Best Friends Play Dark Souls II Compilation
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Channel: Sean Barker
Views: 470,239
Rating: 4.7663579 out of 5
Keywords: two best friends play, super best friends play, tbfp, sbfp, dark souls 2, dark souls ii, drop your shield, you know what i mean, perfect
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 0sec (11400 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I hope the people that make these don't fucking kill themselves making these because good lord thats a lot to go through.
Oh boy, I got, like, 40 minutes in before I had to stop it. Great work on the part of Sean Barker but I'd forgotten how much of this LP was Pat just throwing out bits from that Matthewmatosis video.
Hey, my friend is trying out his first dark souls game. What should I talk about? Should I maybe try and get him into it? Nah, let's constantly reference a video talking about how disappointing it is. That'll surely make my friend enjoy this game.
Oh man, the LP that got me into the channel. Looking forward to this one.
God I love this LP
So much shit to sift through. This will be glorious
Good to see you back in the game these last few months Solidus.