Best Nootropics for Social Anxiety

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[Music] I'm David Tillman from nootropics expert calm and in this video I'm going to be talking about the best new tropics for social anxiety if you feel inadequate embarrassed inferior or humiliated and it prevents you from going out and meeting new people or generally messes with your quality of life nootropics can help social anxiety is a type of anxiety and affects at least 13% of the people living in the US while the numbers aren't available I'm confident that this is a worldwide problem you are dealing with social anxiety if you do your best to avoid going into any situation where you feel that you'll be negatively judged or evaluated back in the day they used to call these things phobias in this case it was social phobia social anxiety is treated by mainstream medicine in two ways cognitive behavior therapy with drug or with drugs you may have tried either or both with limited success in this video you'll find out why they didn't succeed in taming your symptoms and provide you with some natural solutions that may work better now this is a fairly lengthy video it's divided into first of all I'm going to talk about the causes of social anxiety and then I'm going to talk about the neurotransmitters involved in social anxiety and anxiety in general and then I'm going to talk about the recommended nootropics for social anxiety including natural alternatives of beta-blockers and natural alternatives to SSRIs Mao is and other anti-anxiety drugs you can skip through to those sections of the video that you're interested in by clicking on the time links that are below in the description of this video but if you're dealing with social anxiety I highly recommend that you sit with me and explore all of the issues involved in social anxiety and hopefully you'll have some answers by the end of this video one of the problems with social anxiety is poor self-esteem and it feels like it's somehow your fault that social anxiety is a moral failure or it could be caused by a crappy childhood nothing could be further from the truth social anxiety is primarily a chemistry imbalance in your brain and if this balance of neurotransmitters and their symptoms can be restored you should be relieved of social anxiety symptoms your brain is governed by multiple neurotransmitter systems the most extensive extensive of these are gaba and glutamate the other three neurotransmitter systems serotonin dopamine and norepinephrine have also been studied extensively in both normal states and states of anxiety and we know that each of these neurotransmitters plays a role in anxiety because there are prescription drug therapies that address each one but social anxiety is not caused by a deficiency in one neurotransmitter or another the networks governed by the neurotransmitters are interrelated of multiple feedback loops and sport complex receptor structures this is why you may have had little success with success with your anxiety and using prescription SSRIs or Mao is and why the tropics especially adaptogens could be your answer but more on that in a minute so if you have been led to believe by others that the primary culprit associated with social anxiety is gaba or glutamate and that phenibut or aniracetam are guaranteed to relieve your social anxiety issues you have not been given the full story about what's causing your anxiety next we're going to look at the neural each neurotransmitter and its association with social anxiety serotonin plays a fundamental role in regulating your brain states including anxiety and modulates dopamine and norepinephrine as well there are several serotonin receptor subtypes for example serotonin one a receptor is both an inhibitor and a mediator of serotonin depending on whether it's in the presynaptic or postsynaptic neuron not all serotonin subtype receptors provide Ang's oolitic effects a classic example of this is a serotonin 2a receptor which provides the psychedelic effects when you use LSD or masculine but despite all this complexity it's true that many people get some relief from anxiety symptoms by using meds that inhibit the reuptake of serotonin using SSRIs if you respond well to SSRIs but hate the side effects and are looking for a safe alternative you can try 5htp fan a bit or pick a melon and I'll talk about and see if any of these agree with you but I'll be talking about more of these in nootropics a little bit further in this video gada is your main inhibitory neurotransmitter it increases increases in gaba using barbiturates or by benzodiazepines can have an anxiolytic effect for some people drugs in this class are not drunk do not directly bind together receptors instead they affect the associated chloride channel our bitchu 'its do this by increasing the duration of the channels open state while benzodiazepines increase the frequency of opening the big problem with these types of drugs however is tolerance and potentially fatal side effects and they kill your ability to encode memories so sometimes anticonvulsant convulsant drugs like gabapentin are used instead which blocks calcium channels resulting in a boost in gaba transmission and this is why some of the rasa thames display anxiolytic activity because the tropics like aniracetam and oxy racetam affect ion channels somehow increasing the excitability of these neurons and increasing the effectiveness of some neurotransmitters but more about that a little bit later on this video dopamine's role in normal and anxiety activity in your brain is complex and dopamine pathways affect social anxiety in several ways for example drugs like olanzapine inhibit the dopamine d2 receptor and provide anti-anxiety effects dopamine signaling helps promote feelings of self-confidence and self-esteem which helps reduce anxiety which is a wise reason why some people with social anxiety issues respond well to drugs like well during which helps boost