Best DIY Indoor Or Outdoor TV Antenna Ever Made

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everywhere buddy this is gonna be a DIY indoor TV antenna and let me tell you something this antenna right here that I'm fitting to show you it's gonna be the absolute best indoor TV antenna that you can get you can't you ain't even gonna bear to buy one that's gonna be better than what I'm people to show you I throwed one together and I tested it and made sure it was all right because I don't want to have to disable more comments from chilling you know messed up boo you know what I mean all right now here's what I got I cut a piece of copper Oh 49 inches long we actually need 48 but I could at 49 and some of y'all seen me do this I'm gonna put this in the vise and here's how I straighten my wire all right I got the drill my stick of drilling in there you know yeah listen y'all I didn't do it much but I've done done this step just my camera wasn't working while ago so that's why but it only takes like probably three seconds to straighten it when you get it straight stop don't don't sit there and keep on because the more you do it the weaker it again all right and here's what I'm gonna do I got my guard stick out here and you know I told you I'm doing this right here mark every seven every six inches all the way down and you should have about like an inch left over something like that all right my camera work them and again I I went to my first mall and I bent this into a square and then I'm going oh go behind this line this is important you know to go behind the line because I won't black spot to be the corner and I'm gonna be in another Square back and y'all I got a lot to kid a lot T I put up antennas for living I make and put them up I'll make a thousand dollars a week putting up antennas and I've got a real big channel with a hundred and ten of videos on there and I - I let me just say this I work two or three days a week and make a thousand dollars a week and everything that's on that big antenna channel I got which is Denny's Hajus I'll show you a little piece of that it'll teach you everything you need to know on how to do it now I could make more if I wanted to but I'm already doing more than I even wanna do now seaming them I'm being in this and back the other way and don't go to thank you I think ain't nothing son I'm gonna put the Whammy on this thing but because I'm gonna do more than just this I'm gonna be in this back see where I'm going on and then I'm oh oh being it's this way and I got an antenna that's called the earth of an antenna that's famous I then I get a bunch of views a day a bunch I promised your bunch all right see how see that and then you see there's my long piece right there you know all right I got this in the visor and see ya I got my six inch mark right here something we're let me find it I'm gonna cut it I'm gonna cut it on the sixteenth more cutting with each drop and here's something I'm gonna do and I got some ones to tell is an oyster in some stuff to show y'all get that cigarette out of my mouth look at what I'm saying about that's what I'm doing is you can do it too I got a bunch of people this that started doing this from looking at mine you know that 100 channel that hundred video Channel and I explained everything you know like school beginner because most of your you know but anyway I got friends on Facebook that's from YouTube that then some of guns they putting videos on their channels the same the same exact one I showed them how to make and they and people's going on home about how smart do them Joker's ain't even saying they learned it from me I just kind of go along with it you know I'm gonna solid this together and something I want to do I want to try to get my solder hanging down a little bit you know like at the bottom you know just for stream okay yeah I got it there Dean you say it is and I answer that's gonna be a bad joke for now see this right here let me take this right here Oh pick up you a v8 listen UHF dude it'll pick a UHF good but I'm gonna add something to it that'll make it pick up a VHF good man hears that Oh Ultima 19 I was telling my didn't got reflector on it but that antenna right very famous and then I got this hybrid antenna you know and all these I'm fitting to show you is on my channel you know that when you sit and write a song you know when somebody's singing your words you know and I asked the man on youtube I said I see the where'd you where'd you learn how to make that antenna book cause they ain't nothing I come up with the measurements everything just and it was dissing right I come up with all the majors and everything he said I rode around the neighborhood and seen it okay I had to go ahead a little ways off all the days I'm not going by one all the instructions is in my head there's only one of these right now and it's dissing right here but you can get these right here at Home Depot like 3/4 inch T's and how I joined them together is you know that's a little one each a three quarter pipe inside here and uh I reckon I could have showed you how to make that but uh I don't think it's necessary but man was already made all right I got this in the vise and I got my this is probably about an inch apart they some stuff that matters and they some stuff don't matter but here's what I'm gonna do now I got me some mailboxes here you can use anything you want to you don't have to use nothing if you don't want to I'm gonna I'm gonna wipe a little bit of this on there just cause I don't want it moving around because we got you know once we get it clamped and every time we got it straightened it you see this right here I'm gonna this is a feature soon and I'm gonna put this inside there just to get more to tighten too because you see these stainless steel washers I bent the edge I put it in a vise and being it over with a hammer okay because I kind of was fooling with this and uh it wasn't an act real good you know cuz you've got to be where you can straighten it out ah let's see here's my screws I'm gonna tell y'all something you know I was talking about the dude making the antennas but ones like man I seen him make a crucial mistake dead he don't know no better about it y'all I'm doing this stuff right here I've tested and tested and tested a nice they they use a little stuff that matters damn I forgot to put my washers on let me back that out assuming the stuff you do don't matter and some of it does matter and I'm somebody I really ain't no fast learner or nothing like that I might people think I am but I just study hard you know all right I'm gonna sit this back up straight and you know you failed to