Best Fruits for Diabetes

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to the exam room live brought to you by the physicians committee hi i am the weight loss champion chuck carroll and this this right here is the healthiest half hour anywhere online today appreciate you joining us right here on facebook and on youtube now coming up today going to be talking about foods that help with diabetes we're going to be rethinking our relationship with diet and with blood sugar and we're going to be learning from some of the most knowledgeable people on this very topic starting with the one and only dr neal barnard here is here with us on this monday dr barnard appreciate you being here delighted to be here chuck also with us today is the crew from mastering diabetes talking about dr cyrus cambada and robbie barbero gentlemen appreciate your time as well today we're going to be mastering diabetes very thrilled about that and we're also going to be speaking with our friend meg donahue from mama says she's teamed up with cyrus and robbie to help make mastering diabetes as easy as ever so we're going to be getting into all of that momentarily now also on the show today there is a controversial new study making headlines saying that vegans and vegetarians are more at risk for bone fractures than those who eat meat dr barnard will be taking a closer look at the study teaching us what the headlines aren't necessarily saying as he drills down into the data to see whether plants can actually be as powerful as pounds of meat for protecting your bones and he's also going to be answering one of your questions when we open up the doctor's mailbag so if you have something on your mind go ahead and tweet that to us using the hashtag exam room live you can also post that in the comments or in the chat box right now we'll be getting to that in just a little bit but first let's get caught up on the latest happenings here are your health headlines for monday november 23rd 2020 and we begin with the coronavirus and a new projection today that cases in the u.s could nearly double by the end of january jumping to nearly 20 million in the span of just two and a half months the forecast is being made by epidemiologists at washington university in st louis who accurately predicted covet 19 spread over the summer meanwhile cases are continuing to climb higher now well over a half million infections reported since friday far more are expected to come as tens of millions of americans will be traveling for thanksgiving deaths also on the rise the country averaging nearly fifteen hundred per day that is a thirty percent increase from last week brighter news though officials say it is possible for the first vaccines to become available to the most vulnerable populations as soon as december 12th in other covid related news there is new concern regarding underlying conditions and the risk of covet 19 doctors now discovering that patients who have high blood pressure and diabetes are at higher risk for developing severe neurological symptoms those symptoms include stroke and bleeding in the brain researchers say although those complications are rare the consequences can be devastating it's still unclear why the virus attacks the neurologic system in some patients but doctors say inflammation is likely the primary culprit meanwhile previous research has shown that adopting a plant-based diet can have a significant impact in lowering inflammation as well as blood pressure and the risk of diabetes and finally today let's shift to something that is way way way more positive there is huge news today for people who feel that they are too old to lose weight because new research is showing that age really that's only a number turns out that people that are over 60 can shed excess pounds just as well as their younger counterparts the promising findings come from a study of more than 240 adults in england and a doctor supervised weight loss program that focused on lifestyle changes not only was the older group able to keep pace with the younger crowd but they actually lost more weight dropping 7.3 percent of excess body weight compared to just 6.9 of those under 60. the lead researcher saying quote aids should be no barrier to lifestyle management of obesity here here to that that is good news indeed and reminder if you have a question for dr barnard anything regarding health and nutrition and diet whether it's weight loss or anything else go ahead and get that to us now tweet it using the hashtag exam room live or post that in the comments or the chat box controversial new headline today studies showing that vegans and vegetarian are more susceptible to broken bones but let's dive beyond the headlines what is missing from there is this accurate is there a big piece to the puzzle missing well taking that deeper dive for us right now is dr neal barnard dr barnard these headlines are all over the place but what is the big piece of the puzzle that is missing from all of these conversations so far okay well first of all it's a good study um it's the epic oxford study which is a large cohort of people who've been followed for a long period of time and it was uh published in bmc medicine which is a reputable journal so it's all good stuff and some of these are researchers that i've known personally for many years so um if you look at the data it's true that vegans do seem to be a little bit more likely than say meat-eaters to break a bone and so then the question is why and the results the reasons for that are really quite interesting um the first reason maybe a little bit of a surprise vegans are less likely to be obese in this group this research cohort the mediators were much more likely to be overweight and much more likely to be obese if you've got a lot of body weight and you fall down you are less likely to break a hip if you are at a healthy weight and you fall down you are more likely to break a hip now this is not a good reason to gain weight but we've known for a long time that heavy people are less likely