Best Generator for the Money! (Generator Buyer's Guide) Harbor Freight vs. Everyone!

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hey ho guys and gals it's Jeff King here back again here in the old Dana tools and today we are talking about emergency backup generators because yep it's that time of year again we got all sorts of stuff going on we got uh you know weather like the hurricane coming into the Gulf is going to be uh that's going to do a lot of damage we know it is and you got to be prepared for some power outages there we got believe it or not I know it's we're still in September but we're around the corner here I got snow on the mountains across the way it's coming we're going to be seeing winter storms coming and of course if you're like in States like did did you write the server through California again oh sorry yeah well get blackouts that's what's gonna happen anyway so we're going to talk about open frame generators which are going to be like your that's going to get you the most bang for the buck if you would if all you want is as much power for as little money as possible the old school open frame generator is going to be the way to go fortunately you're gonna there's gonna be a ton of sound and we saw with issues that's been cropping up you know there's a huge crime wave going on you're running a big loud generator that just screams there's money in my yard come and take it another option is an inverter generator now this is as an over frame generator that's had an inverter and most people see inverters they think of stuff like this what it is is it takes DC power and turns it into AC power and runs it usually through a modified or even sometimes full sine wave inverter now the reason that's good is modified is okay if you're just running power tools big heavy kind of things that aren't aren't delicate Electronics modified will be just fine if you're running laptops cell phones anything with a Mac chip in it really you're going to want to go pure sine wave because think about it as that wave is flowing through that modified when it's better than no modification but it's still like hitting a brick wall each time it hits one of those waves and it's just not great I'm oversimplifying it but it's not great on the electronics so think about that now whoops let's skip forward there then that leads to the third class which is the full in uh a fully enclosed inverter generator and this is what they call also called the the super quiet these are going to be your best bang for the buck uh when it comes to I I don't want to build an enclosure I don't want to have this but I wanna I want like you know it was much discretion as possible I don't want to be listening to my generator all the time uh these are just a great way to go and that's honestly what we've done with most stuff for our family now the fourth type we're going to be talking about is AKA the battery in the Box sometimes referred to as a solar generator more appropriately referred to as a power station if you don't have solar cells hooked up to it it's not really a solar generator now is it but we're going to talk about a few of those here at the end so let's jump into it we're going to start off with the big boys here this is the simple open frame they're going to be loud they they're gonna be loud I understand but this is going to get you the most power for the least dollars and we're looking here at the Duramax okay now this is as I said it's open frame uh generator you're looking at a Max of 1200 or 12 000 my bad 12 thousand okay now remember most of these generators are rated at a starting wattage and then a running wattage and the running watch will it can vary about how far below it is but 12 000 is pretty good as far as a starting you're probably going to get what I think we're like a thousand running on this let me double check here uh 9 500 went a little bit lower now what you are going to get from this one that you don't get from a lot of them is you're getting dual fuel now this means you can run it on propane or you can run it on gas if you do run it on propane you're going to lose some power just be aware of that also if you're running an altitude now we're up here in Montana we're about 4 600 feet where I live we're going to lose a little bit of power from that as well if you're up even higher you're going to lose even more just be aware of that that's going to apply to all of these across the board but normally we're looking at 13.50 on this on sale right now at the old Walmart there for 1099. now another one to consider Champion now just back up real quick Duramax not a big name brand I've heard of them that's the most I can say about them like this there's only so much we can test here but what I do is I get a lot of feedback from you all we have 208 000 subscribers we have over 54 million total views and that's all the common stuff and I read all the comments folks on top of that we have a Facebook User Group with over a hundred thousand members so not only do people reach out to me directly via email or through Instagram or through Facebook I have all the comments everything we read through so I get a lot of feedback from people I've heard a little bit about Duramax never heard anything negative but haven't heard enough really to to say one way or the other that this is definitely the one you want to go with now eleven