BEST New Handguns Under $200

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I was grown-ass man you yesterday I got a pretty interesting I don't know if I'd call it a question or a challenge from one of my viewers they sent me an email saying that they are a poor broke college student and that they are going to have about $200 maybe a little more maybe up to like two hundred and twenty dollars to spend on a firearm they got their first apartment they want to have something in their apartment they could use for self-defense and possibly something they could carry now they put a lot of conditions on me here for what guns I would choose in that category first off they said don't tell me to save more money because I try to save more money I'll just end up spending the money I already have this was money I had left over from a grant and I'm going to have to spend it now or I'll blow it on something else so can't tell them to spend more money can't tell them to save up they also said don't tell me to buy ammo and practice because I don't have a lot of time to practice and they said plus I'm pretty experienced with firearms already and I have access to my dad's ammo so I don't know it's by an ammo so I can spend the entire amount on a gun well that's kind of challenging itself right there finding a decent gun for that $200 price range but then they made it even more difficult they said it's got to be a gun that you personally have experience with and that you would actually own yourself if you had to if you were in my situation and Bree I have been in their situation I have been a very poor college student and at that time I actually did chariot Taurus I had a Taurus I believe it was a forget the number of the torch was like a 741 or something like that but it was a 22 magnum revolver so I thought well what would I suggest that they get so I thought today I would make a list here of the best 5 guns I think you could choose for that $200 price range now believe me this took some thought but let's go ahead and get into it here and let's start off with what I would consider the number 5 on the list and number 5 on the list now this is going to probably bother some people but it is the high point C F 380 now I know a lot of people just threw up in their mouth a little bit because I set a high point but you want I've owned one of these for quite a while or at least my fam we have it sits in an old tackle box out in the barn on the farm and you know it shoots every time I go back pull it out of the old box and I'm one of the spider eggs and cobwebs off of it and it works and that's all you can ask for it again in this price range is that it worked it's not pretty it's not the best design gun we're also a little big for a 380 but if terrible it would definitely work for self-defense around the house so I'm going to say based on my own personal experiences if you're going to spend less than $200 or $200 you know it's going to be a great choice because it's only like a hundred and twenty-five bucks you my one throw it away and buy another one if you need to later so that's why I'm we're going to give the number five position to the High Point CF 380 it just works next is a gun that I don't have a whole lot of experience with but what experience with that I have had has been positive friend of mine owns one he loves it I hear good things about on the internet all the time and it is the sky CP x2 it is a very small little 9-millimeter pistol in my experience with the sky I have determined it's probably what Cal Tech would be if they put a little bit more effort into their guns still not again that I would really want but it's serviceable it actually seems to work it's very inexpensive you can get these for one hundred eighty nine hundred ninety nine dollars all the time finding it for two hundred dollars wouldn't even be difficult and like I say it works and it's a lot better looking than the High Point was so if you want a gun that looks fairly decent is in a higher caliber chol this is nine-millimeter and you know doesn't break the bank it's not going to be again you keep forever it's just going to be a gun that you maintain for now and make sure it works for now I think you couldn't go wrong with the sky CP x2 now the next gun I've actually shot a little bit more and it was a gun that I was very interested in when it first came out but you know it's just not a gun that I really want to own but I was interested in trying it so I did and that is the Taurus 709 slim this is like the Taurus version of the Walther pp s it's very slim no frills nine-millimeter pistol it's a single stack so it's very easy to carry and you can still use it for home protection - now it does have a safety on which I'm not crazy about but you know we you're only spending two our dollars beggars can't be choosers I'm not the biggest fan of tourist guns but if you get one of these make sure it works and then just maintain it properly it will last you long enough to get the job done while you're in school so this position goes to the Taurus 709 slim now the next gun is probably the most proven gun on the list and the gun that most people would choose in this price category that is the Ruger LCP the original model these are selling for one hundred ninety five dollars pretty much everywhere now because the new L CTS are out this would be a great choice for a small little gun it's a pocket pistol so it's going to be very easy to carry and it would still be better than a pointy stick if you ever had to use it for home defense so it'd be a great little choice now there's only a 380 but still it's a very reliable and proven little 380 so I think it deserves a position right here as the number two gun and that $200 price range that I would choose and that is like I said the Ruger LCP original model okay the number one gun on the left the gun that I would probably choose for myself if I was currently in this position and only had 200 dollars to spend that would be the Taurus PT 111 Jim - this is a compact double stack nine-millimeter pistol holds 13 rounds it's a pretty decent little pistol like I said horses aren't going to win any awards for quality or quality control especially but if you get one and you make sure it works right out of the box it will last you for a while if you maintain it properly it's not going to be what I would call it everyday shoot you're not something I want to shoot every day to range like I said but it is something that would serve you well in this capacity so if you're not going to shoot a lot something you're going to carry every now and then but something that's going to be at home when you need it so as long as you take it out test it every down then maintain it every now and then clean it keep it in working order this gun will get you through your college years now that's what also has a safety which would be my first choice but like I say that yours can't be choosers so if I was in this position if I was a poor college student I had car dollars to spend this is the gun I would buy myself the Taurus PT 111 Jim - okay I do want to add one little caveat to this video one recommended gun what I would do I know I said that was the gun I would choose if I had to do this for myself but what I would really do is try to be able to spend just a little bit more spend 225 because you said you have a little bit more than 200 if you could spend 225 what I would get would be the Taurus 85 a little 38 special Taurus revolver it's only going to be five shots but it's a decent little gun now towards revolvers have a tendency to eventually go out of time but you know just in a couple of years as a college student when you need a gun for carry and for home defense that's not going to be a real big issue so as long as it works out of the box it would be a great gun for you I've owned Taurus pistols in the past and which serves me well in fact it was a Taurus pistol it saved my bacon that night in Birmingham Alabama so I can't really say anything too bad about it so if I was you I would spend just a little bit more money and get myself a Taurus 85 38 special revolvers so there you have it there's my list of the five potential guns that I would buy if I only had around $200 to spend now none of these guns are fancy none of them were what I would call beautiful they're not even the very most reliable guns on the market but I think if you use them in that context just to shoot every now and then and to carry if you maintain them properly they would last you for a long time they perform very well I wouldn't want to use any one of these as a competition gun or as an everyday shooter because I think they might wear out too quickly but like I said just for something to keep around the apartment or to carry occasionally I think any one of these would serve you pretty well you [Music] you and your mother all that [Music] [Applause] you you
Channel: TheYankeeMarshal
Views: 2,312,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2nd amendment, self defense, concealed carry, open carry, gun rights, constitutional carry, weapons ban, martial arts, tactical, politics, humor, best, top five, top ten, handguns, taurus, hi-point, sccy, ruger, budget, bargain, poor, home defense, 9mm, .380, list, lcr, 709, 85, PT111, gen2, g2
Id: CbLhezGLN2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2017
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