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you called about the noises in your walls right oh no no no not [Music] me you sure about that hey there little guy Charlotte I need you to watch Liam why because he's 6 months old and he eats paper every time I try and connect she takes two steps back night Ethan you hungry cool we're going to call you sting hi Eric could a spider grow twice as big in a couple of hours no that is a physiological impossibility sweet Jesus what the hell happened to him rats I don't think a rat's going to do that spider only know two things eat and kill what kind of spider are we talking about here A big one spiderbite will paralyze its freay because it likes to feed on living [Music] flesh it's all my fault we have to doal with this together what the ins stin that's your spider guys this trip is going to be a blast who says chicks don't know how to travel light Brandon spoke too soon we're going to Resort in Cabo what does he think you need a bu up for every situation has the potential for violence here it's virtually zero hey where you going they said I could sit at the back it's not a busy flight wow babysitter is finally letting to grow up pry mother don't worry we're going to be just gron wake up n we have to get out of here we're in an air lock we're safe for now but we will need oxygen it was a man who had an oxygen tank where are you going to get that tank how long do you think we have 3 maybe 4 hours M if the structure holds up look they come to save us hey we're over here [Music] we're going to have to find our way out it's a shark doing on a plate AA I'm sorry kid you're going to have to do this one in your own [Music] let's do this this was never a great City but it was our our are you with me always until Hilda vandercoy took it from us this is how she keeps control they call it the calling they're all going to watch and cheer as you die that's me facing televised execution by breakfast seral mascots not my happiest day but let me take you back to an even worse one the day the vandercoy killed my family and left me deaf and mute so I made a three-step plan step one give myself an inner voice I took the last one I remembered from this video game player one wins step two get stronger a lot stronger and step three join a team Welcome to the the resistance yeah go go team the mission is simple make the vandercoy pay for what they have done insert Crazy Action Montage you fall in [Music] loveing your heart and hop to die you know how hard it is to get a Serial company to sponsor mass murder [Music] wow plan time I don't like this plan no what [Music] you you have reached your final Destin ation oh my God now I have information I'm going to help you stop probably wasn't going to help us definitely sounded like he was going to help [Music] us there are those who believe they came after the pollution people caused and they're here to cleanse the planet of the human race so we'll all become extinct we have to stay vigilant do you understand yeah yeah all right I'll meet you right here before the sun sets behind that Hill it was good to see you you're late sorry I lost Rec of time are we safe yes are we secure [Music] yes thank you for this food we were about to receive thank you for bringing this together as a [Music] [Applause] family I don't want to hide from them anymore what do we do are we not men what are they doing they trapped Us in they're tring up from underneath us so break in every second you need to trust [Music] me what are you selling I'll sell products that sell themselves you're an arms dealer who sells drugs Ricky I don't need a Salesman I'm sorry we need money I'll try all I need is something that pays I didn't think you call me risks getting caught how much this him the only thing that matters is that you are a man that no one would expect did you expect me tonight well he's a perfect comp drop it off slim knows where you need to be make sure the salesman doesn't get up to anything I'm going to say this once we are in a deal everything you are connected to we die so this part of some plan girl that for a score man how I know you're not going to do that to me if I wanted you gone you'd be gone we don't like anybody who takes what's ours risky needs a scapegoat think what you're doing doesn't have an expiration date get out get out big what's the first thing you liked about me I thought that you were quite brilliantly broken you feel like my person you feel like my person what's the worst thing you've ever done I saw things I shouldn't have seen any of it J please don't do this I feel you crumble in my arms down to your [Music] heart when someone dies a crow carries a soul to the Land of the Dead but sometimes something so bad happens and the Soul cannot [Music] rest until you put the wrong things [Music] right you were given the power of a God but you're running out of time to save her I'm going to kill them I wish single one of [Music] them and killed you yeah you did we have a problem he came for [Music] us first impulse AER I need more live [Music] it's not anger it's love look at what you become you know that love promises only pain you have no idea what hell awaits you no I do how many people have you L I never be [Music] alone 70 years ago this would have been science fiction and tonight we get to decide whether or not people will live on the Mo or we can destroy this future forever the AI J has exceeded her programming nothing short of a miracle Jay predicts that the first moon Colony just stops functioning so Jay's written the mission off entirely no not the mission Humanity something big is happening the mission has changed maybe it is the beginning of a journey that could last a million days Jay is a machine in order for her to go as far as she can she needs something more Consciousness she wants to connect with a human being she's determined that the only way to preserve life is to send a Single Seed me you're pitted against an emotionless calculating enemy with a goal we don't understand here we're not aborting the mission she has found a way to control everything Anderson [Music] Anderson as far as we can this is it babe are you ready to play games o it's a whole lot of luxury Vehicles out here this one is priceless would you two like to sit in it my heart is racist