Best Gaming TV So Far in 2023? | G3 S95C C3 QN90C 3 Hour Live Comparison

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hey what's going on everybody welcome to the Stream I just want to say that it is a pleasure to have you guys and let me know how the audio is and we're gonna get this stream going right before I start off I want to make sure that you are knowing that this is not from a reference point of view though we will be doing some comparisons with the TVs in their more accurate modes just so that we can make it fair from time to time we'll also be using some of the more preference modes as well which is kind of what I will specialize in but we're going to have a couple of guests on throughout the show uh fomo will be joining us and I think classy might as well and I know Max said he will pop in from time to time so what's up to everybody let me know how you guys are doing how's the audio uh just type it in chat uh let me pop on to my headphones just so we can make sure the audio is good how's the audio everybody just let me know um I changed out changed out the microphone let me know how it sounds sounds worse sounds better I don't know sometimes uh you have to change the microphone for stream yard I used a universal audio interface and it doesn't play nice with the stream yard at all with some of the DSP effects so I had to change that out and uh kind of I had to dumb down my audio setup to to get better audio on stream yard which is really weird but that's kind of how it works um yeah so we're just gonna run this a couple of game demos and if you want we can do Spears and muzzle and we also have a couple of YouTube demos if we need to do it but mostly we're wanting to Circle back on gaming since we cut it off a little bit shorter for gaming if I'm too quiet please let me know yeah because I it's hard to know if I'm quiet or not so I'm fine okay cool good to know all right um I just had to double check it with my uh audio I appreciate the love guys what's up to everybody in chat hello Scott hello review hello Kamar Cinco David T Beckett what's up hater in the chat what's up othman whereas Max will be here uh he's gonna pop in and out we're gonna have fomo on as well in a little bit so yeah should be a cool stream right now I'm just uh following the road while I say what's up to everybody um kind of kind of showcasing a little bit of HDR so people have a lot of questions about LG and game mode and um so let's just run through it really quickly on all the settings that I'm running right now so this is one of those things where uh you're gonna have to do some workarounds with LG as of right now if you want to get the best colors so so for that let's see let me go through the settings for you guys so I can show you what the TVs are in so the Xbox is set to 4 000 nits on both whites the reason why we're doing this is so that we can use the original game mode preset for uh the s95c and the qn90c and then on the yeah LG's that lets us also use uh HDR filmmaker mode with allm on so if you're not familiar with how to do this on your own TV you can pull up the game Optimizer and then make sure you have Alm clicked on um so if you have a console that supports all M then you will get it I'll let you guys guess which TV is which it says it in the thumbnail but if you want to guess go ahead and I'll put I'll put it up there in a second we only get to do that part once right so might as well oh I almost hit somebody I didn't mean to do that um so do we know which to switch Yeah I will put that on there for a second give me a second so uh I'll also let me show you all the games that I have so you guys are aware of what games I could pull up for you guys uh on this system we also are going to do the Nintendo switch I only have like two games on the PS5 and that's downstairs I don't want to get it so let's not worry about the PS5 today um but we will do the Xbox and the switch because that's what I have in this room so here's the games that I have um you know if you guys want me to play a certain game just let me know let me put the order of the TVs right now um let me go back to the game so we're back in the game thank you for bearing with me while I set this up so we got the LG G3 is on the top left and then the s95c is on the top right the bottom left is going to be the qn90c and then the bottom right is the LG C2 C3 sorry it's the C3 and I will put that in the ticker as well so it doesn't cover up the chat there you go let me clean that up a little bit and now I will be going through chat as much as I can so if you see me stop at a certain point it's probably because I'm looking through chat uh and uh yeah I just want to make sure we don't miss any comments so that's why I put it on sub only so we get make sure we get the best like responses out there and uh I want to show love to the subs so appreciate you guys uh so the G3 is in filmmaker mode and the C3 is in filmmaker mode as well I don't recommend playing on game mode I I just think that game mode is kind of incomplete it's not good in my opinion and uh you're just getting a reduced experience and honestly playing on the G3 right now is so so satisfying in filmmaker mode so yeah I don't I can't recommend game mode so the work around with filmmaker mode and 4 000 nits on the HDR settings I think that is the way to go um after playing it and seeing them all side by side uh and then of course the s95c to me is the better one of all of them uh because you do have more control you have all your controls and Game Mode still with the Alm you're still you know you can't really do a lot so let's see what we're limited to with Alm so can we play around with settings with allm still so yeah with Alm you you can't really use any of this stuff other than Dynamic tone mapping so if you're somebody who likes to mess with the black stabilizer the white stabilizer you know and then you have your different genres like you're not going to be able to do that so keep that in mind with Alm that's something and then if your console is not going to support Alm then you are kind of in trouble and you don't you don't have a way to do it you know so all right sounds good fomo we will see you soon uh Daniel thank you for the Super Chat he says qn90c looks close to the OLED not washing out in color yeah the color is really good on the Q and 90c um you know the real the only real issue with the qn90c is when you get to a darker area and um what was great about Assassin's Creed and why I like using it for HDR is because we can switch it with ease from day to night and look at and I got full control of the camera so if you ever need me to bump up something uh if you see it seems maybe too dark you tell me okay because sometimes I'm not on top of it but I'll try to be I am right next to the camera so uh thank you for that Super Chat Daniel so here we are in a darker scene and I want to say like as far as like what the Q and 90c is doing in game mode it's actually pretty decent uh for a scene like this you're not seeing a ton of like noticeable blooming and even if I'm looking at this flame I'm not really seeing I'm not seeing anything that's gonna make me say oh I don't want to play it so you can play it so you can play darker scenes with the qn90c um that said the contrast difference is noticeable like you can still see that it's not quite an OLED but I know those people that want to get a Q and 90c for their own reasons it's not too far off like I'm looking at it right next to the C3 and I think that's what is a better comparison for it than the top two the top two are kind of in a league of its own like the G3 and the s95c you can't compare that to the qn90c I mean I will compare it but um like it's not fair to compare it to the q90c but the C3 is it is fair to compare so I think overall they're all going to be really good TVs especially when you have them in this mode this is the original game mode and the filmmaker mode when you really try to push these TVs um you start to see the limits of the TVs which we will do um as the stream goes on I just want to run through a couple of games in the original preset first and uh we'll switch back and forth with the quick resume options and stuff so yeah if you guys ever have any requests or anything just let me know um play fortnite I gotta see if fortnite's up updated but yeah we can get to SDR gaming I want to do SDR gaming a little bit later in the Stream I want to stick to HDR for now because SDR I'm gonna hook up the Nintendo switch for as well and uh really see which one does the Nintendo switch better because a lot of people play the Nintendo switch and I just want to make sure we do that Justice yeah q190c is the bottom left I have the TVs listed on the bottom of the screen game mode and qn95c is excellent yeah game mode is crazy on uh on these Samsung TVs this year they did a really good job especially if you use the original preset if you really just want the you know a really good just out of the box preset that's a good one and you can even use active tone mapping with it if you want uh thank you Daniel for the Super Chat he says do you recommend the mini LED in game mode or standard with custom settings to hit the brightest highlights not sure if game mode brightness is limited uh no actually brightness uh in game mode is probably the brightest mode so game mode on a Samsung is probably the brightest mode you can get to uh if not one of the brightest so yeah I'd recommend it over standard for sure and you're also limited so like if you're in all m you wouldn't have access to things like game Motion Plus and all the extra stuff that you might want to use in the game picture profiles so that's another reason why I like uh ds95c over the G3 just there's more options foreign so we're going to switch the game here we're gonna go uh do some brighter games really quickly let's have a little long in the snow scene really quick uh and then we're gonna switch to uh some sports games yeah if it's pixelated it's probably just um just a stream make sure you're watching it in 1080p for the best quality it's still not going to be the best quality but yeah um so we are kind of washed out there let me get you down there all right fix the camera so this is a a really crazy level it's um the snow actually in the game Clips a little bit too so I think this is a really good way to show off um like uniformity as well and I could see a little bit of dirty screen effect in the uh q and 90c so oh and so the I want to explain the differences in the color temperatures and stuff for you guys too in the white balance so uh by default the LG oleds are going to look a little bit Greener Bluer on stream but there is a little bit of a green push in real life too uh the Samsungs have a magenta push but the QA 90c has a really strong like a like just a very strong magenta push and it makes Blues look a little bit purple so you might notice that on stream but I'm not I'm not really sure if it'll come across as good uh you should be able to do 1080p uh let me let me double check on the stream if it's uh not 1080p let me know uh Kamar thank you for the Super Chat he says I wish um at KJ I wish I could uh experience the uh sorry I just just got in here so I'm trying to look at this a little bit clearer let me enlarge this text I can't even see it all right so it says at kg I wish I could have a TV with the Sony watching experience and the Samsung s95c gaming experience I would shell out money for that I have the x95k 85 inch and it can't touch the s95c 77 inch in gaming yeah I I wish there was like The Best of Both Worlds for that as well um because I really enjoy the Sony um TV watching experience as well and I I think we kind of have the same kind of tastes because I'm just a big fan of what Sony does with their picture quality and the overall options that they give you I like reality creation I just like all the TV settings that they can give you I think custom mode out of the box is probably one of the best modes that you can get and so yeah I just I think that's great honestly and these guys came in out of nowhere but yeah I think the Sony is um really great but Samsung does gaming probably the best out of every TV um so that's something that if Sony can step it up this year that would be nice uh because they're you know they're changing game mode so I I really think that the game mode picture quality on Sony is probably the best but their features are lacking and I think that's what holds people back from getting Sony's for gaming also the input lag some people want a little bit faster input lag it's not noticeable in my opinion but if you're somebody who plays maybe like a shooter or something maybe it would be noticeable more so uh but I mean I play games like this and Elden ring and stuff and I I beat Elden ring on a Sony I had no problem with the input lag at all so I I don't I don't think input lags that big of a deal on Sony's but I do I mean I wish you could kind of come combine these TVs sometimes and have like The Best of Both Worlds so this is a really good uh statement that you made and I agree with you Kamar thank you for the Super Chat uh quickness thank you for the Super Chat he says so I am replacing a qn900b due to horrible banding yeah I remember you said this uh in a prior stream that's that's unfortunate that's like the worst case scenario is if you get a 900b or a 900c or really just any big LCD and then it has banding or dirty screen effect it's it's like it's one of the reasons why I've never pulled the trigger on a 85 inch um LCD TV even though I really want one uh but yeah he says I am strictly gaming PS5 hours every day I had the q9 FN for years and loved it like the pop of the q900b but never owned an OLED what should I get G3 or s95c uh if you don't mind the Samsung interface I think right now the best gaming TV is going to be the s95c um you just have more functionality and that's going to probably benefit you the most and especially if you end up using things like game Motion Plus it's hard to go away from that once you're already used to it so I I think that Samsung has the best game mode right now um all right and then Daniel thank you for the Super Chat he says is it wrong to play in standard instead of warm one no it's not wrong at all if you think that it's a tad writer and it makes the pop of colors happen more like if you think that's what's happening and you like it better then use it there's nothing wrong about it like one of the biggest things I run into with people is they always ask me is it wrong to have your TV settings in a certain way it's it's not wrong if you like it there's there's nothing wrong with it like even if you enjoy Vivid mode there's nothing wrong with it like keep enjoying the Vivid mode the the main purpose of TVs is for your enjoyment nobody else's so that's why you have to find settings that you like um I've never been a type to copy settings I've always made my own and just kind of just set it to my eyes and what I like and I don't know it's just that's what I prefer in like some movies I can watch creators intent just fine and I have no problem with it but there's other movies where I disagree with the Creator's intent and I think the creators intent is not that great so I'll change it um so that's the great thing about TVs is they're so flexible and so customizable and if we're buying TVs that are capable of so much why not utilize it so because I mean honestly if you're just going to keep the TV and one of the more accurate modes and you're in a dark room you could get the C3 you don't even need a G3 and you'll have almost the same type of experience so but yeah thank you for that super chat I think that's a a really good Super Chat because some people think that certain modes are wrong and I just disagree with that so don't feel that way foreign so Marco if you look on the bottom it shows the order of the TVs uh yeah and so this is another great point the OLED you know doesn't do 30 frames per second games that well and with the game motion plus 30 frames per second and the s95c is like you don't have to worry about that anymore it's so smooth compared to the other TVs that I've tested with OLED in mind so we're going to switch to a brighter mode in a second I'm just shuffling through some games I have on quick resume so it's like quick to get in and out and I'm also trying to keep up with chat so please bear with me if you think I'm running a little bit behind or something we'll catch up with chat that's awesome Craig um congratulations that's uh seems like a really good deal if you ended up getting it for the same price of a G2 with a five-year warranty that's awesome uh let me scroll up I do have a question about turning off the picture and only listening to sound for LG what do you have to turn off the picture uh yeah there's actually I believe there's a quick setting for that this year so I'm on the G3 now and uh if you look on the top left can you guys see that let me fix the camera a little bit alright so if you look at the top left TV right now I'm gonna show you um so you have this new quick settings button um and you can customize this to your liking so let's say I wanted to uh let's just leave that I'm gonna delete the uh music Discovery so let's say we want to delete the music discovery and uh then I can add something here and so if you wanted to add something to your liking I believe there was one here that lets you turn off the uh the TV but oh here it is yeah so there's a screen off button I'm blind it's right there so if you hit screen off then you'll just get sound so that'll be just on the quick siding menu by default and people are asking about multi-view for the LG so I'll just show you guys that real quick too so you can uh pick what you want it to launch in side by side dual PC monitor or a picture in picture so I think it's really smooth and it just seems to like work really well so you can set it to like YouTube and then you can have uh your HDMI here where's it at so well for some reason the HDMI doesn't want to go on there let's see that's why we do this things live all right so last year I didn't have a problem with that uh if we do picture and picture is that better yeah so we can do picture and picture that way so we have HDMI 2 here and then we'll pop YouTube right there so you can do that kind of cool uh is the input lag reduced no it's not but I think it did switch it to SDR uh no it's still an HDR so we're good so that's cool um that seems to work a lot better than the Samsung version of multi-view multi-view on a Samsung hasn't been that great in my opinion so that's cool um I know you didn't ask that question but I did it anyway because I just thought it was interesting the G3 