to break a bone and it's people refer to it as just a cushioning effect it may be more than that body fat also makes estrogens and that could have an effect on bone integrity so that's not anyway so so you can perhaps set that part of it aside um the other things though are also important some people in the vegan group were the non-vegetable eating ones the ones who are missing their greens and so forth and not getting that much calcium and so the average calcium in the group was a little under 600 milligrams a day 600 milligrams a day would be about probably adequate but maybe half the people were below that the other half were above that so you want to be in the group that's above that if you're not getting 600 milligrams a day of calcium you really do need more a couple other things though in this study the vegans were substantially more physically active if you are out riding your bike and rollerblading and things you are more likely to break a bone um it was this cohort was largely white women it was a european uh cohort almost entirely white mostly women um whether those results would apply to others less clear and finally the mediators were more likely older women in this cohort were more likely to be using hormone replacement therapy compared to the vegans the vegans tended to avoid it the mediators tend to use it whether that's an issue or not who knows so the bottom line is don't gain weight to get a cushioning for your body in case you fall down the harm of that the risks of that are much greater than the benefit but do get your calcium and calcium means greens and beans green leafy vegetables like kale and brussels sprouts and collards and broccoli uh and the bean the whole bean group all of those things should be part of your daily diet and if you get plenty of calcium and do get physical activity and are at a healthy weight you can you can hopefully have the best health profile overall a couple of points that i i would like to ask here uh one going back to uh being overweight um one of the things that i didn't hear and maybe there's something to that and maybe that there isn't to this uh my question is we hear so much about resistance training and strength training actually being good as far as protective bone health well when you're overweight when i was overweight i was super strong just carrying around 420 pounds so in addition to having that cushion from the excess weight uh could also you know just an abundance of muscle mass also be protective here uh yes and the reverse is true too that when people lose weight they lose a little bit of lean body mass in addition to the fat mass that they lose simply because you don't need so much uh muscle tissue and and other structural elements to maintain that body the body weight that you're carrying around and what you said is right you know if you're carrying around hundreds of extra pounds it is extra exercise nonetheless i don't want to take away from the study um because the part regarding a good nutritional intake is an important one a vegan diet is the best diet around there's no question about it there is no reason to be having meat dairy products and eggs in your diet they do so much more harm than good but don't forget to make sure that your diet includes the greens the beans along with the vegetables and fruits and my final point is and just to that you know regardless of what diet it is that you're eating uh i believe that it is also a fact that there are so many americans who are nutrient deficient even if they are eating dairy are eating meat here so really it just kind of goes to the the notion that you really should be eating that well-rounded diet that you were just discussing in this case plant-based yeah fruits vegetables whole grains legumes put them all together don't forget your vitamin vitamin b12 and let's say because it is just about december let's have a word about vitamin d normally comes from the sun if it's cold you might not be getting so much sunlight and you might need a vitamin d supplement most doctors would say about 2 000 ius a day if you're not getting adequate vitamin d it's harder for you to absorb the calcium that you're taking in all right dr barnard appreciate the honest assessment the closer look at the study breaking that down for us before i let you go let's go ahead and open up that doctor's mailbag and switch back to our theme about diabetes and with this being thanksgiving week i think that today's question dr barnard is the perfect fit for this particular show it comes to us from tiffany she says in terms of diabetes which will have the bigger impact on thanksgiving the turkey and fried food at my family's dinner or the pumpkin pie that will be served for dessert so which gets the bigger impact here well first of all let me i'm hoping that your thanksgiving table has more things on it than just the turkey fried foods in the pumpkin pot because if you look around to the side they are way better look at the green vegetables that hopefully are there um look at the orange vegetables like the sweet potatoes so so think about this butternut squash soup plus butternut squash think about the sweet potatoes think about the different green vegetables the brussels sprouts or or others mashed potatoes can be perfectly healthy too they don't have to be filled with butter and that kind of thing the bean dishes the cornbread all of these things can be made in an unhealthy way but if they're made in a really healthy way there's nothing to beat them so uh to answer your question the turkey has fat and cholesterol and the heterocyclic amines those are the carcinogens that are baked into it as it as it cooks uh the pie probably if it's a typical pie recipe there's a few traces of pumpkin in there but there's a lot of grease and a lot of sugar that's been thrown into the recipe but you can make the pumpkin pie healthy go to look at our pie recipes and you'll see some that'll make your mouth water and won't make your coronary artery snap closed and that pumpkin pie recipe is