lights out starting now down down now that's FBI how would an FBI know oh don't SL B is on watch this they never found the bodies in Miami he's out there somewhere I might have another job lined up trust me this is a big one no no no no after what happened I retired what if I told you we picked up chatter on Mason's crew you think they're planning something your brother got us into big trouble he need your help you're late thought you'd be here sooner really Sean right on schedule here we go we got company whoever you are you're too damn close hi Mason I'm your negotiator hey Amy I'm happy it's you I just have to keep one step ahead of her this isn't going to end well you're trying to rob the most dangerous man in Miami we're going in go go go they are not messing around they want to kill all of you okay this is the plan if I'm wrong we're dead if I'm right we call the [Music] shots wait a minute stop you're going to ruin the end of the movie can we start from the beginning please [Music] your movie goer thanks for watching my trailer I'm Darren verman I'm a pool man I love Los Angeles and I'm fighting to make it a better place you dick these are my best friends Jack denisof and Diana span this is my take on the anger egg cream a little bit of cinnamon it's brilliant this is my girlfriend Susan and this is Jun Del Reay she's uncovered corruption at city council and thinks I can help she thinks I'd make a great detective whoa like undercover yes uh I really train can I get back to you these are the bad guys that's a lizard and this is a tree that's trying to tell me something about my past anyway these are some cool images set to awesome music hit [Music] [Music] it thank you for watching have an awesome aquatic day yours XX [Applause] [Music] DB you don't have to be [Applause] afraid God has great plans for you this child is his way there's this girl at the orphanage I think that she really needs someone to look out for her carita suffers from a touch of Madness you must be very careful [Music] Margaret things will start to happen around her evil things it's all for you no no [Music] don't what does any of this have to do with car this church has maintained power for thousands of years lady will stop with nothing to keep it that way how you control people who no longer believe you create something to fear I believe the girl is to be the mother mother of of what it's the mark of the devil hey it's not real it's not real it's not real it's not real it's not real what's not real who said that this is very real citizens of America people of the Florida aligned you got to move and the Western forces of Texas and California will'll be welcome back to these United States as soon as their illegal secessionist government is depos you don't know what side you're fighting for someone's trying to kill us we are trying to kill [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] them [Music] go go [Music] go we are back in five 4 now here is Mr midnight Jack dowo oh good evening night owls and thank you for allowing me into your living rooms once again well night owls we've got a heck of a show in store for you tonight and I'm very excited for you to see it all unfold before your very eyes I really hope you love it gosh I hope you love it please love it I'm trying to host ashless indicated talk show and I'm trying to help you keep it on the air we all know how important it is to keep our sponsors and Affiliates happy but in my humble opinion there is only one person who really matters in this whole darn crazy [Music] business and that is you our viewer you're meddling with things you don't understand now as you know here on night owls we think it's very important to keep an open mind please welcome Dr June Ross Mitchell and Lily the young subject of the book conversations with the devil I really don't think it's a good idea Jack is becoming more unpredictable that's a good thing that's why we still do live TV ladies and Gentlemen please stay tuned for a live television first as we attempt to commune with the [Music] Devil Lily can you hear [Music] me good to see you again Jack Lily return to me this isn't about ratings anymore no one's going anywhere how could you let it happen Jack how could you let it happen please be warned anyone with young children in the room go to commer go to commer you're about to see you okay Jack is profoundly disturbing and shocking you get out there Mr midnight and you knock him dead when I was a kid we had to write about our favorite Heroes and this one kid he wrote about his father and that always stuck with me there's nothing special about wanting to be special it's the most ordinary thing in the world I'm Adam did 13 years time today is my last day got a new place got a new job but the really big news when I met my son I'm sorry I wasn't there for you you recognize him used to run these streets I feel I got like a second chance you want me get some of that [ __ ] I know I got a second chance go take care of him Show's boss I can't keep running so you really want to do this yeah 5 lb of trigger pressure is your aim never [Music] off I can't change what I did I know who I am I know who I can be and I know I can still do something good oh yeah music wos hey M telling me what y'all are doing out here what's really going on here with you and these Mexicans it's not what these undocumented immigrants are doing it's why and the answer to that is to get rid of all dead bodies now [Applause] five holy [ __ ] look like his face you don't look so great what did you do man not what it looks like man it's just bad luck got a job from a couple guys at the hardware store we were connected he says he can I get deported I don't really care I'll junk this piece of [ __ ] for you but I do not have another car I do have a 1972 Chevrolet Camaro 255 horses 454 Big Block what Ricardo did to your wife my son and I knew where you'd become you do a job with a dude he goes south dump him they a't going to wipe your sleigh clean that has nothing to do with this yeah okay that knife in your hand I knew what you'd become just a scared kid kid you were skinning folks alive when you were his age where's the kid I knew you can send him straight to Hell there he is God [Music] killer is right Gwen Taylor Teddy Teddy miles this is my place look I