BEST KETO TRES LECHES CAKE! Simple & Easy Low Carb Recipe! Only 3g Net Carbs Per Slice

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hey guys welcome back to my channel i'm myra from low carb love and today we're going to be making a super requested recipe it's a keto tres leches cake so this is my absolute favorite cake in the whole world i grew up eating a regular version of this cake and honestly it's taken me so long to get it right because i wanted it to be perfect for you guys and i think i have finally mastered it so i'm so happy to share this recipe with you guys we're gonna get started okay so we're gonna start off with the ingredients we're gonna go over the cake portion of the recipe once we're done with the cake portion i'm gonna go into the milks that we're gonna be using which is the leches and then from there i will go over the topping i'm gonna do it in steps so that it's not confusing trust me it's an easy recipe there's just you know a few extra steps than making just a regular cake but if you know about the des leches if you know you know so let's go ahead and go into our ingredients here we have our almond flour then we have our butter we have coconut flour we have our eggs we have our sweetener then we have our baking powder we are going to use some almond milk here we have our vanilla which these uh this is vanilla bean paste so this is what we're going to be using for the cake portion of our recipe and we're gonna get started now so let's go we're gonna whip up our butter so we're this is basically almost like to room temperature you know it's softened it's not melted but we're gonna do the butter then we have our sweetener here and this is a blend of funk fruit with a little bit of stevia and erythritol i personally love to use blends because i feel like it just you know it tastes better and then we have our vanilla here vanilla bean paste and we're going to blend that up so we're just going to use our little whisk attachment here and we're going to blend this until it's nice and like fluffy and i'll show you basically what it should look like once it gets to the uh you know the perfect consistency so the goal is for it to turn nice and fluffy okay [Music] okay so now that our butter is nice and fluffy as you can tell this is basically the consistency we're going for you just want to really make sure that your butter is softened so what we're going to do is we're going to turn this on it's just going to be going on low and we're going to start putting our eggs in there we're going to incorporate one egg at a time it's going to go slow and you can do it directly into your mixer of course but if you get a shell in there you're on your own let's go ahead and mix and next we are going to start with our almond flour and you're just going to put in a little at a time now we're going to do our coconut flour here we have our baking powder i'm actually just going to mix these in together if you want to mix in your um your almond flour coconut flour and baking powder all together you can do that i usually do that but i just totally forgot so now we're going to incorporate the coconut and the baking powder okay so that's going in now we're gonna do a little pinch of salt just a tiny little pinch but i feel like it needs it for the you know to bring out the the sweetness and all the flavors so um that looks about right everything looks nicely incorporated so now we have pretty much all our ingredients in i just forgot to add our little almond milk let's go ahead and just add that now get all that mixed in and then we are going to transfer it to our baking pan where i'm using the uh springform pan i like these for cakes because basically you just you know do this and then your cake is on here i have it linked on my amazon store so i will put that link if you guys want to grab one of these little guys and now we are going to transfer our cake batter into the springform pan okay so here is our cake and let's get this baby in here now we're going to put this into the oven i hope that you guys were preheating your oven if you're making this with me um it's at 350 degrees so we're gonna get this into the oven we're gonna bake this for roughly about 20 minutes so our oven is preheated at 350 degrees now we're going to put our cake in and we are going to bake this for 20 minutes our cake is now cooking and just to save some time we're gonna start with our milks with the leches okay so this here is my homemade condensed milk keto condensed milk so i will link the recipe down below in the description box so you can make this we're going to use basically the rest of what we have here okay and we are going to start off with this so we're going to put this into our let's put this into our bowl this is our first leche right this is our first milk because this cake perez leches is three milks so this cake is made with three different milks and typically it's made with a regular version of the condensed milk but of course i got you we're using a sugar-free keto version then we have our heavy cream and this you know just any brand will do of your heavy cream so we're gonna throw that little guy in there and lastly we are also going to just use some almond milk so these are the three milks that we are using okay and now we're going to just mix this up you can see it all come together this is what we will be pouring on our cake i will show you the next step there's a little step that we have to take between when the cake comes out and once we pour the sauce so i will show you once