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good day and welcome to the broadcast if you are on this video it is probably because you are already a subscriber or you have searched for help on bidding gravel driveway jobs or grading excavation demolition in general so be sure to click the subscribe channel if you're new to this channel because every single bid and quote is different no two are alike there are too many factors to take into consideration to make every bid the same that being said every job that you look at or go with me to look at is going to help you be more well-rounded it's going to help you become more proficient in taking all these factors into consideration so every quote that i take you guys on you're going to take a little bit of information that is consistent in a given situation and will make you far far better at bidding and quoting these jobs so be sure to hit that subscribe button and ding the bell or you won't get the notifications as always i'm excited to go do this quote i love going and looking at new projects this customer is not going to be there to meet me so that affords me the ability number one to take you guys along and be able to go over with with you how i'm looking at it and what i'm taking into consideration the absolute number one factor when we go to look at a job is number one we have to know how to get there so we put punch it into our gps and we are a 40 minute drive to get to this job to look at it now as always i add for every hour of just driving the pickup truck to go look at this job if we get the job then i'm going to add 15 to 30 minutes of time to that so i'm going to figure an hour and 15 minutes for me to load equipment that will be my first figure is how long is it going to take me to get to this job what's it going to cost me to get up there i'm gonna figure like i say an hour and 15 minutes now for my area for you guys who are new to the channel and new to these videos i live in the mountains of north carolina that makes hauling equipment more difficult to get to the jobs than if we were in flat country or that state of south carolina where it's all flat and the roads aren't quite as curvy it's also winter time so we've got to consider there being a hold up for snow and freezing weather keeping us from it being able to get to these jobs that's not as much of a cost factor as it is telling the customer when you're going to be able to do the job and you need to add a buffer in there let them know you know this is your tentative start date and we might be a little early but then again we might be a couple of two or three weeks later being able to get to you when you guys are bidding gravel driveways i like to say do not do it by the hour this is just not the type of jobs that you're going to benefit as much what you want to do is get an hourly rate that you feel comfortable with that you're going to be able to pay taxes on that you're going to be able to make a living for me it averages 156 dollars per hour for everything i'm doing there are people who work for 75 an hour there those who work for 250 an hour it just depends also on your local market what are people willing to pay for certain services this can be difficult if you've never been in this business or provided these services which a lot of my viewers have not they're in it totally green it's just something they've wanted to do and start so you've got to take all of these factors into consideration and educate yourself on what the average jobs pay i think of myself as a fair equal opportunity bidder i bid on time equipment needed and of course material costs i personally do not mark up materials i just pass that charge on to the customer because that's just a cost it's going to cost the same for everybody but time and all of that is variable now again i've got a whole playlist of just quoting and bidding jobs so be sure to go watch those as well and subscribe again there are going to be a lot more videos a lot more different bids going on and it's going to benefit you guys to see all of them also just search across youtube get ideas from different creators like dirt boss elite earth works i don't think that they put out specific job prices but they can guide you on what's going to take to do certain jobs now let's just enjoy a ride up here i'm going to take in the drain how much we can climb or drop in elevation and when we get there you guys will see this driveway and believe me it's gonna be a doozy it is just a muddy horribly graded mess all right we have arrived on site now it is a brisk 31 degrees it was actually blurring a minute ago i put on some wash stone up here which is not the right stuff for mud really shouldn't put road bond down on top of mud so what we're looking at is from here go ahead and re-zero my little wheel here this is my big wheel i finally brought it zero out all right so i'm going to start from this corner here and i'm just going to run down this shoulder first thing you guys will be able to notice is look at this immediately you can see that this shoulder is a good six inches higher than the road bed terrible terrible terrible whoever graded this oh boy no ditch line over here at all and no i don't think it's because it's muddy and the gravel got pushed over there was never a dish line over here they didn't compact this shoulder you can see how it looks like the ground is tearing up there that's just sluffed away that's just waiting to cave off so we don't have any ditch lines should have been a ditch line cut all the way around that curve up there down through here to the end this shoulder should have been cut off and they should have put probably 12 inches of compacted road bond down this is just nasty i could probably get a dump truck up through here but starting here there's no way my truck will climb that absolutely no way now my buddy jared's tri axel's got lockers and a power divider it would probably get up through here if it was uh froze and that's probably what we're gonna have to do you can see that's just [Applause] see how that's sloughing off there caving that's not good [Applause] right down here this none of this has been done good it's been done but it hasn't been done good i didn't do any kind of ditch no boy no well aren't you in a hurry so let's see how many feet we've got here there's gonna be a job right here that's gonna be a pain [Applause] okay 240 feet so there's the ditch line we've got to get all the water to look at this it's just this doesn't make sense look at that that whole thing's gonna come off a bit that's way too steep that'll never hold folks never hold no ditches