looks really good here golfing with the Tiger Woods um and then uh what else we got here I've got some other games as well so we've got midnight Suns I just bought this game so I haven't even started it I've heard nothing but good things about it and I'm a big x-com fan so I heard it's like right up my alley how's the q19c look The dimmest well I mean like the kind of thing that you have to realize about LCD TVs right now is in terms of brightness it's only going to be super bright on those high impact High APL scenes because otherwise it tries so hard to look like an OLED and it does a pretty good job at emulating it you know there are some faults but it's not going to be like super bright all the time unless you make it super bright all the time which you can do and we will do that in a second but right now I just have it in the original preset and that's what we're starting off as so yeah is anybody who play this game yet I'll just let the cutscene run while I look at chat uh what do you think of the s90c versus C2 gaming and HDR content mostly would I notice the lack of Dolby Vision on TV shows and movies no I don't think you would notice it at all and Dolby Vision on the LG TVs right now are way too dark um crushed Shadow detail so much problems with that and I don't believe a firmware fixed that yet so that's gonna have to be fixed you know before I can even like recommend using Dolby Vision on an LG TV which kind of sucks because like nobody's gonna turn off Dolby vision and by default when you get these TVs you're watching Netflix it's automatically going to switch you into Dolby vision and you're just going to notice so much Black Crush and that's going to be bothersome so yeah and the s90c when you're talking about gaming compared to the C2 it's like looking at the s95c and looking at the C3 and it's like I honestly think the s90c would be a better value but honestly the s95b would be the best value right now in terms of what the TVs are capable of uh W thank you for the Super Chat he says relative sharpness Clarity between the TVs um with processing in mind you're talking about the Samsung TVs being slightly sharper just because they have Dynamic sharpening and they have picture processing that's not turned off when you use filmmaker mode when you use like Dynamic tone mapping on the LG you're processing seems to get a lot better and it's more comparable to the Samsung in that sense I think they're really good I honestly um they're both doing a really good job Samsung gets the edge uh in game mode it's it's noticeably sharper but I mean that's just because right now we're not really in game mode on the filmmaker mode for the LG so that's uh where I can notice the sharp sharpness difference there all right let's uh look at the rest of the chat kg out of the four TVs which one do you like the most uh right now it's close between the G3 and the s95c I give the edge to the s95c because it's doing more things better it's doing game mode the best out of all of them because it doesn't lock you out of using game mode where the G3 you're kind of you're not locked out of using game mode I could certainly use game mode but right now you're just not getting the same colors that you're getting with filmmaker mode and and with other modes so if I wanted to switch this now to a brighter mode which I'll go ahead and do right now we'll switch all these into a brighter mode so we'll go ahead and you send them a home here and I'll crank up brightness settings for you guys foreign and then I'll set the rest of the TVs up in a second here 's a chance to take a screenshot while I'm setting things up and saying look how much brighter everything is is compared to uh everything else but the G2 I'm sorry the G3 the G3 is the brightest only because I haven't set up anything else yet um so we're just gonna pop this into active and active will uh give you the dynamic tone mapping in game mode I wanted to make sure we do it this way though where we start off with static so I can show you the difference and go from there again the brightest TVs in this lot right now in most regular scenes is the G3 and the s95c it's not close um it's really not close so we'll go to cinema home I gotta change the color temperature on that don't I uh so they're all pretty much in game mode um if I put the LG's in game mode they would be out of severe disadvantage and right now I actually don't have them set up to be running in game mode I would have to go through the Xbox console and set it to 1500 nits which I'll do before the end of the stream but right now we're keeping it at four thousand so that we can run both pretty good I want to point out like the the colors on the C3 unfortunately they turn some things a little bit yellow or green from time to time it's one of those things but like that's that comes down to the white balance um the Samsungs are more purple magenta definitely the q190c is pushing that so hard so that's that's the downside there with that but if they're by themselves you're not going to notice that I only noticed it because I have four TVs all next to each other and they all behave slightly different from each other so let's go to the one we were testing yesterday Madden because everybody's freaking out about me not putting into the cinema home which is fair because the the s95c looked kind of brighter like way brighter and I wasn't sure why so um so here we go and and you know again they're closer now so um there is a little bit of a difference with the the tone mapping if you try to set that up so that's probably why it was like that it was so dramatically different actually the G3 is looking a little bit brighter and I do have a expression enhancer on brightness right now as I shuffle through these remotes so yeah if you say you can't use this for gaming you certainly can you just lose some you know controls so you just have to think of it as a set it and forget it game mode uh in a way when you use it like that so I do have this brightness enhancer on which is kind of gonna make it a big difference um so you can see it does make a difference in the brightness there but we'll keep it on um because why not and here's the thing though you can't really do that with the s95c um the best way to do it would be to go to Game Mode active and and do that so we already have active tone mapping on um what we could do is make our own preset here this is going to have contrast enhancer on which if you guys like contrast enhancer you can use it um that's a great thing about these settings and stuff you just use the settings you want 30 colors a bit much uh 10 sharpness is a bit much I like to go four but I'm going zero so I can match everything I'm not a fan of contrast enhancer um but you can see it gets close to the brightness enhancer but it does wash out colors so um that's one thing you gotta be on the lookout for you know now that I'm looking at it here I think the G3 might be washing out the color too either that or I just can't produce that same amount of Orange uh Rachel thank you for that Super Chat I'll get to that in just a second yeah it doesn't really do anything to the colors it's just the the difference between Quantum dots on here that's really it that orange is popping on the s95c and on the qn90c wow so um yeah I think the G3 is really good in terms of brightness let's go to hockey because that was also one let's go back to the golf one first while we have it up uh Rachel thank you for the Super Chat hey kg and gang I hope all is well is the C3 better than the C2 from last year and that s95c looks so bright yeah oh what the heck happened here we're on the contrast enhancer still I don't know what happened oh that's what happened I'm still in that stupid uh preset sorry about that um so yeah you can make the G3 super bright in game mode that is confirmed so I don't know if you guys can see that on the chat here on the stream here but let me get back to the Super Chat sorry Rachel um s95c looks so bright yes and then the C3 is it better than the C2 from last year it does look noticeably brighter even though it's not so here's what I mean by hat it's bright it seems like it can hold its brightness a little bit better like it seems like the average Picture level is held a little bit better I'm not sure what they did but it does seem like it holds brightness a little bit better and it's consistently bright so I do like it a lot it's not as bright as the other two on top but it does a really good job to be honest with you like look at it right now and when you use expression enhancer brightness on it you can bring a lot out of the TV um but there is a downside you are going to lose some of your brighter colors uh your more vibrant colors when you use expression enhancer on the C3 whereas the G3 you won't lose colors as much um so that's the biggest difference but it seems like LG don't really care anymore they're just letting you kind of do what you want which is cool I wish they would do the same thing with the SDR game mode because uh with the Nintendo switch I'll show you that's still an issue um but as far as the C3 being better than the C2 I I would say so um and then of course you got all the changes with the menus and stuff I love the new quick menu system like we've talked about this a few times and I just I just love it I think the ability to have instant access to your favorite settings is cool uh it's just not clunky at all where I felt the old LG way like if you just go into this settings menu here and you still have to do it to get to your advanced settings right like but it's not you know this isn't ideal to me but something like this if they add more advanced settings or let you add more shortcuts to some of the more advanced settings that would be money right there and I would love that so I I want to say the G3 is doing really good um in this mode so if you want to play games in cinema home you just want like the brightest settings you can get and do it thank you Rachel for that Super Chat uh Joe like the only reason why you would even care about uh game mode getting fixed is if you want hgig if you don't care about hgig the G3 is fine like I'm showing right now the G3 is more than capable of Gaming especially if you just want to take the the gloves off and and let the settings run wild go ahead there's no real input lag difference between game mode and Cinema if you use allm foreign that's one of the things but Dynamic tone mapping always over brightens things too yeah it I don't know that it is the same latency but it feels very very much the same and like I'm looking at the way that the frames are right now and it seems seems on point with the game mode on the Samsung so I don't think there's a real hit to latency as big as people think uh does the G3 still have green tint uh yeah the G3 and the C3 still have a little bit of green tint um it's more so noticeable in Darker grays it is something that I notice more because it's next to other TVs if it wasn't next to other TVs I doubt I'd notice it that much the Samsung on the other hand has like a purple tint foreign like a magenta push and what's more natural to your eyes is probably the magenta push you won't think that's as bothersome I think and the green push could be kind of bothersome if you're really looking for it have you noticed color fringing on the s95 scene in real content no if you go looking for it on like black bars and stuff from the edge of the black bars you can see it and you can see it on like computer screen text things like that but it's like not an issue in my opinion for TV watching or gameplay if you use it as a monitor it could become an issue if you use it for productivity but I know some people that use their cutie oleds as monitors and they don't have an issue with it so I don't think it's that big of a deal yeah on video it does seem the same uh wrong way which TV including the a95k has the best 4K upscaling and sharpening for low resolution content such as the Nintendo switch it's definitely the Sony by far so far like I haven't seen anything that matches the Sony in terms of upscaling Samsung gets kind of close but you still have an edge because you have a reality Creation with the the um Sony TVs also I'll uh I'll test switch here uh before the stream ends to make sure we get that all right so let me get out of this because I think the colors might be throwing people off thinking that there's something wrong with the TVs but there's not it's just a white balance differences all right let's go to this and see how this does with a brighter mode Let's go to the daytime since uh I'm not a big fan of the way that active looks at night time or Dynamics home mapping it doesn't look great nighttime modes um in nighttime games like I'd much rather use Dynamic tone mapping off when I play a night game it's just too many lifted Shadows but for something like this oh my God they're all beautiful um you can see the G3 starting to wash out colors a little bit when you get to some of the the more vibrant colors but right now it looks really good um so yeah the G3 I would say the G3 right now you can get the G3 looking brighter than the s95c without losing anything can we match the s95c with the G3 you know I've been trying to do this for a while guys and It's just tough um so you can get close with contrast enhancer but you get more downsides with that so I mean I'll go ahead and use it just so you guys can see uh the downsides there but and we'll see um I can already see that they're already turning some of the the Browns a little bit of like a more washed out brown I don't like that but let's see so now they're all in kind of I guess you could say equal settings but you're getting less color out of the Samsung because of this reason and I'm not a fan of that they're all very capable of bright bright gaming though like um consistently brighter is one consistently brighter than the other yeah I would say the G3 is consistently the brightest right now even with contrast enhancer on you can't match um the G3 so yeah the G3 is by far the the brightest TV we got hey fomo what's going on man can I hear you oh there you go hey how's it going it's just me right now yeah and the Imposter the Imposter kg I had to take them out I forgot he was still in here uh it's my laptop account all right how's it going man they are pretty good I'm just taking it easy on a Sunday I'll get back to my editing and everything after I hang out with you for a bit cool yeah I think classy might be joining a little bit later and Max said he'll pop in too so I I avoid I invited Brian but I don't know if he's coming Well normally weekend is his family day it's like oh okay but uh yeah well you know it's interesting is that the last few reviews of various TVs ultimately you always compared to the s95c and it's just interesting how rarely is there a consensus that one TV is that much better in so many ways and I think LG Valiant effort but it's like they're doing whatever they can with old technology I hate to say it and they've hit the limits of what they can improve yeah I mean I I think I might have like a little bit of silver lining for algae right now they're uh they're getting bashed on game mode but they buy their own fans right right but like with Cinema home uh and Alm it's almost the same input lag as game mode and oh my God is it bright and beautiful like I can't get the Samsung to match it uh even with contrast enhancer and contrast enhancer has more downsides than like brightness um for expression enhancer but even if I turn off the expression enhancer brightness yeah it's just something about the dynamic tone mapping in a cinema home that just does something that's beautiful Cinema home is like a more complete version of tone mapping active on the Samsung yeah I I like and this is why I say for most people I think the G3 really works well but for enthusiasts who they they want to pay for the last five percent G3 doesn't have that last five percent and I think that's something that maybe we focus too much on because I think anyone else would be thrilled with either TV and it ends up being the sad part is the G3 doesn't come with the stand and that might end up being the game changer yeah I I think that could be a game changer for some people but here's the thing like the C3 is surprising me at how how consistent the brightness is and I know we heard that at CES that it was going to be looking brighter than the C2 consistently and in high APL scenes you'd notice more brightness but it'll measure the same and people are asking how is that possible well they just adjusted a couple of things with the the way that they're handling the process and the algorithm and the tone mapping I don't think people realize how close I mean not even this year last year when the C2 came out and I was comparing it to the G2 and the a90j and Brian and I were at All Electronics were like why would anyone get a G2 because we're just watching basic stuff on YouTube and Just spheres a muscle at a thousand nits and the C2 was just right there with the other two with the other TVs and we're like it makes no sense to even recommend a G2 for most people yeah yeah I didn't see the heatsink do anything yeah I agree um um I think like that was my consensus last year too when I was looking at the G2 and the C2 I was like hmm I don't really see a reason to recommend the G2 I I see it does do a better job in certain areas it was like the same situation with the a90j and the a80j like I could never consistently recommend the a90j the price difference and it was the same thing with the g2 to the C2 forget the adj the a80k is now cheaper right right yeah no I was talking about like at the time yeah right it's like that's an insult and this is why you can't follow pricing as a guide I mean it's generally okay but if you look at the price of the a80 a90j and that a95k and and you're like wow Sony doesn't match its pricing to its performance at all because I know the a80l is going to be amazing right but the 895 or the a90j will continue to be more expensive than aadl and there's also slap in the face yeah nah I agree um man I got to tell you uh just speaking like objectively here like I just think the G3 is looking like the best when we're in these like Cinema home type modes for game mode so yeah if you're like gonna play in static more accurate modes I think that you're probably going to get closest to it with the Samsung surprisingly um and classy thinks the same thing yeah and LG is just the other way around it's weird I know we don't like to predict firmware but yeah do you think the G3 has room to improve I mean is this some because I'm not enough in the gaming environment to to have an understanding of how firmware