Best Diet for Weight Loss: Vegan or Mediterranean Diet? | Dr. Neal Barnard

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to the exam room live brought to you by the physicians committee hi i am the weight loss champion chuck carroll and this this is the healthiest half hour anywhere online today so we appreciate you joining us right here on facebook and on youtube coming up today we will be pitting vegan diets mediterranean diets head to head in a battle for weight loss supremacy which is the best for losing those excess pounds well a new study put them to the test and one of the study's lead authors dr neil barnard is here with the results so intriguing so fascinating we're going to get into that plus he's going to be helping to raise your health iq even further when we open up the doctor's mailbag and take your questions great ones already coming in like does the brain cause the body to crave fat if you're eating a low-fat diet how does that work well we're going to find out when we open up that doctor's mailbag so if there's a question on your mind that you would like to ask go ahead and put that in the comments or the chat box right now you can also tweet it to us using the hashtag exam room live but first let's go ahead and welcome dr barnard to the show to talk about this extraordinary new study putting vegan diets mediterranean diets head to head in the battle of weight loss supremacy interesting study dr barnard yeah and really important because so many people are trying to think what's the best diet and we've had more than a few people say well i really thought a vegan diet was the way to go but then i read in a magazine they said no you don't really have to do that just frankly it sounds kind of sexy you're maybe driving down the coast of italy and you're going to have a glass of red wine and so forth and and so the question is is a mediterranean diet the best diet is a vegan diet a better diet we decided to put it to the test and let's let's talk a little bit about the mediterranean diet i mean the majority of people i would assume who are hearing this and watching this right now are very familiar with with the vegan diet the plant-based diet but then the mediterranean diet maybe not so much so what what is the mediterranean diet okay let me share my screen and give you a little background on this the mediterranean diet uh really owes its origins to ansel keys ansel keys was a researcher at the university of minnesota and i am guessing probably on some february morning he was looking out his window thinking what am i doing here in minneapolis when i could be in southern italy and he took a a real interest in the the health of italy in particular because they had a pretty enviably low rate of heart disease this is one of his graphs going back to the 1950s where on the x-axis you see fat intake more fat uh as the further up you go to the right on the y-axis you see deaths from heart disease and look who's way up top on the right the usa really fatty diet and a lot of heart disease and going down a little bit canada australia england and then down you see italy doing much better a lower fat diet a lot less heart disease and then at the very left was japan well his compromise was let's have a look at italy and so the mediterranean region is of course vast it includes uh everything from spain past france italy and and all the way around to lebanon and israel and then all across northern africa so there are many many many different cuisines that could be called mediterranean but what he said as well wait a minute we're going to say it means plant foods mostly but not completely and we'll have locally grown foods and your dessert will be fruit not pudding or something but when it comes to cooking fats instead of butter we use olive oil so that's kind of the italian influence dairy products were included but low eggs included but not too many red meats some but not a huge amount and some wine every day and that was sort of the definition of mediterranean diets now i can hear you screaming and saying wait a minute a mediterranean diet could be a north african diet it could be a lebanese diet well this was this was his this is the definition that researchers have have really used of that that term um now interestingly enough modern researchers tend to think of it as being really oily slathering olive oil all over everything but ansel keys actually took his his model the town of nicotera italy and there when they measured it the diet was fattier than a low-fat vegan diet but not not as fatty as as say a typical american diet if they used oil it was olive oil but they weren't using a lot of any kind of oil at that time okay so uh researchers recently put this diet to a test and the study was called predamed predimed this was a big spanish study with more than 7000 participants everybody was at high risk for heart disease and most of the people were pretty overweight here's what they did they split the participants into three groups group one mediterranean diet plus olive oil about four tablespoons a day to be used as part of your cooking group two mediterranean plus nuts about an ounce per day group three nothing uh just a control diet meaning keep doing what you're doing and then over several years they track people to see what happened specifically did you live or did you die and what they uh recommended again was the kinds of foods that ansel keys and others have talked about okay so what happened first thing the first 12 weeks of the study everyone got on the scale hmm kind of disappointing after 12 weeks the average weight loss that's now that's kilograms but that's less than a less than a quarter of a kilogram of weight loss for the oil group and about a quarter of a kilogram for the other other two um over 12 weeks that's really terrible um but then as time went on they looked at who lived and who died and whether you looked at all cause mortality dying from anything or cardiovascular mortality