dopamine so in the next section of this video they're going to have more on nootropics like full lighten l-theanine that will help boost dopamine in your brain norepinephrine plays a complex role in anxiety states and many social anxiety symptoms can be reduced by modulating norepinephrine in your brain for example propanolol which is classed as a beta blocker is an antagonist of the beta to norepinephrine receptor is used to reduce the rapid heart rate tremors and quivering voice that you get when you're about to step in front of an audience on stage some SN R eyes or serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors also are effective in quelling social anxiety symptoms drugs like cymbalta al boost serotonin and norepinephrine activity in your brain several natural new tropical tern ative to beta blockers are available the tropics like magnesium l-tryptophan and st. John's wort are used by many to treat social anxiety but more on these beta block beta blocker alternatives a little bit later on in this video glutamate is your primary excitatory neurotransmitter it has involved in every neuronal pathway in your brain and body including those that affect social anxiety states the NMDA receptor also particularly is also particularly important for social anxiety disorders because it helps mediate a learning and memory activating the NMDA receptor triggers protein synthesis which strengthens the connection between neurons this NMDA activity is how learning effect on learning and memory is likely one of the reasons why caught into a behavior therapy is sometimes effective in treating social anxiety because you are pushed into situations they help you unlearn certain situations that make you uncomfortable but forcing you to walk into a crowded bar and asking the phone numbers of 50 female strangers simply to unlearn the social anxiety that keeps you from meeting new people seems like cruel and inhuman punishment to me there has got to be a better way and it turns out there is nootropics like cat's claw many of the rasa thames l-theanine and new pepper all modulate NMDA receptors and glutamate several other neurotransmitters play a role in social anxiety and the associated systems involved in anxiety including neuropeptides corticotropin-releasing factor and cannabinoids but none of these experimental compounds that affect these neurotransmitters have translated into fda-approved drugs the excuse is the stringent criteria for approval of these treatments I guess that money plays more of a role in stringent criteria because you can't patent in charge exorbitant prices for compounds like cannabis which in low doses is a very effective social anxiety treatment and new pep is based off an endogenous neuropeptide researchers in moscow found new pep similar to process him not only in its nootropic effect but also is anxiety anxiety captivity so if you are currently being treated for social anxiety or suspect you may dealing with undiagnosed anxiety disorder and are looking for more natural safer ways to treat your symptoms nootropics could be the answer and you're not alone for looking to for alternatives to drugs that come with a host of side effects research in the eyes states in other countries show that significant numbers of people use alternative medicine to treat their problems a study in the u.s. a one with a thousand and thirty-five people showed that more people were using alternative medicine and nootropics to treat social anxiety symptoms and for any other health problem including back problems chronic pain and urinary tract infections another meta-analysis of 42 clinical studies was used to determine which was more effective in taming anxiety they compared cognitive behavioral therapy with drug treatment the meta-analysis concluded that the evidence showed there was little difference in the positive outcomes of using therapy or pharmaceuticals this meta-analysis tells us that if you had a choice between the humiliation of cognitive behavior therapy Earnie tropics the outcome would be about the same so which would you choose if your choices nootropics to treat social anxiety issues here are some that you can try in the section on our pinna frame we found that prescription beta blockers are often used to treat anxiety some natural alternatives include DHA fatty acids make up a significant portion of your brain cell membranes low levels of omega-3s result in ADHD anxiety depression suicide and increased risk of Alzheimer's and dementia DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid magnesium lack of the adequate magnesium can result in brain fog anxiety and depression plasticity of neuron synapses is affected by the presence of adequate magnesium in brain cells st. John's wort has been used for centuries to treat anxiety depression and stress st. John's wort works by preventing the uptake of serotonin in your brain it works like prescription antidepressants in a quick note about vitamin D excessive levels of this vitamin can affect the way your body and brain processes calcium calcium channels in your brain are implicated in anxiety now you absolutely need adequate vitamin D levels in your body just don't overdo it so rather than separate these into how each effects the various neurotransmitters that affect social anxiety I'm going to talk about them in alphabetical order so please do the research on each nootropic before you try it especially if you're currently using prescription anti-anxiety drugs I'm going to go briefly through these one-by-one aniracetam this member of the racetam family of nootropics works with dopamine in d2 and d3 receptors in your brain and desensitizes AMPA or glutamate receptors aniracetam is one of the most effective antidepressants I've ever tried and it effects and its effects on dopamine in your brain can have a profound effect on anxiety symptoms ashwagandha this a adaptogen has been used for millennia to relieve anxiety fatigue restore energy