Best HDR Settings in Red Dead Redemption 2 (PS5/ Xbox Series X & PC)

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if you guys are noticing that my game looks a bit dull and the graphics do not look great that's because I'm playing on the default setting but in today's video I'm actually going to be adjusting the HDR settings and I'm going to be showing you guys the best settings to play on in Red Dead Redemption 2. so um if you guys are playing on PS5 and that have a 4K TV that supports up to 60 frames per second under 20 frame rate with HDR support I definitely recommend playing on these settings so make sure you have HDR set to on make sure you are on HDR calibration and you want to make sure that your HDR style is not set to cinematic because um if it's sent to cinematic which is this is the default setting for it um it's just gonna make your game look a bit dull and you're not going to have the like the best graphics in the game so to have that realism to have the best graphics in the game you want to make sure you have your HDR style set to game and then go to um Peak brightness and you want to make sure you put that to 1100 and then um right where you see paper white you want to make sure you have this set to 250. and as you guys can see it looks a bit more better and you could actually tell you're playing a PS5 game even though this is a PS4 version Game you know what I'm starting to say you could tell that the graphics look a bit more better so now let's back out and now get into the game and just like that as you guys can see it looks a bit brighter the grass looks a bit more green and the graphics look a lot more better especially the HDR in the game so this basically makes a huge difference so if you guys are playing the game on PS5 and have a 4K TV with a 60 frames per second or if your 4K TV supports 120 frames per frame rate it has HDR support these are the settings you would want to play on not the default settings because like I mentioned in the beginning of the video it's just going to make your game look a bit dull and when you're taking graphics or when you're taking screenshots of the game to show your friends your friends will notice it they're going to say um your screenshots look a bit dull what settings people like you know what I mean so I do recommend playing on this settings for the HDR calibration because it makes your game look a lot more better and as you can see doesn't this look way more better or what but yeah I definitely recommend you guys playing on these settings especially if you guys are playing on PS5 Xbox series X slash S or PC and you guys want like the best um graphics and HDR settings but um with that being said um hope you guys like the video comment below don't forget to subscribe more turn on notifications and I'll see you guys in the next video peace foreign
Channel: Iron Wolf Network
Views: 166,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PS5Share, Red Dead Redemption 2
Id: sgQLN8vvYIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 21sec (201 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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