there was some suggestion that the oil group was doing better but this was not statistically significant the differences weren't big enough that you could really definitively say it was working but then they did another analysis and they said well let's just add up any kind of cardiovascular event yeah dying but also having a heart attack having a stroke anything and let's lump them all together and what they came up with was the control group 4.4 percent of a bad event but for the oil group it was cut to 3.8 percent in the nut group it was cut to 3.4 and that was their finding they were able to take that to the new england journal and convince people that a mediterranean diet was okay all right however some researchers said i wonder if we can do better than that they developed what they called a pro-vegetarian scale so they looked within the predamed people the the research participants and they said who here is eating a lot of fruits and vegetables and nuts and cereals and legumes and olive oil and potatoes and generally avoiding meat and fish and dairy and eggs and animal fats because with seven thousand people you had some people who are probably pretty much vegan okay well how did they do turned out that those people who were really strong on the pro-vegetarian scale meaning they were doing the mediterranean thing but they were interpreting it not with chicken but with chickpeas they did really well the further you went out in the pro vegetarian line of things in other words the more the closer you were to vegan the less likely you were to die of anything and specifically cardiovascular mortality really unlikely to die of that too okay so what this study suggests is that a mediterranean diet at its best is interpreted vegan style so you have your spaghetti not with the meat sauce not with fish but with a tomato sauce okay fair enough so our research team decided all right let's do a head-to-head test vegan versus mediterranean using exactly the predimed protocol we brought in 62 participants and half of them went mediterranean the other half went vegan then after 16 weeks everybody stopped we put them on the scale we checked their blood pressure and their cholesterol and then we switched diets the mediterranean people now started the vegan diet the vegan people started the mediterranean diet and they did it for another 16 weeks and then we put them on the scale again and what did we find here's what we found as the first 16 weeks were rolling by the mediterranean group you see them at the top here they lost now this is kilograms what is that they dropped from 97 kilograms to 96 kilograms not so good uh but the beacons look at that they dropped from about between 98.99 down to up close to 90 kilograms so much much more robust weight loss in the vegan group then at 16 weeks we stopped everybody was asked to just wait for four weeks go back to their old diet and then start the opposite diet now look at the top that mediterranean group that was having trouble losing weight now they're gone to the vegan diet and now they're losing weight more more quickly the the group that had been vegan in the first 16 weeks then started mediterranean and what happened to them the weight started coming back there's because why they're eating fish they're having some dairy they're having uh oil and eggs things they weren't having during the vegan phase and now they're starting to gain weight from a personal standpoint i want to tell you that watching the participants go through these changes was really quite something many of them who were on the vegan diet as you know who those of you have done this 16 weeks is more than enough time to accommodate to it and you think this is all right this is pretty easy and then when we took it away and said no now you've got to stop being vegan you got to go mediterranean many of them were angry and as they saw the pounds coming back on they were pretty upset and they couldn't wait for the study to be over so they could go back to their vegan diet okay a little bit more complicated slide every pair of lines you see shows you the weight results that each person had when they went vegetarian and or vegan and when they went mediterranean go way over on the left you see that little tan line sticking up there that is the first participant and when he or she went on the mediterranean gained a little bit of weight uh the green is on the vegan diet that same person lost a lot of weight on the vegan diet okay the second person the tan line going up that's another person who gained weight on the mediterranean but their green line goes way down so they lost a lot of weight what these numbers show us is the green lines are almost all down that's vegan on a green on a vegan diet most people lose weight the tan lines are the mediterranean they're all over the map some people gain weight some people lose weight on average you don't get anywhere so what did we find the average weight loss on the vegan diet six kilograms in 16 weeks the average weight loss on a mediterranean diet zero nothing okay now look at total cholesterol though uh mediterranean diet people dropped three points not worth talking about on a vegan diet they dropped almost 19 points that's good ldl or bad cholesterol dropped about a half a point on the mediterranean diet just chance fluctuation really um on a vegan diet dropped 15 points that's clinically significant that's and statistically significant too okay now there was one good thing about the mediterranean diet that was blood pressure blood pressure actually improved in both groups but it did improve a little bit more in the mediterranean group nine versus three point drop systolic and seven versus four point drop diastolic so that was better for them but overall we have to say there is a winner if you have a person who wants to lose some weight going on a mediterranean diet as defined by these research studies with fish with dairy a little bit of meat with olive oil it's going to