hundred dollars it makes a pretty compelling argument let's see what else we've got Champion now we have a lot of fans of champion on the channel I hear a few negatives every so often but you know any brand is going to have that no nobody's gonna be perfect not even myself and add you're looking at one thousand twenty nine dollars you're getting an eleven five starting ninety two hundred running a little bit less but you're getting a better name brand you got electric start on this um you're not getting the dual fuel okay so you're getting you're giving up some of the features there and a little bit of power to get more of a name brand uh next up is Westinghouse now I will say this Westinghouse that's a especially for us older folks um you know I'm in my early 50s here the uh Westinghouse is an old school name that we've heard for years not that Westinghouse same Westinghouse not that Westinghouse at this point Westinghouse is a zombie brand as we call it around the channel basically it has died and has been resurrected and they slapped their name on anybody who's willing to pay the licensing fee so uh but that said lots of great feedback on on their products now as far as getting service and stuff that there's no like Westinghouse support area that you're going to go to and everything they're going to help you they're going to contract your independent uh places that go through so your services is I would say it's not not average that's kind of a stretch I would say it's it's questionable how about that but you're looking at a thousand dollars here for 9 500 uh running uh or sorry yeah 9 500 running 1250 Peak but that's often what they call the top one is Peak rated and it's dual fuel so look at that you're getting both of those there and you see the nice thing about the Westinghouse is they do two things that I really appreciate if you look up at the top they show the running first and I I really appreciate that that's some honest advertising on top of that they show you the gas versus the propane so you can see at a glance what you're getting from this again it's open frame it's going to be loud but for a thousand dollars that's a lot of power and a lot of flexibility in that all right and then we have this one which is uh this is Pulsar Pulsar is another one of these ones of their name that's out there they're the brand that's been around for a while they're definitely a bargain brand uh they're not not what I would really call a name brand so to speak uh but you're looking at a 12 000 running or 12 000 Peak I think it's a 9 500 running and you're looking at a dual fuel on this for eight hundred dollars with electric start again you know it's in your this is again at Walmart here so maybe you got a little bit of back up there that you're getting it through Walmart but that said just just consider that when you're buying these you know is name brand is support going to be a big issue for you or do you just want as much power and many features as you can get for the dollar all right keep on moving now we're gonna Harbor Freight here now I'm gonna have a whole bunch of Harbor Freight sprinkled through this because they're an excellent Baseline okay they are often well it used to be that Honda was the Baseline but look at this you're looking at a 95 100 Peak wattage there uh fully enclosed inverter this is a Supercar this is the one my family keeps for our home backup all right paid cash for ourselves if for those of you are new to the channel I have a long-standing relationship with Harbor Freight nothing's paid sponsored but they do send us a lot of tools over time uh over like the last four years or stuff so uh this is one that we bought ourselves with our own money because this was the best I could find out there for the buck at the time now that time it was like two thousand dollars so that was three years ago price has gone up but that said here's how much a Honda is going to run for you you're looking at 7 000 Peak so you are you're losing power and uh let me come down here make sure that we got the numbers on this right surge wattage is 7 000 Peak rated that's the running is five fifty five hundred so a good bit lower and you're looking at five grand on that and everybody and their brother's done testing over the past you know decades since Predators come out and Predator is It's Quickly replaced Honda across all the RV parks all the camping spots there's a few people who still run Hondas but nine times out of ten you see a red generators could be a printer it's not gonna be a Honda uh go look at Consumer Reports if you don't believe me they they rate them over the course for each one uh and I feel that I think if I remember correctly they rated the Predator line uh the best bang for the buck now that said this is a great generator I love this generator but there's some other options out there now let's take a look at this one this is the Duramax we talked about them before and if you're looking at you're like hey man that's the same generator whoops same generator and it's not it's close the case the the the the body of it is clearly the same but if you look at the face plate on it this is a different face plate it's got different options and stuff it's got similar specs and stuff so it may share a lot of the DNA but uh you can definitely look by looking at at this one we got four there on the Facebook you got