Best Compression Packing Cubes

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- I am an expert at making things fit in my suitcase. Or if I could, I would sit on this, which I guess there's no harm in doing. Seems like the most efficient way. Boom. Since it's the end of the video, I've got a little surprise for you. Hey guys, my name is Shayla and I make these videos every Wednesday. I've been YouTubing since 2015 and I was traveling full time, living in places for two to eight months at a time and now I'm back home and settling in but I wanted to take all the knowledge that I've learned for the past two years and teach you some things. This week, I want to talk to you about something that I wanted for a really long time. Packing cubes, all right. Let me explain a few things first. Thing number one, I'm sitting on the counter which is why there's a weird angle. I'm going to angle it down so you can see all the packing that's happening in a second. When you're traveling full time, that means you're basically living out of your suitcase and anytime that I would be in like a hotel or an Airbnb or staying with a friend where there was like a dresser that I could unload my stuff, you better freaking believe that I just unpacked everything and loved having a dresser because it was like organized. So then, fast forward. 'cause I don't think that these existed when I started traveling, or at least I didn't know about them. Packing cubes are like the drawers in the dresser. These just keep everything organized. There's a couple different ways you can do this. I have a bunch of clothes out that we're going to just pack up so you can see how these things work. This is not a packing video. This is not a way for me to tell you how to pack for a month I just grabbed a couple clothes. This video is sponsored by Tripped. They sent me these packing cubes and this is how I figure out who I partner with, really quickly just so you know. If someone comes to me and says, hey, do you want to try our product? Yes, I have been wanting to try packing cubes so it's a huge yes for me, I know my audience will love it. Those are the first two things. Once it's a yes I say, here's the deal. I would love to receive the product, I would love to try it out for a month. And then I would love to discuss how we're going to go about this partnership if I like it. So if you don't believe that, hopefully now you do because this is very dirty because I used it. So let's get to it. Oh my gosh, there's a dirty sock in this one. I use this one as a dirty clothes bin. Anyway. Let me readjust this. I'm in my sister's beautiful kitchen, she did a really good job. To be honest I feel like I'm Martha Stewart in this kitchen, like all right, let me show you how to use these packing cubes. So the packing cubes that I have, it is a six pack. I love it because it was different colors. I am an organizational freak. Anytime I get a bag, I need there to be compartments. When I had the van, I needed there to be organization. They also sent me ones where they were all this color which are super cute, I like them as well. I love these, these are great. I need colors for organization, so well you're going to get a couple of packing tips. So for example, when I pack, here are my pants. I've got two shirts that can go with these pants. Those are two different outfits. Because let's be honest, you can wear your pants more than once. I don't know if this is like a weekend outing. So there's a couple of ways that I've done this. I've done it where it's like, this is my shirt bag, this is my underwear bag, this is my pant bag and I've also done it in outfits. And let me tell ya, I love the outfits. So let me show you how these packing cubes work. So, can you see this? Yes you can. I like to roll this stuff up, I feel like it just makes it a little bit more compact. I did this before. It sparked joy, was a thing. Then we've got a few different sizes here. So two smalls, a medium, a large one, a little guy and then either the dirty clothes bag or the shoe bag, that's what I use this for. I'm going to use a small for this, two outfits. So here's the thing with these specifically. The fridge is going off, you might feel the hum, it's fine. So this is the thing with these packing cubes specifically, other than them being different color for easy organization, there are two zippers, one here, one here. One zipper opens it up and that's how you access the pack. The other zipper makes it bigger. So this just is expanding (zipping) the packing cube to make it like thick, see that? I put my pants in there. I put my shirt in there. I put my other shirt in there. If I'm honest, this is my underwear bag. I will put a pair of underwear in there. You don't need to see my underwear, but just know that I put a pair of underwear in there. A pair of socks. And ladies, do not deny that we pack double the amount of underwear that we need. So I'd probably put, since this is two outfits, I'd put two pairs of underwear in here and then I would bring probably all the rest of my underwear in the little underwear bag. I'm not going to roll it just because it'll fit better. Just lay, laying on top. (zipping) We've got it all in here, two outfits' worth. Now, we're