really make it hard to lose weight that fish that dairy that meat is going to be hard to get your cholesterol down so a vegan diet is the way to go let me share my screen and come back in a question for you uh that slide that showed the results for all of the participants there were a couple of outliers on there i believe i saw at least one individual that wound up gaining weight on both diets how closely were you able to monitor what it was your participants were eating yeah um well these were real people in real life we didn't lock them up into a research ward or something like now there are studies that do that um where you make every meal for them and you absolutely control it we wanted to be able to say what will happen if you actually are doing this diet in your own home with your own family shopping at a store because that's that's what how people do do diet and it's true we did have uh one or two people who gained weight on both diets and uh these are people who are probably having some trouble uh following it that's uh while that can happen the vast majority of people um had a terrific result with the plant-based diet and the results of the mediterranean diet were variable but overall for weight loss it's really um it's really turned out to be a placebo and that's important because a lot of people are attracted to that diet a lot of people who really need help getting rid of weight are attracted to it u.s news rates mediterranean number one i think that's because it sounds sexy it sounds like people won't disagree with you um but as a as a clinical intervention i think it's a mistake uh i want to go ahead and open up that doctor's mailbag so if you have a question about the study that you would like to ask go ahead and post that in the comments or in the chat box right now uh another question real quick before we take our first viewer question is i want to explore the blood pressure results a little bit more uh why did you dive too deeply into perhaps why the mediterranean diet um showed a larger drop in blood pressure compared to the vegan diet i don't think that it was like a huge difference but it definitely had an edge yeah um they did and we don't really know the reasons for that um but we've known for a long time that plant-based diets do lower blood pressure and both of the diets did that um to a to a good degree um but what happens is more vegetables will bring in more potassium the more you avoid sodium uh the better off you're going to be with regard to blood pressure but why why that particular result came out it would we we're really we're not not too sure all right let's go ahead now and open up that mailbag we'll uh start with uh america let's get healthy man what a great screen name that is uh and boy how appropriate when you're talking about a mediterranean diet here uh they want to know is it better to just eat the olive instead of eating olive oil anytime absolutely there is no faucet on the olive tree so you feed the olive itself you get a little bit of olive oil but you get the pulp and the fiber along with it so nobody ate 40 olives but it's really easy to get all of the oil from 40 olives if you take it as the olive oil itself now don't get me wrong um olive oil is way better than chicken fat way better than lard way better than butter so people who are cooking with olive oil that is better than the animal fats um specifically uh chicken has about 30 of its uh fat is in the saturated form that's the bad one for olive oil it cuts that down to 14. so that's good but using no oil at all using a good nonstick pan that cuts that saturated fat down to zero is the we i think maybe one of the more prescribed diets by doctors is the dash diet for high blood pressure but in in the medical circles how popular has the mediterranean diet become as far as doctors giving that as advice to their patients um it's become a popular thing for doctors to recommend um because they sometimes think that the patient will react to it better than if you say you should go vegan because it sounds so easy to do um the problem is that it's it's really like a generation ago doctors were afraid to tell patients to quit smoking because it sounded too drastic so they would say you ought to cut down and that's a mistake because you don't get very far with that you don't get very far with the mediterranean diet at least in the way that it's typically interpreted edith is wondering whether exercise age and race and all of those factors were considered for the study oh yes well when we do these and you'll see this if you get your hands on the publish report we look at both groups and we try to make sure that they're as equivalent as possible as they start but in this study it was a little different from a typical randomized study where i'll take 100 people 50 go vegan 50 go mediterranean and then you see how they do and you're wondering are the ages comparable between the groups are the races comparable that kind of stuff our study was different it was a crossover trial so everyone did both diets and you're comparing people to themselves and so each person did both diets and so the race of racial makeup the ages and everything were identical because it was the people themselves that were the point of comparison and that makes it an extremely strong study susan was wondering and i'm sure that i think uh self-reported here as far as the the caloric the food that was being eaten uh she wants to know susan does whether portions were controlled in this study they were not um in both diets the way that they are supposed to be prescribed is without saying you have to limit your calories to 1500 a day or something like that in both cases people were told to to eat what they wanted now we we didn't encourage them to overdo it but they were not uh restricted in the calories that they would take in and uh there's a real quick before we open it up to a more broad spectrum of questions there is a debate about why the term vegan was