phenomenal i will attest to that first hand it is a delicious pumpkin pie dr barnard appreciate your time the honest assessment and the doctors met back today my friend thank you chuck all right let's move on here my next guests have been fighting diabetes with food for years overcoming in fact their own struggles with type 1 diabetes and now they're helping tens of thousands rethink their approach to that as well helping them thrive and now they're taking it a step further partnering with plant-based meal delivery service mama says to make that easier than ever so to talk about foods that help diabetes and this exciting partnership dr cyrus cambada and robbie barbero from mastering diabetes are here we're going to be speaking with meg donahue from mama says momentarily robbie i want to start with you my good friend uh there he is hi robbie uh it is good to see you my friend i want to ask you uh you have been eating fruit in abundance basically since you were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes a matter of fact in your bio on the mastering diabetes website it says that you eat pounds of it every single day and just looking behind you i can tell that that is 100 the truth so how is it man that you're able to eat all of this fruit and still keep your a1c in check well chuck it's great to see you it's good to be here and yes i do eat pounds of fruit and you're bringing up a really important point which is something really essential to the master diabetes method which is that you get to eat more food you can eat larger volumes of food when you're eating the right foods so fruit happens to be very high in water content very high in fiber vitamins minerals antioxidants phytochemicals and because of that i can eat large quantities have excellent blood glucose control maintain my weight get all the energy i need all the calories i need to be active and control my blood glucose with precision and what is that behind you man what what do you have some seasonal yum yums there talk walk us through what's in your your personal produce aisle this is a hachiya persimmon okay these ones are cone-shaped and you have to wait till they get really soft okay so this one's not ready to eat see i'm putting my finger in there and it has no give if i ate that it would be chalky not good you wait till it gets like a balloon and it's the sweetest persimmon out there this is a fuji persimmon it's round and you can eat it like an apple so even though it has no give right now when i press into that you can eat it crunchy and it's delicious or you could wait several weeks and this will also get soft but i'm not joking when i say one two three weeks you let it sit on your shelf and it'll taste really good okay uh and the effect when you eat this like you don't get this spike in blood sugar i bring this up because even with my own mother-in-law uh you know her doctors tell her she cannot eat so much as a banana without her blood sugar like freaking out and they you know keep saying don't eat it don't eat it don't eat it and then i see you with this abundance i mean just a fruit platter that'll make your head spin sitting behind you so i mean how is it that you're able to keep yours down and then doctors though and with a lot of other people they're saying back off take that off your plate well just like dr barnard alluded to fat is the problem here so when you eat fruit in a low-fat environment you will see excellent blood glucose control so i actually wear a continuous glucose monitor i see my blood glucose profile all day every day there's no hiding and as a person living with type 1 diabetes my time and range is consistently above 90 percent which is clear data that i am not seeing spikes in my time and range below uh 70 is two percent so i'm not going up i'm not going low my a1c is 5.3 that's consistent control and it's not just me this is everybody who's following the mastering diabetes method we published testimonial i have a testimonial people are living with type 2 diabetes type 1 type 1.5 pre-diabetes when you keep your fat intake low just like you guys teach here at pcrm we're teaching about a maximum of 15 percent of calories coming from fat you can eat whole carbohydrates foods including fruit potatoes rice beans quinoa in abundance and have excellent blood glucose control let's switch over to your partner in crime there dr cambada you've had diabetes dr kombata since 2002 uh were you nervous the first time that you bit into a piece of fruit where were you concerned like man i probably shouldn't be doing this but i'm gonna do it anyway absolutely there's no question about it because when i first tried when i when i was first diagnosed with type 1 diabetes i actually followed the advice of my doctors who told me to eat a low carbohydrate diet and so while i was eating a low carbohydrate diet just like ravi had alluded to it's very challenging to eat carbohydrate-rich foods whether that comes from fruits starchy vegetables legumes or whole grains or whether it comes from refined sources like cookies crackers chips pastas breads and soda and so in that high fat environment or in other words when there's a significant amount of dairy products and or meat products at that point eating carbohydrate rich anything is just very challenging so when i finally made the transition over to eating a plant-based diet i had that fear in me because i had all this previous experience that said when i eat a banana my blood glucose goes up when i eat a potato my blood goes goes up but the trick is that by switching over to a plant-based diet not only is it important to eat more plant-based whole foods but i lowered it dramatically lowered my fat intake i didn't get rid of it all together but i went to between 10 and 15 percent of total calories as soon as i did that then i was able to increase my carbohydrate intake because what's known as your carbohydrate tolerance begins to go up and so as a result of that the fear was there for sure and i said oh if i eat this plate of bananas or i have