can fix things on these things because sometimes it's never fixed but do you think there's space for firmware to help the G3 get to where the s95c is or this is just something you're not going to see happening uh yeah no I certainly think there is because you can get there with Cinema home right and all M so what's holding them back from doing it in game mode like yeah I don't get it you know if it feels the same I'm not saying the input lag is the same it just looks the same it feels the same like even if I slow down the frames on like the stream after I watch it it it's running like it's the same frame rate uh like there's no input lag it feels like there's no difference at all so if there is a capability of doing that with Al LM plus Cinema home why can't they do it with game mode uh so that's the biggest question is do they limit it on purpose are they doing it on purpose because they are going to find that brighter games will burn in your TV faster uh and they don't want that at people's disposal right away like I don't know you know yeah no you're right we don't know what the it could either be they don't know they're inattentive or there is right but if it's let's say it's for durability right and what's to stop people from watching Cinema home all the time Cinema home low contrast enhancer Dynamic tool mapping on right it gives you really good Punchy images that the s95c is gonna have a hard time matching with color accuracy without going into Dynamic mode right and right you could do that with regular YouTube content wouldn't that put a little bit of risk on your TV anyway yeah of course I I think yeah I think that's legitimate and I you know these TV companies probably realize that people use Vivid mode all the time that's got to be like a bigger burning risk than anything else right like CNN on Vivid mode I'll tell you the G3 Vivid mode is impressive it is yeah accuracy right and it's more right it's like wait because I I get the dynamic mode on the Samsung it's all this crazy green the G3 isn't crazy it's just super bright with a bit of coolness I get it but it it this is why it's my recommended TV for most people in a bright room f95c is great but the G3 does the right things Cinema home DTM low I'd have that that's my sitting in a bright room and the sports move it to Vivid this could be the TV that most people will use streaming content gaming is very particular so we won't go there but I think just for most people the G3 is great I'm gonna throw it in the the dynamic and Vivid modes for game mode for well Sports is pretty much yeah Sports is pretty much like your Vivid mode on uh the Samsung for the game mode uh so I'll do it on that and then I'll put the LG's in their vivid mode I just think it's really cool that they figured out how to make Alm work the way that it works now where you can just use any picture mode yeah and you could do that on the Samsung but there's no reason to do it on the Samsung mode that's specifically it's lowest latency mode right yeah that's the auto low latency mode and you activate that by going through the game Optimizer and then just toggling on the Alm got it got it yeah but you don't have options for like your other game mode stuff so if you liked stuff in the game Optimizer you're kind of limited to what yeah well I have to say I prefer how LG and Samsung and the consoles are finding a way to do this because traditional PC gaming I mean you could have the same similar adjustments but I think it's a lot harder I mean you got to go what you go to the windows side and do some stuff you go to the game engine do some stuff you gotta go to the graphics card driver and do some stuff right right there's so many things that way is it compatible is it gonna break whereas here you run a console and you do your calibration everything is on the TV and then maybe the game engine but really there's less variables to play with and I think that's a lot easier yeah no I agree um so I'm playing I put them all in Vivid mode now and uh I would never play like this but well you know that bottom right TV is pretty bright which one is that the one that is the C3 yeah that's what I'm saying like in Vivid mode this TV is actually pretty bright and you don't have to say if people are shopping an 83 inch this should not look any farther than a C2 or a C3 I think the G3 is a waste of money at 83 inches if you can get away yeah right something 1500 bucks on a C3 83 inch yeah that's awesome I've been saying that for like the last two years I'm like why would you get a g series TV when it's almost the same especially in the 80s range size like there's no there's no like real downside here you know Scott just had a question because I don't have the Q and IDC and I can answer the q95c is a VA panel in all of their sizes but the q90c doesn't have like some is ads and some is VA and I I don't know or not here's the breakdown I think like um I believe didn't Brandon confirm sorry Brian confirmed no yeah Brandon Brandon had the 85 inch right and he confirmed that his was a ads panel I think okay uh correct me if I'm wrong but I think we talked classy about this and he also said that yes and then I think Robert even said that their ads panels uh but I could be wrong like I don't want to put words on anybody the smaller size of the 9C was the VA right you had it yeah 43 43 and 50 RVA um but then like we've all concluded it really doesn't matter the 90s looked great regardless of whether it was ads or VA it was just for us out of our own curiosity because it looked so good right yeah I know the 95c is all V8 but they have a limited number of sizes anyway they're going the Sony Direction where there there's not a there's nine small sizes on the 95c it's all I think 65 and above I think right yeah um so I believe like just 55 through 75 used to be the the like VA panels but now now we have the 85 inch ads panels floating around there so I I have to give a shout out to SD has the best comment Vivid mode on the stream is catfishing it really is I'm looking this way you know what I've just sold on the C3 I'm gonna get it dude the C3 is good like I don't even understand you're a catfishing man it's good I I was watching it yesterday I was watching um some SDR and I wasn't even flying with it in that too and it was like I could get away with the C3 um and I I honestly if you're gonna put it in the most accurate modes you're going for the Creator's intent yeah the G3 feels like a waste you know we talked about this right it's like you wanted a C3 OLED but you're thinking maybe it's not bright enough does this change your mind might you get a 42 48 inch for your monitor now with a C3 or you're still gonna wait for MLA to bring it down uh I I'm leaning towards the G3 for my monitor honestly oh 55 yeah oh dude especially since you can do this Cinema home like I I could game like this this looks natural to me uh there's nothing wrong with this to me so yeah I would be fine with this right no not anymore I switched it switched it back to cinema home and original yeah uh so the Samsung this year um so you're familiar with it you can have uh the game mode and you switch it to the original preset and it switches off the I don't know you got that classy what it switches off but it it pretty much changes the whole entire behavior of the TV and he measured it and he said it's like almost dead on accurate with only like a slight bump on the bottom for creators intent yeah Samsung game mode in original and that's pretty much Creator's intent yeah that's great at least there's that option that's all we wanted to know is okay if I wanted Creator's intent what is what do I need and everything else is just having fun okay right it's the only downside is like you don't have hgig which is going to disable the tone mapping for the TV um it's that doesn't work that much all the time anyways in certain games and it always seems like there's some sort of caveat with it like Samsung's hgig is never truly accurate and right now LG's it is accurate but the problem is it's not accurate because it's not showing those vibrant colors the same degree that it does outside of game mode so you know what I mean like why would you use game mode in that sense you know Jamie has this great comment which kind of brings up a question he was saying is there a magic setting that makes him love the TV and it makes me wonder what what does that mean like because if he has the s950 he's not in love with it but he wants to know what does he need to do and so I'm asking you how do you take that question like is he looking for something that's saturated that's super bright that's even more than active mode right so Jamie what are you missing because I'm I'm trying to understand what can be done to make you love the s95c in terms of a setting because otherwise you're just kind of fishing in the dark so if you you have the s95c but you're not in love with it yeah he's saying it's interesting like I wonder what your preference is what do you like because or what past TVs have you fallen in love with and maybe we can try to extrapolate what that is because maybe that's why people are complaining about Samsung it was too vibrant it was too inaccurate and he wants that and now it's back to normal it's a quote unquote actor he's like I'm not loving it oh one one problem people have with Samsung TVs is that if they don't know what they're doing with settings out of the box game Mode's gonna look like this you know so it's gonna look all blown out you got contrast enhancer on it and maybe to some people that's not going to be pleasing and they have no idea how to change that well maybe if you're in game mode you go original and you get the Creator's intent back for gaming is it not default on original like when you get it yeah it's not just the Creator's intent for gaming it's just turning off all the extra stuff that nobody likes your stuff is really like yeah yeah that the CE the contrast the hamster just blows everything out for the sake of brightness yeah yeah like um I don't know how could you like your s95c so I would say like if you're a fan of um the Creator's intent filmmaker mode is like really good um and then if you just want a little bit more pop with your Creator's intent then movie mode is really good as well you know because that has Dynamic tone mapping on by default yeah standard is going to be your cooler color temperature it's going to be like movie mode but with the cooler color temperature behind it so a million Dynamic is going to be stupid like don't even use dynamic because it turns everything blue so movie mode with active to mapping gives you that extra punch yeah what you're saying yeah well it's active by default oh it is so yeah okay okay so that like if you're doing your comparisons fomo and you just want to swap like between tone mapping on and off you don't even have to toggle it you just go between movie mode and filmmaker mode it's the same thing just it's all mapping you know ultimately though if we're just talking just regular content watching 99 of what's on streaming and on Blu-ray discs the G2 and the s95c other than their their white points they're indistinguishable you can make them look identical to each other and that's what I try to tell people is like look unless you need that extra 30 40 units that the G3 can offer in Dynamic mode or in Vivid mode there's just similar they're just so similar just get the one that you like their tizen versus webos right a stand versus buying your own stand I mean it's just unrelated to the image quality at that point yeah no if I throw them both in the filmmaker mode I can barely throw them apart you know there's only certain things where we can tell apart we ran Outer Banks yesterday not yesterday the um Friday and you could see like the separation of colors with the G3 where it's like okay you can still see the G3 is a oh you know a wrgb all that at the end of the day but it wasn't it wasn't egregious like it was with the g2 where it's like okay those colors are white right away it was more so like they were starting to turn a little bit white at the hottest points and stuff so yeah yeah and people have this also confused they're like well you can't really see that unless you have 2 000 nit content and it's like no no it's not how it works if colors get bright enough like they're gonna turn white on a wrgb all that that's just how it works well so let's talk about the 2000 content it could be a 1000 content but one thousand minutes you know people don't understand color cannot go above 500 Nets any single color white will go over 500 it's very easily the problem is if you want to push blue over 500 nits it's going to be really desaturated you're gonna push yellow over 500 nits right as the colors available 500 knits you're still under a thousand the the issue is relative to a thousand nits right if Peak point is a thousand you're talking white Peak color peak is way lower than that no color is gonna be pure above a thousand nits that we have available to us today and that's something that people when they hear a peak brightness they don't realize you are special specifically talking white pixel or white color peak brightness that's it anything else no one ever measures no one ever measures Peak yellow and you know which yellow which blue right you know pure blue luminance whatever yeah and when you do you're like oh wow that's really low isn't it you go yeah well you know that's why they go kitty OLED mm-hmm yeah cutie all that does give you just a different dimension of color and you can see it even when you have the q190c on like if you don't if you want to see which TVs have quantum dot and which ones don't like put on the Eugene belski like uh Miami demo with all the one the one with or without Dolby vision yeah well he grades them all in Gold vision and then it's they don't have Dolly Vision on the on YouTube YouTube yeah that's how uh um Jennifer Galla does it too she she grades in Dolby Vision actually I think pretty much everybody who does those types of videos great in Dolby Vision because they also work on Netflix and stuff right because the bass is always hdr10 yeah it's always there but yeah that's what this great Adobe Vision you throw it in there and then they just take the bass up take it out and just oh static but it is there right and people think that shows are created with SDR in mind first it's not it's the other way around the HDR is done first and then they figure out how it's going to look in SDR well because there's so much less information involved right less color less brightness I mean everything's compressed yeah yeah I think that I can highly recommend the G3 for gaming people were asking me that earlier and it's like can you recommend it for gaming absolutely like you don't need to be in game mode and so that's another thing is if the G3 is great for everything else you need it for sports Dolby Vision gaming is is fine it's when I only want to get a gaming TV I don't care about anything else then you why not give the s95c it's not like you know you need the G3 if you can go either way then get the s95c But if you need other stuff for it to do now the s95c might fall a little short I think it's fine yeah and it's crazy how much they uh they trade blows like some scenes the G3 is brighter some scenes the s95 scenes brighter uh it's really really gonna depend on the theme honestly and it also the movie uh we're talking about how the movies are graded you know they have a different Tom curve in the way that uh it's reading the whole mastering display luminance and the changes from movie to movie like the map yeah EV will be the same with every movie but sometimes the LG does it closer to the master sometimes the s95c it depends on the movie and so you got to choose your poison right and that's why I like Sony's with the their approach I think they're adaptive right I think they're one of the only ones that do the Adaptive tone curve which then people complains Sony's like well we're the Creator come on we know what you guys want to see right and so that's a bit arrogant in their part but you know what some people will gladly hand it over to Sony because they do such a good job of that mm-hmm yeah last year uh I believe it was worse on the s95b is a slightly slightly darker but they fixed it a little bit um but it's still a can you can still see like some movies are going to be darker on the s95b if they are in I believe if they are in a higher grade um like a higher graded container but they're like in a low knit like they're graded low knit so I don't know that's that tone mapping curve we talked about yeah it's like I think stranger things is like that like stranger things can get super bright right but most of the show is really dark um but like there are some scenes that are ridiculously bright in that show yeah well there are a lot of movies that are very dim throughout the whole movie with the occasional bright light and Adobe Vision may not be the way to go if they give you the option to watch Adobe Vision because then for some reason it feels like it's even dimmer yeah uh first of all I just want to say uh quickness is shouting you out he said there's my own boy fomo so thank you uh quickness I forgot to I forgot to even look at chat that's not bad um let me catch up so we got uh Stefan boxes I love in the 77 inch B2 for my cinema room I'll upgrade in five years yeah I think the B2 is so underrated like when you can get it for the price that you can get that at tell me when you can get an OLED for that cheap like ever and it's it's a no-brainer because you're not missing that much from a C2 and that's that I think that's a b2's problem unless it's discounted it's like 200 from yeah come on it's one price yeah flash sales where it's like 500 or less okay but uh 200. come on yeah no I agree um has a good question about stuttering I think there is a setting to remove stuttering it's just how willing are you tolerating the soap opera I didn't find that the s95c is worse because you have to remember that it's uh ratings our teams they put it through their little measurement and so they're kind of objective about it the question is if you put into the setting you want that's comfortable right it's stuttering worse because the question is if you eliminate stuttering is soap opera worse because when they say student is worse they mean that you have zero interpolation on I would never have any TV with zero interpolation I cannot stand the story no matter how quote unquote good it is so my all my sound centers are at at least a two or three to get rid of the stuttering and if you put it on two or three that 95b the 95c will end up looking the same if you have it on zero it may be