be a heaven you spoke to be doing this in enjoying yourself but in I did at first I only got me two transformers I reckon why I got to all right now I got to slip these in and while I'm doing this someone tell y'all something I'll put it this diary I do it live feigning boosters you think our boosters is the same you you heard that before about what you heard him telling that a booster don't boost the signal strength that's bull you know that's like if you take your racecar to somebody and they gonna hop it up for you and they say oh it don't hit the speed but it's in there yeah I tested all kind of boosters because I don't have nobody telling me nothing and uh hell I had to know you can't read and sign that about the Boosters I use soon they will make that signal meter go up I the booster did that I'm gonna put on here the boosters I'm gonna put on here makes that makes the meter go up now me myself I want to see the signal strength go up and say this is a reason I've kind of put this down as good as I can so you just said that it was pretty straight but uh and now let's move on I got to hurry up y'all but let me show you this right here this is a t2 and not say these pieces was already made I already had them and I didn't have no eggs from but you might want to use the elbow right here instead of I cut that off see and let me tell you soon they ain't no magic number right here I have got to just look at that off scene a little bit say what I'm telling my back gotta move it around ma'am now this is probably uh probably each and a half and then move this a little bit more okay but see these DS is fourteen and a half inches long and what I'm gonna be using this 14 inch piece and let me keep I can't remember where I got this measurement from but it ain't just tonight of the blue management it's a measurement that works like a dream you can do just this part I'm telling Matt right here you don't even mess with that and this is a this is a VAP of picking that son of a gun boy I forgot a video about that you know okay and in what I'm gonna do is I'm going in there and adding in and putting this on their own bugs ooh I'm gonna put I'm gonna put some uh help accion this your youtube reputation is important those people that go in there man they watching a video I got an imitation it might be a surprise to these people that will make videos just for the money ain't one of them both you know in that goes back to replication you know if you see somebody do one thing wrong I'll lie to you they won't get a second chance to lie to you all right I'm putting a piece in this and to there is one other thing that I want to say I do Killians you're making antennas it's the semen that I hate cuz man I mean it's a pain you know then I have people sometimes you know I had people leave crazy call me it's just us but I have people telling that spray paint in the water it man I'm trying to see and figure out are they for real or not [Laughter] hey I'm telling you when I get through with this thing right it's gonna be a bad boy I promise you okay can you see this okay and what I doing is here's my bottom I put a tee on that and I split it in half and you get you a bowl or whatever you want to you know whatever you want to be your base and sit this on there and boy I got so much that I couldn't tell y'all I do want to tell this right here ain't never told it before when I was making their multi-million Tina's in the beginning I messed around there and found out how to make the pie worker were upon him the signal meter and I was using the channel master 777 the most powerful booster they make Hey it was working fine I put that boost on there in that booster was too much candy for that antenna so I had to drop back down took me a week makeup was wrong I dropped back down to the 777 I want to make sure you understand that booster was a said and CPA that I had dropped back to oh and I asked what the most doing all kind of talking in the camera alone again that's what I tell you man this just aggravating this reflector right here will double the signal strength of this antenna that big channel I was telling Matt I got videos showing you demonstrations of how powerful this is okay now I didn't just tell you that while go about the boosters for the halo you peel allele right in the seat you may not need this now this is an RCA booster and I use this thing right here a lot but they make something I don't even know what you call it you kick on it that'll connect the VHF with the UHF down here and convert it into one wire if you need to boost one of these is UHF wouldn't be a gift and you connect your wires like that they just I got a video on this on this channel it that video is on this thing and I'm gonna put my booster right here hey y'all I'm finish this antenna right here is a stick of dynamite so you're looking at a stick of dynamite you liable to see the manufacturers make an antenna lights right here this is the only this one in existence the one like I got in the one you're gonna be able to turn it around I got it jammed in there pretty tight look at this you know straightening up you straighten up your elements get him right well I said what it is like I say soon that right there is a stick of dynamite that's a bad boy right there I didn't get to say everything I want to say I want to tell y'all this took me two days because I was feeling I couldn't I could have done this and probably an hour I'm good at it I make I make them all the time you might want subscribe to me there's a lot of stuff that I tell I do want to take you on with you if you like this video I want you to click like YouTube like for you to let them know that you that you like something and I'm gonna do a test on this antenna I'm gonna set it at the front yard I I can't put it in my house cause I'm 60 miles away but I'll do it in my front yard it just ain't gonna be today so be looking out for that video cool I always keep my word about everything I say and I'll do it and I want to tell you I appreciate your watching
Channel: Southern Ideas
Views: 1,239,820
Rating: 4.8127899 out of 5
Keywords: Best DIY Indoor Or Outdoor TV Antenna Ever Made, How To Make The Ultimate Tv Antenna, best HD TV antenna you can build, Homemade HDTV Antenna, The BEST DIY Antenna for HDTV, Make a better TV antenna, Best HD TV Antenna DIY, Build The All in 1 TV Antenna, Free HDTV with DIY Antenna, how to make a tv antenna, A Better HDTV Antenna, Indoor Digital Tv Antenna, best outdoor tv antenna, best indoor tv antenna, Danny S. Hodges
Id: hrRiBomPih8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2017
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