tell me you love them I love you so yes sir hammers for flight you miss it happens reflect Dimension habits reflect the mission let's get out there and win the Ball Game Boys [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] these [ __ ] is wrestling is this High School football or WWE money's just like but I should have flag yo [Music] they smack that boy him and all they smack the ref to the ground you have to call them down look at them who in the way yeah they smack the dog [ __ ] out here come on turn that [ __ ] up man [Music] hey bud I don't know what's up what's up it's the jet lag it's the heat the humidity the gold teeth the dreads [ __ ] with Wicks and [ __ ] over there they saying Glee no sound like shook right now and that kicker got a boot too I don't know man American hair is looking a lot more put together right now I love LaSalle y'all see me wearing a hat now let my dog Malachi I love Makai but you gotta know when to fold them know when hold them nowhere to walk away [Music] that's what I'm talking about who paid these [ __ ] bro [Applause] it's getting uglier and uglier by the minute America Heritage looking good though but over here let's look towards the sun that's why come on now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's go man [Applause] hey he looked like him you gotta give credit where credits do that [ __ ] was beautiful I feel bad cause I'm on the sidelines [Applause] I need you damn [Music] oh my God that's the number one receiver in the nation Brandon McGinnis [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my God oh my gosh [Music] always [Music] ready [Music] [Music] that's safety wouldn't got it at the highest point like it's safe to talk to dude oh he dropped the church's Money In The End Zone one minute left one minute left hey that's a great ball man Let It Go come back get there they got a debate right now that they use that blitz so we're gonna see they going all right [Music] hey I've been calling for it all game it's a whole lot of that just throwing the ball [Music] dancing on his ankles what [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Applause] ah he didn't tackle him he might have been a bit obsessive they sent the blitz he threw it up Hail Mary sfe turnover on down [Music] cam optitude declined the penalty it was 33 seconds left in the game they're just going to call it championship sfps [Music] there we okay [Music] [Applause] dad asked me [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] down please [Music] [Applause] [Music] velvet durag you see what happens when they shove them in hey that was great [Music] I know that I've been hurt no no no get that way out the club get him out get him out get him out get him out get him out the club get him out the club I don't even know what that means [Applause] the ankle bracelet he had to stop because it was a 15 mile radius hey he would have went to jail if he crossed the 20 it's the radius he couldn't go to angle monitors don't pass the 20s going to jail oh my God that boy cherry popped his ass he gonna learn to either slide throw that [ __ ] out or get out of bounds everything [Applause] he dropped the bread you need two words my boy do you know what those two words are a touchdown we got to teach them y'all all right do you know what the two words though is there a boost you know I know I'm subscribed okay make sure y'all hit that subscribe button great boots it's a brand of gloves I ain't gonna lie that was the flag bro he rode on his back [Music] [Applause] [Music] he had him beat bro between the quarterback and Tio that's 83 years of experience [Applause] 88 for life [Applause] does he need him over here he needs them [Music] ankles ankles oh damn that was nasty [Music] [Applause] oh we missed it hold on [Applause] we missed it tell score they caught me up here for an interview they knew what they was doing trying to distract me this man just man top somebody no good are you ready [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] gotta sit I don't know about that dance I don't know about that dance what do you do the hits work [Music] damn they called that out of bounds bro they losing right you can't guard them look at them [Music] [Applause] Hey look hey look at that sit right there but it's starting do it all the way to right there hey snitching bro y'all [Music] damn that boy shook him out his shoes straight [Applause] [Applause] all right that [ __ ] sorry that [ __ ] boy okay she's a baby you've heard me talk about current before but this time I had some cool news current just launched a brand new feature called entrance with a four percent apy that's four percent for money just sitting there five percent can I get 20 I'll put four you got it thank you [Music] boys I'll get it back hey guys these guys have a special message [Applause] is that Travis Hunter all right now foreign [Music] [Music] look at you [Applause] man that boy over there talking [ __ ] that was really good what are