worse but neither of them can I watch at a zero uh interpolation so like what are your settings for uh yeah I honestly didn't set it yet you know what's crazy it's like I use out of the box settings like when I'm testing these TVs and I don't even think about motion and I don't even test motion most of the time uh and and I I don't know why I don't like it never bothers me I'm not somebody that's bothered by emotion that much and uh until I actually get the like one TV in front of me and then I noticed some problems and I'm like okay then we have some issues but for the most part I've seen any like judder or stutter on any of these TVs are you tolerant of soap opera like I'm not saying terrible soap but yeah I'm fine with it yeah exactly and whereas classy we'll be at zero so so classy is a person to ask whether the 95c or the 95b is better because he is willing to put up with stuttering to avoid soap at all costs whereas I'm willing to put it with soap to avoid stuttering at all costs so but yeah and you know John John has a good question I think this goes to the heart part of your streams because this is yeah where you and cluster are different he's saying okay if they're not calibrated how can we compare these TVs at their best in other words what's the point so let me start and then you can show your thoughts okay how important is most people John buy these TVs out of the box so if you compare them out of the box against a calibrated TV it's pointless because you're not going to pay for the calibration anyway but more importantly you get to compare it among them out of the box and I know there's panel variability but there's still that average in terms of their personality right and this is important for people who are deciding which TV to get out of the box but never to calibrate because you're throwing a calibrated TV it doesn't help them decide either because I mean at best you could say well this is closest to calibration but really if you're going to go there I think the TVs today at this level they're also closed I think the G3 the s95c are so close to calibrated TVs out of the box that really you need to compare it to one another so I don't think it's a big deal what do you think about that uh yeah I honestly think that's the most I don't know overblown Topic in this whole entire like category that we're in is you should have everything calibrated to compare or to review TVs and I think that's just that's just false man like you could see so many differences with the TVs out of the box and that's the best way in my opinion to compare them for consumers because nobody is calibrating I promise you out of the 148 people watching this stream maybe two people will calibrate their TV and if I'm wrong then I'm wrong but but I'm just saying like I don't think like I've worked at Best Buy for three years and I sold two calibration packages the whole entire time I was there nobody asked about it all to me you know so this is and I've been thinking about this for the last two weeks and the reason is because uh Vincent has all his TVs calibrated and he has a reference monitor also calibrated right and he was showing you know the differences but then we had a discussion today with class here where classy said okay the G3 has crushed blacks but the only way to fix it is in calibration I was like okay this is terrible because if people are watching Vincent's video they will not notice the crush black because Vincent will have fixed it and he'll say this is great right great Shadow detail blah blah blah but the caveat is you need to have a professionally calibrated or learn to calibrate it yourself with the equipment but otherwise you will get crushed blacks and we identify out of the box because that's what I found right you're not going wait you know class this is crushed black I gotta find a way around this oh don't worry if you calibrate it's gone I go well I'm gonna get it calibrated but I guarantee you 99 of our people will not they will have to deal with the crushed blacks end of story but they won't find that anywhere anywhere if it's calibrated yeah and that the crush black thing um on the G3 is definitely there uh but with Dynamic tone mapping on it helps a lot so and that's on by default in every HDR mode so will anybody ever turn off Dynamics on that being probably not like because they they don't go into settings the majority of people you know I think people that watch this stream they will go into the settings but I I don't know it's just one of those things where you kind of have to to look at a TV if you're gonna review it you have to look at it from both ways like I understand the calibrated part where you have to have everything compared to you to kind of just tell which is going to be better at the end of the day if you want to like make a definitive claim of which one's better but when you look at it from a stance where you're getting them out of the box that's what everybody else is going to get them is out of the box so if one of them's like pushing more magenta than the other or this one's pushing more green than the other that's what most people are going to see because that's what we have seen throughout all the samples that have been floating around everybody's been saying the same thing yeah it's 95 so he's pushing magenta uh G3 C3 is pushing green and that's a big deal if if somebody's looking out for that so and let me tell you guys generally speaking I would rather push magenta a touch than push green because you notice that green and it doesn't you do and it's it's skin tones man skin tones where yellow it turns yellow and like sick-ish green sometimes and it looks like they're about to puke and it's like I can't watch that I gotta I gotta fix that somehow yeah so yep and on the s95c they just look slightly flushed which is a healthy glow right yeah skin tones look so natural don't they like yeah I was surprised with that after seeing the s95b skin tones with a super red last year um yeah it was it was it was crazy wait you have you seen the s90c yet or you don't have it yet I don't have it yet uh but I've heard really good things about it and I heard that it's it's got a similar profile as a 95c I think that's where the decision making is going to be uh because sir Roger was asking you know C3 or s95 or s90c I don't know what the price is on the s90c will be I mean is it going to be the same as C3 because if it is LG is definitely in trouble I mean we're going to end up ultimately preferably over the C3 for the same reasons the s95c over the G3 yeah you know I'm actually not even recommending the s95c to most people these days because I I just think that's 95b is still a good value and yeah absolutely you know I compared the s95c to the s95b and I was just dumbfounded at how close it was like if you have these TVs again if you're using them in filmmaker mode they're the same they're exactly the same there's almost no difference except for color and the skin tones are way better on the s94c that that would be the difference there that would be the difference if you're really caring about creators intent that's 95c will give it to you uh but like the s95b can be pushed as well there are some downsides but you can work around those and for game mode for certain the game mode you can get it very close to the s95c um but the s95c will have a little bit of an advantage because the active tone mapping on it is really well done well this takes us to the s90c yeah but can you imagine why last year we were so over the moon and the s95b when LG only had the G2 I mean exactly 5B was that good last year and it you know LG's like I keep on telling people it's like they got blown away I feel like I'm taking crazy pills sometimes because like I look at the s95b last year and I saw it right away and I'm like all right there's a difference here and the C2 doesn't have it the G2 doesn't have it I'm not just making this up it's not just like a color boosting from Samsung it's not just this ridiculous you know claim mode it's so inaccurate that it's it's tricking your eyes at first it was like that to a degree I agree but even after the updates it's still more impressive than the G2 and C2 and so like that's the thing where I keep going back to that is like we've been saying this and people are now surprised that the s95c is the best TV out there I think it took a few years two years for the W OLED the G3 G2 loyalists now they're seeing okay with MLA they're not quite there yet and you know this is why the owner's forum is unbearable EVS form right now it's so funny how on the s95c is now Love Fest everyone is like Kumbaya and the G3 form is like life sucks you know LG do something like dude they're at the maturity of their Hardware it is what it is you know I get an s95c or wait until the employed but that's it end of the road yeah no I I think such a great point and then I want another Point here of what the uh Dynamic tone mapping in mind so I love Cinema home right now on the G3 for gaming but in a scene like this where we're in a dark scene I hate Dynamic tone mapping on the LG's like for a scene like this I hate it like if I'm playing a dark game I'll turn it off because like look at it what it's doing to the shadows and there's just no there's no dynamic range anymore when you use a dynamic tone mapping with a dark scene so like that's my only thing but you have Dynamic tone mapping on the on the Samsung in active mode right now but it's keeping the dynamic range and is keeping like the Shadows the way they are they're not lifting it it's not doing anything crazy to the whole entire picture like Dynamic tone mapping is so in dark scenes I prefer the way that Samsung does their active tone mapping so the expression enhancer detail did not help increase that dynamic range for you uh let's check because expression has to detail I think it's supposed to address exactly what you just said okay less flat I mean it's not drastic but it's supposed to lower the mid tones just a touch to avoid them that's why I always have it on with the atomic tone mapping right yeah because before I just never used it for gaming because um it's slight yeah it's slightly better right yeah it's slightly better but you got to leave it on now right okay fine since we're in a dark scene I'll leave it on yeah yeah that's a touch more depth yeah but you can just see it on the s95 see how there's just more well there you go back to the conclusion is more often than not the s95c in most scenes look either the same or better more often than not right because that's always been my problem with the Dynamics on mapping it looks like I have a halo around my character like the spotlight is on my character in a darker game and and I don't want that like it just ruins the whole atmosphere like if I'm playing Resident Evil for example I don't want to see what's in the shadows so yeah ah go back and forth if I like Dynamic tone mapping or even even if I like active tone mapping because I've been finding myself using static tone mapping on the s95c a lot more for movies I just don't think that I just don't think active is is there for me on movies but on games it's fine um and that goes back to the same thing as we talk about creators intent like sometimes you want to see the Creator's intent but what if there's times where you don't agree with the Creator's intent and you turn it off and I think that's a valid thing too okay let's say assuming that the modern Flagship is only a few percentage points away from reference we're not talking like 10 points we're talking less than five right and then you're watching something like Guardians of the Galaxy that five point swing is irrelevant because exactly where there's creators in it or not you know her face is going to be green you know his face is going to be blue and it's it's just now you're gonna start playing with different settings to have fun with it whereas if you're watching like The Godfather you know delicate Shadow detail the sunlight this and that so maybe you might want to see creators intent maybe not but it I think the modern TV and we're talking anything over a thousand dollars is very close out of the box it's not like in the old days no it's not and um even the qn90c is fine like I I'm to this point where I'm almost not recommending LCD TVs to people anymore uh because not for the boys because oleds are just there now man the brightness even the C3 looks consistently almost as bright as the qn90c and that's because the qn90c wants to have a Persona of OLED TV all of a sudden and that's the problem with these Samsung TVs what their LCD TVs is they're now adapting this OLED mindset where they want to act like an OLED TV and I wish they didn't do that like let them run wild let them be LCD TVs um well that's what I think high sense uhh Did You Know It a little bit yeah yeah and it's sparkling highlights and ah whatever Starfield who cares right proud LCD and I like who cares if it crushes blacks and who cares if it's blowing out highlights like that's what they're doing they're just giving you hey catch Samaya goel Super Chat he's with you you want yourself I appreciate you uh Samaya thank you for the Super Chat he says as much as I like Vincent's content I unsubbed because there is too much focus on reference standard there's too much focus on reference standard he said it's hard to listen to somebody who does not advocate for the consumer's Choice everyone has preferences I I like Vincent and I watch his content all the time it's not going to be for everybody but I think he does a dude do a pretty good job of explaining things and you can watch his content it's pretty educational so I want to give him props for that so I am personally a Vincent fan I know some people don't like them but uh it's one of the reasons why I started doing YouTube um but yeah it's not for everybody uh I do think that um the there is a sense where you can say that people look at certain reviewers as being more objective and I disagree with that I don't think you can have an objective review of a TV because everybody's gonna have their their own personal way of looking at TVs and a personal preference of how they review TVs so if you're in a reference mindset that is not objective that is a bias so this is a great segue to John's comment just above some audio goals where he's saying hey thanks for explanation but if they're not calibrated for a shootout then how do you compare when the settings on each TV are so different and prone to personal bias so John that's exactly the difference between a reference shootout and what a lot of times kg and I do right is we are not a reference shooter we're like okay you're buying a TV you're never going to get it calibrated this is what you're going to expect in a reference shootout we are going for it if TVs are to be set at their best no excuses where not user error is an excuse but we push the panel to its limit yes and that's what the king of TVs represents is no human error the human comes in they calibrate it to its umpteenth and we have like three calibrators right we have Cal we have ISF guys we have sometimes we have Joel Silver there sometimes we have the actual creators there and three or four different people are calibrating they're perceptually matching and we want to remove the human error point of weakness where okay did he calibrate it correct so you know we're double checking everyone's work so the calibration is spot on to the best it could be on everything now it's up to the hardware to do that but if you buy a TV based on that but you don't do that you're not going to end up with the same result you see the difference John so on the one hand if you do plan to get it calibrated that is so relevant and that's what I love because I have all my TVs calibrated but if you're reviewing for the everyday Joe it doesn't help to make a decision unless you always include the caveat but if you don't get it calibrated you're not getting the results and they're like wait what does that mean are you all right right here there and you cannot fix it yourself you cannot fix it yourself without a proper color limiter and all that good stuff so that's why we have these two types of approaches right and now also like thank you for that Super Chat uh Samuel um Samaya I appreciate you um but like you have the thing where the majority of TV Watchers like to do this watch in something that looks like this a lifted like Vivid mode a sports mode things like that the majority and I I want to say that because that is not an understatement most people watching Vivid I I have a lot of people still comment on my videos saying why don't you show Vivid more show Vivid more and so like I'm gonna start showing Vivid more because of that reason because it is it's not fair to them that they don't have a way to see that and you might not think like oh it's gonna make a big difference but some people it might uh because there is a difference between Vivid and dynamic like the Vivid mode on the LG is so much better than the dynamic mode and so if it's going to give you a better like visual representation of colors yeah then I would say the LG wins in that department so it makes sense to compare it in every way possible and filmmaker mode is the closest thing I can get to comparing accurate modes and so that's what I'll do I'll put them in filmmaker mode if I want them to be as even as possible uh and so that's why I've been kind of trying to call out more what modes I'm using and I want to make sure that everybody knows like I am not uh coming from a reference point of view I'm always coming from just a consumer mindset so yeah oh so yeah it's a good discussion I I think that discussion is just something that has to be had all the time with people because there is this like a one-track mindset it's too much gatekeeping uh there's way too much gatekeeping in like the whole AV Community like especially in the deeper Realms of it and I get it um like you have to respect the Creator's intent but not everybody wants that you know this is a great segue to this this deep dive where it's too deep triple five has a comment how are you going to push TVs to the limits when even the reference modders are currently inferior to the top TV Technologies namely cutie OLED exactly triple five that too yeah you understand that when we look at HDR content these reference monitors hard clip above a thousand nits okay and this is what using the studios that means anything above a thousand nits we have no idea what the critters intent is so if you look at Vincent's videos he'll talk about everything below a thousand it's but above a thousand nits is it supposed to have specular highlights is it not they we don't know because the