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for today's Dragon Ball Legends video we're going to be talking about how to get top rank equipment in Dragon Ball Legends starting with Godly and working our way down to z+ and Z Etc I hope that you guys enjoy this video subscribe if you are new and if you find it helpful be sure to drop a like so to begin you got to discern which equipment you want to get right that's the pretty easy obvious way to do this so let's say you wanted to get this specific Godly rank equipped you would it well wouldn't you know it how to get and it would tell you where to get the items you need to get this one now this one's a little bit of a outlier because that one is an awoken equip so let's start off with this one right here so if I wanted to get this specific equip done right I would hit how to get and it would tell me whatever stage I need to go to and then I would go there and then the general premise is you want to go ahead and just skip ticket maximum skip tickets you want to run this and you're good to go I am going to do a skip ticket Farm on a different stage really quick for the purpose of today's video so we can upgrade some stuff this is a brand new Dragon Ball super superhero equip that I need some more copies of so we're going to do a skip ticket run on this so we'll go ahead and click that do this as you see it's going to cost energy and Skip tickets pretty self-explanatory and so we will fast forward until this is done okay it's completed all 100 and so this is what I got so I got all these different items and uh ultimately let's see what we got do we get anything good um it looks like no so here's what you want to be looking for when you do these you want to the most important thing you want to do is start off with an equip that is a red slot one or at least a gold slot one but if you're trying to get Godly you really want to recommend I would recommend a red slot one what that means is that as you see my equip it's got that green D you want to get the red so you're going to run this skip ticketing as much as you can until you get the red that is the goal on the next run I hit the cap so I have to sell now but I did get one that's red now quick note on this the red means that it's super duper close or as you see is maximum percentage now you can make do with green or gold or whatever you want to use on this first first slot if your goals are different if you want to use like an srank equip if you want to use a z equip z+ you can use those types of equips with gold so or green excuse me or gold so anyway that's kind of how it is right now I will say that there isn't a huge huge as you'll see in a minute there isn't a huge stat disparity between a lot of these ranks this is more or less just a flexing system where you go into PVP and you're showing off all your Z pluses are godlies right so that's pretty much all it really is there's not a ton of disparity so now that we've got our first equip that is a red slot one we're going to select it and we are going to not sell it not sell it hashtag don't sell the equip we are going to click it and we're going to select it and upgrade it so let's see what we get on the next one this one is 15 that is terrible so let's go ahead and upgrade it again and also terrible this is an equip that had so much potential and just died by the wayside thankfully we can re-up grade these this system wasn't always here so The Re-Up grading system is pretty nice next thing I'll kind of mention really quick is the best time to do this type of stuff whether it's equip farming or upgrading equips is when there's a campaign as you see right now at the bottom it says I got 12% bonus .55 what that means that the equip was 0.55 worse but it got boosted because there's a campaign on to where it's easier to upgrade equipment so if you're looking to upgrade your equipment now is the perfect time so we're going to re-up grade this one but I need to get some erasers really quick erasers are super easy to get you can get them by purchasing them through the uh actual real life money shop or you can exchange for them in various different exchange shops and also a lot of times during celebrations like right now they give you a lot like they just gave out a few hundred like casually so very easy to get don't worry about it now we're going to S up by re-up grading so here is what our plan is so if we go back to this equip slot two we're going to work on the strike attack and we'll move on to the defensive stats so up to 32 is the maximum if you are trying to get Godly you need to get like at least 30 31.5 I'd imagine on this it does not have to be Max but it needs to be super freaking close to Max that's the point Godly is right there in that in that tier I'd imagine Godly plus when that pops up in a couple years is going to be like perfect stats only like you need to get at least 31 and at least 31.3 probably on this and if you get that you need to also on this defensive one get like 24.7 something like that to completely get Godly now as this equip gets a little bit worse you might see on the margins it'll get like z+ you know things like that you can get z+ with two Reds and a green things like that and the colors as you can tell are also predicated on higher rankings as well so we're going to start off with the strike attack and work our way through this system here all right so on this page you have the option to exchange slot removers or Chrono crystals I would recommend doing that now secure upgrade you can come here and this does two things first and foremost for an increased cost of resources now instead of one like you see here of erasers and and stuff it actually goes to five erasers and some equipment medals you can actually do this and what this means is that it'll re-up grade that slot so basically re-up grading is just rerunning this this equip slot over and over until it uh stops where you want it to stop but if you do the secure version what this does is it'll run it and if it falls below the number that started with it'll just go back to where it started so as you see here when we actually