and boosts concentration clinical studies have shown I forgot to prepare and even reverse damage caused in the brain that caused by chronic anxiety and stress bacopa monnieri this agenda gene has been used since ancient times to reduce anxiety depression and stress it protects your neurons and balances neurotransmitters folate or vitamin b9 is used by your brain to make dopamine norepinephrine and serotonin folate is involved in gene expression amino acids that synthesis in myelin synthesis and repair it's even involved in cerebral circulation your blood blood flow in your brain there's powerful aimed anti-anxiety treatment in this B vitamin encode biloba this tree is native to china has been used for thousands of years to boost mental alertness improve brain blood flow in the brain and for overall brain function many have found that gingko is very effective in reducing stress and anxiety and boost moon ginseng panax ginseng has been used as a memory booster improves mood lowers anxiety levels and boost stamina and endurance gota kola is one of the most important herbs in ancient ayurvedic medicine this herb helps boost nerve growth factor which can have a profound effect on anxiety many report that gotu kola may be even more effective in reducing anxiety and relieving stress than ashwagandha so remember that one gotu kola kava is native to the South Pacific and the Islanders use kava for its sedative effects kava can help reduce anxiety improve mood unlike benzodiazepines kava does not impair cognitive function in fact studies show that kava me boost cognitive function lemon balm is used for its anti-anxiety effects rosmarinic acid a compound found in lemon balm inhibits the gaba transaminase enzyme which in turn helps maintain adequate levels of gaba in your brain resulting in a calming effect lion's mane mushroom boosts nerve brain nerve growth factor which increases neurogenesis that means growing new neurons lion's mane can help improve focus and intention boost thinking repair brain cells help depression and anxiety and manage other neurological problems like Alzheimer's dementia Parkinson's and muscular atrophy alpha Anning naturally occurs in green and new long-t this amino acid is used as a nootropic for anxiety learning and mood and focus it works quickly in your brain to increase dopamine and serotonin phenibut is a GABA agonist and primarily binds to the gaba be receptor GABA a receptor agonists include alcohol and benzodiazepine phenibut can have a sedative effect and has strong anti-anxiety qualities it can be used to combat depression improve mood cognitive function and motivation phenylalanine this amino acid is a precursor to the synthesis of tyrosine in your brain tyrosine then helps with the formation and utilization of the neurotransmitters dopamine epinephrine norepinephrine and melatonin helping to relieve anxiety and chronic chronic pain and boost focus and motivation pick a millon is a combination of niacin or by the vitamin b3 and gaba similar to phenibut pick a melon improves memory concentration motivation focus has strong anti anti-anxiety properties and can lower blood pressure rhodiola rhodiola activates AMPA receptors in your brain which decreases depression and stress-related mood swings reduces fatigue stimulates energy and alertness and it boosts cognition st. John's wort this plan has been traditionally used for mood disorders in wound healing today is used mostly as a treatment for anxiety depression and stress st. John's wort works like prescription SSRIs by preventing the reuptake of serotonin in your brain but please read the precautions on using this nootropic in my extended article on the entropic sexpert calm very important for st. John's wort tryptophan this amino acid is a precursor to serotonin melatonin and niacin or vitamin b3 in your brain al tryptophan is used to treat anxiety ADHD depression insomnia memory loss and eating disorders vitamin b6 helps your brain make serotonin norepinephrine melody and melatonin the activated form vitamin b6 called p5p is particularly effective in boosting serotonin and gaba in your brain and providing potent antioxidant acts so check the bottle for vitamin b6 and make sure that you're getting the p5p version vitamin b12 this B vitamin plays a key role in the efficient conversion of khyber heart carbohydrates into glucose your cell source of fuel it also helps your body convert fatty acids into energy supplementing with vitamin b12 can help lower anxiety and elevate alertness cognition energy vision elevate mood and relieve insomnia no more mood swings nootropics are a strong alternative to many anti-anxiety medications currently prescribed by doctors and promoted by the big pharmaceutical companies but a very strong word of caution if you are currently using any prescription anti anxiety or antidepressant medications or any medications for that matter research please each nootropic including the side effects and prescription drug interactions before using any of them they're all listed in the nootropics list on nootropics expert you can eliminate social anxiety once and for all with the tropics if you do your research and you're willing to experiment until you find the one that are one or two that is right for you so that's my report on the tropics and social anxiety I do want to see a transcript to this video please click on the link below this video or just go to nootropics expert and search for social anxiety and you'll find it I'm David Toman author of nootropics expert
Channel: NootropicsExpert
Views: 84,738
Rating: 4.8403234 out of 5
Keywords: nootropics for social anxiety, nootropics for anxiety, nootropics for depression, social anxiety, supplements for anxiety, nootropics expert,, David Tomen, nootropics documentary, best nootropics 2017, smart drugs nootropics, nootropics review
Id: 8w5KZZiJFkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2017
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