that's done but here is our tres leches that we will be pouring into onto our cake so let's set this aside and let's go ahead and check on our cake okay so now that our little cake is done let's go ahead and take it to the counter and we're going to do the next step so i've pulled the cake out of the oven mine got a little extra toasty it's not going to be a problem but you want the color to just turn like a light golden brown okay um so now that we have our cake i literally just got it out so it's still really warm you're gonna grab a fork and then we're just gonna start poking holes into z cake like so you're going to poke holes all the way around and that is going to be so that the milk can soak right into the cake and it's going to be so delicious nice and moist but cake that's what it's all about it's um nice and like it is moist but it's a little bit more than that it's almost like a wet cake um so you know if you haven't tried it you guys just have to and if you have then you already know how bomb this is going to be so those are all the holes and we're just going to do all of it in the same pan so now we have our leche right our milk and we can just start pouring it and you want it to go all the way around and now you will see how this will soak right in too you want like every last drop this is going to soak right into the cake and you again you want the edges to be nice and wet if you like your tres leches cake to be super wet then you can even make a little bit more of the same you know the leches of the milk and then just add a little bit more but if not this is going to give it a really nice moist texture that is still going to be a little wet but it's not ridiculously wet that's been like what 30 seconds or so and it's pretty much all the way in so there is our cake with our milk and to top this off we're probably just gonna make a really quick whipped cream some fresh homemade whipped cream three easy ingredients blend it up whip it up and then you're just gonna top it so you just wanna wait until your cake is nicely cool before you do top it with your whipped cream we can put it in the fridge for about i would say maybe like a good hour so that it's not warm because if you put whipped cream over a warm cake what's gonna happen it's just gonna fall all over the place and of course you don't want that so um if you want to make this even a day before and then make the whipped cream the day of and then so that it's like super fresh whipped cream on top then do that but um yeah let's go ahead and put this in the fridge so it cools and then i will show you once i make the whip and how we're gonna just put it all over now we have our tres leches cake we just pulled it out of the fridge we're gonna let this little baby set right here while we make some whipped cream to go on top and you can pretty much obviously eat it just as is but we want it to look pretty right so we're going to do the [Music] we're going to do our whipped cream we're going to use some vanilla bean extract or paste and we're going to use some sweetener here we're using you always want to use powdered powdered sweetener so we're going to do one two three and four now we're gonna whip this up for about a minute and a half or so and i'll show you what this looks like once we are ready to top our cake this is pretty much done here we have homemade whipped cream in about two minutes so this little beauty now we're gonna grab our cake so we just we are going to put it right on top of our little cake and to finish this little baby off we are going to top it with our homemade whipped cream so this is definitely a treat as you can tell from all the ingredients it is definitely you know it's going to be decadent it's going to be full of healthy fats trust me when i tell you that it's gonna be so worth it and you guys are going to be obsessed when you try so now that we have our whipped cream all over let's cut into it and do the taste test okay guys so nathie and i are going to do our favorite part which is the taste test and we're just going to cut one little slice here let's see if we can get it and let's see if you can see inside nice and moist cake and we are going to you ready mama ready spaghetti okay you guys know that this is our favorite part that's huge is that okay okay ready cheers how is that good one to ten nine why this is perfect sweet so nothing gave it a nine which is a little too sweet for her liking but i think it's perfect if you love delicious cake you are going to be obsessed with this cake i'm telling you right so make it for a birthday party make it for a special occasion but make it guys thank you so much for joining us on this video i hope that you really enjoyed the recipe it's simple enough to make and yeah you just have to make it make sure that you tag me so that i can share it on my stories on instagram and until next time we'll see you on our next video you
Channel: Low Carb Love
Views: 50,882
Rating: 4.9687371 out of 5
Keywords: how to make tres leches cake, whipped, dulce, de, dulce de leche, how to make dulce de leche, how to make keto tres leches cake, keto tres leches cake, low carb tres leches cake, keto low carb tres leches cake, keto tres leches, low carb tres, low carb tres leches, keto tres, keto tres leches recipe, low carb tres leches recipe, low carb love, low carb love mayra, low carb love cake, tres leches cake, tres leches, tres leches cake recipe
Id: 4fFvm4e-MzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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