i mean look at this you're not gonna you're not gonna get that degrade this is no good say they've tried to put ballast down this is ballast you know what's happened here i'm gonna tell you what's happened here whoever built this road excuse me was the lowest bidder i would guess um there is a modular home up at the top and those are actually built really well now the problem is when you buy those and i know this because my wife and i have shopped for those kinds of houses they throw in grading and a road access if you uh when you get the contracts they'll contract that in but obviously they cut an access that's just good enough to last long enough for them to pull the house or the pieces of the house in they know once the house is in there they've got their money they don't care that's just how it is unfortunate look at this this is not a built road this is a this is like a graveled path but that's how it is that's how they build them now we just gotta put some numbers on paper hey look at this you can tell all this dirt was just pushed out of that hillside and there's no thought put in i highly doubt this is compacted see that that's real sandy material it's clay-ish it's full of grit and sand it's not but i won't drive anywhere near that dude and by looking at these clues it can give you an idea of what went into building the road in this case not much now you see if they had just graded that properly and honestly at 240 feet from what i'm seeing if they'd put 60 more tons of road bond down on it that road would not be in the shape it's in if they just grate it properly cut the shoulders off like they're supposed to be and had a ditch line to carry the water down the side that that job should be fine these folks just had this beautiful home put in here and there's no reason this road should be in this shape absolutely no reason and i'm actually at the risk of cutting my own throat i'm going to ask them you know was this road putting their contracts and was there a certain tonnage of material i'm asking questions about who was supposed to have built this road because i'm going to recommend them call them up and make them get back out here this is not the way a contractor or a professional contractor should build things and conduct themselves but i'm going to give them a price for me to fix it and i'm actually pricing another section of the road too they didn't ask me to but i'm gonna give them a price for it because if we're here and we have the equipment it's gonna be cheaper to just go ahead and do everything the job that's been done here i'm not the best in the world by any means you know but i could have tried to do better than what has been done here so that being said that's worth the price well apparently i don't have enough service to map how far it is to the nearest quarry so let's ride back into town and get some service now another thing this customer wanted me to quote the first hundred feet or so and this is why it's important to go and measure yourself because it's actually 260 feet i just double checked my 260 feet from the bottom up to where it's not very very muddy now if we just did the first hundred feet we could do that but the problem you run into is the muddy sections up above it number one when it rains it's gonna wash some mud down but also he's got pretty rough tires on his truck that i noticed and he's going to track mud on top of new material and he's going to be right back to where he was so for me to just do the first 100 feet it's not going to last long it's not going to be good and it's going to be my name that's giving out to people when they ask who did your driveway so that's something to keep in mind okay so now that we are back in civilization and we have service let's map how close it is to the nearest quarry 21 minute drive and yes i did put in the customer's address not where i'm sitting so you have to map it from the customer's address to the quarry it is 21 minutes by car or pickup truck buy a dump truck you're probably more around 30 minutes and you're gonna have about 15 minutes at the quarry so you can figure hour and a half between for each load from the time you get each of your loads up there now in this case it probably would be beneficial to order full-size truckloads but just in case for me i always bid it to do the hauling myself and my little dump truck that way for whatever situation arises and i have to haul it myself it's already priced for that and if i am able to get bigger trucks up there to do the hauling then it's just done quicker and you make just a touch more profit now this is not unfair to the customer in my opinion because you are still having to do a little bit more work you're having to call the quarry or your hauler line the loads up and you're having to sit there and wait on them so it evens out really all right so my thinking in order to try to save this customer some money it's my understanding that you know more than likely they put three or four inches of stone down best i can tell and he's had some additional put down on that so somewhere under there is some amount of gravel and this mud is just squished through it what i'm going to have to plan on doing is taking a loader up there and scooping the mud off the top until i scoop down to some hard material and there's a good chance that we'll take what gravel was there and everything up because it's a junk mess a 100 foot stretch of road if you want to raise the rose bed road bed three inches by this app you need 17.5 tons of crusher run abc whatever you want to call it my thinking is conservatively we need to triple that we need to put about nine inches down if we can get down to some hard surface in general if i'm building a road from scratch i will use 12 inches of road bond if i put fabric down then you can usually knock four inches off so you can do eight inches of rope bond i have heard of people putting fabric down four inches and it being fine but i like to go just a little bit extra to ensure the strength of the road so tripling that amount of 17.5 tons to 100 feet is 52.5 tons now it's 260 feet so we need to multiply that by 2.6 that gives us 136.5 tons that we are going to need to improve this driveway to a point we feel good about it what i usually do at this point is i've got 182 tons and i can haul safely nine times at a time on my little truck what i can do is do it as i normally would and figure the grading separate and then figure the cost of me hauling the material plus the material costs to the job is two separate things add them together and you get a total we're gonna do this a couple of ways just to give you