They Didn't Know That CCTV Camera Was Watching Them | Best of 2024 so Far !

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every day security cameras capture millions of incredible moments but only a few of them make it online that's why I've put together a compilation of the most insane moments caught on CCTV so you can watch them all at once also I'd really appreciate it if you would subscribe and hit the Bell before we start thanks this man almost made the critical mistake of opening the gate and this Army is only loyal to the chosen one introducing the new avatar the Last mop [Music] Bender sure in the future humans may be enslaved by robots but cats definitely won't be I swear I've seen this somewhere else before this truck driver went into a skid by accident but for some reason I feel like you wanted to scare off that man with the axe watch the way this guy accidentally sets off an alarm hey why does a fire alarm lock you in anyway is it a trap like him saw man even real life is lagging now when are the developers going to fix it this guy is literally impossible to Rob because he has all the survival instincts in the world wa how many of them actually fit in that car now this is some real life Tom and Jerry stuff that Mouse literally almost started a fire in the house luckily the owner woke up just in time and took care of it sometimes instead of an emergency landing professional Pilots have to make an emergency he parking and don't worry he wasn't hurt when this monk rang the bell he wasn't expecting to find Enlightenment and shed a heavy burden an advertisement for this store promoted falling prices nobody mentioned the roof this woman figured out the best way to get a boyfriend at the gym or a new mode of transportation loneliness is the number one killer of robot vacuums so please check in with your Roomba about how it's feeling more [Music] often you look lonely I can fix that this group of friends fun trip to an escape room ended up with a little dose of drama and all because of an ear of [Music] corn hit the like button if you know how this feels when the universe tells you that you don't need that extra [Music] soda [Music] okay no I'm not antisocial meanwhile me at the slightest contact with people how do you avoid other humans tell us in the comments forget about Gone in 60 Seconds these guys managed to steal six entire sports cars from a dealership in 45 seconds when a woman's love for her furry friend knows no bounds not even a mountain lion can stand in her [Music] way when it comes to clearing snow there are two types of people those for whom it's the easiest thing in the world and those who take all day to do it and still fail so which one are you you take the blue pill the story ends take the red pill you stay in Wonderland no one knows his secret but when the gym doors close this gym coach turns into Spider-Man still better than the whole Madam Web movie all right now let's be honest how many of us as kids wished with all our might that a tornado would come through and wipe out our entire School thankfully this one was empty I think we can all agree that in this intense game of pool was the last ball that [Music] won you've got to see this mechanic's welding skills because there actually fire this man walked into the loading screen when he reached a new location oh you have a better explanation let's hear it in the comments then this was the hardest earned paycheck of this guy's life not because of the job but because of the wind luckily he managed to get it off the roof so we've got a happy ending guys you are now witnessing a super villain who has come to take over the city run girl run do it for all of us have you ever stood up and had your headphones get pulled off well this guy's experience was even worse you think you can trust people these days this guy for example took advantage of a dog's trust and stole his clothes jail immediately jail everyone learns from their mistakes except for this guy of course when your co-workers are a bit Furrier than usual but at least they're always there for you when you've had [Music] enough some thieves probably thought they were in for an easy score but karma had a different outcome in mind this cat noticed that you're still not subscribed to the channel subscribe now or he's com for [Music] you why is this lady cooler than Tom Cruz well because she recreated a scene from Mission Impossible without the computer Graphics this is why my hungry personality can't work as a waiter but this woman decided to risk it all this Fan's Devotion to their favorite star Knows No Limits even if it means pulling off a daring Heist behind a cop's [Music] back this Courier completed their delivery but the tire had other plans for its final destination when a fish farm collapses it turns into a real life Finding Nemo a fish there for dor and for all the fishes yeah when you decide to record your first success but reality brings you back down to [Music] Earth apparently this guy took the elevator to the water park instead of the parking lot have you ever ordered food so bad that you wanted to leave the restaurant feedback like this instead of onear this girl managed to lose an entire bumper while backing up but one person's trash is another person's treasure you can totally tell that this car Koy was a dolphin in a past life this guy decided to show off his front Y pool to his neighbors but some of them didn't appreciate it when your day starts by losing your phone but ends with restored faith in your community and all thanks to this policeman when women really need to go to the store they decide the working hours okay I can't tell if she actually has superpowers or if this is a fake what do you think if affirmations don't work then how did these guys get another [Music] scooter after all that effort to remove the barrier this other dude just says wow