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all right guys and for today's video I'm going to share with you guys the secrets to getting any character that has a zenkai Awakening available in the game up to a cool and Breezy zenkai level seven so if you guys enjoyed today's video guide and if you do hit a thumbs up and subscribe for more content before we get into that though we do have a word from today's video sponsor [Music] with awesome remote desktop you can remotely access and control your PC laptop and smartphone anytime and from anywhere with the power of awesome you can not only remotely control your devices but you can easily transfer files or mirror your phone to your computer which makes screen recording exceptionally easier you can also check the progress of downloads and processes that will take a while to render and for you Gamers there is also a dedicated game version that lets you use your phone to play PC games and more there is no better tool that exists to conveniently do your gaming tasks at any time and that's not all awesome is compatible with Windows Mac OS Android and iOS so the possibilities are completely endless Austin also has a smart plug that lets you wake up your desktop remotely from your phone to make remote use even more accessible and that's not all the first 200 people that download and use this code on the screen will get access to a free 7-Day trial so don't wait so if all this sounds good to you why not click my link in the description to get started with awesome remote desktop today this is an amazing software that's going to definitely change your life so give it a shot maybe you guys did pick up on them but I dropped a couple of buzzwords like characters that are available with zenkai's because not every character has zenkai though eventually most of them will have one as we you know eek closer and closer to five six seven eight years of the game's lifespan if it goes that far I don't know but what we're going to talk about today is the characters that do have them most recently the green kefla got her zenkai today I'm not completely done with her currently but I'm gonna show you guys some of the tips and tricks to get these characters up now the first and most important thing that you have to understand is if your character is not at least at seven yellow stars you get the red stars after you've completed the seven yellows they start off with one red and then go all the way through to seven we call them 14. the official name is seven plus I believe but anyways if they're not at seven yellow they're not eligible for a Zen Kai Awakening even if one is technically available for that character if it got just announced or released whatever they are not eligible in your specific account unless they have seven yellow stars now you may be wondering well how do I get that well it just kind of depends but the key thing is you're going to get them from summons nine and a half times out of ten some characters are free characters some characters have uh events where you can get some of them you know the other characters that are not are once weren't free characters are available for zenkai's in the story mode there are some characters there things like that but for the most part their characters are gonna have to summon for so that leads me to my next point I mean there's a ton of different currencies there's obviously the Chrono crystals a lot of these zenkai characters are going to be older characters that you're gonna have tickets for now the downside is you can't pinpoint these characters specifically but if you get them you know passively to Seven Stars eventually through some of these older summons that is the best way to go I really wouldn't you know recommend going out of your way to try to summon for a character specifically or anything like that on any banners in any sort of fashion if they're just trying to get his zenkai done other than that if you don't have the Z power for seven yellow but you really desperately want them you can come here and buy the the pack here this will give you a jump start on the zenkai and it'll give you a ton of regular Z power to get the character up to that seven star threshold that I mentioned a moment ago so you can you don't have to spend money directly for this it does cost Chrono crystals 2000 at the bottom but you know that could be a steep pill to swallow however I will say I don't really feel this way as much today but there was a time where I would say this would actually be worth it versus getting characters new on the gotcha because you got to think about it this is a guaranteed character this is a guaranteed zenkai awoken character at that at least to a degree and we'll talk about getting the Awakening Z power to send kite them through levels one through seven in a second but I don't really feel that way as much anymore because they've devalued zenkai's increased the value of other characters Etc and then guys just don't dominate the game the way that they once did a lot of times Zen Kaiser kind of filler characters characters that are your second or third options on a color or on a team specific uh two different other characters they're meant to be used alongside or around the actual like best characters in the game things like that like kefla right she's a fusion Warrior character the actual best characters for her teams or some of the ultra characters and you can use kefla on the teams alongside those characters and she's not going to be able to replace them though that's the thing zenkai's are typically in that type of space where they're really good after dominating the game for like two years is uh they've definitely depowered them but you can purchase them here now that's the most important thing they have to be at seven star minimum and I talked about how you can get them most of the time it's going to be from summons it's just it is what it is uh and it's really hard to pinpoint a specific summon that's why this pack even exists because if you wanted to go to the the 30 banners between tickets and Chrono crystals that are currently live in the game right now and say hey I won a zenkai 7 or I wanted to zenkai awaken kefla you're gonna have a really tough time specifically summoning kefla over and over and over again to get rid of the seven yellow right it's just it's going to be extremely hard to do uh it's not possible really so we've gotta definitely I would not again would not recommend going out of your way doing that what I just mentioned summoning on