know it looks as if the damn Adams Family used to live here but trust me this place is harmless really got to get this thing fixed oh my now we got 20 cabins all basically identical if you take to the job then maybe we can make it a regular thing right it'd be great what kind of security do you have here security well if you want there's a fire axe next to the vending machine nobody's going to mess with if you swinging that thing around you know what I'm saying welcome to the night shift excuse me are you okay you know this place is haunted right oh my God how does this dump even stay open people probably died here right in other news authorities have yet to apprehend a convicted murderer who escaped a facility Wednesday evening it's for you are you going to show me to my [Music] room you it's places like this that make me think God might actually exist it's amazing there's the camp post we don't get many camers this time of year hop on out here and I'll give you the law of the land everything you bring into this campsite you take out leave no trace my great grandma was Blackfoot I can hear their voice voices she makes me uncomfortable Ed it's just one night and you can survive one night can't you you're not supposed to be here what what the good evening campers quiet time has come into effect you're off your rocker lady my Camp my rules she's insane [Applause] This Is Where It gets weird what's that sound what what's sound faster F to go oh you know I wasn't scared so oh you weren't okay good [Music] the sky was underpinned with long silver streaks that look like scaffolding but no one was paying any attention to the sky well I don't understand why you don't want to write something that people would like to read dear God I want to write a novel a good novel so Connor sometimes I feel like you're trying trying to stick pins in your readers I don't think you need to make them suffer in order to introduce them to the unusual way your mind works Mary flry you've been writing any cute stories lately I read that last one you sent your mama you know it left kind of a bad taste in my that you weren't supposed to eat it you might want to consider being a little more friendly I tried to turn the other cheek but my tongue is always in it I I need to be working you need rest nowadays doctors don't let young people die dear God please I can never seem to escape myself unless I'm right and strangely I'm never more myself and when I'm right is there no way for me to disappear into something bigger Lord please grant me Grace let me be your typewriter please give me one good story I thought it would be the end of any creation now I see it is only the [Music] beginning it must come in easy for you it's not giving birth to a piano sad ways my man Ezra flying with that Anette so that he could order himself a i to please the Doctor Who first told me my son was autistic could have saved us both a lot of time if he just said the truth autistic kids don't give them they don't they want me to put him in a special needs School Jenna knows I'm broken she knows you're still not over her the man your age shouldn't be living with his father he led 20 kids onto Washington Street your son has been a danger to himself he's not dangerous he's a challenge nobody wants to do work now I see where the dangerous Behavior comes from you son of a you want to do something for your son you get yourself to La Jimmy Kimmel wants to book you what they're not going to fly you is that going to be a problem uh no hey what he doing Ezra get in the car I need to get him away from here not taking the car St making him po all I ever wanted was just to protect our boy well I'm protecting him now give your uncle Nikki a hug huh come on come here hey hey where you going Ken you know the word autism comes from the Greek in your own world I don't want him in his own world I want him in this world that kid is the one thing that I can't get just look him in the eye looking a horse in the eye it's like sharing your soul where the hell are you taking a little time off with this not a good time to take off Max you're fighting for something you might have to suffer consequences but it's worth it cuz you did it because you love your [Music] kid a Dad's job is to take his son down the field and if he gets tackled all that Dad wants is for that kid to pick up the bat and to take it the rest of the [Music] way be here they come your son's got one hell of a pair of lungs on him got a homework how much let's grab a burger and fries come [Music] on okay B what are we going to do when the baby comes how are we going to pay for it we made do before we'll make do again give it a shot heavy Ash raining down for miles it's close should we be worried I hope not the destruction is catastrophic this is no joke best thing to do is fireproof the [Music] house what do we do now we wait we pray going to be okay Mom Dad we got to get out of here long as we're together we're going to be okay where am I supposed to tell these people to go we can't save [Music] everybody I'm going to do whatever it takes to get my family out of alive we can make it foreign foreign speech Let's [Music] Go [Music] for go f my fore [Music] sure [Music] fore [Music] foreign open over it [Music] spee [Music] foree [Music] [Music] fore i'me fore fore [Music] spee for [Music] Fore guys there [Music] for you said me [Music] [Applause] [Music] give t [Music] the want P see next scen [Music] sure I SP of this is [Music] next St [Music] p is [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] toe
Channel: Rapid Trailer
Views: 815,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trailer, 2024, movie, new, best, new movie, new movies, new movie trailers, new movie trailers 2024, movie trailer, movie trailers, movie 2024, movies 2024, new movies 2024, upcoming, best upcoming, best upcoming movies, new upcoming movies, upcoming movies, trailer 2024, trailers 2024, movie trailer 2024, movie trailers 2024, best new movies, best movies 2024, action, adventure, sci fi, horror, comedy, drama, thriller, superhero, fantasy, mystery, best upcoming movies 2024, 2024 movie
Id: vzONPlKqXzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 17sec (2777 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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