you saying no I was just saying that was fire oh you see me over there yeah bro you ready tell me that's just a preview of what's about to come all right yeah don't reveal too much he don't even got beef with Problem Child a lot of y'all won't even pull up for and y'all really don't even like this man y'all won't pull up who you don't like right now bro I like everybody it's just some people are [Music] he's getting towed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Charleston West Virginia man shout out my boy Thomas Avinash let me spend the night man we're here let's go let's go we're here to me [Applause] they noticing these guys from our video coming out here treating them like Superstars showing them love this is what we do it for put on for the community man shout out to Charlotte [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] on the game LJ [Music] how big [Music] because of that [ __ ] did the spin around get that get them look at lick it that's the OG Ducks versus Champions this is whatever you want to put [ __ ] I got it we're done we're done all right y'all that game is back on they canceled it uncanceled it canceled it again now uncancel it is back on there's some smoking on it [Music] tell me this place [Music] hey they gave us the you feel me they said 20 yards behind the plate who else bring you this angle bro the NFL don't even bring you this blend yeah hey what about this action look at the view the game is going on all right everybody [Applause] else is this a comeback I smell oh I can talk [ __ ] to the players for real for real now these boys can onside it right now and these boys can win the game if they get the ball back let's go let's go camping let's go City okay Dart visor for what where trash out boy just wait till I get here I swear damn we went to the dirt man God oh oh what's good the Jumbotron don't forget that get that right there what are you doing to beat Ohio State today we don't like Ohio State round here man I don't like them we don't like them I don't like them bro hit some weights [Music] that shot is broke bro I'm out of here man leave me alone oh my God that boy can't pass hey it's a jacket chill out it's a jacket it's a jacket bruh [Music] this turf's different bro this Turf that first it's just the outside field we got it inside we got another one yeah don't tell me that got another one bro come on come on oh my God for you is right this stuff is a little bit better down here is where the stars will be at Reggie Matthews already see it dead middle number 11. even though it's retired I think we'll pull it out of retirement for me damn this is tough bro this would be like where [ __ ] go to Saturday beef yeah but he's talking crazy at practice today but what's good with it yeah because I was locking you up what you gonna do about it I ain't gonna lie boy we're in the dungeon this is the middle of the locker room but we can settle this thing like man right now what you trying to do no we teammates bro we can't do that man we got to show love yeah I know you're a six star I don't want to beat you up too bad before you come to school you know I care about you man we need help with our kicking game all right we're good bro we're about to go see the money locker but we gotta walk through the bathroom to get there come on [Music] back shoulder back shoulder to the crew [Applause] all right [Applause] oh my God hey we see them in San Diego that's a superhero right there he eats both announced for breakfast welcome to the Salty Splatoon [Applause] [Applause] oh my God oh [ __ ] he got talked like a woman each other [Applause] man [Applause] this is the last rep and the best two out of three series there's only one receiver left so if he's down if he's very ripped off [Applause] thank you this will go on in La at the destroying Camp [ __ ] get destroyed your film is train wreck out here man you know hey [Applause] hey these boys foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's number five the ashy one yeah last time where [ __ ] we was playing tic tac toe on his [ __ ] how that she was that [ __ ] was bad pop the clip Gloria bro they really been doing this [ __ ] it's gonna be a cat for real Tom him run around I wonder if he warmed up before he turned on the camera I want another camera took man's 40 times thank you yeah I'm good I didn't meet you I know he's gonna run straight into me hey we cleaning [ __ ] right here [Laughter] bro that's easy bro cause he caught it like no one play oh my God bruh Sean got it though super straight he just his brother gave him one job to record and play yeah this was filming the plays over here he's still like this I mean it don't matter because I'm looking at my brothers show them the clip show them the crowd foreign [Music] that's why that's what causes the baldness right intense coaching let's go and that's why you don't have hair when you coach stuff like that intense coaching man [ __ ] like that my arm got to get right my boy say what