these persimmons or i eat these mangoes my blood glucose is going to go crazy and the exact opposite thing happened i started to eat more fruits and my blood glucose went down and most importantly my insulin use also went down and that was really the kicker to me that really demonstrated that there's more at play in diabetes than just carbohydrate it's a multifactorial problem that has to deal with carbohydrate as well as fat as well as protein and a whole host of other nutrients that are present inside of whole foods you're a fit guy and that kind of tells me that you exercise pretty regularly and obviously you need carbs i mean that's the body's fuel there when you were still on that carb restricted diet was exercising more difficult for you or when am i thinking too much into it no you're absolutely right there's no question about it because when i was eating a carbohydrate restricted diet my total carbohydrate intake was usually about about 100 maybe 125 grams per day now the reason why carbohydrate is very effective for helping athletes perform exercise is because when you consume carbohydrate-rich foods the glucose gets stored as a molecule known as glycogen there's glycogen in your muscles there's glycogen in your liver and that glycogen is a fuel tank that your muscles use when you are exercising and that's a good thing for you so if you're eating a carbohydrate restricted to diet then your glycogen content goes down inside of your muscles and inside of your liver and that means that when you're exercising there's just less glucose available inside of your muscles to be able to perform exercise so uh when i started switching over to plant-based diet i noticed that i had way more energy i was able to recover quicker and most importantly on my carbohydrate restricted diet i had more joint inflammation my joints were hurting my muscles would not recover as quickly i was more injury prone and it was just harder to move my body period end of story i want to bring in meg donahue now because uh she is uh the the founder the proprietor of mama says this wonderful whole food plant-based meal delivery service and when you go to the store i mean you see store shelves that are just flooded with all kinds of diabetes foods but there is nothing nothing that is whole food plant-based on those shelves so meg when you started working with dr cambada and robbie here with mastering diabetes you must have seen like a really like not just an opening in the market but a need for this i think exactly that both of those things um the first is that and and robbie and cyrus have spoken to it so well is that i noticed that they had a a real mastery in this based on their own experience and for me i could feel the passion um in what they were doing because they had a revelation and that is that's a very powerful motivator to create something that's positive for other people and then when i started um you know researching their work and i thought more people have to know this this is this is you know just amazing because they bust myth after myth with real results and they said you know they do they have thousands of testimonials and the most you know relevant for me is that they're doing it and they have all the science behind it so that was um a real incentive to to connect and then um i also know from you know my own experience that that having information and actually being able to do something are two different things um do something consistently and with diabetes consistency is key and so um you know we work together to create an easy way for people to maintain a program or start a program um it works both well for both with our products that are exactly you know in line with the mastering diabetes program so that it takes a lot of the effort out of of eating and transitioning to a different way of eating or continuing to eat how you um if you're already on the plant and it gives you variety and it gives you these rich nutrient dense whole foods that you don't have to think about because we've outlined the the menu to to work exactly with the recommendations and you know we're delighted i'm always delighted when i can make somebody's life easier when we can make products that people love and you know make a healthier world yeah taking the guesswork out of cooking when you're transitioning to a completely new way of eating is absolutely huge but i think that meg the question so many people are wondering right now is okay this all sounds good in theory but what will i actually be eating so can you give us an idea of what's on the menu yeah you know we our products are multi-serve products and so it's you're not going to get a little meal we really want to make it so that you can have a lot of variety in your life so we make these great kind of engine products and then we give you a menu to go with it of how to use them one of them that we have that's a flagship product that we just came out with is called tuna ish and it's this you know amazing tuna that so many people miss it doesn't have fish in it um we work with a great company in maine kelp company to give it that great kind of uh flavor um let me i actually thought you might ask this so i just got a list let me read a few of them that people will be you know eating we have a chili a corn chowder a breakfast scramble ricotta style mushroom tomato bake the smoothie we have an amazing any athletes out there we have an amazing beat smoothie that we work with a cardiologist triathlete to develop and it is you know for recovery time for energy and stamina this one is just a rock star we have different dressings because that's another area where people often struggle to find a dressing that will work with them that are in the parameters that we want so we have custom dressings delicious and all of these products also we taste test them because that's something that a lot of people you know legitimately cons are concerned about like this is all great but does it taste good because if it doesn't taste good it's really hard to continue and