start this process that'll be a lot more clear now this is a very very very zeni intensive process having to do this hundreds of times sometimes to get these perfect equips will cost a lot of zeni and also eracers but a lot of zeni so right there it was at 14.6 that was lower than it started now when wherever this process is stopped manually or wherever it ends will be the new starting point so a tip on this is if you get something like with this equip specifically you know 20 29% something like that that would be pretty high green or close to gold or maybe even gold you can if you really want to do it you could cancel and then secure upgrade and so secure upgrading has two functions it will stop the equip from going any lower than it started yes but it also has a function where you can guarantee an upgrade and so you can spend like 30 erasers I think it's 30 or 40 you can spend that and it'll guarantee an upgrade at a marginal amount it's like 05254 it just depends on the equip and what slot you're doing but you can do that and so you can stop like at a gold and manually guaranteed upgraded all the way up if you want to do that that method as you imagine is very very resource intensive so yeah but it's a lot better than rolling the slots like we're doing here and relying on complete RNG so you can get pretty close and then manually upgrade to get wherever you want to go so right here it stopped on its own cuz it got a gold okay so I I didn't change this I should have so all right it's got a gold I guess we'll start with that we'll work with this I don't have the erasers to do the the the brute force method so this can get all the way up to 32 as it stands this is not going to be a no matter what I do on slot three this this shouldn't ever get close to being a a Godly it can be a z+ but it's not going to be a Godly this needs to be much higher for slot two so I'm going to run it again and if I really didn't want to lose that placement again I can hit secure upgrade and it would work but I can do the guaranteed one as you see this it wants 50 erasers 50 erasers excuse me and what would the what would the increment even be it's gonna give it 08 so that's better than I thought it just varies unequipped right so anyway 08 if you do this a handful of times you can get pretty close to Godly but do you want to do it it's going to cost you 250 erasers like at least just for this one slot and there's a third slot to work on so that's the general process of upgrading uh and then also what you need in terms of expectations to get Godly and so like I said a moment ago along the way you will hit various other ranks so we'll work on that one again in a moment we're going to work on slot three here now each equip has different amounts of like RNG tied to each slot on them some equips are going to have a really easy time getting higher levels a lot of these like Platinum unique equipments are going to have a tougher time getting the higher levels and if they've got double stats or like a pure stat increase it's going to be really really tedious so that's something to consider too this process the point of that is that the process is different on a per equip level so like I talked about what this equip would need to get Godly that's not a blanket statement for each one the safe thing to do when you're trying to get Godly specifically is to get as close to red as possible that's the safe one so that's what you need to know um but there are going to be inevitably some equips that are like red red red but they're not close enough to be Godly like they need to be secure upgraded guaranteed upgraded one more time and they're right there they're like right on the bubble right and that will apply to every rank anyway each rank will have equips that can be on the cringe like I've seen equips that are like 0.25 off of being a Godly equip just or not godly a z plus right like they're right there on the bubble right so what we're going to do here is we're going to just pause and we'll be right back in just a moment so if it wasn't clear I do 110% recommend doing the secure upgrade method because it's a lot more reliable I'm on the heels of doing a lot of things so I've been spending the last like 30 minutes upgrading this equip and I've used hundreds of erasers and I've had to reform my zeni I've had to rearm the souls all that stuff it's very resource intensive versus you know getting the guaranteed marginal increase which over time will get you where you need to go you don't really need to upgrade like you know individually like super duper quickly unless you're in a rush right so anyway I also did mix in Chrono crystals uh just to get this video done I wouldn't really recommend that portion of it but if you want to do that you can also this third slot is an absolute Titan the this equip third slot is super heavily weighted probably because there's two stats in it and so what that has meant is I've spent hundreds of erasers and this is the highest I've been so I'm going to just wind up secure upgrading this all the way up to at least until I see it pop into Godly it should take maybe one more secure upgrading at z+ but right now I think so here's the deal this equip is good enough for PVP like this is all you need like you don't even need this I didn't need that second slot to be red to get the Z that's a little bit above and beyond you don't really need this this is super duper Min maxing right but again the S version of this that we might have started off with is good for like 95 at least percent of players I think so that's kind of the gist of equipment it's a resource heavy grind yes but also you don't have to go all the way as you see I've got a lot of s Frank equips that I use on certain characters also you've got to make that executive decision because when you start doing it and you realize that some of these equips are just different because there are going to be equips like I mentioned earlier that are super duper easy to upgrade and they'll pop through at Godly easier in fact I have a few godlies I didn't try to get that on any of them actually they just were Godly so uh yeah it