you just said no say it bro say it say it you have to not if you gonna put me on your channel now if I see this on your channel you know you know we're gonna happen right you're gonna be a problem bro it's not me I write music okay he said I ain't never played football a day in my life and he tried not for quarterback NFL play certified like big Blends but athletic version this is this certified touchdown this [ __ ] looks like this certified touchdown throw a good ass back shoulder ball that's crazy imagine you wake up in the middle now your house Pitch Black what's good how you doing yeah man you see I might have recruiting brother you got to get involved making sure everybody's doing what they need to do you know yeah starting from the side I want to make sure everybody nobody stood out yet man you know some of these players out here piss poor man but we looking though I've seen a lot of that man we're gonna do a durag yeah go to bed man Throw That C up [Applause] yeah just don't do that nowhere else you know what I'm saying I'm around you good all right yo people got me well little ass boys out here [Music] where you at [Music] foreign hey that's what I'm talking about [Music] [Applause] boy oh man that [ __ ] is locked that [ __ ] is no fly bro Straight Jackets everything [Music] foreign they might score it's planned it's gone to ship [Music] [Applause] guys with a recent score from the Cougars I'm destroying signing out here from where we met from Maryland see you later [Music] I like this I love this energy out here in Mississippi dogs [Music] he's a runner he's a track star let's go let's go okay okay thank you all right in the Mississippi and it's only damn time in between the seven times [Applause] Ross did it to me so I know how it feels yeah they better bring the same energy when they play quick little quick little intermission between the tournament play yeah for these boys let that team look like they're at the family reunion shout out to my cousins in New [Music] York hey should we let him run in advance he stepped out should we let him down foreign [Applause] but we let it happen I'm waiting on Michael Jackson [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I've always struggled with confidence my face was oily full of acne and be scared to even show my face [Music] it bothered me so much that I got no sleep and I started getting bags under my eyes [Music] but ever since a buddy told me about geology my life was changed forever all right let's take the bag off bro let's do it really all right let's take this what's this right It's Gonna Change Your Life all right geology thanks to geology short and official ingredients now I'm confident self-confident that I could remove the blur off my face whistle [Applause] Grace [Applause] [Applause] he gone hey Beat the Traffic Beat the Traffic [Applause] all right [Applause] hey that boys oh my God yeah you might want to take that piece off foreign [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] down [Applause] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] tonight [Music] [Music] what's up with this generation and twerking after you make it this is in there I don't even know how to do that demo [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks to products like ghost pre-workout which I take before I live [Music] ah in the protein shake which I take after workout [Music] ah now I'm strong and I can do this [Music] don't be a winner Here It Go [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] oh my God hey hey did y'all remember this y'all remember this he's a freshman yeah that's him let's go [Music] make sure you know JJ Ross 500 and I did it for a reason foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] my man good to see you man look at the drip we're getting it on today you got me a trophy last time there we go right oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah this is me right here remember Jordan for fire red I'll share the best hey man thousand dollars every touchdown he gets hey hey I got a band for you every touchdown you Scope say that [Music] [Applause] [Applause] on my head already [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] baby wow he was at the tryouts too damn hey look at them 49 left [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] hey y'all had a chance to pick me 22 mag because if he was in there he would have clamped so I ain't gonna lie to him [Applause] [Applause] I go to the bathroom I see all these lights are [ __ ] going now I see Andrew Jamil on the thing y'all find out a pick six foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I need a bee shirt right now what size any size this nigga's taunted they laughed in my face they mocked me it was like oh you look I see but your team is not all right [Music] oh my God oh my God did they start there's no way bro I don't know if y'all see how many people are out there bro that's like Dallas turnout bro no way bro there's no way there's