Best Healthy Vegan Sausage Oil-free, Wheat-free

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so this right here is one you're absolutely gonna love my healthy vegan veggie ground sausage patties and for those of you who wrote me and said that you couldn't find a good store-bought sausage patty that's also healthy I've solved that problem because today I'm going to show you how to make your own [Music] all right welcome to the make your own cooking show for those of you who don't know me I am Javon and what I do is make healthy vegan versions of your favorite foods use a minimal processed ingredients with no oil no wheat no refined sugar and no rice today I'm making a delicious healthy vegan sausage ground let's talk about what we're going to use to make it for the base I'm going to use some cauliflower some white button mushrooms some walnuts which are my favorite nuts because they're so healthy and yellow onion these foods are what is going to comprise the base and give this recipe its texture let's talk about what's going to give it this amazing flavor the spices and for that I'm using some red pepper flakes some fennel some Sage some garlic some nutmeg some thyme some black pepper and some coconut aminos and I'm gonna use some tomato paste we're going to combine these ingredients and make the best vegan sausage you've never had let's get to it all right so the first thing we're going to do is process our veggies starting with our cauliflower so I'm going to get that put into my processor here so the ingredients that I use for my veggie ground sausage are similar to the veggie ground beef the difference being that I'm using button mushrooms instead of Portobello and I'm not using carrots but the true difference are the spices the spice blend that I use for my veggie ground sausage give it an incredible taste that's very reminiscent of the flavor of breakfast sausage okay so I've got my cauliflower chopped up and this is about how you want it to look all right so now that's ready so the next thing we're going to chop is our button mushrooms so let's do those please watch closely and notice the size of the veggies after I chop them when you're chopping your own you want them to be really close to the size that you're seeing here so now I've got my mushrooms chopped up added to my cauliflower and as you see this makes a lot already a lot of substance already next thing we're going to do is chop up our onions [Music] if you're enjoying this video please like And subscribe below all right so now we're adding one of the healthiest foods areas and one of my favorites I eat them every day walnuts foreign s I'm going to add another one of my favorites that I eat daily tomato paste and I eat them every day because they're both so healthy for you walnuts are so heart healthy that even Dr esselson recently gave him the stamp of approval in moderation okay so now I've got my walnuts and my tomato paste processed and Blended you want to leave it kind of coarse you don't want to over blend this because this is part a part of the recipe that's going to add a lot of texture in fact I'm not going to add it to my walk edges right now once we get this cooking and towards the end of the process that's when we add in our Walnut and tomato paste mixture to add some texture and flavor at the end all right so next we're going to cook our veggies now a lot of you might be thinking well don't you need some oil in the pan and typically what I would do to replace the oil is I would add something like broth or some water but because these veggies exude so much water I don't need to do that what I do need to do is start them on medium heat instead of high and after they cook and start to exist some water then I'm going to turn the pan up to cook them a little faster and let this water get out and dissipate and have exactly what we want with these veggies okay let's get started so as I dump these you can see that this is a lot of vegetables but as they start to exude water they're going to cook down and it's going to be a lot less volume now pay close attention I'm going to show you what to look out as far as the water level goes okay so now I've been cooking my veggies long enough for them to start to exude some water and I want to show you that here if I pull that back you can see that the water is there and at this point is when I want to turn the heat up higher to make that water dissipate and so that's what I'm going to do right now if you're enjoying this video please like And subscribe below okay so I'm at the point now where I've cooked my veggies down now remember when I put the raw veggies in it filled up the whole pan it was nice and full but now I've cooked them they've exuded lots of water so they've shrink down to this capacity and now you can see that when I move them there's no water that water has cooked out and it's at this point that you now want to reduce your heat or shut it off altogether if the water is really dissipated and then we're going to take it to the next step let's do it so now we take it up to the next level by adding some coconut aminos and some spices and I tried several different spice combinations before I came up with this one and I think it's absolutely perfect it creates a true authentic sausage flavor remember guys you won't miss the meat if you know how to spice the veggies okay so I've added my spices and man does it smell good in here right now it always does once you put those spices in there and Aroma starts to fill the air I've cooked it down to where it needs to be the last step in the process of making this delicious veggie sausage ground is adding Our tomato paste and walnut mixture that's what we're going to do now and adding this mixture is what gives us a lot of flavor and it gives it texture now it's kind of pasty and sticky so it takes a little effort to mix it in but be patient and get it mixed well and I want to mention that if you like a spicier sausage you could add more red pepper flakes or if you like it milder you can omit them all together and look at this guys all right guys so now we have our finished result I've mixed everything in and this is what it looks like now a lot of you who are watching this video that have made my veggie ground or seen my veggie ground video are probably realizing that this process is really really similar and it is the thing that distinguishes this from the veggie ground is that we we seasoned it differently um plus we change a few of the base ingredients but it's really similar a disc really has more of a veggie sausage type of flavor it's absolutely delicious and now we got to make something with it gotta make something with it and give it a taste let's do that all right so I thought the thing that I would do with this veggie sausage ground is the most traditional thing you can do with a veggie sausage and that is make sausage patties so I'm going to bond these into sausage patties now if you've seen my veggie ground uh recipes where you make the veggie burgers and the veggie meatballs um I use chickpea flour and flax ground flax to create a mixture that will bond those together and it works well but I've been experiment better not found even better way to bond the veggie grounds be it the veggie ground beef or the veggie ground sausage and I'm going to show you that today now when I'm bonding this I'm adding things like chickpea flour which are very neutral and because I'm adding some things that are neutral we need to add back more flavor so you'll see that some of the spices that I use to create the veggie ground I'm going to be using more of those spices when I make the veggie ground sausage patties so that we keep that flavor amped up so what we're going to be using to make these veggie ground sausage patties are some thyme some Sage some ground fennel some red pepper flakes some garlic granules some arrowroot powder some psyllium husk powder and some chickpea flour okay so those are the things we're going to use to bond is works really well leaves the veggie ground sausage with a really good mouthfeel a really good texture and we're going to keep that flavor by adding back some of our seasonings let's get to it I can't wait this particular plan and ratio of arrowroot powder chickpea flour and psyllium husk powder is my favorite combination for both texture and flavor now it's important to get the ingredients well mixed so don't be afraid to get your hands dirty and you know making this recipe feels kind of surreal when it comes to Veggie ground bacon and sausage I would have never believed that I'd be able to make my own all right let's get them any other that makes sense I wouldn't all right so I've got my healthy vegan veggie sauces plated up with some delicious pancakes and some fruit and I can't wait to get to eating this but first I want to taste the sausage for you of course mmm [Music] yes so good the flavor is great the texture is great oh I mean you're gonna love these you gotta make these healthy vegan sausage make your own so I've had a lot of people write me and ask me how to find the recipes to the videos to my cooking show like the one you just watched if you're having trouble finding a recipe look below the video and you'll see the word more tap on the word more and you'll see the beginning of the recipe tap on the word more once again and you'll see the full recipe and then you can begin to make your own thanks for watching
Channel: HealthyVeganEating
Views: 393,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DcXfnrMBaNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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