creator doesn't tell us if they actually spent any time above a thousand nits maybe it's clipping and they don't care maybe we're not supposed to see those details yeah and then at that point you're guessing just like the rest of us and so so yeah you can't say like one is more objective than the other it's gonna you know you can say that that's your opinion to say that but you know my personal opinion is I think that most reviewers are more subjective than objective just because they all have their own mindset their own personal preference that they go with and if you have a preference for one thing more than the other then that is not that's not objective so that's the thing it comes down to tech reviews too you see other tech reviews do it too with phones and stuff they all have some sort of bias it doesn't have to be like a brand bias but there's always some sort of bias in it like oh they don't like the way this touchpad feels they're not a fan of uh touch screens or something like that you know it's there's always some sort of bias in somebody's mind and that's why you can never have a real objective point of view I mean this is going back to like philosophy almost but but yeah it's just you know yeah I don't know oh Scott has a quick question I don't know if if you can share an answer if he has an electric ceiling mount that lets the TV go up and down dropping is the snf5c screen going to bend I'm going to say no I have the s95c it looks pretty durable if if there's if there's no stress unless you know if you're using the VSA back panel as an attachment point the VSA as an attachment point is pretty sturdy uh so unless you know if it's a vertical drop it shouldn't be an issue but then again you're the man with a bed screen experience yeah what do you think about the risk of a bent screen if you lets it drop up and down uh I mean I don't know uh that's a tough question to answer because yeah these TVs are definitely bendable I would say that s95b is probably the most flexible the s95c is pretty flexible too uh but there's they've definitely reinforced it I think mine just got bent because of shipping damage um because I haven't heard too many people complain about bins um this year so I just got the unfortunate UPS experience but yeah I don't I don't think it'll be a problem I don't think it'll end Rick was asking that at the beginning of Eldon's screen the Elden reading splash screen title screen the bottom left had gold letters but the other TVs did not was that a luminous thing did you notice I don't know but he's saying maybe you could run the splash screen when you get a chance for what for Eldon ring where they have the words in Gold but only one TV had it in gold everything else is kind of washed out or something oh sure yeah let's do it was on oh if he means the Xbox splash screen like when I first load up the game that's SDR this is SDR until it switches in the ACR so yeah I have not set up my Str modes just yet so okay that's why yeah here here you know you get the widest screen on the LCD TV of course but then you get the dimmest white letters um on the LCD because it's keeping it down to bloom but if you talk about this screen I'm not sure if he's talking about this screen oh yeah there we go yeah it looks very similar right are you seeing more gold on the bottom left in the rust it's hard to see on YouTube uh uh more gold no no not at all brick no wipe your glasses man yeah this is uh you might see a little bit more Brown in the Elden ring letters but that's that's like I think because of the magenta push problem well no Rick is seeing more gold must be his uh C10 where are you seeing this I'm looking at them right now a few of them are saying they're seeing more gold on the bottom left which TV's on the bottom left the bottom left is this the q90c there you go okay what am I looking at more gold like in the letters yeah more like a yellow or saturation you see more saturation sure uh are you lower okay lower the exposure by two points and maybe we'll see more color oh there you go okay maybe your camera has a color bias adding more yellow to it that could be um my camera looks pretty similar to what I'm seeing I would say the f95c and the q90c look the same here the letter e people are saying I buy the the bottom left TV for the letter e yeah I mean I think they're very similar I can see it it's a little bit more gold this is what I would love to do is put out a review video You Gotta Buy this TV man that letter e unmatched the G3 doesn't even come close yeah hey I'm gonna go to this white the white snow uh in this scene foreign side by side last night and oddly the s95c was brighter nine times out of ten and this is the same experience that I had all throughout this morning we saw we saw this on the nine against the 900c I mean come on the 900c couldn't keep up what did that tell you right I mean this s95c is just a bomb yeah and the G3 is the bomb too because the G3 is brighter than them both not my ton it's not brighter than the s95c by a ton but it is brighter and it is noticeable there is there is rare few content where I can say the mini LED was definitely brighter other than you know Max Sports SDR and dynamic versus Vivid okay then the UAH really kind of stood out but it's it's you're not going to watch it in that mode you know yeah I'm gonna point this out too like the snow is a little bit green on the C2 on the C3 uh and it's like it's a little purple on the on the q190b is that magenta yeah the Q and 90c sorry the q9c not the q90b but the Q and 90c has like a real big magenta push almost making some blues look purple so that is kind of an issue with my set um the s95c has a slight magenta push you can see it but it's not as bad as the qn90c and the the green push is worse on the C3 as well and also there's abl in this scene too like you can see it like and uh if people are aren't familiar what what abl actually is this is what abl actually is like what the C3 is doing right now it's like I can't do this brightness I can't do this high it's high brightness this is it so you're seeing abl first hand right here um that's not what people think it is because people get abl confused with automatic static brightness limiter whereas your your screen will slightly dim over time I think we need new terms [Music] it's dimming over time that's what I call it yeah I mean forget the reason why it just the end result is it dims over time to protect itself but it really does dim over time and this will happen with the LCD TVs you put on pause put on pause wait 10 seconds and that one will dim as well yep and do you know of any uh calibration disc I think the last the last message was asking we knew where we can find a good video for calibration and I think the answer would have to be mean settings because you're not going to get a calibrated properly without the equipment but there may be Cassie puts up great videos for settings where he gives you the closest to reference without touching calibration settings which you cannot do without equipment so definitely look out for classes videos If you're looking for reference settings or a closeness to reference settings yeah I'm gonna switch the scene I'm gonna go to spirits of muscle real quick um yeah horses in the snow it's it's not a review unless you have horses when people ask to see Aquaman too I'll see if I have it still uh Samaya goel is doubling up on this amazing Super Chat he's really really thankful for you not being referenced man I appreciate that man thank you for the Super Chat he says I think as long as reviewers are transparent with their preferences it's good it's mainly important to take consideration different viewing habits of consumers watching creators intent is one of those habits uh not only and I agree like you have to take everybody's opinions in mind when it comes to either Creator's intent you like preference better like that's one of the things you can't just like be one track minded and I try not to be you know um that's why I always have classes on and I always get his opinions and I ask him what he thinks and is this right um because I try to learn as much as possible but I never wanted to get into calibration myself like I absolutely um I believe that I can like like I could learn it if I wanted to it's just not where I want to go like people ask me all the time are you gonna pick up um calibration software are you going to get into that and it's like that's not what the direction of my channel was started to do and so no because that's that's not authentic to what I am so and that's why I have to like keep keep everybody's preferences in mind whether you like the Creator's intent or not and I think most people that like the Creator's intent are fine with filmmaker mode yep like I haven't met somebody who was like yeah I don't like filmmaker move that much um besides the uh select few but I would I would call those people like a real select few like the one percent um people that are into calibration themselves or want to get into calibration you know and if you notice most people who do love filmmaker mode they're in a dark room like exactly oh yeah everyone who's watching filmmaker mode do not watch it in a bright room it's not designed you cannot watch HDR in filmmaker mode in a bright room because now it's going to be too dark it's designed to be watched in a darker room have it in cinema cinema home have it on active or in movie mode with active on otherwise you're gonna hate the experience oh why does it looks so washed out why it's so dim that that's the one caveat that the filmmaker mode industry doesn't tell you filmmaker mode is great but you need to watch it in like the dark period yeah and that's the thing like we go back to to where do you watch your TVs in the majority of people don't watch in the dark um like you do at night but I think a lot of people are in brighter rooms living rooms tend to have big windows or Windows near it so um yeah that that's one of the things where you always have to keep that in mind when you're reviewing TVs too um and I think that's probably why lcd's TVs are still selling so well is because people are in bright rooms but I think the message needs to get out that uh if you're buying a premium TV this year the s95c and the G3 are definitely capable of a bright room TV now yeah like oh yeah there's there's no doubt about it and especially it comes in a 77 inch size now all that stuff is the price you know 4 500 okay but performance wise it's it's we're there I think yeah as far as wanting it to be as bright as mini LED for most people it is Spears and munzel didn't want to play so we'll have to go Forza instead yeah I've been unable to update my well I didn't try this morning but I need to try to update my firmware on the QR 95c I'm surprised the max didn't pop in yet or classy they said they're gonna stop by must have fell asleep afternoon that's a good time for dinner yeah um so I like to go through the the design and paints uh things here so I could show people the difference between the way that each TV processes color because uh some colors don't come across as good on certain TVs like LG oleds for example yellow um and like we saw this oh my God yellow on the C3 is totally dim compared to the other three yeah right here is the reason not to buy the C3 for this specific game because the yellow is not popping at all oh my God yeah um so that's the one thing with the color booster for example like in MLA is really helping this the G3 with that yellow color um because the yellow on the G3 is fine but the C3 you see it's like yeah faded if I went into game mode it'd look even worse I'm not sure if it'll blow it out though because I have it set to uh but this is why you pay the big 1000 right I mean this is why it's for these few scenes that the last five percent of performance is worth over a thousand dollars and that's why I think the s90c is going to kill it because it's giving you most of that last maybe the last four percent for the same price as a C3 oh my God s9c is going to be a great deal this time next year it's such a great deal yeah so hey pay attention to the uh the car on the G3 here and then I'm in game Optimizer and here's the problem is we have the yellow looking the way that the C3 looks now yeah all right you see that and then um I switch it into filmmaker mode and then you kind of get that back or sorry the cinema home and you get that back so there's a difference there but yeah it's really dim this I don't say really dim but it's noticeably dimmer and that's rare unless it's at least 50 nits of difference yeah I'm trying to I can't paint this car I want to paint a different car but um yeah I think that when you select the different um cues on here it's a good way to do it too because like certain purples will look better on a on a quantum dot TV it's just it can do certain colors that you know even the G3 can't do certain colors look at that you see that difference yeah now they all look fine except for the menu the menu is still a little bit dimmer well like I mean look the s95c is standing out right oh as always it's yeah it's luminance is going to be until yeah so this is a this is a good way to see that um just like different ways to do it I think the question at the end of the day it means not surprisingly s90c versus s95c if the differences are as close as the s95b which it should be because everyone who's seen the s9c are saying it's a little bit better than the s95b yeah it sounds like this s90c is the TV to get especially if you don't need the one connect box I mean it has all that features right it has active I mean it has everything you need I just can't imagine going with the s95c for anything other than it's a slightly premium better build that's true yeah not especially when the S9 EC comes down in price too oh it will it's going to be s95b level this time next year you know it because like here's the thing about the s90c that that maybe people don't understand is when you're talking about uh TV that cuts Corners it's definitely the s90c in terms in terms of like build quality like it's going to be feeling very plasticky the audio is going to sound like a tin can like it's a definite step down from the s95b in terms of that build quality and you know the s95b or C well both because like the f95b speakers are actually pretty decent like pretty good I actually like the s95b speakers better than this 95cs um sorry that's 95b speakers are better than the s95c speakers in my opinion oh it's more full there's more bass wow yeah and it's crazy because the s95c has really good Clarity but there's no bass it's like they they expect you to buy a sound bar or you know and that's a that's the problem is when TVs like what is there's no incentive for them to get better with sound right I didn't realize I had the Super Chat up still my bad well you know the Hisense u8h and the uhk they have a giant woofer in the back and that's why that is literally the best sounding 65-inch TV money could buy is the u8 and probably the u8k no one has large a woofer in the back of their TV as the Hisense so if you guys don't plan to buy a sound bar you can look at the high sense yeah yeah I always thought about that like there's what's the reason why does Sony have such good sound like if they're trying to sell sell sound bars you know because I I honestly wouldn't buy a sound bar if I got a Sony TV I like only way I would upgrade the sound is if I wanted to have like a premium sound system because the sound bar can only get you so far past what the Sony speakers can get you um the problem with the Sony speakers is though if you really watch it at higher volumes your screen like you start to hear the vibrations in the screen like a little rattle noise that's the only issue uh here's a really good scene um so look at the sun right now there's like I'm gonna drop the exposure so you can see it there's an orange on the on the left of the screen right here do you see it oh yeah the sun is brighter in the top right hand corner for sure yeah and it's orange um yes I see the color the other ones not as visible like the top left white yeah yeah which is hey you're killing me so um okay that's a little too dark let me brighten it up a little bit yeah that's a really good example of uh cutie OLED versus the G3 still you still like lose color in certain areas and it's noticeable so yeah that's that's pretty interesting how you can see that in games more so than any other content I see it in games more than anything else and you know what else I see in in games is I see a little bit of uniformity issues with the the G3 Oh you mean as you're kind of panning yeah as I'm as I'm turning I see a little bit of that oh my actually pretty screen effect types absolutely either my G3 I thought was pretty clean yeah and some panning I mean it doesn't happen often but I saw it like oh okay I see what people are talking about you can't you can't go back once you've had an s95b or s95c and you're used to that just pristine pan you're going to notice it on the G3 right away because you don't realize what it is until you get something that is and you're definitely gonna notice it on a u8 kuh for sure LCD is not gonna come close I mean if you're coming from a you know cheap ass TV that's great get to a u8 h u 8K but if you're used to really good DSE can't go can't go back yeah um so I'm gonna see if I can get this orange to come back on the G3 maybe it's because I have the brightness qms support on Samsung TVs I mean I don't test the qms I don't even know but do you know about yeah I don't I didn't test it um I know the G3 has it but I didn't even have it on brightness yeah there well there maybe that's why no it didn't do nothing yeah it's still it still is a little bit white but you see what dynamic tone mapping does to the whole entire scene makes it worse like this is a game where I wouldn't play with Dynamic tone mapping on because look it does nothing but just interesting TV this is on filmmaker or this is on uh Cinema home right Cinema Hall yeah interesting it's normally dtm's really aggressive in cinema Hall I guess it seems specific oh it is really aggressive like look at the sky when I turn it on uh like focus on the sun you see that yeah it's like blowing it out completely but active is sort of doing the same thing too uh not to the same degree though but this is a game where I wouldn't use Dynamic tone mapping you don't need it it doesn't really do anything um it's crazy the G3 is brighter than the um the qn90c right now well you know no TV is perfect right what are your priorities but the problem is unless they're side by side like this you can't walk into a Best Buy to to make these comparisons you just