no way Kurt you think that's Russ I don't know bro or is it an event a Tuesday night a random Tuesday night and they competing too oh my God this is going to be my legendary oh my God hey we're cut we're cut we're tired foreign [Applause] [Applause] back up five steps back [Music] check it out [Applause] [Applause] I'm gonna need y'all to back up to the sideline bro we don't got space sir oh got him got him got him [Applause] down this guy let's get it [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] oh [Music] back up hey I might have to head out on that one damn I might have to mic drop the head out of that way [Music] I had to leave legend in the building [Music] I know I know you know bro he says he tells you tyrito yeah I got some workouts [Applause] I'll do something yeah yeah I would try my best man that's lit got my home's in this [ __ ] man [Music] hey he fed that hole right in a pocket bro I didn't know that I was about to yell out pitch but three caught that hole let's go to the other side [Applause] hey what was that quarterback thinking he wants smoke [Applause] oh let's go let's go [Music] [Applause] back [Applause] four times call my number 15 Ryan McDaniel rip hurdle bro oh good job give me a quarterback though say that but he was looking for a quarterback I've been need a quarter pounder yeah [Music] damn [Music] I'm wearing bench pressed his ass I ain't gonna lie he pushed off like a [ __ ] you better fight [Music] Maybe bro I'm 6'5 bro no no no six one bro I'm six five you know if I take my shoes off I'm six four if I take my shoes off I'm like six four take the shoes off no bruh I'm not that bruh about six seven got me on a little bit but how you gonna tell me we measured out the doctor yesterday how you gonna pull out the tape measure right now get a tape measure oh my God I'm about to have the fastest man in the NFL hey Floyd I got somebody off right you gotta flip it off right flip it off right yeah we gotta flip it off flip it off come on man I'm gonna shut it down man put the camera on me here we go let's go with it hey South Florida [Music] oh no the defense oh no defense look at Travis oh and what they say he dropped the church's money again football this ain't good foreign [Applause] Captain Reggie Matthews coming in Miami doesn't listen Miami doesn't want to get back Mommy didn't let us run our event even though we beefed up the security Miami wasn't with it copy that hey hit me with another one bro I don't know ah [Music] [Music] come on out that way [Music] yep yeah hey in life everyone has bad days but for destroying that boy's hands are so bad he couldn't catch a cold to put naked in Alaska [Music] it's gonna be okay it's about how you bounce back it's about how you come back I try to bounce back full time I dropped everyone if you or someone you know is suffering from No Hands disease go seek medical help immediately it's a good thing you could kick because grip boost can't fix everything them sorry ass hands now wake up oh wait wait I Gotta Get Right yes alignment assignment attention to details he did his job I'm still not impressed [Music] dance [Music] it's not the half here bro it's 44. this hurts me as the alumni here I might say I'm going to say oh [ __ ] [Music] Sean got smacked I ran out the way hey one life is one prayer for some man foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] let's go we finally got one we finally got one hold it ain't still getting it you feel me thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] like I was saying earlier we got a special guest in the building he back there zooming on him that's Eli Manning bro he's a man that's NFL thanks so much yeah I feel a little loose we've got a money round we got 20 guys on offense 20 guys on the year that's basically how it works all right there's a replay oh that's a castle he's on the line with that right foot that's how he landed he landed with the right exactly that was a nice grab but refs you know we're in New York the water different out here patient y'all see my [ __ ] easy work [Applause] this is a bully friend I'm with Coach old lonely a friend and I brought my daughter with me baby first day back to school we here yeah G-Man [Music] okay [Music] thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Deestroying
Views: 6,422,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: db wr 1 on 1, deestroying, football, nfl, wide receiver, best catches, best football catches, destroying, 1 on 1, exposed, highschool football, 7 on 7, one handed catch, nfl highlights, odell beckham, football highlights, deestroying highlights, donald de la haye highlights, antonio brown, xfl highlights, friday night lights, donald de la haye, kicker, football vines, football TIK TOKS, trash talker, 2022, cam newton, pylon
Id: ORQOj7n0EEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 210min 52sec (12652 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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