what a nice parking lot [Music] attended some people don't like boiled eggs because of the smell but this woman doesn't like them because of this brother here's the first person to discover a sidewalk with a speed limit this store clerk might have been trying to provide good customer service but the man had other plans the audacity what would you do in this situation who would have thought that one woman could save a chicken from a hawk attack neither are these two that's for sure please don't ever attempt this yourself this guy has the mightest touch but in the opposite way introducing the Final Call of Duty game where ghost has retired and now has to face the Real Enemy awkward family gatherings as well if you're tracking this let's call an air strike is there a limit to how far a truck cabin can open apparently not this is more like something out of a Warner Brothers cartoon than a predator attack what a bad day to be a fox we all have those days when we're already on edge but we try our best until the littlest thing makes us snap when you make a mess but suddenly remember that mommy's going to be mad [Music] again we've all probably experienced this awkward situation before but at least this guy was able to turn it into something right legend in the comments for him these guys came up with a detailed plan for robbing a designer clothing store but they forgot to take one thing into account this one's love for Gucci handbag the sound of a thud against the glass at this company can only mean one thing a certain coworker has arrived I'm certainly no expert but is this how automatic garage doors are supposed to [Music] open here's how easy it is to spot a geometry teacher outside a bar this pose increases your chances of winning a game of pool by more than 100% that's why it's against the [Music] rules this forklift operator took drop off a bit too literally this is definitely not a certified forklift operator moment this guy has just realized that there's no chance of running away from this chick on a day [Music] for trying to waterboard his friends this dude got Instant Karma I mean a shower does anyone remember Ghost Rider well this is his brother ghost trucker and he's known for losing his [Music] tires this is literally me when I'm trying to fix something with my hands I thought that after a good car polish you could see your reflection not the inside of the trunk welcome to a parallel universe where cats defend the house from [Music] [Applause] dogs the hardest part of this woman's job is to stop scratching the big [Music] guy this waitress seems to have better stabilizers than most supercars in the world this mechanic got bored at work but now he's got a whole month's worth of work to [Music] do with proper support chances of failure go down dramatically but with support like this failure is impossible does your dog bite no it just breaks the gate on this working Daye one employee unloaded everything everything in his salary that is thank God there was [Music] CCTV you could say that this guy loaded these crates of bottles perfectly but only if he was planning to take them to the recycling center oh no this man accidentally dropped a bill in a box of gum but a month later when it was seen on camera the clerk gave him his money back I hope your faith and Humanity has been restored you think these people's car won't fit in their yard well check out their ingenious gate solution this girl seems to be using the same method to make room for an entire loaded truck this cat ran out of its apartment while the doors were open for delivery and waited hours until finally another Courier let it back in took that amount of time my cat would have left the country for sure I guess this woman didn't realize what she had signed up for when she entered this elevator but she fit in perfectly she probably thought it was a local tradition or something never insult your parents your haror or your car washer ever this guy accidentally let the cat out and started a Scooby-Doo style Chase it just needs the part where the cat chases him this lady wanted to exit the elevator with style but it was the wrong floor at least no one saw her this genius couldn't think of any nothing better to test a glass breaker on than a display case well at least it works no one can give me more work than I can myself thought this repair man and [Music] then this waiter is the definition of the word balance when the desire to pet the dog is great but the fear of germs is even greater who says working 24/7 doesn't give you time to relax these ladies threw a party right at work if all doors are open to us in this life then this is definitely me so no cofy to Platform 9 and 3/4 here's why walking with a golden retriever can take a while by the way they left on their walk that morning yeah it's true that you can't define a person by their [Music] looks sure she saved the situation but at the cost of becoming [Music] homeless this trucker proves that there's no such thing as too many [Music] mirrors I'm positive that you've never seen such a creative way of taking pictures of a bouquet it was at this moment that these women regretted taking the elevator instead of the stairs hey how much longer are these two going to kiss this isn't a ferris wheel [Music] and this poor woman helped roll pallets of soda and got her fingers stuck in the driveway but luckily she wasn't [Music] hurt the insurance company never would have believed the owner of this car but at least he got a spare tire this is what a typical first step outside in Australia looks like luckily she wasn't hurt but something tells me they're going to meet again sure tell this guy all about how you got cut off by a BMW today you know the rule that you can't steal parking spots from huge SUVs well this driver just discovered [Music] it is a helmet with a built-in airbag worth €300 yes if you