can't because the content they have running it's so oversaturated and talk about the source Superstar super Punchy they all look amazing you can't decide based on that alone yep yeah no I agree um I so I invented a new DSE test you want to see it here I got hockey it's hockey hockey game if you go to instant replay and you just pan around it works really well to see DSE well this will probably work really well too here's SDR game mode uh sorry I don't want to say SDR game mode because people are going to get a Nintendo switch and think they can do this but um if you have Alm support then this is SDR look how bright that was I'm gonna reload that so everybody can see how bright the qn90c was because I was I was actually kind of blinded by that like look at the difference so this is a good question I never checked this do you know if the s35c can be flush mounted to the wall like the G3 using their special brackets uh I don't know um I think it's I think it's meant to be sort of Flesh mounted right like isn't that what the whole wall bracket is yeah I've never tried it either the bottom left ran in the brightest of the four right here I mean this is like damn oh for sure yeah this is SDR um and of course when you have a full white window like this hey mini LED all the way yeah hello abl same thing with the full red window hello can't get there so what what is what are your current modes right now for people just joined us what uh movie modes are you in on all the TVs or what now I should be in expert brightness on the SDR for like for C3 is on G3 is on Expert brightness for SDR with Peak brightness on high and then the s95c is on Peak brightness high for SDR and the qn90c is also they're both in original preset for game mode so you you just based on this I'm getting the Q a DC if I'm a if you're playing an SDR the Q and 90c kills everything yes I mean this is the Nintendo gaming TV is the q90c yeah I I agree it's so good I mean the color looks I mean obviously there's camera biases but the color looks great snow looks pristine brightness is walk on I mean it's what a great TV yep G3 is not far behind I I have to say though it's 2 600 and we know the s95b is like 1500 maybe less now yeah a thousand dollars more of the q90c though I mean knowing the s95b is a thousand dollars less well I yeah I don't I don't know how you can do it that's crazy right yeah I don't think you can do that right I mean until they sell out I have to say you cannot buy the q90c today maybe Black Friday you know oh yeah but right now come on it's it's wild how cheap you can get some of the Q and 90b 85 inches like that deal we saw what was that two weeks ago 1899 for an 85 inch Q at 90b like get out of here like that's so good yep 85 inch mini LED Samsung's Rock Solid whether it's the 85 B or the 90b under 2 000 you got to jump on if you need that size yeah so uniformity wise right now man the the s95c is rocking but so is the G3 but you can still see the the little the tinting there's like little small tinting that goes on inside the snow like you can see a tad bit of blue and if you look at the very right of the screen you can see a little bit of pink and like you don't see that on uh the s95c but the s95c can't get this right so that's the problem is uh I think the G3 the G3 is definitely more capable in brightness than the s95c so I wonder how much Samsung's holding the s95c back well because we heard it was only like 100 difference right like when it's really driven so this is definitely not that like I can definitely tell you like I'm guessing people can get the G3 I bet you they can get 2 000 nits out of the G3 if they tried oh yeah if they're willing to play with the picture modes and all the enhancements they can come pretty close right well I think the s95c probably peek out at like 1500 to 1600 and especially if you're looking at Peak white highlights because that's what they measure on anyway so I I see it in some content where I'm watching movies G3 is normally neck and neck with the s95c and then there's a scene where this is bright white window and then boom it hits reference and the s95c is maybe 100 nits behind and you see it oh wow look at that but then when it goes into yellow then the s95c steps forward G3 kind of steps back but if it's white the G3 will kill it consistently yeah so what do you think of green snow like I'm seeing green snow on the C3 see with all these TVs next to it yeah you cannot unsee it but yeah it'd probably be fine on its own is this your only TV I will adjust to it right you won't even notice it by tomorrow the problem is the other TVs kind of reverses that because not a lot of people realize if you keep on watching that green snow after about two days you won't even notice it yeah it's like color temperature like At first people don't like warm they're like ah warm looks weird what it was warm but like once your eyes get won't you still warm you can't go back you like you literally can't go back I I can't go back um so like I never I never play in cooler color temperatures I always stick to the warmest temperature I'm a big fan of Sony's um color temperature like I I think I think they just they're good out of the box um I know people don't like it because it's not like d65 standard but hey it looks good somebody did their research and they felt like for the movies that we watch their white point they're not going to say it's more accurate but they're going to say it's better right by our focus groups prefer this hey you know what people can't be wrong so that's fine um man the G3 is is so surprising right now I didn't expect it to match the Q and 90c almost like that's that's really cool to see and what so what picture mode is the G3 in uh it's an expert bright expert right yeah with all not in game mode right expert right aolm yep yeah and none of the colors are washed out and you know I could probably yeah no yeah it looks good um SDR though I do think you probably want to take down the color to like 42 out of the box because my goodness were those skin tones red when I was watching a Better Call Saul like the skin tones were so red on the G3 like what is going on um you know this is just very interesting the G3 the white point is really good but it seems like it kind of screwed up with all the colors because I noticed the white very close to my calibrated a95k more so than the s95c yeah so like if I look at the sun here the qn90c is definitely the brightest G3 is not too far off but there's still some you can still see like the the typical abl in the in the bright the brightest of highlights when they pop up I bet you've played this game long enough it'll start to dim further over time because it's true overheating this TV I can tell especially SDR Max bright mode uh it's definitely overheating my room it feels like a sauna like just in time for summer yeah oh I couldn't do this in the summertime I think my camera would overheat and I think the TVs would probably like crash or something yeah just like ratings uh testing yeah you can do a ratings test right so maybe the that's 95c is throttling itself right now but apparently they fixed that an update so I found the 85 inch q90b for 1900 today dude yeah that's cool big man that's a great price what a great movie tv 85 inch for 1900 wow uh let me scroll up Sony what are you thinking the x90k is two thousand dollars for the 85 inch crazy Sony tax yeah uh you guys want me to switch it to Nintendo switch to see if they can do it let's do it because I'm pretty sure that's where it's going to fall apart it's the most popular game on Nintendo switch Smash Brothers still I'm not sure I don't have that though but I'll be I'll be right back you know how Smash Brothers really no not right now uh I'll switch it hold on feel free to entertain the chat oh so Best Buy Ali picked up the 65-inch C2 for 1400 that's pretty good I saw that deal yeah that is a pretty good deal and by Prime day it's not going to get much cheaper than 1400s if you guys want to get a 65 inch C2 it's going to start disappearing and most likely will be gone by Prime day which is normally in early July so keep that in mind hold off for the deals but when you see it hit 1400 or below you got to jump on it better oh Rick's got a Smash Brother emulator in 4k and it's 60 FPS not bad that's pretty good Rick [Music] oh yeah already trim and mines would you play Call of Duty out of game mode and put lag related questions hmm competitive gamer you need input lag Max we'll have to ask kg when he comes back Ali as far as the Elevate get the more expensive one I think that's the 5.14 I think it's reliability or the reviews on it are slightly better but either one as long as it comes with a subwoofer and independent side satellites you're going to be happy because you need that immersive effect I think elevated is a really good deal for under 600. all right Marco I cannot decide s95b or C2 around 1600 Euros I gotta recommend the s95b because especially the 65 inch the C2 G2 for me I saw it had issues with pink tint and banding and those are the things that you're going to see in in all types of content we're not talking brightness we're just talking the uniformity of course the s95b they have their own issues but those issues are more with people pushing their gaming performance but for movies and streaming I take the s95b over the C2 all day long okay let's see here when the 77 inch C10 in the living room croaks I'll look at it Sony yeah hey by that time the Sony hopefully Sony Ulta will still be around we don't know what someone would be selling but then because they're definitely mixing up their product lineup all right all right yeah hey Ali wait for Prime day it'll probably dropped to close to 600. uh Call of Duty out of game mode is input lag an issue um no so input lag is not going to be an issue with a l l m on I don't think it feels about the same uh I'm gonna see how this feels in Nintendo switch if if you can notice the difference uh because technically I don't think Nintendo switch supports Alm right so yeah something feels off for that uh in terms of upscaling though I don't know if you guys can see this but I have never found upscaling treatment issue really other than low bit rate bad internet connection I think that's where the processors separate themselves oh I want you to look kind of I don't know it's probably going to be hard to see on the screen they look all great LG looks a little bit soft to me compared to the Samsung really yeah is it upscaling 1080p is that why yeah interesting yep and what mode is it in it's in your ISF or is it it's in bright this should be an ISF bright yeah expert right yeah how far away are you from the TV that you're able to notice that's slightly soft um I'm about five feet away okay that's pretty close I mean 65 inch five feet away that's it's 55 but yeah yeah that's pretty immersive yeah I am gonna go to a game where I would really really notice input lag which is Mario All-Stars uh here's someone else predicted game Enthusiast says I'm looking forward to the a95l I would have gotten the G3 if it had a stand haha I mean yeah Fair argument it's like one of my all-time favorite games I first played this on a like a giant projector when the Nintendo 64 was just announced it blew my mind like it blew my mind as a kid I was like this is incredible um yeah so Alm simps to be working with Nintendo switch but I didn't think it supported Alm so so LG's doing something behind the scenes making it work uh we'll see uh I'm gonna go to a level where if I miss my jumps I'll die because I mean if it works with the Nintendo switch then there's no reason to like not be able to recommend it it looks great here I mean obviously we can't look really good yeah but color saturation brightness all four TVs look identical [Music] okay so here's a game though I would usually use a game Motion Plus on um but honestly I don't see a difference in input lag which is great to see so I don't know maybe I'm just getting old and I don't even notice these differences anymore but uh I don't feel it I don't feel any differences so that's good because I thought for sure like you wouldn't be able to use the Nintendo switch but because somebody said you can't use the PS5 for some reason but I guess there was one issue yeah SDR PS5 oh that's weird what the well Alm in the oh if I have like TalkBack issues but I don't think the Nintendo switch has Alm but I could still use Alm mode unless I somehow tricked it wait it's right all mode is on the TV side it doesn't matter that your console doesn't recognize all mode or is that an issue that's what I thought so that's why I thought the uh if the console doesn't support Alm then it wouldn't work but if I turn off Alm I'm going to get the worst input lag so I'm gonna turn it off on this TV and we'll see if I can feel the difference yeah I see I could definitely I couldn't play like this fossils looking at the C3 it'd be like really delayed yeah I don't know I'm gonna have to try them without a splitter because I don't know if the splitter messes with that too so I don't want to say anything that's another thing right right if it's if it's back and forth and it goes through the splitter you never know right because the splitter could be tricking it Deus says that he can't believe his 900c the q900c is more dim than his C10 in filmmaker mode oh that's a heartache for 900c owners I now have to see it's designed to be bright in SDR ultimately it appears yeah but even then it's bright but not like brighter than a u8 it's people don't realize there's only so much brightness that Samsung will give you but they hold a lot back because it affects contrast and all those things whereas TV is like the high sense what do they care they're going to give you maximum brightness for the buck hmm no that's true what do you think of the the argument of like lower end TVs I'm starting to think like I've always been in a camp where if you're buying in that lower end they're all the same almost like yep every direct lit TV is the same and every every like entry level full array it just feels the same I I don't think people realize there's only three contract manufacturers at that low range that's gonna change yeah right so let's say you're Roku or whoever and you want to design a little range TV you go to TCL you go to Hisense they're the ones who make the low range TV white label for you which is exactly like their low range TV and so what how are you separating yourself you don't you want to save money so you can sell it as cheaply as possible and you know pile on the Roku or the Google ads or whatever and that's it it's all going to be very similar yep yeah there's not really a separation so that's why we don't review them So like um like I couldn't do this with those TVs I'd be like oh they look the same you know there was there would be no picking them apart I'm sure there are some slight differences but yeah it's it'll be tough like if you're you're comparing like a 7 000 series to like a 7 000 series LG in the Samsung it's the same it's like almost the same so I don't know like even Insignia TVs look almost as good as those CVS yeah well that yeah you know it's Insignia right that's Best Buys white label of a TCL or a high sense or whatever right I think they use LG yeah right they're gonna just have someone make it for them cheaply and like the Roku TV right everyone's saying oh that's really a TCL 5 series or whatever right and they discounted it again now it's down to 500 I think I mean it started off at 800 now it's 500 like there's so much margin in there but it's not a great TV when Caleb reviews the TV he says but then the high sense is a little bit better you know that's not good news for your TV no so I'm are you at the point almost where it's very hard to recommend just an LCD TV in general unless you're going for a the biggest eyes possible I I kind of am right there I'm just I keep I ask people keep asking me about the Q and 90c it's like it's a good TV but once you have it next to all of these improved oleds you're like well what did Samsung really do to make LCD stand out because now they just look more like an OLED but they don't do dark scenes as well for the price heck no you're right I mean 2 600 q90c s95b 16 15 14. I there is no argument to pay an extra thousand dollars I don't care what it is it makes no sense to me right and right now the only reason to get a mini LED is you need 85 inches and that's very legitimate 85 inch bright done because no 83 inch TV is going to come close but then that's it so that's what I'm doing is for people who are looking for 85 inch I look at the pricing on a mini LED you know what do we just say 18.99 for a qn95b or q90b oh my God 18.99 come on cool if there's no 83 inch oh that comes close for that price it's not even possible and you're saving two thousand dollars and the picture quality is so clear and in a bright room it's a no-brainer so it still has a place but it's got to be 77 inch and above yeah dude the G3 is matching the Q and 90c like one for one almost on all these bright SDR scenes yep it's wild geez if you want a good SDR TV man the G3 is it yes it like that's it I might end up going with the G3 because we got to talk about like streaming and stuff too and low bit rate and if we go with YouTube TV that's gonna be a big deciding factor for me because I'm gonna watch a lot of Sunday Ticket on YouTube TV I gotta go with the G3 man I noticed yeah it might have to be the G3 or the a95l you know if the a95 L can match it so you have a use case issue because you're not gonna have a luminance difference in the football right right you're not gonna but you will notice the bit rate processing problem you're going to notice that pixelation in the shadow areas right right and you'll see it on those those shots where it's the Green Grass and it's all even you'll notice the the macro blocking that's the thing too though man the green push I think it might be because it's next to more TVs but gosh sometimes that green push is just ugly and then the skin tone so we go back to that yeah I'm fighting with that so much well I would recommend and I know classy hates this but because G3 is so uniform out of the factory I'd say copy over his calibration settings and then play with the individual ones to taste because at least it gets you closer to where it should be without the green true and it's not like the old days where panel variability is so great that you shouldn't copy but now it's so close that it'll still be better than where you are right now out of the box yeah I mean it'll be like this well classy either it's out of the box inaccurate or panel variability inaccurate and I copy yours but I know that if I copy yours