banners you've got to let these characters kind of come to you over time unless you're gonna buy these packs for 2000 CC which again I don't really feel this way as much because I think the value is so high on new characters but I wouldn't fault somebody for coming here if there was a character they really like like this careful if you really like kefla wouldn't fall to we're coming here and getting this uh pack for her now the next thing you need to know is the zenkais they weren't always but they are completely free to play after the Seven Star requirement uh there was once a time where you would have the character at seven yellow as the condition to get them through the threshold to zenkai awaken them right and I'll show you a little bit of what I mean if you don't really understand in a second but to put context into this you would then have to come over here hit summon hit the zenkai tab at the top which you can still do and you would do these summons and it would roughly cost 21 000 Chrono crystals to summon your character up with the Chrono crystals to zenkai 7. that is not how this functions anymore you can get them just by completing the battle Gauntlet and being patient but that was the only way for a while and if you had played during that time it probably turned you off but fear not because that is no longer how things are if you were to summon completely it would probably cost you seven or something like that 8 000 Chrono crystals on average definitely far less than the 2122 that it cost once upon a time but when it comes to getting her Awakening Z power which is what you're gonna need you can do that here okay we're not going to come back to this page if you can come and anytime this isn't High you want they will be listed here this is the only one for me because she's the only character that can currently zenkai awaken in the game I have all the other ones so if you're not sure what I'm talking about I talked about the Seven Star condition on characters uh if we come here and we go to characters that are available for zenkai as you see right here if you want to see which characters currently have a zenkai Awakening you can come down to the bottom filter out go applicable and these are all the characters that have zenkai some of them are free some of them are exes some of them are are summonables uh some of them are legendary Finnish characters there's a Litany of characters right all the current Zen guys in the game uh so you can come here and again they have to have that but what happens is after they hit the Seven Star threshold you then have to get their Awakening Z power to the right of the red stars you see where it's 999 it's flipping to the 7 000 right here with 21's face icon right there 99999 and then it shifts here to seven thousand the seven thousand and you can see that here as well on the Awakening Z power as well at the top the 7000 is what you need to zenkai level 6 this character when you zenkaya character they do go through the entire chain uh or seven excuse me they go from one through seven right and what happens is the characters get stat upgrades by being able to unlock these extra Soul boost boards on the side here this is a bunch of stuff that regular non-zen guy characters don't have and they also so on zenkai Level 3 and 6 unlock new passive abilities that other characters you know aren't going to have access to four passives entirely uh these zenkai characters do pick those up right typically characters only have two in fact no other character that's not a zenkai has more than two so that's basically the key thing but you need to you do need to get the 7 000 Awakening Z power so I talked about how you get the regular character Z power once again for the last time that is primarily in summons sometimes you can get some from like story or exchange shops right different things depends on the character um or just an event right but typically nine and a half maybe more than that times out of ten it's gonna be from summons which means please take your time if you want to know where to get them I believe you can no it doesn't look like you can press and hold you can't you can't press and hold here typically you can press and hold some stuff and find stuff so okay just now let's talk about the Awakening Z power which is again what you need to Zen Kai awaken a character if you look at my characters my Goku has a seven because he's a zenkai 7 character I've completed Awakening rank 7 right there at the top I've completed all seven if you look at kefla she's actually not done I was completing her today again she just released today she's not completed the seventh one yet and when you don't have the seventh one that seventh page is not available for you to unlock those extra stats you can't you can't do this yet I have to finish this off I need another 580 it said for the out of seven thousand yeah 64 20 out of 7000 right now so where am I going to get those so nowadays whenever I mentioned summons again you can go to summons hit the zenkai tab at the top you can get them there nowadays whenever a character is released with a zenkai Awakening they add a battle Gauntlet as you see at the very bottom battle Gauntlet get Chrono crystals and up to three thousand that's almost half of what you need it's it's three thousand out of seven thousand you get that completely free from here all you gotta do is complete the stages now here's the caveat to this there are 100 stages okay you can Sim up to the first 80 stages it is really kind of difficult to sim pretty above like above like 68 I would say for the average player it's pretty difficult to sim above level 60 out of 100 without the current character that they're trying to get you to use in this game there is oftentimes there's a new character every other week basically and oftentimes they're tied to an event right now that is a red Ultra hit Ultra hit is the best character by a mile you can take to this battle Gauntlet and he will make this exceptionally easy for you they will do things like this where if you use ultra hit he's I should show it here let's see yeah look at this uh if you use ultra hit look at the stat upgrades because they want you to use him here too he's getting 400 versus older characters with 150. this 17 right here came out just a few weeks ago he's at 200. the ultra hit is at 400 percent 200 200 450 right so they want you clearly to use the brand new character in which case Ultra hits only available on summons you get my drift so if we go back to the battle Gauntlet