guys different mindsets and different options of how you want to quote this so you've got 136 tons you've got to move if i knew i was gonna haul that myself that's roughly 15 loads of material at 1.5 hours per load that is 23 hours nearly a full day if you ran straight of hauling okay so that's 23 hours let's divide that by eight hour days that's three days just running back and forth to quarry back and forth to the quarry that's okay what i'm trying to teach is how to safely bid these jobs and get them without losing money now let's back up you can also look at that as being let's say 23 hours if i make 156 dollars per hour the haul bills are gonna be 3 588 let's just plug that in you're going to need to call the quarry that you're gonna haul out of and get a price per ton we've got 182 tons and just kind of everybody that i know and all the quarries in my area your median average cost for roadbound is about twenty dollars per ton so 136 times twenty two thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars for your material now we're getting closer to having a bid put together the next thing and this is going to be the hardest thing for you guys who are completely inexperienced and learning you've got a leg up if you do have some experience and you know how much this is going to take how much time with the dump truck on site or a loader an excavator to scrape all this mud off cut the ditch line get it prepped and ready for the road bond to come in this is an experience thing it's not something i can tell everybody as an individual all of us work at different paces so what you want to do is just sit and really think and visualize yourself running down the bottom of this driveway scooping up the mud off the top hauling it up to wherever you're going to have it on site provided you have somewhere on site you can put it i would plan on scraping this mud off going up to the top where i was parked originally and dump the material off the back side where there's already a silt fence and i am going to compact it as best i can smooth it out and let that mud start drying it would be really tempting to save on the amount of material you'll need and time to just wait for the ground to freeze really hard one night run up there tailgate six inches of material down on it and think it's good but i can assure you when that mud and ground starts to thaw out and they make a few trips on it they're gonna be right back to where they were at they're gonna have more material as far as road bond on the road but it's going to be under the mud it's not going to take it any time so any of you who are doing this business i encourage you to do it right do it the best way you know how i'm still learning i'm still watching videos i'm still talking to other contractors i'm talking to contractors who are have been in this business for a long time and i'm trying to become a better contractor and what i'm doing is i'm just sharing what i know sharing what i know and hopefully it helps somebody and if you are a consumer who have a driveway like this hopefully this helps you get an idea of what a contractor is having to do and put in to figure out how to do a good job for you i charge about fifteen hundred dollars per day for me one operator and any number of machines whether i've got my tractor on site my excavator on site dump trucks running if all of that is on site i'm only one man i can only operate one at a time so i only charge for one at a time and i feel like that's a fair way of doing it now this job i think between hauling equipment up to the job and scraping that mud off dumping it off to the side whether i haul it up the loader or load it into the dump truck and haul it i feel like a solid eight hours is all i'm going to need to do that and to cut the ditch i don't know if i mentioned that so i'm going to figure a little bit more why i'm gonna tell you why because when it's winter time like this you're gonna have your equipment on this job site it is gonna be there for the customer the odds of you having nothing but good weather and a straight run or slim to none so you need to add a little bit of cushion in there for your equipment to be sitting there otherwise you're gonna go broke that's all there is to it usually i'll add if it's a job like this that's dependent on it getting dried out i can add 500 bucks or i could just go ahead and double down to two days time and then at the end i want to be a good guy i made good time everything's worked out good i can cut their price i have that option i'm an adult i own the business i have that option what am i going to do i'm going to play it safe i'm going to just go ahead and tell them you know i'm going to price this for two days getting the road prepped and getting it ready getting the mud moved off of it getting the ditches cut properly and that may seem like a really really high number but in my mind it's not that like they're stuck with it they've got to understand that whoever the previous contractor was has put them in a bad position they should have cut the road when it was dry they would have been cutting wet material off the clay is dry they could have easily tailgated down material and it would have been cheaper to do it right the first time when you have to go back in and rip it out not only are you dealing with a fresh cut you're having to fix other stuff so of course it's going to take more time which costs more i'm just going to go ahead and throw three thousand bucks down for equipment hauling cutting the grade everything as far as that goes the on-site work three thousand bucks and i'm gonna call that labor machinery all that good stuff if you've watched other bidding videos that i've made this one is quite different because it's a different situation and that's why i say it's probably good for you to subscribe to this channel because there are going to be more videos like this and there are going to be more bids on gravel driveways that are going to be totally different totally different situations it can a simple factor as there being one single tree limb too low hanging over a road for us to be able to raise the bed and tailgate can make a big difference in time that it takes to do these jobs all right guys so pump your brakes i know everybody wants to know wouldn't it be a lot cheaper to have a larger truck haul the material in and you're absolutely right it would if we wanted to go that route and quote this job like the number i came up with for me doing everything is just astronomical and it's all because of my little truck so i put a call out to my friend jared who owns his own very large dump truck and i