it'll be still closer the out of the box green push and if you do it that way okay you know what you're probably right I mean as as panel variability is it's not so bad that out of the box is better yep so hey before Alm was a thing um and like I said I don't know if this is actually going to work with the Nintendo switch or if it's just tricking it but if I go to game Optimizer you can see like I'm locked out of peak brightness I can't do anything like that's the number one complaint right now yeah and but it's not an issue if you've got Alm like because SDR you can't really do nothing with that anyway but like man look at the difference yeah the bottom line is really dim yeah just because I threw it in a game mode um and if I do the same thing with the G3 we'll see what that kind of suffering it would have there so someone mentioned that hey all four TVs look similar that's because kg has them all on the right mode if you take it home which is what you know Scott was saying before it's like oh my gosh you know what settings do I use I'm overwhelmed if you have the wrong settings it's gonna look like crap if you have the right settings they'll be bright Punchy it'll feel like it's accurate and so it's you really kind of dive into all those settings and without a TV next to it to play with it's really hard yeah so you know like when we're looking at these TVs and SDR game mode I have a question why would anybody want to play SDR games this dark like I don't I don't get it like even a dark room I'm looking at this and I'm like all right there's like no saturation in the colors it feels dull like why is this Pleasant to people I don't get it wow and that's the part I don't quite understand with SDR games I understand it with SDR movies and TV shows right because you can really blow out highlights things like that there's things look unnatural when you watch it at high brightness levels but I agree with you is different it's it's so different maybe and I'm just doing this out there and maybe they're rationalizing their TVs shortcomings now if they have brightness available will they still pull back on the brightness is the question because if they own a G2 or a C2 like hey it looks good enough but that's because what are they gonna do my TV is crap and feel bad about themselves so they have to find a way to rationalize but if they have the s95c do they still hold back the SDR brightness see those are the people who need to ask hey you got this Max bright Max saturation why are you holding it back right and I I understood why the LG's did it in the past right because like color like you can't you can't just enable it or you'll you'll lose your color yeah like it's not gonna look good um so they they probably do it to protect it from that but now with the G3 there's no reason to not let you do it but this is how it was before Alm was a thing um it would look like this but now since you have Al and it's not an issue right especially if it works with the Nintendo switch and all the other SDR sources like yeah I still don't understand how this works but um if it works it works and if there's no input lag delay like difference there's no downside then I highly recommend it honestly I think the q90c looks great I mean it stands out so much in the current mode of this roses the q90c looks so good well uh now watch the G3 looks almost as good almost oh yeah almost honestly I think it looks better because the contrast you can't see the contrast on camera though that's the problem that's the problem with filming on on uh on YouTube you can never see the contrast difference and so sometimes the LCD can almost look as good as an OLED and at times it can but when you have them all next to each other there's a definitive difference that you can see so I just kicked the C3 into like expert bright and it was super bright for a second and it just kicked itself down it's weird all right cool um that's why I gotta run in about five minutes but you know keep on doing your thing oh yeah I'm only gonna go for a little bit longer I'll catch up with chat make sure I answer everybody's questions um but yeah thanks dude for stopping by keeping me company it's really cool chat it's cool to see the q90c I mean I I like the q95c but like you said it's through I forgot it's thirty three hundred dollars yeah it's the same price as an s35c I cannot what's your early Impressions like on the uh 95 scene I mean what what we just said oh the 95 seed yeah yeah okay so here it is if you're looking for bright the u8h is brighter if you're looking for large yes 85 inch q95c if you want something that's close to the s95c but it doesn't come with 85 inches q95c before I get the G3 as an 83 inch but other than that in the 65 and 55 I'm having a hard time making a recommendation other than an active mode I do notice it's softer so this is an s95c processing issue I don't know why but in in scenes where you have really fine specular detail the q95c in active actually is very similar to the G3 and to the all the other TVs like wait what happened what did something look soft it was because active to static go into active it was like haloing like what is that blooming I don't know what the heck right yeah it was clearly the active they were raising everything but the Q90 didn't have the problem right so and this is why I concluded I think it has a better processor or they're just still not used to processing for Cutie OLED yet but it's so limited I can't recommend the q95c just for that one feature that works slightly better right right for the same price I'm having a really hard time yeah yeah it's gonna be tough yeah I bet yeah I bet that it it's like with the s95c man I feel like Samsung you you created a monster like you you can't beat it right now when you're talking about comparing it to other Samsung TVs yeah it's almost as bright as LCD TV and there is yeah well there's no remember last year there were so many caveats well you know don't forget keep it unplugged in this firmware this and oh it's a little bit inaccurate there dude they addressed all of that from the get-go that's so impressed yeah yeah it's very impressive like uh classy said s95c stands for complete and s95b standing for beta so yeah that's actually a pretty good analogy I disagree and like this year right I imagine next year it'll be even more finely tuned right as all TV makers do but there's so much more upside because curiouled we're only on the second generation panel guys right where are we going to be in five years from now and LG is really going to do a lot of self-reflecting work how can it compete at the flagship level it's fine at this level C2 B2 A2 but at the G3 level where you're charging the same as that s95c like well you you know you're saying I can get the G3 because of this and that I mean why so tell the audience why you would choose to G3 over the s95c for the same price I mean like right now uh if I can get this kind of gaming performance out of it just by using Alm it's I think it's the brighter game mode so far um and then like SDR gaming would be a pleasure on the G3 right now uh but it wouldn't be just that the reasonings would be mainly for YouTube TV uh so I gotta test that out and see what the low bit rate streaming is like compared to each other because I hear a lot of things about it but I gotta see it for myself right uh before I can judge it um because I'm gonna watch a lot of Sunday Ticket on whatever TV I use and so that's going to be something that I really need and you know for me it's kind of funny so you know when I do have YouTube TV during the season I've realized I ended up watching it on my cell phone yeah because I'm out and about where the games are on so I mean ultimately it doesn't really matter to me I still hear it through you and Brandon how bad the low bit rate is but then when I do stop like I saw the Masters for like maybe 25 minutes when I was doing the testing I go okay I see what Brandon's saying you know it's slightly bitter here and there when the feed starts to drop but yeah for sure it's so hard to catch it right in the scene where you're like because I had to look for it so a lot of people say oh is that much better guys I spent 30 minutes looking for this scene so I can see that macro blocking otherwise I would have said it they're identical yep yeah it's crazy how close these TVs are so close yeah and so it'll be those little things that separate it and you just gotta find out what your preference is gonna be you need a TV stand right right exactly there you go the answer you're gonna go out and buy a stamp for another hundred dollars for sure and they're kind of annoying to put together to be honest with you right yes or you know whatever and Santa stamps aren't cheap if you want kind of like the more durable ones but then what other people you're gonna use it with now it's like reserved for the G Series so I got one for about like 40 bucks but it you still have to put it together it's like it's not it's not like a stand where you just oh you screw it on no you have to build the stand so you have to build the stand you have to build the mount for the stand and so there's more that goes into it than just hey I'm gonna grab a stand for it so the s35c is actually cheaper since you have to buy a stamp exactly it is if if you're gonna go that route yeah but if you're gonna go the mounting route mounters is kind of kind of pricey so if you want a decent TV mount um to match like what the G3 TV mount is for example you'd have to buy that for the s95c that's a low price here it's weird because like the one connect box works better with mounting um so it's like the G3 should have a one connect box that would make sense yeah yeah this game is weird this game is crazy I might buy this game like this is a demo but I'm having a lot of fun playing this actually oh it looks like you're having fun now yeah it's a lot of fun I'll be honest with you uh I'm a big Nintendo switch fan oh yeah it's so I mean all the games are Pleasant that I've played you can take it anywhere like yeah traveling right that's all my kids bring with them and it's like you know happiness in a box for sure so which TV's on the top right someone's saying it looks amazing they're gonna buy it right now s95c it does look amazing well there you go see he chose the right TV yep that's what I'm saying like the G3 s95c yes the G3 is slightly brighter but I mean they both look really good they both look better than the bottom two so this is a good comparison of like people are like oh why would you spend this much money on a TV do you see the differences you do see the differences like you see it like I I had my brother in here yesterday I was like tell me which one's the most expensive TV he was able to pick it out um did you pick the top two TVs are the most expensive and then my niece did the same thing my nephew did the same thing so it's like it's not hard to see honestly if you see it in person when they're all side by side but if you see them on their own see that's a different thing uh because you'll think they all look good so you can't go wrong with any of them and the two things we're most sensitive to is contrast and luminance yeah so in the content that kind of separates them just a little bit you're going to notice down the s95c the Luminous is going to pop it's going to be saturated and of course there are oleds the contrast will be similar so all that's left is this extra bit of luminance that's not anywhere else in that HDR content that's just yeah right oh but if you're watching CNN they're all going to look the same yeah if you're buying if you're watching the CNN a lot and you're buying a TV for CNN I mean save your money dudes well get the S9 where is it get the qn 85b yeah yeah seriously I mean if if it's just CNN and then just get like a tcl4 series and you'll be happy oh well you know well people want infinite contrast on the phone Series right so yeah that's true yeah they want to see that facial complexion on the good looking anchor one yeah it was a lot of fun yeah don't don't pass out I won't I'll be back in an hour and you'll be like oh you're still on I doubt it but all right all right later everyone yeah man peace take it easy that was a pleasure thank you uh fomo for stopping by uh you guys check out his channel I'm sure you already know of it but um yeah it's always a pleasure to talk to him it was fun hanging out with him at CES and Brandon and Brian as well that was a blast [Music] um so let's see let me catch up with Chad because I've been kind of honestly ignoring chat and I'm sorry about that uh that's what happens when you're trying to fix the TVs and talk at the same time it's definitely hard but um let's go through some chat questions here and if you guys have chat questions now would be the time to ask this would be the best time to ask yours chat questions so um what TV would you recommend z9k or qn90c so funnel is not here anymore but uh I think if you're looking for the brightness Factor you're getting an LCD for brightness if they were the same price they're not but if they were the same price then the z9k is going to be you know the LCD TV of choice because it's just brighter right and what are you picking an LCD TV for at this point because honestly I would go with like the s95c over the qn90c I would go with the s90c over the Q and 90c so I that's what I'm thinking it's like if you're going LCD go with something that is far more capable than what an OLED can do now because right now all that can be just as capable as some of these LCD TVs so that's what I'm thinking I would probably go with z9k if you have the cash for that but I'm not saying that is so that's the right choice or anything but that's just my thinking um here in 90c is definitely a better value for sure because uh z9k is very uh pricey but I I don't even know if there is a z9k this year actually so let's let's just say there's not a z9k because I thought it got canceled maybe you're thinking of the no no there's a z9k sorry that's last year's TV yes z9k is a real thing yes okay uh there's no z9l sorry it is still early um I barely slept so qb90c one on switch uh yeah it it won but slightly I think the G3 was really close s95c was pretty close as well um and uh you could get away with the C3 if you use it the Alm so uh let's see but again like I don't know this whole mechanics behind why Alm is working with the Nintendo switch because as far as I know it doesn't have Alm but maybe the maybe the TVs don't actually need the console to have Alm for it to work you know maybe the auto low latency is just exactly what it is it's going to give the TV the low latency of game mode so maybe that's what it is why we haven't really explored this in the past like I I don't know to be honest I don't have an answer for that that's like an oversight I think on all of our parts um so I want to thank fomo for answering questions in chat too as well I see he was typing them out that's cool uh thank you for doing that uh let me see if there's any questions scrolling up oh foreign so I'm going to give kind of like my thoughts on all of these TVs right now because I haven't seen too many questions pop up um but I'm gonna scroll down and see if new questions popped up first but while I wait for you guys to type out your questions um couple of thoughts that I have on these TVs is I think that overall when you're in this pseudo game mode I don't even want to call it game mode because Alm is is a thing it works it's fine it's doable you are locked out of some settings but honestly there's not really an input lag difference so when you're in that type of mode the G3 is just as capable as the s95c in gaming if not a little bit more capable so there is that in terms of the brightness but you're still going to get better color out of the s95c in general I think just go with the one you like the best in this point um because they're both going to have their downsides to system settings you know possible firmware update issues with the s95c coming down the line you never know what Samsung like literally you can buy a TV from Samsung and it could be different uh so you never know so you always factor that into the decision um just come how comfortable you are with the TV brand if you are used to a certain operating system you want to stick to it um that could be another reasoning but I I think you can't go wrong you can't go wrong picking the s95c or the G3 um you can't go wrong with either so you just gotta find out what the plus points are for you I love them both I think they're both great TVs um and if I had to buy one right now uh if I didn't have like NFL streaming in mind I would probably buy the s95c and if I didn't want to use it as a monitor but I'm thinking about using it as a monitor and I'm wanting to stream NFL games on it for YouTube TV so I'm thinking G3 for myself personally if I go that route um so we'll have to test uh YouTube TV though I will be getting YouTube TV soon and I'll test that and I'll let you guys know the results on that so let me uh talk about the qn 90c the Q and 90c is a great TV it's not going to be better than the s95c it's not going to be better than the G3 it's bright in SDR it's consistently brighter than both TVs um in HDR it's not consistently brighter than both TVs it's just going to be certain high impact scenes High APL scenes where the qn90c will be brighter but that is not uh the majority of the time so the majority of the time those G3 and s95c that's the TVs that are going to be brighter um the C3 and the qn90c are very comparable in HDR most of the time they are sitting around the same type of brightness levels again the q90c is more capable than the C3 but has less contrast than the C3 so it goes back to the whole OLED versus LCD debate but the C3 is impressive it holds brightness really well this year they did a lot especially when you use Dynamic tone mapping on for it to keep its brightness I'm really surprised with how good it can keep its HDR brightness SDR brightness is definitely limited you can see it in this demo right here um and of course we are not in game mode so we are definitely pushing the TVs to their furthest ability in SDR so we can show you how bright they can get C3 is is good TV uh I would say it's more of a dark room TV I would not get it in a bright room but yeah I like all the TVs I think they're great if I have to rank them I say s95c G3 qn90c C3 um but I would honestly tie the C3 and the Q and 90c and in certain scenes in certain scenarios I'd put the C3 over the q90c in certain scenarios I put the Q and I see over the C3 so I honestly would say they're tied um the bottom two are tied the top two are tied it is that close and um it's going