used in the study as opposed to plant-based is that just kind of a flip of the coin for you uh no not well yes or no um there are slightly different terms a vegan vegan diet means no animal products are used so that's really clear plant-based to some people means no animal products are used to some people it means i'm mostly going to avoid animal products some people just use the word plant-based to mean i'm vegan but i'm embarrassed to tell people about it and plant-based sounds nicer so we in this case used the word vegan and the participants understood that animal products were not to be included so that was that was easy for them yeah and i'll tell you inside baseball from the media standpoint i'd like to use the term vegan because far more people know it and if the goal is to get more people interested in taking charge of their health and making it easier for them to find the resources that they need to do that they're far more likely to search using the term vegan than they are plant-based so that's why that gets used more often on the exam room um vegan does than the term plant-based so yeah although you know yeah i think you're right but uh things are changing and terms change over time and um and we'll see where we end up on this for some audiences people really prefer the term plant-based for others they prefer the term vegan i i once submitted an article to a major medical journal and i used the word plant-based in the title and the editor wrote back and said no this is a vegan diet do you use vegan and i kind of thought they would like the term plant-based a little bit better but um no they said let's be more specific that's what it is uh the times change and i don't fight about these things there there are times when one one term applies a little better and the other term might apply better at other times absolutely well said my friend all right let's go ahead and open it up to a wide range of questions here with the doctor's mailbag we're going to start with a question from apis wanted to know will not eating enough fat in your diet cause you to overeat and tell your body to crave fatty foods um probably not um what will happen though is if you reduce the fat content of your diet you will have some cravings for a little while for fatty things because your tastes are set by what you have been eating in the past four or five six days and people will experience this in fact i experienced it in my own life when i was a teenager my mom announced we were not gonna have whole milk anymore and she said it's only gonna be skim milk now and we all thought it tasted really watery and it didn't even look right but after about a week we were totally used to it and then i remember one day some months later she by mistake bought some whole milk and we couldn't drink it because it was like cream and so the the point that i'm making is that your taste buds accommodate to what you've been eating in recent times so if you're used to fatty foods that's what you're going to want but once you get used to a lower fat intake you don't you don't want that at all uh here's a great question from tracy we saw the 16-week study in the drop in cholesterol but she's wondering how long does it take for someone to lower their cholesterol on a whole food plant-based diet does it take that whole 16 weeks or does it happen sooner i have it sooner um i would if you were making a diet change now because you just left your doctor's office and you've got your cholesterol slip in your hand and you're thinking oh i've got to do something i would suggest that you go completely vegan keep oils really low and wait about maybe three months before you get tested again because you want to see kind of how far you can go the truth is if you got tested within four weeks or even two weeks your cholesterol would be lower even by that point it's it's really quite rapid but to see the full effect i'd wait two or three months question from keaney talking about helping people get healthy and reaching them just some great personal advice here what is the best way to talk to somebody for the first time about the idea of adopting a plant-based diet when we have patients who come in to the barnard medical center here or maybe they're coming in for a research study it's really important for them to first understand why are we recommending a diet let's say a person has diabetes they have probably never heard that the fat that gets in your muscle cells is causing your insulin not to behave properly and so i want to get that fat out of your muscle cells and the way we do that is with a diet that doesn't have any animal fat in it and keeps the oils low so once once the person understands that then they can go from there so um step one understand why we're doing the diet that we're doing uh if it's a low-fat vegan diet for weight loss understand fat has nine calories in a gram carbohydrate has only four so i'm not going to worry so much about carbohydrate i'm going to really get away from the animal fats get away from the vegetable oils okay once you understand why two steps for jumping in two steps for the how uh step one take seven days and don't change your diet yet like let's say today you're thinking all right i'm gonna go vegan don't change yet take the next seven days and during that time make a list of vegan foods that you would like to eat foods with no animal products so for breakfast corn flakes with almond milk or veggie sausage for lunch i'll have a pizza without cheese whatever it is make your list take seven days and in this week you'll come up with a great list after that week is done step two take three weeks and during those three weeks make it all vegan all the time no animal products at all and see how you do three weeks is very short so you could you know you can do it and you've already got your list so it's very easy at the end of three weeks two things will have happened number one you are going to be slimmer and healthier you can feel the