going to take that expanded zipper, I like to guide it with my finger here so that you don't get any fabric stuck in there. (relaxing beat) I am an expert at making things fit in my suitcase. If I would, or if I could, I would sit on this, which I guess there's no harm in doing. Seems like the most efficient way. Maybe not. There we go, just a little push. We're almost there peeps, one more side. If you pack less in here, it's not going to be as difficult. Not me man, I like to keep that full. Boom, two outfits' worth in here. So that's done. Let's move on to the second one, I'll fast forward it. (relaxing beat) This one has got a lot more room. But look at the difference between these two. All right. (relaxing beat) We're going to put the two workout outfits together. So like for this one, I might take my pants, throw the tank in here since I'm at two outfits in one thing. Roll that up, stuff it in there. Two yoga pants, two tank tops, a sweatshirt, a long sleeve in here and there's still space. This looks like it might be too much. Oh and the people that founded it are super cool. They have a YouTube channel as well called Tim and Fin and they do so much traveling and they make these beautiful videos. I was like, yeah I want to work with you. And they're going to be like, Shayla, you stuff way too much stuff in those cubes and I would be like, I was testing the limits. We're just going to compress this one and not make it the most full. Okay. Done. This is like, just a little bodycon dress and my flannel that goes around the waist. Again, I would put a bra in here, I would put socks in there. I clearly did not pack enough stuff for this hypothetical trip so sometimes, I don't even unzip it. I leave it zipped up when I'm packing so that I don't over pack. I'm like okay, this is the space that you have allowed. Don't try and shove more stuff into it and compress it. This is it, this is what you're working with. And maybe I throw my underwear in there. Maybe I'm like, you know what, there's space. There's always more space. You got to stuff from the bottom, make sure the bottom's full. And then I just have to get this zipper zipped, and it's already compressed. Badabing, badaboom. Two smalls and two larges, this little guy and then this magic one. You see all this? Let me pull it back, and then this which I like to use for a dirty clothes bag so then as I wear an outfit, dirty clothes go in here. Not going to lie, I usually roll my dirty clothes so that this bag doesn't get too full. I've also used this bag for like my hiking shoes, or my workout shoes or anything that's like, this is just the dirty bag. I'm like so OCD that I take notes on my phone. You know the little note thing on your phone? And I'll be like, "Green bag, "red pant outfits." I would love to hear if you guys have heard of packing cubes if you're interested, and since it's the end of the video, I've got a little surprise for you. Tripped was like, hey, do you want to do this? And I was like, let me try it for a month and then I'll let you know. And at the end of the month, I was like yeah. This is amazing, the drawers to my backpack are amazing. 100%, how can we work together? And so they were like, okay well let's do a video and would your followers like to do a giveaway? I was like, would they like a giveaway, Yes, I think they would love a giveaway. We're doing two giveaways, one on YouTube, one on Instagram. On YouTube here, you just subscribe to my channel, you like the video, and you comment below if you want the graphic ones where they're all different colors or if you want the solid navy or the solid white. I'll have the link to the website below if you want to like check it out, see what you like. It is open from today, October 9th, 2019 and it closes on Tuesday, October 15th, 2019. And then on Wednesday, we'll announce the winner. It's only open for a week, so just comment below. And then you can go over to my Instagram which the link will also be below, it's very similar directions but applied to Instagram. We're doing two winners on YouTube, two winners on Instagram if you're watching on Facebook, hop over to Instagram, hop over to YouTube, that's where it's going on. I hope that you enjoyed this, I hope that you learned that you can fit a lot of stuff in here, that they're like dresser drawers and that I love them and I hope that you are just as excited. I would love to hear what you guys think about packing cubes if you've used some before, if you haven't used some, thank you guys all so much for watching, I'll see you next week, bye.
Channel: Hey Shayla
Views: 79,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: living on one way, shayla christine, minnesota youtuber, yt:cc=on, packing cubes, tripped travel gear, compressable travel cubes, packing cubes for travel, packing cubes review, tripped travel gear packing cubes, tripped packing cubes, packing cubes for carry on luggage, best compressable packing cubes, compressable bags for packing, packing tips, packing cube tips, packing hacks, best packing cubes, packing cubes compression, packing cubes vs compression bags
Id: NLDdQ0lz1MU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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