is what it is let's go ahead and finish this one off though like I said the next next upgrade was enough to get it to gold which is z+ let's see how it looks to get it to Godly though I'm going to have to get some more Chrono crystals because again you can do this with uh erasers but I've been using CC actually I can I can do the Eraser method here cuz you know I've got at least enough for this um the reason I'm doing this though is because I've actually got most of the erasers exchangeable so actually I'm going to go double check the shop see if I can pull any more really quick I did find some more erasers so let's go ah and work on this one a little bit further do I think this is worth the chronic crystals certainly not C certainly not so if you guys feel my pain you feel bad for my CC's be sure to hit that Thumbs Up And subscribe all that fun stuff and comment in the comment section # rip so every time when I see this video and I see those comments I'll know exactly what you were referencing all right so let's go again it looks like I'll have to go dig out some more maybe maybe this one is almost maxed though it's got to be like okay so this is 1% off give or take 1% 1 and 1 12% cumulative off like this is a firm z+ the maximum on that slot is 25 this is how close my equip is the first slot is Max I'm 1% off on slot two 1 Point 1.05 really um 1.05 on the strike defense and 1.7 on the blast like this has got the next one has got to be it I'm just going to I'm just going to do it I don't I don't really want to go dig for anything this next one's got to be it 300 oh my God this has got to be it come on come on now point6 to both halves red red oh there it is oh yeah baby there we go we got the deed done is this equip worth this probably not it's a good equip it's a good equip but probably again like again I would have been fine with the s+ like there's no plus point like High s I would have been fine with right um so you guys just saw the entire process so let's just recap for Best Practices when you farm and equip try to make sure that it's at least a c that's the goal a c rank there are green C's cuz they're super high like they're right on the margin like 01 off but they're green se's red se's yellow it doesn't matter make sure the first slot is a c Red Gold whatever next uh from there if the first slot is a c it's super easy to get an S it's super duper easy but the next from there if you want to get a a z rank you want to at least get one gold slot and then the third slot whatever the if the second one's gold whatever if the third one's gold whatever but you want to get at least a gold slot you can get one red two greens as a z it just depends on how close you are and also depends on the equip but you want to try to get one more gold slot and that again is just from re-up grading so re-up grading is a very resource intensive process but the game does give a lot of erasers like seriously I didn't I don't buy erasers I had like with money I had like 800 just yesterday and I'm not like trying to save them I didn't save them I just had 800 like yesterday but I was working on a bunch of equips um so yeah so like they give a lot of erasers don't worry about that that's not the problem it's just how you manage them so the most most important part of this process is finding the right Equip to do this for these Platinum equips these unique equips that have the black border around them are the most important equips to try to min max on but they are also the hardest ones they're the ones that the game has like super duper low rates chances to upgrade to z+ or or higher Rarities it doesn't really matter about like the z+ or anything like that but to get higher to these numbers it's really really difficult especially on equips that have upwards of 30% it gets really tedious and if they have double stat increases as you saw here I used a couple hundred erasers at least on this one before I decided let's just re-up grade with crystals like I just and then we still use another like another like 100 after with like the guaranteed upgrades right so I want to also mention guaranteed upgrades secure upgrades when you get an equip if you're trying to go super duper high do not do not do not when you get close and you want to go zz+ and you just need to do secure upgrades do not worry about doing the one by one regular non-secure upgrades where it can go lower things like don't do that don't do just just freaking bite the bullet and do the secure upgrade to guarantee and not the regular secure upgrade where it just resets it if you go lower but the guaranteed upgrade right the one where you hit this you come over here and you hit this little check box where it guarantees it costs more resources yes but it's so much better because as you saw here you guaranteed the upgrade just just bite the bullet take your time with it and ultimately you'll get anywhere you want to go as you saw here it took a lot of resources but we ultimately made this equip that we started off with a Godly rank equip I don't recommend doing chronal crystals you can do it completely free to play with erasers I just wanted to Brute Force through it cuz I was like I don't know if I got enough erasers in the bank I should have did this video yesterday but I had all those other but if you guys enjoyed this video be sure to subscribe again remember comment # RP hit that thumbs up and if you want to see a guide on team building click this video now
Channel: DFree
Views: 89,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dragon Ball Legends, DB Legends, DB legends guide, 'dragon ball legends guide, db legends equipment, dragon ball legends equipment, dragon ball legends equipment guide, db legends equipment guide, db legends equipment upgrade, how to get better equipment in dragon ball legends, db legends z, dragon ball legends z equipment, how to get z equipment dragon ball legends, dfree, how to get godly equipment, godly equipment guide, godly equips, godly equipment dragon ball legends, dbl
Id: wI-bDkGE4-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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