it's going to be a lot harder but I will say that it varies on Battle Gauntlet from Battle Gauntlet it depends what the character is like I didn't have any difficulty with keflas now obviously you're not going to be able to match my my team directly with the Stars and all that stuff but the team that I used well most of you guys anyway uh if we go over here to uh to characters this is the team that I used right here uh yeah this one and we have all old characters because I don't have Ultra hit now Bergamo got his zenkai like a month or whatever ago kale got hers forever ago she's not very good I use the top three that was it but the point is the 100 stages you want to complete and you will get 3 000 from there now outside of that and out of summons the next thing you need to do is you need to be very patient because this next part is going to take you a little bit of time now also for the record if you bought this one here that gives you the 3 000 to get your kept up you also get another 1 200 of Awakening Z power out of so this one offers you for two thousand Chrono crystals Awakening Z power and regular Z power so the next thing is the other 4 000 are right here in the events tab there's four thousand here and there's three thousand in the in the uh battle Gauntlet so what you're gonna do is you're gonna come here and there are conditions it says KO any character complete daily missions they're going to be some down here for Co-Op yeah playing Co-op and getting The Limited rewards 15 times by the way that means that you this would take you five days you can't complete this any sooner than five days to get the 15 times because you can only get the limited rewards three times from Co-op right per day so you gotta wait five days to complete this so this is why I said be patient right play PVP play Tournament of power uh we'll talk about that in a second but basically you're not going to complete these any sooner than five days it's just not simply possible especially with these ones up here complete daily missions in fact you're not going to be done for two weeks takes two weeks there you go 14 daily missions you can only do one of those per day so it is what it is uh but if you know if you handle it that way you can get it without any Chrono Crystal expenditure in fact you'll be netting Chrono crystals your way because you will have gotten some from the battle Gauntlet and probably some from other content that you were completing to get that as well so that's the bonus there now let's talk about Turner to power so terminal power is an entirely separate mode and I'm sure a lot of you guys kind of ignore I don't put too much into it either uh but one thing I'll say as a tip is typically zenkai's release bi-weekly right and uh on an off week like this where Tournament of power has been up for a week I've already accumulated 20 out of 25 TP so I can actually basically play through most of these stages right so my recommendation with this is to wait until this period the in between week where zenkai releases because most of the time this happens and this has been up for a week already what's gonna happen is next week this will end and it'll reset me back down to like five or whatever or I don't know if you thought if I won or five every time I look at it it's like five though so anyways it'll reset me down out of 20 right and if a zenkai were to release on that week then I would be kind of screwed because I can only play Five Stages but the easier way to do this is just wait that week get to the point I'm at now and also if you're not you don't want to put too much time into this you're not sure what team you can use if you do it my way you can kind of come here look at Battle score look at and copy teams that people are using to rank really really high now they are they're not just using these teams directly uh they are going through and following the best possible routes to get these scores they're they're changing their team on a per stage basis to get the different effects it's an entirely different mode right shout out to asdek check him out on YouTube if you want to know more about this but my point is you can min max this to help you get your zenkai's done sooner but the thing about that is like I said since you have to wait two weeks anyway this isn't something I would put too much thought into but in terms of waiting here because you have to wait for two weeks for the dailies so it this really is effective if you are like me and you want to kind of go half and half so I am at six zenkai right now because I completed the battle Gauntlet I've completed a number of the missions already and this will get me the last ones I need to zenkai awaken kefla live in the video um but I also used 2 000 Chrono crystals and the reason why I did that is because as a content creator I wanted to get a video out for you guys now other content creators it's not a knock on them but other content creators are going to come in they're just going to instantly use the Chrono crystals like seven thousand eight thousand whatever it is to get from send Kai level one all the way up to seven they're gonna ignore the battle Gauntlet that's fair but it'll allow them to put the content out faster I have to wait basically 12 hours or whatever because I go to sleep and get it done that way but I I go a little half and half so I don't gotta wait two weeks to do a video by that time the characters are relevant it is what it is so that is basically the gist on everything you need to know about zenkai Awakening a character best tips and tricks and the entire process explained beginning to end if you enjoyed this video be sure to check out my new player beginner guide for 2023 that should be clickable on your screen right now before you go also check out the sponsor as well have an awesome day and if you want to see kefla live in action that video is down below in the description or clickable on the screen let's go ahead and send Kai awaken her really quick I forgot to press record [Laughter]
Channel: DFree
Views: 125,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dragon Ball Legends, DB Legends, Dragon Ball, D-Free, dragon ball legends guide, db legends guide, db legends best guide, how to zenkai, how to zenkai awaken, dragon ball legends how to zenkai, dfree db legends, db legends guide 2023, how to zenkai awaken your characters, awesun, awe sun, awesun remote desktop
Id: ZnsM39idlEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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