need to be protected from the air street art will live on until the owner of the canvas sees the artist not sure about his piloting skills but his parking skills definitely aren't so great the automatic doors thought they could block this customer's path but his telekinesis was Stronger [Music] this driver was so late for his anger management course that he decided to push out the empty car blocking him and this is literally me and my best friends if we worked at the same [Music] job between trying to save the car or himself this guy chose the second option of course and he doesn't seem to be upset at all yay after A Dance break there's always time to clean [Music] up turns out that road rage doesn't just happen on the road in a really high crime area even dogs can steal parts from your car [Music] this is me trying to look badass in front of a group of girls this is the moment this man realizes that he has three dogs now but there's something odd about one of them when your ice cream Dreams Come crashing down literally captains back in the old days sailed around the world captains [Music] now in a split second this man went from an ordinary guy in a pub to a local hero who caught a dog that fell off a balcony I had no idea is possible to lose by closing the door this CCTV footage went from a comedy movie scene to something straight out of Final Destination is this elderly lady their Guardian Angel fun fact a black colored car not only warms up more than a white one but also attracts goats you thought pigeons were bad for making a mess on your car you haven't seen what seagull can do yet surprise what when I say I'll just have one pour of beer on a Friday this is what I [Applause] [Music] needan damn I don't remember this scene from Harry [Music] Potter Dobby is free sometimes repairing a bike by yourself in a garage isn't the best idea and here's why this family has one rule you can't enter the house until you danced plot twist that's not their house only the best drivers know how to turn a skid on a wet Road into the smoothest parking job ever this must be the inventor of the concept of getting out of an awkward [Music] situation when it comes to getting their humans attention cats are always on the prow even in the dead of [Music] night this delivery guy gets five stars for fast delivery and 100 for smooth Shi [Music] how can you tell that your waiter used to be a pro soccer player like this it looks like someone forgot to include fear in This Woman's instincts when she was born these people conducted a social experiment featuring a woman being harassed in an elevator thankfully they proved that their there are more caring people around than you think today this man didn't close the garage doors the garage doors closed him this woman is the embodiment of dance like nobody's [Music] watching this is what the McDonald's drive-thru in Texas looks like there are many reasons not to leave the house but for this woman two reasons were enough do you have a moment to talk about honey and the best neighbor award goes to these guys for warning about a fire and the other one for putting it out thank you reasons you shouldn't take a parking spot from an old lady number one the broken [Music] windshield she may have forgotten the handbrake but the car made sure she'd never forget this lesson this is that friend who's always fallen in love with [Music] someone this is me when I see the smallest spider in the [Music] world it turns out that being a blogger is actually a really difficult job and an expensive one this tire shop gives you a discount if you can catch your [Music] tire is it just me or are we being tricked into thinking that superpowers aren't real sure living near the mountains is awesome but you have to get used to these kitties coming into your house the world's law of meanness this kind of thing only happens on the worst [Music] days there are numerous types of ramen this one for example is kitten flavor this day's weather report was like 2: p.m. Sunny 202 end of the world this is literally me after 5 minutes of work if support makes a person stronger then this guy is the strongest person in the [Music] world this multi-ton trailer decided to lay down for arrest fortunately the car was empty look who security camera's caught outside this [Music] house it's me Mario at nighttime any bad Road can turn into a Runway luckily no one was hurt [Music] now get ready to see the earthquake captured by the University security cameras fortunately no one was H while raccoons only steal from trash cans Bears take the entire [Music] can the only thing that can stop women from shopping is the mouse [Music] this duck can see anyone who hasn't liked this video yet well GTA wasn't lying you can reduce your wanted level by hiding from the police right in front of them everybody's seen a shepherd dog but what about a cowboy [Music] dog god send me a sign about what I should eat on my diet oh okay that's all for today but I have plenty more funny and amazing CCTV Clips to show you in the next episode be sure to hit that notification Bell so you don't miss it [Music] [Music] bye-bye [Music]
Channel: MAD LAB
Views: 24,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Incredible Moments Caught on Camera, caught on camera, incredible moments, mad lab, perfect timing, funniest moments, Best Of The Year, best of 2022, cctv, cctv compilation, caught on security cameras, weird things caught on security cameras, weird things caught on cctv, cctv camera, Incredible Moments Caught on CCTV Camera, cctv moments, They Didn't Know That a Camera Was Watching Them, top 100, moments caught on camera, cctv fails 2023, cctv fails compilation, best of 2023
Id: spmBBWZqyLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 4sec (1744 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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