more importantly is it something that the rest of my family can also enjoy and eat so i'm not eating like specialty food and everyone else is eating something else and so we designed it so that it is for a multi-household anybody can eat this this food and it tastes great i have football playing brothers who are they're not diabetic they don't have other health issues but they do have that kind of classic american palette and if it doesn't pass they're like hey this really does taste great then then we don't put it on the menu and so that's that's kind of our bar is to make it something that everyone loves and that anybody can eat and that is absolutely fabulous for you i had the opportunity to try the tuna ish recently and i have not had any tuna obviously since i went plant-based years ago at this point and i mean it just took me all the way back to the tuna that grandma used to make growing up i mean it was spot on it was so good um so i'm really happy to hear that that is part of the menu robbie i want to pivot over to you you hear this menu and think back to when you were first diagnosed with type 1 diabetes if somebody told you hey man these are the kind of foods that you could eat would you be excited about that would that cushion a lot of the fear and the uncertainty that came along with your diagnosis initially i mean just like cyrus said it would be scary it would absolutely be scary i would need some reassurance that this is going to work out and just like meg said that's the education that we provide and it would be exciting once i got confident that i actually knew this was working and i i tried it i implemented it because people living with diabetes me cyrus millions of people are told you have to limit your carbohydrate intake and it could not be further from the truth and these meals from mama says the convenience is huge because it's a busy time of year i mean all throughout three years busy but it's even crazier right now and just have some time where you can like take a break or you know what i know this is good and also we worked hard to design the menu so the fat intake for each meal you don't have to think about it anymore you don't have to worry about it and you get to just enjoy these meals watch your blood glucose begin to drop watch your insulin sensitivity increase and just enjoy the process dr kombata let's pivot over to you can you walk us through what this her team over at uh mama says because they understand they're not trying to put a bunch of uh filler ingredients into their foods they're not using refined ingredients at all so the whole food side of things is fine the the thing that we wanted to make sure of was that when people were eating this menu that they were able to really truly minimize their fat intake again not go to as a fat free diet but get to uh the recommendations that we have which is approximately 10 grams of fat per meal at the maximum so we worked with them to go through every single breakfast every single lunch and every single dinner to make sure that they were getting 100 whole foods that they were 100 plant-based and that every single meal had less than 10 grams of fat and when we put the whole meal plan together uh it made perfect sense and people have been using it now for the past few months and people have been reporting back to us that their blood glucose is improving they're full when they eat their meals they're losing weight and they feel like a million bucks all right uh really quickly here before we wrap things up uh robby i want to pivot back over to you we have somebody who's watching this right actually quite a few people were like ask the fruit guy ask the fruit guy what what what are the best fruits to eat for diabetes and and i'm sure then that these can be incorporated as snacks with with the meal plan that you guys have developed so what are the best fruits for diabetes okay the best fruits for diabetes are your favorite fruits whichever ones you enjoy eating that are available to you that are affordable those are the fruits you should be eating and we also encourage frozen fruit frozen and fresh is equal to our and from our perspective so go ahead eat what you love but if you really really want to dial in a couple specific recommendations when you're transitioning great fruits include berries apples and papaya those are three really really good fruits that can help you transition they're a little bit lower on the glycemic index which is helpful and their nutrient intake is really high and there's actually some studies that show particularly berries um help keep your blood glucose under more control and that's very helpful in the beginning while you're transitioning and cyrus outside of fruit what are some other uh whole food plant-based foods that people should really be keying in on uh to to keep their blood sugar uh under control here and i'm sure a number of these have gotten folded into the recipes with mama says no question no question we're a huge fan of whole grains so i am a huge fan of quinoa quinoa tends to be very low on the glycemic index as well so when people eat quinoa they can eat a sufficient quantity of calories and their blood glucose stays nice and stable afterwards we love beans and legumes in general i don't know about you chuck but garbanzo beans are my new fixation for the last couple of years uh garbanzo beans again they're lower on the glycemic scale they help people control their blood glucose well but if you also enjoy eating other types of beans black beans navy beans cannellini beans they're all fantastic and then in addition to that any kind of lentil whether it's a black lentil an orange lentil a red lentil a green lentil they're all very good help your glucose stay not only controlled for the meal that you're eating now but also for the next meal that you're consuming in the future and in addition to that the last thing i would say is starchy vegetables whether you like sweet potatoes whether you like white potatoes whether you like turnips parsnips rutabaga