three access points on that it's us now you're looking at two thousand ninety nine dollars though you're saving quite a bit of money now is that you're gonna get that back is Duramax going to be somebody you're going to be happy with well one thing I do want to talk about actually I'll talk about in a minute here with Harbor Freight but we'll get back to that there are other options we also have the Gen Max now don't be confused black and orange like this starting with a G it's not Generac okay this is a totally different brand they're clearly trying to you know to use a little bit of that name branding there twenty four hundred dollars I don't know any reason I would go with this one but I just want to throw it out there that it's out there just for comparison and then we also have the AI volt now this is a a 10 000 watt generator here fully enclosed super quiet two thousand three hundred dollars not a single review on it online I've never even heard about it uh before uh doing the the prep for this video but I had to throw it out there because it looked interesting it's the first time I've seen it if you've worked with or if you've had one of these and you've got some experience uh what you think about it let us know down in the comments whether you think this is a good generator or not also let me know how long you've been working for AI volt um Harbor Freight we're back to Harbor Freight now we're looking at the open frame 9000. so we've stepped down from the twelve thousands we're down to the nine thousand this is what I consider to be the standard usually go to home generator the most people you can go to the 12 000 you can go but you can go as big as you want really but the 9000 has been the standard and this is what my family used to have okay we bought one of these we bought it new from Harbor Freight and we bought the the extended warranty the two year extended warranty on it here's a secret it's not really a hack it's just not it's a feature it's it's a corporate policy that they just don't really talk about and that is if you buy a generator from Harbor Freight and you get these in any product actually and you get the extended warranty on it if you decide during that time period like that we got the two-year one and I think it was a year and a half in I was like you know what they just came out with that new fully enclosed version of this I'd really like to step up to that fully enclosed inverter one because this is just a standard open cage no inverter nothing I really like the other one well guess what because I have that extended warranty I can go in and I can trade up all right you can't you can't trade down but they will let you trade up now of course this is always going to be at the local manager's discretion because they want to see what you're bringing back make sure you haven't driven a tractor over it or something like that but that said if you buy the extended warranty you do have that secret trade up option and that's what we use to pull the trigger to go from this up to the the fully enclosed version now as far as other versions here's one of the downsides with with Harbor Freight they realize that people have now appreciate the quality of these generators it's it's not a question anymore they're out there everyone knows it well the price has gone up now of course we can blame tariffs and covet and all that other stuff but I part of it is just the fact that they can charge that much because people know the quality so let's see what else we can get in that nine thousand running or starting Max starting Peak it's what 72.50 running on this well here we've got the champion again we're talking the black and yellow here 93.75 starting Peak 7 500 running right in the same ballpark nice style generator good quality everything comes with a it's a two or three year warranty if I'm not mistaken uh 715 750 again there's not a champion store you're going to take these back to for service but there are service centers that you'll get you'll call you'll get authorization you you'll take it in or send it if you have to send it in yeah you might as well buy a new one because that thing's a giant boat anchor at that point you're going to spend almost as much on shipping there and back but uh maybe they'll cover it for you I don't know I even had to deal with Champions customer service if you have and you know how Champion deals with the customer service put it in the comments down below I'll pin it so other people can see what's going on but anyway still 750 15 that is a nice discount from 900 for the Harbor Freight now another one was let's check out the Westinghouse since we're here we got to talk about the Westinghouse now this is a single fuel now dual fuel you're looking at 713 dollars again you're looking at 9 500 Peak 7 500 running uh but guess what it's got the little clicker it's got remote start if you're too lazy to go out and start your generator yourself hey you can just hit the little clicker on it and go which for an emergency home kind of backup stuff like that maybe that's not a bad idea if you're an RV and and let's talk about RVs if you are running a big RV you're on a 50 watt circuit okay so the way you figure out how much power you're going need is you take that that how big the circuit is versus how many uh how much power has come in well you're plugging it into a line that's got 110 right