physical changes the other thing is that your tastes are accommodating kind of like mine did when i was a kid to the lower fat milk for example as your tastes accommodate you'll come to really prefer the vegan foods so step one first of all understand why you want to change and then step one is take seven days to make your list take three weeks to put it to the test it will change your life next question comes to us from gate wants to know how can i get my bones and joints to be stronger bones and joints um if the question is bone density like osteoporosis you need calcium green leafy vegetables great source there's some in beans as well um secondly you need vitamin d to absorb the calcium and that comes from the sun if you're in new jersey this morning you might not be getting much sun so a vitamin d supplement may be appropriate for you most doctors recommend 2 000 international units a day the vitamin d helps you absorb calcium from the foods you eat uh number three exercise give your bones a reason to live and that's kind of the basics of a good bone building exercise with regard to your joints do get good advice from your doctor about exercise that you are doing the more you exercise safely the better it can be some people use things like glucosamine and chondroitin which are now vegan sourced which seem to have some evidence that they can be helpful for the joints so i hope that's helpful linda says that she went vegan because she's lactose intolerant when she began she was 138 pounds today she's 115 pounds and wondering whether that is too little for somebody who will be turning 69 years old in just about two weeks first of all congratulations i'm sure your digestive tract is happy that you made this change and the rest of your body is smiling too to understand if your weight is in a good range let me encourage you to go online and look for the bmi calculator that's body mass index bmi calculator uh there are lots of them online you plug in your your height you plug in your weight and a number will pop up and that's your bmi and if it's between 18 and a half and 25 we call that the healthy range what we mean is um you're at the the lowest risk for developing diabetes or heart disease or weight related cancers that kind of stuff so you're wondering my true skinny if you're below 18.5 the statistics would say yeah you're you're too skinny uh but have a look and you'll see all right next question comes to us from queen logics she says uh i do a lot of cycling and don't eat any oil but the scale isn't budging what am i doing wrong okay well i'm not sure you're doing anything wrong but but here are the steps that we take we make sure that there are no animal products in the diet so that means we're eating lots of beans vegetables fruits whole grains and then we set aside cooking oils uh nuts and for a person who's really trying to lose weight we're gonna set aside nuts nut butters avocados that's about it um and if you put that to work for most people it's really hard to carry excess weight if your weight is already in the good range between 18 and a half and 25 then you're not going to blow away your weight isn't going to really change very much because all you're losing with a low-fat vegan diet is excess body fat ah here's an interesting one from tempest how does a plant-based diet affect someone with hypoglycemia low blood sugar as opposed to someone who's diabetic okay well they both want to have diets to keep their blood sugar in the healthy range and a vegan diet is great for that because a it has plenty of healthy carbohydrate the carbohydrate molecules what they actually are if you could look at a molecule that you took out of bread or a potato it's sugar molecules all joined together in a chain that's good they're glucose molecules in your blood they break apart and they go to your brain to power your brain they go to your muscles they go to all the cells of your body to power them glucose is your power source so if you're hypoglycemic that means you don't have enough so the healthy complex carbohydrates in a vegan diet in beans and vegetables whole grains and also in fruits they will provide the glucose you need the other great thing that they do is if you choose the healthiest ones they keep your blood sugar from going too high because you probably experienced this if your blood sugar peaks because you ate say white bread or something like that your blood pressure went high then your body reacted by making insulin that makes it go too low so you want to stay in the middle um what are those foods foods that keep you in the middle are the low glycemic index foods beans uh in fact let me just walk you through it instead of sugar don't have table sugar have fruit fruit is sweet but it's not going to affect your blood sugar too much instead of wheat bread you're going to be better off with rye bread instead of uh kitty goo cereals you know what i mean the cold cereals the ones that have a toy inside it's going to spike your blood sugar you don't want that instead have oatmeal or have bran cereal that's steady on your blood sugar one surprise pasta is okay it's on the good list even white pasta it's pretty good for your blood sugar potatoes white potatoes okay but really a sweet potato is going to be better for you with all of these things if you mix foods together the the net effect on your blood sugar it's just the average of everything so let's say i have a potato and i thought oh that's going to spike my blood sugar but you have it with some black beans then the net effect is it's more gentle on your blood sugar so eat your beans uh eat your fruit plenty of green vegetables and you you should be in the right zone we'll take a couple of more here uh while we have the time on the doctor's mailbag so keep on posting yours in the comments or the chat here is an interesting one from edith this is something that i think a lot of people are struggling with right now especially if you know you live here in the