Best High School Graduation Speech Ever! 2021Moving, Inspiring, and Hilarious Farewell Address!

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next up we have one of the most entertaining genuine and creative students i know i can't believe our friendships span from diapers to graduation a man who needs no introduction who goes by one name like the legends beyonce in print please help me in welcoming hooper up to the stage for the farewell [Applause] address all right hey yup that's it just like i said in this building and to all the amazing people in it but now i'm here to say farewell before i begin i'd like to recognize our uniquely owned mr merrill mr corrigan and mrs berman all the work that you guys have done whether getting noticed or not is the reason we are all here today along with them i would like to recognize okay along with them i would like to recognize our sports coaches lunch ladies maintenance staff and of course all of our beloved teachers who've taught us so much in curriculum and in life as well on behalf of my classmates we thank you for everything you have done and will continue to do we sincerely appreciate and thank you for molding us into the intelligent young adults and cap and gown sitting before you today thank you [Applause] a few years from now we're all going to look back in high school and think wow i really should have been nicer to ms o'sullivan but seriously in a few years we also be thinking about our future even more so than right now some of us may even have our lives figured out by then others may be frustrated about why their life isn't figured out yet but that's okay it's okay to not know everything because once you get to where you're supposed to be you'll be thankful for those times when you didn't know a thing and that is the journey and life is indeed a journey not a destination the start of our journey including being little pipsqueak freshman with 2017 swag of course we were nervous and anxious but also eager to see what this whole high school thing was about are we actually going to get bullied how much more homework are we going to have what is the sub room and above all are the rumors about the bathrooms true i assure you they were not at least not completely true many of us went into algebra with miss mays biology with miss forten or even world history with mr wall but no matter what teacher you had or what class you were in there was one thing that was always the same if you don't do your homework your grade's gonna drop this seemed foreign to us freshmen even though we had eight years of this law already we quickly learned that you have to do your work being responsible for your grades was the main point i learned from freshman year no one is gonna no one is going to do your homework except you unless you pay someone however however in the future you will not be able to pay anyone to do your job so when you do the hard work it makes succeeding feel much more rich and authentic it is very important to know this we also learned early on that you must be respectful of all teachers this pays off when you are late to class or need a couple more days to finish that assignment earning certain privileges through respect that's what it's all about this brings us to sophomore year and we're still rookies i mean the workout harder and connections with peers grew much stronger when we walked in on the first day we knew what was going on and we're also including the number one rule in mhs if you go to the bathroom you got to stop by the lc there's the learning commons it's full of computers books and two types of students the ones doing their work and the ones doing anything but their work i associated with the anti-workers but i'm still here today along with my along with like all my other anti-workers i spent many early mornings here with assignments and my thoughts as i watched people stroll in anywhere from 6am all the way to the first bell at 8 30 a.m being observant and listening was crucial this year as i got a better grasp of what high school was all about getting good grades so you're happy with your gpa is obvious but also starting to build a sturdy base for your own merit this year i had my favorite class of all time us history won with a bunch of the goofiest goofballs i know and i don't know where you are mr pinocchio but i'm sorry i mean we had notes being passed from table to table baseball helmets being worn and just like animal noises it was interesting it was weird at times we were certainly immature ignorant and just annoying but you but we always had and still have so much respect for you mr panachio the times that we were the hardest to handle are the times that we will never forget and i truly thank you for putting up with that and us overall sophomore year was difficult because we weren't freshmen we couldn't pull the i'm a freshman card anymore when homework was due was due when you weren't ready for a test you still got to take that test when you were avoiding class and then we're told to go to it you couldn't say you were lost anymore no more excuses you're either doing the right thing or you're not and only you can stop yourself from doing the wrong thing many of my friends and i were under the impression that junior year was going to be the toughest year academically we were almost big dogs on campus we knew all the teachers we knew where all the classes were we knew to eat the nacho grande and the buff chick tip but to stay away from the fish sticks respectfully we knew it was up outside of melrose high school the real world was like unlike anything that we had ever experienced in our 17 years of life about one year ago covert 19 hit big time at first when our school shut down we were all like hey let's stay up till breakfast and then sleep till dinner this did not last long meanwhile the principals and teachers were like hey oh wait yeah how are we going to do this and they did it they figured out a way and for that we are beyond appreciative and entirely thankful we all adapted to online schooling which was super difficult for some like me but very easy for others grades from this year does not depict the excessive amount of self-driven focus there was this year a very important life skill melrose students are always learning new ways to retain knowledge online learning made us adapt and pushed us to excellence in the early stages of the coveted pandemic we also wouldn't witness what happened in minneapolis a human body with the soul was terminated george floyd was murdered unacceptable there were protests in minneapolis new york chicago right here on lynn fells black lives will always matter racism is the real pandemic [Applause] we will never ever live in a perfect world but it does not have to be anywhere near perfect for us to treat everyone with fairness and respect junior year could have been a lot better okay thank you hardship loss and everyday problems have been crucial for growth but these are just a glimpse of what can be found in our journey so far we are all different from the person to the north east south and west of us but that is the uniqueness that will make each of us successful and in no way in a way that no one has ever seen before my mother has her own little motto and it's simple but important wake up dress up and show up being entirely online for a while i only had to wake up which was nice even i didn't do that sometimes but these three things are essential to a productive lifestyle you need to get up out of bed attack the day looking and feeling sharp and show up knowing what you bring to the table and speaking of tables our lunch tables used to be filled with friends squished together food everywhere with uncontrolled uncontrollable laughter the days before school just hanging out talking with anyone and everyone no cohorts no rules just pure laughs walking through the lc watching people gather around the computers and at the tables just chilling with many more laughs these uncomplicated moments in this senior year has taught us more than anything do not take a single thing for granted we tend to realize how important something is to us once it has been taken away on this day we celebrate four years of high school completed and honest accomplishment on this day we also celebrate the memories forged throughout the process of receiving our education the memories that we hope to share with each other at our union one day or even to our children and maybe even to their children on this day on this day we celebrate our strong and adaptable teachers staff and parents who have been working very hard right beside us every step of the way on this beautiful day we celebrate us as we sit here today there is plenty of more work to do in this world but for this moment right now right here let's take it in in the following days weeks months and years let's find our passions and listen to those spidey senses follow your instincts they're leading you to the right path be flexible and prepared for whatever opportunity arises make as many connections as possible because sometimes it's not what you know it's who you know let's have some fun and do whatever we want as long as it's legal if you want to create a shoe brand become a deep-sea diver or even just ask that girl or guy at the gym for their number just do it come on every single one of us has a story to tell so let's do ourselves a favor and make the rest of our stories best sellers pulitzer prize winning stories time is a constant changing force that you can either embrace or waste we must refuse to sit with regret when we are old live for the now so the then is much more enjoyable let's go be who we are supposed to be it's who thank you
Views: 39,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Speech, Graduation, Melrose, Mass, BLM, Bye, College, High School, Boss, Let’s gooo
Id: lVmSzHS_XU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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