Best funny cat interrupts work from home 2021 compilation

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also everyone who likes our facebook page will be invited to a special lego town event that's not open [Laughter] they are locked up talking about maybe just the possibilities whoa hey cat i tried oh that's assaulted to bring their friend to lay before jesus and finding the people around too many for them to get near to jesus finding the people around too many for them to get near to jesus um the bosses of itv are coming in what would you like me to um kids do youtube kids do it and the bbc are also now embracing this why and apologize for my talent's tale why and why are you not doing this by default rocco could you tell them 90 percent of ci tv we tolerate this if in every k position of the state the representative of the ancient communist secret services at the airport here in grand rapids and also at battle creek 1700's at kalamazoo rain's pretty much over storm track live still showing just a few sprinkles of rain after the cell moving system comes right across the state of michigan and that system could bring us about an inch of rain uh through the mid part of the week tapering off here late in the day on thursday and thursday could be a pretty windy day and thursday also the coolest day that we will town hall meeting nils usakivos the mayor of ryga latvia was upstaged by his very thirsty cat how much money the west island spca says they need to stay open how much money the west island spca says they need to oh bless you now they believe cats improve our lives and what would you do that's definitely not the case with my cats i guess you're right what other benefits sometimes they can get in the way of it when you're trying to work which can be a little annoying number two sids hygienic webinar from that and i think it's because this loyalty and trust it's not just a cold call that are contacting you is really good before the recording then we're starting to interact by email now so it's really good that was a that was a really good one thanks we might use that question except we could literally straight up your cat's done and also oh the cat is taking off also uh we've got uh wait uh we'll be talking about the cats anyway stay with us we'll be back in a moment okay stand [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh this one but at this fashion show in turkey it was a cat that ruled the catwalk doing its grooming on stage instead of bottles had to step around it as it playfully swiped at the cat stayed seven or eight minutes a longer turn on the catwalk than any of the actual models said to have entered the show tent from a nearby garden strutting as if to the beat of the music [Music] sunday partly sunny with some sprinkles possible late 56. hey look at that my cat charlie just showed up on the table being used or manipulated during the russian investigation concerns [Music] and the cat was too adorable and funny lyra charmed by the insistent little photobomber ended up naming the cat fragile delegato and taking him home with him lira then found a forever home for the lovable stray in the home of his aunt josinid guerres lira lira reported on facebook very often we love happy endings please share this story with your family and friends live in east town and those details coming up
Channel: Funny videos compilation
Views: 3,764,283
Rating: 4.9450264 out of 5
Id: c-Es4gkwGkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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