so you're looking at 50 amps on that so uh let's see here 50 times 110 you're looking at you want to be at 5500 uh Peak and running you're basically at the same on that so this is going to have more than enough for any kind of uh of trailer that you might have but actually it might be Overkill at that now here's another option 713 for this you want to spend a few bucks more jump up to 789 and you can get the dual fuel that's the difference between these two look in the lower left there's nothing down here then we click on this one and now you can see the propane access right there so you get the dual fuel here the 7 7 500 DF and you see right below it it shows you gasoline 7 500 running Watts propane 67.50 so you lose remember you do lose a little bit by switching to propane but if you're like in an RV you've already got propane right there you can run it right into it rather than have it keep running back to town for gas all right now let's talk about the next level down we're looking at this is like the bargain average bargain home backup kind of thing you're looking at 43.75 watt gas now these are all the new generators from Harbor Freight are Co secure I will give them that you're looking at 500 for 43.75 Peak 3500 running uh just double checking my numbers make sure I'm right let's see what else is out there well let's look at the Westinghouse dual fuel what do we got 4650 Peak 3600 running dual fuel for 383. that is uh three three four five but now you this does not have the wheel kit and stuff like that installed so you're gonna have to get the wheel kit on there the wheel kit here is going to run you a bit more because it's not on sale uh you jump up to 584 but even still that is yeah that that is just not even close now let's take a look at the win win live and we got a lot of fans of the wind generators here uh 325. now again this open frame no inverter this is going to be the loud kind but loud but cheap all right at 325 that's a decent amount of power for for that okay and a lot of these and I don't know about this one in particular but a lot of these generators let me see if I see I don't see it on this one a lot of them can be linked up to run in parallel and that's something you definitely want to consider also all right almost all the inverter generators you can now if you want to go Super Bass Bargain Basement Sportsman's they're cheap they're basic they run and I've heard a lot of good people a lot of people saying good things about them as far as far as cheap power and if you look at this it's dual fuel at three hundred dollars 299 sub 300 and you're getting gas and propane options 3 500 running and that's what you're going to want for a basic if you're running on like a cam upper like we have now we've got a oh what is it a Salem 30 it's listed as a 32 actual feed is like 36 it's got It's a big trailer but it's still running on a 30 amp circuit well 30 amp times 110 you'll get 3300 this is going to be running at 3500 on gas not propane it's gonna be a little less on protein but that's going to be able to you'll be able to run your RV on it loudly and if you want to go really cheap the Sportsman Sandstorm gasoline only not carb approved don't take this to California they will arrest you at the border anywhere 269 dollars though if you want cheap power this has got to be the go-to for cheap power I'm gonna have links for all this stuff down below if you're interested all right now the next category is the 3500 fully enclosed super quiet all right now Harbor Freight did send me one of these uh but uh we were we're only in our RV uh you know uh probably less than six months out of the year uh we bounce back and forth around the Western us but we got friends who full time and I wanted to give this thing a test so I gave it to our my buddy Rick and his wife Kelly they're in a fifth wheel now before he'd been running in fact I gave him the option between this and another one and he chose this one because he loves the Harbor Freight so much he had the one that's a step down from this and it just wasn't enough to run their AC and everything but he got this one and I gotta check with him because he got a soft start on his big he's got the 15 thousand uh BTU he's got two or three of them he's got a fifth wheel uh car hauler or toy hauler fifth wheel and he got the soft start on the ACs installed so we're gonna be checking out checking in with him probably in a month or two uh he's headed down to him uh down south and down Yuma way so we're gonna try and make a trip down there and hang out and I'll give you an update once we get there uh but anyway we'll look at 3500 that's the peak okay running is gonna be three thousand so it's pretty close fully enclosed super quiet this is the gold standard for for your basic RV generator it's got the 30 amp plug you plug your whole generator right into it or your whole camper right into it Now options here well let's look at when 642 642 versus 900 price has gone up on this 900 or 642 versus that you're looking at 3 800 uh peaked there uh and what we got we got electric start We Got The Whole Nine Yards this is a good generator guys and gals I I'm I'm not gonna say that wind is the best company out there uh as far as service I've had issues with them but a lot of people said that with the generators they've been much better than that uh 640 that's a hard that's a hard