washington dc area where the forecast is calling for snow for the next three days edith says that she always gains weight in the winter she tries to eat warm foods but she just gets hungrier so what is the best way to lose weight during these cold winter days yeah um you are not alone everyone people watching this are all nodding saying that's me too um it's your inner squirrel um it knows that it's winter and so in the same way the squirrels run around and they bury nuts in the fall and they try to dig them up keep going you've got the same thing our bodies are programmed to get hungrier in the winter it's the cooler temperatures the shorter days and the darkness even uh we'll do it and by the way it doesn't kick in in february it starts in you you'll start experiencing this in about october and your weight will go up and then this time of the year the more you can get out and you see um hopefully the occasional cloudless day the days are starting to get longer it takes a while for the temperatures to catch up but with the lengthening of the days you'll discover that that appetite boost tends to come down the best way to to deal with excess eating is to make sure that everything in your house is something you're not too worried about if you eat it so the snack foods are not chocolate they're not potato chips because those pack in so much fat that you know where it's going to go but things like fruit have an abundance of it and if you have another banana or another orange or apple or some grapes um they're just not really very calorie dense so um make sure that everything that you are surrounded by is a healthy food low carb diets let's say with this low carb diets all the rage right now a lot of people think carbs are the devil so here's a great question from cindy wants to know can you go vegan and not gain weight if you have been on a low carb diet for many years or is your metabolism damaged beyond repair at that point and you're just stuck having to eat that low carb okay that's such a great question because so many people have done low-carb diets they've eventually become disgusted by them or they've been told by their doctor they should stop it because their cholesterol is getting out of control or they're worried that they're eating meat and gravy and they're wondering what's this going to do to my colon cancer risk and i i can't be doing this low carb stuff anymore okay it transitioned to a healthy low-fat plant-based diet and typically weight regain is not something you're going to see now it'll be a little bit of an adjustment for you to have made that change but it's a good one for you the only thing i would suggest is your tastes on a ketogenic diet have been goofed up they tend to get fat oriented so when you go to a low-fat vegan diet it will seem light to you so make sure you have a real mix of foods with grains and beans and vegetables and fruits keep the oils low and give yourself about a week to maybe 10 days or two weeks for your tastes to come down to the lower fat taste and your body is going to be rejoicing that you've made this change let's go ahead and close up that doctor's mailbag for today if we did not get to your question we will save it and do our best to get you an answer on an upcoming episode so keep on posting it in the comments or the chat box and of course tweet it at pcrm or at chuck carroll wlc make sure that you use that hashtag exam room live by the way we have new episodes here on facebook and youtube every monday wednesday and friday and new podcasts on apple podcast spotify now on pandora those are on tuesdays and thursdays so we are raising your nutrition iq five days a week my friend so go ahead and get your daily dose of the exam room and hopefully go on to lead that healthier life uh coming up friday here on the show we're gonna be joined by social media star john lewis you may know him as badass vegan very just interesting story i mean talk about rags to i guess the only way to call it is vegan riches goes on a plant-based diet after being overweight and playing basketball for years and just takes his fitness to the next level and now he is uh teaming up with keegan kuhn from what the health the director of that they are putting out a new documentary called they're trying to kill us taking a look at the food system through the lens of the hip-hop culture got some of the biggest rap artists in the culture uh in the game to go ahead and talk about some of the uh issues that are driving health inequalities in the country fascinating documentary so he will be here on the show on friday to talk all about that and in the meantime if you would like to take charge of your health right now maybe you didn't ask a question today you want to ask it one-on-one with a doctor or a dietitian go ahead and make an appointment over at the barnard medical center you can do that via a telemedicine visit as a matter of fact pick up the phone call 202-527-7500 to schedule your appointment or you see it on the screen right now telemedicine visits available now in more than a quarter of the country insurance is accepted so or 202-527-7500 for a full list of states where services are available and that my friend is all the time that we have today i want to say thank you one more time to dr neil barnard for helping us to raise our nutrition iq and to the crew behind the scenes that is making the magic happen thank you guys as always and to you my exam roomies thank you so very much for tuning in and learning alongside of us for everyone here at the physicians committee i am the weight loss champion chuck carroll we'll talk to you again friday but until then stay safe take a stand and keep it plant-based
Channel: Physicians Committee
Views: 58,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cz2LSJKp-kE
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Length: 37min 34sec (2254 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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