was like hey man how much would it cost for you to bring me 136 tons of material to this address he quoted it at 3 350 now if you look back and did the math for the cost of material and the amount of time that it was going to cost me to haul that material i was going to charge like 6 300 it when you have to travel that far from the quarry yes it can make a very big difference and the farther you get from the quarry the bigger the difference is so in this case yes i would want to team up with my friend jared to do the hauling of the material now granted how does this affect how i'm going to make money number one i'm still going to end up hauling at least my loader up there and since jared's gonna be hauling the material it's still gonna take him about an hour and a half to two hours to turn each trip so i'm gonna be sitting there needing stuff to do my plan would be to haul the loader tractor in the box blade as well as my excavator because i will be able to do a lot better ditch work with the excavator now this can really make or break whether you get a job or not for me to do everything hauling work and all came to 93.08 what did it come to with me teaming up with jared 850 that's a savings of like fifteen hundred dollars that is a significant amount of money and doing it that way can mean the difference between getting the job or not getting the job i would rather split some of that money up and help a friend out making some money and getting some work and get some work myself then neither one of us get anything now just kind of block all of that out of your mind that i just told you now this customer originally if you remember just wanted me to quote the first 100 feet of this driveway what did i do i took the number that i came up with teaming up with jared and that quote was for 260 feet i divided that by 2.6 to get a cost per hundred feet the per hundred feet price on this job would be three thousand and twenty dollars it's actually three thousand and nineteen dollars if you want to be specific and it may win you the bid instead of giving all those other big high numbers to just give the customer the number they asked for give them the three thousand twenty dollars per hundred feet now this is still a very large number but there is quite a bit of work that's gonna have to go in to repairing this road it's not building a road you're having to repair something that somebody else is just totally messed up this road was cut in with a skid steer he told us that's what it was used and this is why i'm not a fan of skid steer i'm not good with them i'm not good at grading now elite earth works and dirt boss those guys can do anything with anything i'm not that talented what i'm going to do is present this customer with what they asked for i'm gonna present it's gonna be three thousand dollars three thousand twenty bucks to fix each hundred feet and i'm going to let them know that i actually measured it and that whole stretch that they thought was a hundred feet actually is 260 feet and then i'm going to present them with a price to fix that and then i can present them with a price to do every bit of their road and the section that they didn't even mention that does need repair is about 150 feet i believe it was so i'm going to be able to give this customer several options of different sections to work as opposed to several options of like pricing i feel like this road in this condition there's really only one way that i'm willing to do it because it's going to be my name and my reputation on it so that's how i'm going to bid this road last part i want to add in on this video what is the average cost to do a touch up on a road in my area to put down 16 tons of road bond on a 100 foot stretch if it needs grading and needs the ditches cleaned out typically it's anywhere between 1200 and 1700 dollars per 100 feet to do a full recoup retreat and get it up to par so you can tell and you saw in the video how bad a shape that road was in is also kind of on the outer limits of how far we travel to work and that is why i have a limit on how far i'll go out to look at jobs because once you get more than about an hour from your home base travel really starts to add up and it makes it really hard to price these jobs to be able to do a good job and be competitive if you're a new subscriber i hope that you found value in this video give me a thumbs up if you found value and if you're not subscribed be sure to subscribe and ding the bell i'm actually on my way to look at doing a land clearing estimate slash quote it'll be the next video coming at you and for anybody who's experienced you guys who have some value to give to this i don't expect people to give their full prices but i would love to hear your opinions on how much stone you think you should we should have quoted on this do you think we made you maybe should have done ballast and then road bond or would you use fabric on this type of thing either way i want you guys to comment for me give yourself a voice give yourself the chance to put your opinion out there and for those of you who are going to read through the comments if somebody does not give measurements and numbers and why they are saying what they're saying i would not put a whole lot of faith in that comment i've had comments like that's way too much and i have invited them i asked those people well what would you quote it at and how would you come to that conclusion and 100 of the time crickets they have nothing to say all they've got to say is that's too much money and there's a big difference between a job being priced too high and the fact that somebody just can't afford it so hopefully this video has helped some of you whether you're a contractor new contractor consumer hopefully it's giving you some kind of direction and idea of costs on these jobs i really appreciate you guys watching and i will see you on the next one you
Channel: DigginLife21
Views: 75,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BEST METHODS FOR QUOTING GRAVEL DRIVEWAY REPAIR, digginlife21, how to quote a gravel road job, how to quote a gravel driveway, best way to quote a gravel driveway job, best way to quote a job, Bidding rock driveway repair, bidding gravel driveway, bidding gravel driveway videos, bidding driveway construction, bidding gravel road repair, gravel driveway pricing, best job quoting, job quoting, how to estimate gravel for a driveway, quoting excavation jobs, Bidding drive way work
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 2sec (1922 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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