Best engine oil Made in USA or Japan?

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is the best engine oil made in the united states or japan let's find out as we move on to the next round of the motorola tournament with adamitsu vs stp ida mitsu has blending facilities all around the world and that includes one here in the united states in jeffersonville indiana stp originated here in the united states you can see in this picture we have a new addition to our test made of acrylic glass now it's a resistance test why is this important viscosity refers to a oil's resistance to flow so this will help us better to determine just how good that oil can flow in cold or warmer temperatures we're also going to test the oil's film stream to see just how much you can protect the metal parts within your engine at operating temperatures because the machine allows it to reach this by the friction that's created not to mention the noaak volatility test which is also around operating temperatures of your vehicle as you saw we added a steel ball to each opening of the acrylic glass now we'll go ahead and add the motor oil and we'll be sure to label each one this way you guys know which is which now i'll do half stp and half ida mitsu both of these engine oils were chosen from your request stp sin full synthetic 10 w30 and adam mitsu racing 10 w30 well guys make sure to let me know what other motor rules you'd like to see face off now if you like to see a different viscosity in another tournament hey include that as well we'll definitely do it now as you can see these screws that go on the top have an o-ring that helps to seal it off this way there's no leaks no problems at all we also include an efficiency test even though mpg is only slightly changed every little bit does make a big difference now as you can see on your far right hand side the last two slots of oil are actually going to be different amounts this is for a different type of testing just to see what the difference was see and if it would affect the testing at all now we'll place the oil and freezing temperatures come back later and we'll test it out now we're ready to find out which one's going to come out on top in the friction test guys if the cold pore test and resistance test are performed properly they should come out the same as the winters and as you can see we're off to the races already who's going to take the lead in the tournament the coldport test is a very important victory as i stated earlier the far 2 on the right stp and ide are two different volumes of oil now this one's going to be a tight one as i can already tell it's going to come down to who wants it most can japan come out swinging or is stp have the strong code on this one guys it appears they're just about to edge off the victory and they do it stp actually pulls it off guys the resistance test winner unbelievable guys that might as well been a photo finish now let's go ahead flip it over you guys can see it from a little bit different angle and see if the results change one good thing that i like about this test it's a quick do-over well guys if there's anything that you can add that you believe will help out this test to improve it please do so let me know all about it hey i love any constructive criticism you can give we're all about helping each other out here in the nia community so if you see someone down here asking questions in the comment please hey help them out [Music] now the coldport test as i stated if we done it correctly the results should be the same can stp do it again will they pull off the victory it's a tight one in this one as well guys stp is just barely edging off the victory can ida mitsu make a comeback from the stronghold they have well i'm not so sure but i definitely have some high hopes i've received a lot of great information on them that's why i included them in this testing stp does it now we're moving on to the nowac volatility test very important for today's vehicles now we're going to go ahead weigh our oil before placing it in the noak volatility testing machine two pounds and 8.1 ounces before the test that's right a coffee pot well guys believe it or not look up the information for yourself it's actually at around operating temperatures now there are a few temperatures in and around your engine that does get higher but on average for the average operating temperature of the vehicle it's actually pretty accurate and look at the testing they do for perfect standards at high quality companies now after the test two pounds 7.6 ounces the stp lost point five ounces or five tenths of an ounce after being on the coffee pot for two days and yes you probably wouldn't want to drink any coffee at my house now the ida mitsu starts off at 2 pounds and 8.1 [Music] ounces we'll come back in a couple days to see just how well this ida mitsu performs for the noack volatility test [Music] we're back and i'm curious to see after a couple of losses if ida mitsu can actually hold up to its high quality reputation two pounds eight point zero ounces point one tenth of an ounce lost now guys the stp lost point four tenths of an ounce more that's just unbelievable guys what a difference during the film stream test you know we can also see the efficiency test and the lower the number the better well it would appear that stp has lost this one as well in a moment we'll give you the results for the film strength test now with the efficiency test that actually ties it up two to two so whoever wins this one will actually take the lead in the competition as you just saw we calibrate our scale each time to make sure it's 100 percent accurate 16.55 grams for the stp to start off before the wear test now for the ida mitsu 16.49 grams starting off before our wear test we start off calibrating the scale now the first bearing to be weighed is the stp bearing moment of truth guys sixteen point four six grams now up the adam mitzu bearing 16.47 grams well let's compare the results guys and find out just who came out on top ademitsu wins the efficiency test with a difference of .07 amps better stp wins the flow resistance test and stp wins the coldport test adamitsu wins the north volatility test with four tenths of an ounce difference also the film strength test adamitsu wins with a difference of .07 grams as you can see with the wear scars stp just couldn't hold on to the victory now guys thanks for watching nate's interactive auto
Views: 70,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stp syn, stp oil, best engine oil, best oil made in USA, best oil made in Japan, stp full synthetic, full synthetic, idemitsu oil, idemitsu racing oil, 10w30, valvoline full synthetic, amsoil signature series, 5w30, 0w20, 0w16, mobil1 extended performance, amsoil, mobil1 annual protection, oil tournament, nates interactive auto, NIA, engine oil, motor oil, motorcraft oil, royal purple, lucas oil, Castrol gtx, Castrol magnatec, pennzoil, pennzoil ultra platinum, Schaeffer's oil
Id: 8GMw6p6-UTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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