one to ignore it now we're going to talk about another brand that this this gets interesting so check this out now this is a 3200 watt now look at the size of this the size of this these big cubes right well somehow they've managed to get a 3200 watt generator into this compact suitcase here this is the GM 3200i for 600 there's a coupon on it right now you click that little coupon there knocks another 50 bucks off so now you're looking at 550. you're down from from that to 550 on this one now I have not tested the Gen Max but what I have tested is the max speeding rods mxr 3500 they sent this to me not too long ago now that was the one that I I had at the same time as I had the Harbor Freight one and I offered both of them to my buddy he's like no I'm gonna take the Harbor Freight one so I still have this one in fact it's in the back of my pickup truck right now I'm about to loan it to a friend who's going camping for a couple weeks up here you know it's uh it's that time of year for deer camp uh so anyway uh for you crazy bow Hunters uh anyway the rest of us have to wait till October I think uh late October anyway 590 600 for this it's an ultralight ultra quiet 52 pound and I will say this it's super quiet and it does a great job and I was really impressed but you know what when you look at these two if you look at the case now this list is 3500 so there's clearly something different going on inside but they're definitely sharing a case on this in fact they're sharing more than just a case if you look at the front panel I mean granted the graphics are different on the right hand side but that's the same front panel if you ask me but that said the if I had to choose between the two let's hear 550 for that or 598 for a few a little bit more I know I've used the max speeding Rod they did send it to me for free so take that for what it's worth Earth it's got CO2 detect which almost all the new ones are going to have does this have CO2 detect um ultra quiet compliant eco mode gas mode maybe I missed it but I'm not seeing it there anyway a lot of people complain about it if you set your uh your generator upright make sure you don't set it right next to where you're staying don't put it in the house don't put it in the garage don't put it right up against your camper set it far away and make sure you set it with the prevailing winds or carrying the exhaust away from the generator okay all right let's move along again if we're looking for a budget Sportsman's guys 3 500 watt generator 550 but dual fuel so again we're back to that power Cube kind of setup there uh but uh and that's not going to be a light generator right you want to get both paws on that sucker uh but anyway the I've had lots of people say that they love these things they're real Rough and Tumble with them and they keep working oh anyway just real quick here's a setup right here they're showing you with them linked together that's what you can do with most of these you can see here right here above it it says parallel output and if you see those A and B you can do and you can mix and match generators you don't need the same brand here's what I think and you don't even need the same size you could connect a 2500 and a 3500 but the max you're gonna get is the combination of the lowest one so it's going to drop it to the lowest one and then double that so that's going to get you a 5 000. just a heads up now reasons you might want to do that well consider this what if you have say let me come back here two of these you take two of these you put together you're looking at was that six seven thousand watts of running power well why is that good well a if you're in a camper you may not have the the size to put a big generator like something like this that's a this thing's a beast of a generator here let me show you whether first I loaded one of these into my truck by myself and uh that was I mean we're still in the box so it was hard to hold and everything that was not fun uh anyway these things now you've got two case-sized ones my son can pick up one of these he did he just he's the one who put it in there he picked this up and we get a 4x4 pickup so it's not and he's he's uh he how tall is he's like five foot uh so he was able to pick one of these up put it in the back all by himself so if he can do that makes it easy to look easy to load up it lets you vary in storage also if you're going to go run off and go camping for like overnight the weekend something light duty and you don't want to carry the giant generator with you you can split them up just take one of them anyway and if one dies you have another one still running okay so anyway that's the there is a real strong argument for running two smaller ones rather than one larger one all right now in this category though Harbor Freight doesn't really cover it there's some slightly bigger ones let's look at this we get the champion here Champions coming in at 749 that is still cheaper than the Harbor Freight there this Champion is 4 500 watt starting okay and it's got a remote to start on it as well this is the newer version of champion it's been updated and upgraded and all the the fine you know the fun stuff here 750 down from a thousand dollars a lot of people been jumping on this one lately a lot of people have been jumping on that one so uh and then we got a new one they actually just powersmart just sent