any of these vegetables that grow in the ground extremely tasty very easy to prepare and they're fully integrated into the mama says meal plan oh huge huge fan of garbanzos not a day goes by that i don't enjoy a garbanzo bean or two or a can they're just they're so good uh also by the way a cannellini reference i can count on one hand the number of time cannellini beans have been mentioned on the exam so a plus effort meg uh really quickly uh the way that uh i i got the opportunity to actually try out mama says recently and i just i think it's really cool the way that the meals were actually shipped and kept cold can you talk to us really quickly 30 seconds or less about how these meals are kept fresh during the delivery process sure um so our we ship all of our meals fresh so they're re and they're ready to just heat and eat and so to make it very simple and we also and this is important to us and and for anybody ordering food and particularly during this pandemic where everyone's ordering they're probably accustomed to a lot of trash and recycling and so we said let's um we ship with our with the mastering diabetes bundle a return label that you just put right on the box you can all of the ice the you know the liner any trash that you have or any of the packaging you can just send right back to us and we recycle and reuse everything and we're also a zero waste facility and so that means that we don't waste food all of everything that we have that's you know food product waste we um compost with local farmers and so we really try and make this a very holistic um company we think it is so people's health and the planet health are top of our concern all right and uh rapid fire really quickly i mean we've got three foodies on the show right now thanksgiving coming up in just a few days so who's having what for thanksgiving let's go rapid fire through the menus really quickly robbie we'll start with you what are you serving up on thursday chuck i'm going to keep it simple it's just going to be a bunch of persimmons dr cabana uh are you having the persimmon are you going to expand on that menu a little bit uh we're gonna be doing some mashed potatoes we're also gonna be doing a lot of garbanzo beans surprise surprise and then in addition to that i'm also gonna snack on a ton of persimmons if i can get my hands on them here on the east coast no questions asked fanta well you got a hookup i mean you can drop those in the mail can't you can't you help your partner out there robbie they do well i should take care of them let's do it and meg what about you what do you serve no i want persimmons um we're having you know we're having potatoes we're having we have a really great ginger protein strips that we're having with a stir fry we have a really wonderful cranberry chutney that we make for the holiday at mama says so we'll be having that i'm basically eating all of mama says and persimmons that's that's pretty much all right well fantastic and if you want to get on board with the mastering diabetes mama says program all you need to do is head over to and that says s-e-z so go ahead and check that out uh everybody thank you so very much for your time today and my best wishes for a very happy and healthy thanksgiving to you and your families thank you chuck thank you chuck you never told us what you're going to be eating for thanksgiving uh persimmons absolutely i i actually i'm about to tell you so here's the cool thing coming up on tomorrow's exam room podcast i'm going to be joined by dietitian lee crosby who is coming armed with a recipe for a whole food plant-based turducken all right you heard me right wow a whole food plant-based turducken i'm tuning in no question right so you got to get on board with this go over to apple podcast or spotify or stitcher go ahead look for the exam room podcast by the physicians committee hit that subscribe button leave a five star rating you're going to want to anyway because the recipes that good leave that five star rating and then it will be out first thing tomorrow morning so the whole food plant-based tur ducking coming soon to the exam room near you once again everybody thank you all so very much i'm going to go grab me a persimmon right after i wrap up have a happy thanksgiving you too thank you so much all right now also on the exam room live tomorrow this very show i might take the the wrapping off of that turducken recipe i don't know yet we will see that's on the podcast might keep that exclusive but anyway on the show guaranteed here tomorrow is a big old thanksgiving edition of the doctor's mailbag and we're doing this one special with dr jazz dr jasmil sardono will be here as will dr vanita ramon they're going to double team the questions just in time for you maybe you got some as you trying to put the finishing touches on your thanksgiving menu i'm pretty sure they'll be able to talk to you about persimmons too i don't know but get your questions in early and we will go ahead and open up the doctor's mailbag in a big big way tomorrow and also you can make an appointment to visit them at barnard medical center just by calling 202-527-7500 or by visiting but for today my friend that is all the time that we have i want to say thank you one more time to dr neil barnard for joining us and also dr cyrus cambada and robbie barbaro from mastering diabetes as well as meg donahue from mama says thank you all very much for your time today as well as to the crew behind the scenes that makes this magic happen thank you all and to you my exam roomies thank you so very much for tuning in today on behalf of everyone here at the physicians committee i am the weight loss champion chuck carroll we'll talk to you again tomorrow but until then stay safe take a stand and keep it plant-based
Channel: Physicians Committee
Views: 47,607
Rating: 4.8264642 out of 5
Id: uG5JSo_Y1MY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 28sec (2128 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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