to depend on what you like so yeah I just want to shout out to everybody in the chat right now we're going to get through some questions here and then uh any sort of uh last second questions we'll we'll take it we got classy in the house what's up classy how you doing hey so classy um I did end up putting them in cinema home on uh game HDR and yes it was a very pleasant experience it was a little bit brighter than the s95c and it was something that I think people will definitely like because there wasn't a lot of color loss as well so Alm is just the way to go with these G3 TVs in my opinion like that's the way you're going to want to play on the G3 and it's very doable and in SDR I'm not sure why this works classy you can tell me but the Nintendo switch seems to work with the Alm mode I didn't think it would because I didn't think the console supported it but I guess maybe the console doesn't need to support it to get the low input lag so that's a nice touch because that will allow you to play these SDR games in super high brightness and the G3 is actually at times matching the qn90c's SDR brightness which is just that's that's stupid that doesn't make sense so um yeah qnic one SDR but not by a lot huh did you get an S90 a new s95 series that's still the bent one uh or was the new one straight this is still the bent one I don't think you can tell it's been on camera it's not really noticeable when it's on I I can't even tell it's bent unless I get up to the side of the TV now notice there's a little bit of a curve to it um so we'll lead recommended gaming in other picture modes yeah right now and I just said we'll lead my bad so uh wrgb OLED I hate saying well lead but um yeah I would recommend it in other modes just because you are losing color you're losing you're even losing brightness in in game mode um so it's not recommended right now like there's just a superior way of playing and that's with a llm on and the downside is you lose hgig that's the downside so if you don't care about hgig there is no downside really it feels like there's no downside I don't want to say there's no downside because maybe there is a slight input lag delay but I I it doesn't feel like there is and in my opinion that's what matters the most is how does it feel um I could care less about what the numbers say and then which TV is the best between the a95k and the s95c for Nintendo switch and 4K gaming well I haven't seen the a95k but I know the SDR on the a sorry yeah I have seen the a95k never mind uh I keep confusing Sony's new models and old models so yeah I've seen the a95k I reviewed it um I would say the s95c can get brighter for the Nintendo switch so if brightness is what you're after uh then that's what you want upscaling slightly better on the Sony because you also have reality creation at your disposal so really it's just uh you're kind of weighing your options there um I I'm noticing like the C3 dimming right now as I'm just skating around in this area and uh actually all the oleds are slightly dimming because the qn9c does look significantly brighter here doesn't it uh and at first it didn't start that way I don't think I might have to watch the replay of this because that's an interesting thing to point out I would say uh for your question the last 95c how's the color banding in and out of game mode uh LG has more color banding it's not that noticeable unless you like really are in a game that is noticeable for that or like notorious for that that's where you can definitely see a difference but um yeah I don't think it's too bad of an issue Samsung cleans it up better than uh LG though so do you recommend getting an s95b versus C2 both exact same price yes all day all day long um 90 of the Reddit seems to keep the C2 I wouldn't listen to Reddit honestly um what are you looking for out of your TV because the people on Reddit are just going to pair everything that HDTV test says anyway most of the most of them are not saying everybody on Reddit does that but like um but I think even I think even Vincent would tell you that the s95b is going to be the better value than the C2 it's the more capable TV so it really depends on what you want you know I wanted to worry too much about the bent panel issue uh even if you get a bent panel it's probably slightly bent probably not noticeable and I would take a better TV over that over the C2 so yes I would definitely get the s95b over the C2 without doubt 100 times um how did the 8K TVs match up with the oleds considering price differences and they match up almost as well as the 4K ones do there's nothing really significantly better about 8K TVs in terms of what their capability is they might get slightly brighter in the sense of like the z9k but capability wise like it's still an LCD TV at the end of the day so you're still going to have the downsides of an LCD TV so there's that I don't think they're worth the price difference though 8K is probably not a way to go for most people yeah for a second I put the LG's into SDR game mode so I can show you the difference um of how it kind of used to be before you were able to access the allm features and I believe like you could do that for a while I don't know why we never really explored it but that's just the oversight by me so um let's see what else can you go over the Alm settings again so yeah sure um for Al Lim in order to set it up your best bet is to just go into the picture mode that you want go to game optimizer and then once you're in-game Optimizer you scroll from the game setting down and you want to make sure this Alm is triggered on so if it's toggled on then you're going to have uh it switched to Auto low latency mode whenever you're playing games so then you should have really low input lag and it won't be really noticeable because if you try to play in these type of modes outside of game mode traditionally you're having like 100 millisecond input lag difference and uh it'd be unplayable but now it's not so yeah I highly recommend it for the LG TVs which firmware is good on the s95b without issues I think everything before 1430 everything before 1430 has pretty much it's fine um 1430 is kind of where you started to see them mess with game mode too much and I don't like what they did but you can still work around it it's not the end of the world if you have 14 30 or later like I can get my s95b to look almost as good as the s95c in game mode so I'm fine with it um let me keep scrolling up see if I missed any questions TV's top right is the s95c so yeah let me get into another level I actually really am lost I went to this Plaza I'm not not sure where to go but I think we're here I'm gonna go through here oh this is like a little mini game it feels like the other TVs are like running out of power or something I don't know what's going on all right they're back they're back G3 is back to normal starting to get a little bit brighter again I think it was just that scene uh let me keep looking thoughts on Kirby Kirby is dope I actually never played it till today well I've played Kirby before but like this one in particular I've never played um but man this game is cool I might buy it I might buy it I like it a lot um hey let's play uh golf I think golf would probably be pretty pretty high brightness but yeah I think I might grab Kirby um I think we're caught up on questions let me scroll down see if there's new questions you get vrr with Alm and Cinema home Sony's were considered trash for gaming when they had no vrr yeah um I believe you get VR I could test it and see I don't want to just say that you can but uh I believe you can I will test that for you though right now the Q and ISD is looking brighter G3 is not far behind and so was the s95c oh but it's definitely the Q a 90c um looking the brightest why am I going to the rookie course let's go to this one let's go to a really bright one yeah this is for SDR and SDR the qn90c is going to be kind of unmatched um so that's that's going to be the strong point because so far the qn90c was beat all day long in uh HDR so it's Gotta It's gotta show up right in SDR it's gonna show it show its legs here wow you're so honest on the s95b versus C2 debate I bought a C2 and I also think the s95b is more beautiful to be honest it is it's just it's more capable there's no other way to put it like if you have them side by side it's clear which one's better I'd rather have a 77 inch C2 over a 65 inch s95b yeah I think that's fair too um I always say that if you can get size then that should probably be your first priority but if they're the same size then I disagree but yes in your case yes I agree with that do you think games is night time in the night time looks better on the G3 or s95c are you talking about like game set in the night time if you're talking about games set in the night time um it's gonna be depending on what you use for your game mode like if you use Dynamic tone mapping uh then the s95cs active looks way better in night time game modes um but if you're not using active they look about the same if they're about in the static or dynamic tone mapping off they they look very similar in that sense in a nighttime game but you'll definitely see the difference with Dynamic tone mapping on compared to the s95c's active tone mapping because you're just lifting more Shadows with the dynamic tone mapping on all right um do you get a short black screen on the switch when changing game mode to another mode no I don't think so wait you mean like when switching to Game Mode yeah a little black screen yeah why um yeah I get that on the LG or on both TVs so I'm in game Optimizer here and I still have to test these by themselves too because like it could be the Splitters messing with it and maybe the switch doesn't actually support Alm so I'm gonna find that out it's not getting the AL limit it's not working I'm telling you it's just like there's no feel difference between the game mode on uh the s95 CE and the game mode and the non-game mode on the G3 so maybe the splitter is tricking it so yeah you might you might be right and if that's the case then I have to reconsider some of the things I said about the brightness uh so we'll have to test that without a splitter then because like right now there's no feel difference because there's like absolutely no field difference there's no delay and when I press the button nothing like that there is it's still small but you can test it in a game where you can jump or something yeah so I was playing Mario and I didn't notice it but let me try it again I'll put the G3 into game mode as well because I was wondering if it's too classy like earlier I was like this doesn't make sense Alm shouldn't be on the switch why is this working um so actually I'm already already in this mode right so we don't need to be in game mode so I'm thinking it's the if that's the case classy then it's gonna be that the splitter is messing with it I'm gonna look just at the G3 and I'm gonna try to play Super Mario World because this this game you couldn't play with high impact or high input lag so um dad did some work on this game I forgot that I uh I got this far my goodness it's not high but it's not as fast as with Alm working but wouldn't it be high enough for me to recognize and like die from missing my jumps and wouldn't you be able to see like a delay on stream too like it would be a frame behind I mean it looks this I can't tell the difference classy maybe there's like a little millisecond difference there's like a five millisecond difference I'm not even sure man it's like what happened when I was streaming on the PS5 and Al and when it was off and see that's that's interesting um I'm gonna have to see I'm gonna have to test it without it and see but if you have if the input lag difference isn't huge then still use it I would recommend still using it I guess the real test would be like uh Call of Duty or something huh I couldn't play this game with high uh high input lag though or or less than ideal input lag I couldn't play this game but I'm looking straight at the G3 and it's fine there's like no difference there's no no difference in feel classy so what do you think it's like maybe a five millisecond difference 10 milliseconds one to two frames behind your senses are picking up the faster response TVs I'm not looking at the other TVs I'm looking straight at the G3 yeah I'll have to look um I die there all the time that's not that's not because I'm not gonna blame that on him but like that's just a hard jump to make uh yeah this Bear's testing some more I think uh yeah I think you need to input lag tester so we can really tell as you were falling because he's one to two frames behind that's around 30 milliseconds slower really let's see all right now I'm gonna look at the other one and see if I can make that jump because you might be right let's see okay uh maybe you are right or maybe I just made that jump 30 mil six behind all right let's see 30 milliseconds really I feel like I would notice that I might need to play a game like Call of Duty to really notice that bears testing I'm gonna test that out later we'll find out well if that's the case then and uh it's gonna be a big input lag difference then you can really only play casual games on the switch and get away with it what's another fast-paced game that I could I can't think of anything else that I have hmm uh F0 I should notice it on f-zero right like I shouldn't be able to play F0 foreign so when I'm flipping back and forth you can see on stream what well yeah like I I noticed when we were playing on 50 milliseconds though that was ridiculous the GE right nobody noticed until we got faster TVs all right I'm looking at stream right now and yeah it does appear to be a little bit behind huh oh could you get away with it yes I think you could but uh yeah I see what you mean classy it is definitely a couple friends behind so uh the Nintendo switch would be a no-go with the G3 um if you want the highest brightness so I give the edge to the s95c in that case it just filled it felt the same on Kirby like see Kirby I could probably play Kirby and be fine but something like this I'm I'm even fine playing this but I can definitely tell now that I'm like shifting my focus to the s95c and moving around going back and forth I can tell one is more responsive than the other would it be I don't know would it be unplayable probably not I wouldn't say no yeah so when I'm playing when I'm looking at the C3 I definitely hit a wall when I look at the s95c I avoid the walls so you're right a little bit of a difference it's probably one frame yeah so that's probably not too bad can you do game mode I want to see the difference uh okay so yeah let's put the TVs in the game mode then since we came to that conclusion there's game mode and I got a um if you guys have any last second questions now is the time to do it because I gotta end this pretty soon just want to shout out fomo again for stopping by that was such a fun conversation to have a really good conversation to have too lots of great debates to be had there so now the G3 is in game mode foreign C gets significantly brighter q90b is the brightest I'm not good at this game I know that I'm sorry so ask your questions in chat by time I'm done with this race I'm gonna answer them we're gonna try to win this race can we win this race probably not I keep hitting the wall I suck ah I looked away for a second I would yeah I should retire you're right I should retire all right let's look at some uh should I buy the s95c over the s95b is my question well Jake Jake I have a question for you what is your intention with your TV what are you trying to do with your TV what is the selling point of the s95c for you is there a certain thing that you need with that or are you the type that's just going to leave it in like filmmaker mode um you'll be fine with that let me know like what's your preference what's your style because that is going to depend on a lot of things and it's a big price difference too so I am using game mode oh I'm not playing this no more I'm gonna go to Super Nintendo now movies and gaming mostly okay are you somebody who watches movies in the Creator's intent kind of way or are you more of a picture pop kind of guy where you don't really care about the Creator's intent you just like put all the things on that you want because if you do that and if you use certain modes then s95b would probably be fine but s95c has active tone mapping which is probably the separator from the s95b can't quite match it uh you can get close but uh there's some compromise so yeah I mean it depends is it worth the money difference that's tough that's tough I say no but that's just me oh man they added some crazy fire games to this holy moly but I mean I do think that the s95c is definitely the better TV is it the price wise better that's tough I can't justify that for you uh yeah I think the s95 the s90c 77 inch is a really good value for sure and it will become better value as the year goes on to is active hdr on the s95c any good or is it my camera died in it um so I just answer questions like this uh is the s95c active hdr on the s95c any good or is it over the top like let's say Vivid mode honestly too um yeah no it's good it's not like putting it into Vivid mode that's more so you're tone mapping your Dynamic tone mapping for this so if you're familiar with the dynamic tone mapping on LG it works in a similar way but it does have a different algorithm so it won't lift the shadows as much um it's it's Pleasant I like active tone mapping I think it's a really good uh thing you still keep the colors there's not a ton of uh downsides by using it so it's good it's not like Vivid mode though it's not it's nothing like that all right so um it looks like hey Max what's up um about to about to actually end this so I don't see any more questions and if I did miss your question I'm sorry I tried to scroll up to look for them but uh I didn't see a ton honestly all right thank you guys for watching I appreciate you so much and uh I'll catch you guys next time who knows what I'll have next week I don't know we'll find out uh thank you for watching and uh I'll see you guys next time foreign
Channel: Tech With KG
Views: 13,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best oled tv, samsung qd oled, lg g3 vs samsung s95c, Samsung QN90C vs LG C3, LG C3 vs G3 oled, LG G3 OLED vs Samsung QN90C, Samsung QN90C, QN90C vs S95C, Samsung S95C, LG G3 OLED, LG C3 OLED, lg g3 vs samsung s95c reddit, samsung s95c review, Samsung 2023 TV, LG 2023 TV
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 17sec (11657 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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