this to me I haven't had a chance to really go through it with a fine-tooth comb just basic stuff so far so good I like one of the things I like about both of these is rather than going with the tiny Wheels like you see on the Harbor Freight and those are actually it lets you roll it around but it's a real pain all right but instead of doing that what they've done is they've done larger rear wheels here as you can see on that and then this it's hard to tell but that front face plate you see that silver part of the bottom that's a handle that lifts up so you can pull it like luggage and then on the Power Smart it has the same thing actually has an extending handle up front and again it's got the bigger wheels in the back I've moved this this thing around a lot and I'm I don't know why every generator doesn't do this that is just a no-brainer at this point you gotta start doing that guys guys if you make generators this is the way okay anyway 800 on that one and then Max speeding rods is not done they now have a 5500 watt generator four thousand dollars now granted that is a hundred bucks more than the Predator they're just currently on sale down from nine nine thirty dollars off but you're looking at thirty five hundred versus fifty five hundred that's a significant jump in power uh and again it's got the front it's got the extended handle up there it's got the bigger wheels down below um and it's got all the features look at that that it's got a ton of options of power and whatnot um and anyway so that's maybe something you want to consider all right now let's get down to the small ones and we're talking about the 2000 this is what my buddy had before when they started they are full-time they've been doing full-time now for like a year and a half I want to say anyway 620 is with the current price on Harbor Freight and yes you can dual link these as well so that's going to get you up to four thousand which is not a bad idea now that said let's see what else we got 2000 watt super quiet Co secure okay winds coming in with a 2000 watt all uh portable inverter generator fuel shut off carb compliant Ultra lightweight I don't see the co secure on this it does have the link so you can you can pair them up 343 dollars 343 verses 6 19. that is that's a hard argument to make I mean I love me smart I'm afraid you know how how well do I know the people at Harbor Freight for those of you who are new to the channel well when they hit 1 000 stores they they gave out these hats and you know they like you enough to send me one of these hats I'm gonna say this I love the Harbor Freight generators that's what I bought um but if I'm buying something like this that is a hard choice to make right there all right and we got the Gen Max coming in at 369 plus a 20 off coupon on that one uh let's see what else we got and the Westinghouse or not what's you know sorry the champion not really being as competitive 489 it's less than the Harbor Freight but definitely way more than the wind or the the Gen Max now let's talk about the other side of the fence and the other side of the fence let me take that the other side of the fence is this blue Eddy uh we're talking about power Banks here this is a battery in the box and that's exactly what this is there's different types of batteries some of them are lithium-ion some of our Lifeboat this is a lifepo battery the lifepo batteries don't condense as much power into a smaller package as the lithium ion but it's close but they also you know what they don't do they don't explode they don't catch on fire and go crazy and aren't as volatiles lithium-ion much less Lithium Polymer they're a good stable battery on top of that they have 10 to 20 30 times the recharge capacity so if you can recharge that means cycle like power down recharge power down recharge if you can do that a hundred times on a lithium ion you can do that 400 times probably on a Lifeboat they way more recharge Cycles on it so anyway you're looking at here though but way less power for the money look at 300 now you could save 60 bucks to clip the coupon and blue Eddie's one of the top two brands in this field if you ask me um and you're looking at 600 watts now 1200 surge 600 watts so you're not going to be running a giant AC off of this but you can run a CPAP you can run a refrigerator you can run a bunch of electronics you can charge all your cell phones your laptops stuff like that and you're gonna get pure sine wave power out of it at that price now stepping up in power we have the the blue Eddie here at the 800 watt here uh 716 Watt hours 1400 Peak there and you're going to get four outputs you're going to get a lot more it's basically the same thing just bigger 569 dollars on that you can tell I'm a big fan of blue Eddie now one that we're stepping away from the name brand and that's ebl but not quite stepping fully away from them because email has been known for years for making rechargeable like double a triple rechargeable batteries they they're a battery company they just started making power stations as well they sent this to me for review I've got a video coming on out on it typically small boxes like this I'm usually kind of iffy about it sorry if you can hear the train we live in a train town anyway the point is that this is my new go-to carry with me every day to throw it in the back of the truck I don't care what happens to it uh it's got the charger on top for yourself and I can just set my cell phone on it it's a thousand watts of power with a peak of 2 000 I can start smaller AC units with that smaller like the 110 window unit kind of stuff I got a buddy who's got a teardrop and he could use this to run his AC off of it um it's a little tiny thing but still you can do it you can run heaters and whatnot this thing's got a ton of power for the size it has uh you throw a couple solar panels on it you can get all sorts of uh you know flexibility with this thing you got three quick charging and one uh one PD 60 watts not 100 watt everyone wants the 100 watt 60 watt is fine in most cases you're not using this as a rapid charger for your laptop I need to plug it in for five minutes and have full power this thing if you're taking it with you you're gonna have it with you anyway so it doesn't really matter if it's sitting there it's going to run It's Gonna Keep your laptop running for as long as you need it um and anyway I just I was a little overwhelmed with it now 900 you're like that that's a ridiculous price I'm not paying 900 except there's a coupon here 400 off taking this to 500 dollars thousand Watts five hundred dollars that's that's a lot of power for that money all right now Eco flow you're the other number two the in this category right they have lots of great Tech out there the EF ecoflow here we got looking at 882 watt hour not quite a thousand but this is an excellent portable power solution here uh you're not gonna power your whole RV or something off of this but you look at 750 on that plus you can take another 50 bucks off with the coupon there they have some extra savings you can get as well as you buy other stuff from them but here's another option over on eBay we got refurbished version of the 1260 watt so this is a step up for less money it's factory refurbished sold through eBay's new refurbished program which has a bunch of guarantees tied to it it's sold directly by ecoflow so you're not buying it from some third party who got a you know gray Market or something and as I look at it with a lot of uh refurbished stuff they found the thing that was weak that broke so they fixed it so this is better than new as far as I'm concerned 700 6.99 for that much power that's that's a that's a tough one I mean anyway let's move on to the next one and this one this is blue Eddie okay now full disclosure blue Eddie did send me this device I did not buy this I had heard about them before this was some time ago I've been using this for over a year just recently got into the whole Power Station kind of thing uh this thing's just phenomenal this is huge power look at this 2048 Watt hours double that more than double that for Peak power I could I could start any AC unit off of this in fact it's got a 30 amp uh plug there I can plug my hole and I have plug my whole RV into it just plug the whole thing in and go it Powers everything in the RV this thing is phenomenal it's not cheap 1900 but that is 10 off so if you get a deal it hooks up to Bluetooth you can control the whole thing with your phone you can put solar on top of solar on top of solar on this thing you can charge it via solar via power at the same time while using it this and it's got charging ports on top for your phones you can see them on this is I don't want to say the Cadillac this is the the mack truck of uh uh or probably like the Volvo truck of power supplies if you've got the money and you want super quiet portable power and this one I we used to keep it with the RV now I keep it home because uh there's cases where I don't want to run the generator and I just want to run this if we have a power outage this is our first go-to the generator we say for if this won't last through the one or two nights or three nights of power because I can plug the pretty much the whole house into this thing all right anyway the uh oh and one other thing if that's not enough power for you you can plug up to two of these extension batteries there to each 2048 on top of that so you can have a three or was it basically three times that okay you can plug all there you can plug all that you can run all your power equipment off of that you can run your whole shop off of that and I know people who do anyway so just swear to God let me know what you think of this video do you like buyer guides like this does this help you find what you're looking for to answer all your questions if not put in the comments down below as I said I like to read all the comments if I can um also don't forget to chop the old like button smash that subscribe ring the bell so you get all the notifications for everything else because we got Black Friday coming up which means all the sales are gonna start dropping between now and then you don't want to miss Adam You all take care God bless and as always Shine On
Channel: The Den of Tools
Views: 251,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tool reviews, best tool, top 5 tools, top 10 tools, harbor freight, milwaukee, dewalt, ryobi, kobalt, black & decker, hercules, ridgid, porter cable, craftsman, bauer, chicago electric, admiral, hatichi, makita, doyle, quinn, pittsburg pro, diy
Id: 6FiPSVHj1Lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 49sec (2149 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2022
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