Best Binoculars Under $250

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man if we were doing a review of the best binoculars under $250 would be so helpful if we actually bought them all right guys we would do local stores on Amazon yep and we bought a whole bunch of the best binoculars under $250 we took the Amazon reviews what people at the sporting goods store said what other hunters and shooters and wildlife viewers look prefer and anyway after spending a lot of time reviewing them this is our breakdown on what to choose so let's not bury the lead up yes there are three that I think stand out for different reasons yeah and that would be the Amazon pick with the most reviews and very good reviews the ad Dorgan these are very very inexpensive at $40 but honestly like if if you're using this for like I'm going hunting one time yeah or I'm going taking my family to Yellowstone or something like that they're actually pretty decent they do not stack up against the higher end stuff that we're going to talk about but for $40 they're actually pretty decent and they they do a reasonable job very lightweight which probably means pro plastic lenses but not bad so they definitely stand out as something different than the rest absolutely the next one I'm trying to decide which one I want to go with next but I think I'll start with my best value and high quality binoculars now these are the best just inexpensive these are the most right price per value this is the Carson bak for okay this comes in at about one hundred and fifty dollars but it is a dramatically better experience than the adorn gun there's a huge jump but here's the reason why it's the best value you could compare this to these four binoculars that are all in the 150 to 250 price range and most people will not be able to tell a difference at all not just optically but even in the build quality those are built really well the feel of them the focus ring the zoo the yeah the focus ring the diopter did their rubberize like it absolutely is of the same caliber build quality as the 240 interesting and one of the things that IO that I've had a hard time with with with cheap binoculars has been like you get them up here and you're trying to line them up so that you actually have a nice clear circular ring without the funny overlap and stuff you're trying to get it just right and like no matter how I adjust them it's not dies right you if you ever get like a little bit off axis you lose your whole field of view yeah like black spots appear all of these higher quality ones are just so much better than anything that you use kind of in the low quality and so anyway this definitely like competes with the big dogs but at about a hundred and fifty dollar price tag so best inexpensive head organ from Amazon the the best value there the highest quality overall just perfect optics everything that's going to be the Leupold be x2 Alpine 10 by 40 twos this is a really really nice binocular the sharpness is just yeah sectional that was really the thing that made it stand out versus several of these other still really high quality binoculars it's just that sharpness that contrast being able to tell the difference between a branch and an antler yeah yeah like especially if you look at leaves with these like even in the higher end ones when you look at it at a tree just the contrast between each leaf is feels like you're CNN HD yeah with these and you know if you you have to have these next to each other squinting which one whatever to be able to tell but there is a difference right and they are the better but they're also the most expensive and so it kind of depends where you are in how serious you need your binoculars to perform and how much you want to spend because the difference between the $250 loopholed and the Carson's which came in at a 150 $100 cheaper is pretty minor it is small there are differences and I would say the loop holds are better quality but we're talking about small stuff right so of all of these there's two pairs that we're taking into the field one for each of us it's the loop hold in the Carson these are the ones I mean I could take these this is a circa in fact we should probably just mention what else we tested against right this is the Sirica s3 series again at 10 by 42 its solid choice but this comes into the same $250 price tag as the Leupold when you look at it just felt a little bit hazy on that yes compared to the Leupold now the vortex does the vortex crossfire there's also the Diamondback which I also own that we don't have here my problem with the vortex today I don't think you had the same maybe the same issue but it didn't fit my face quite right and when I feel like if I just wobble any little bit I'm seeing black spots and I tried everything to adjust it but I I just I had to be perfectly on axis for it I didn't love that optically there were some issues although I do consider them to be quite good and my Diamondbacks the next up from this I didn't have that same issue I'd put them closer to the loop hold but for me the vortex had some issues and so because the other ones were just so good it fell below the line again from a price point standpoint the vortex crossfire versus the Carson they're about the same price the Carson was a little bit better optic again for me I didn't have the same issue with fit I could I mean it worked fine for me and again because of their brand and reputation and the warranty I would be tempted to go with the vortex but again like this was a better optic it just was and so it does stand out to me now there's a few here that I just wouldn't buy and so the Nikon's I was interested in form factors obviously quite a bit different here they're much larger binoculars know if I'm gonna want to pack this backpacking and stuff but I love nikon optics in general and so I was curious about I don't like I just don't these really don't fit my face well at all it just I don't have that same view it's I had to get it perfectly on axis I felt like I it was kind of scrunching my nose in there yeah it just I did not have that that's a ten by fifty so it's a slightly bigger lens which lets in more light but can be you know the trade-off there is it's a bigger form factor yeah but I did not get I was there was no noticeable difference no noticeable benefit in light versus any of these ten by 40 that was reasonable surprising to me which one do you want to carry right and so when it comes down to that like I just can't justify this I thought for sure you said that when we were reviewing like well yeah but really I just didn't see that difference in the low light capabilities between the two and I you should with that size by now this one this nikon aculon is a ten to twenty two by fifty so we can zoom in the one benefit of that is I do magnet more magnification the problem is when you're zoomed all the way out we notice that the field of view like you see black kind of cropping in from the edges and you like get to see less so like it's a terrible if you're going if you want a higher magnification binocular just by a fixed lens higher magnification binocular having that adjustable lens is going to have that trade-off where you are gonna lose some of your vision and I don't want that in my binoculars right the reason I wanted to buy these for this review is like I've always wondered like why are they all prime lenses that you know aren't zooming yeah and I just that there's got to be somebody that's made makes a reasonable zoom because I'd be so handy yeah I've never seen these you don't now you know you know now there's Bushnell you know when I first saw these I thought dang that's a nice yeah right the design that I thought looked pretty cool optically this is a dog you don't want this the ocker that is 30 bucks on amazon has a zillion reviews hmm M no okay now another thing that I would want to consider is like whether or not these things are waterproof I'm standing the bushnell traced it's the Bushnell at least is but again we I mean you talk about how picky it is when you're off axis like that's where this thing was a huge major dog for me you know other issues with the optics you know fine but I'm sorry when I hold it up and I just have to like finagle it a hundred different ways and like if I'm not at all like perfectly on axis there's just this dark cloudiness coming in from the edges I hate that so even though they're waterproof I just would not ever buy them especially because it just doesn't cost that much more to move up to like the Carson and everything else here except for these so the adorn gun and the Nikon's everything else everything else is waterproof here or at least claims it I always wonder yeah sure this thing really is but that's our lineup of binoculars check in the description for our links to our three favorites that you can kind of get it at whatever price point you choose and give back fire subscribe we're putting a lot of time and money into providing a great resource for you
Channel: Backfire
Views: 79,421
Rating: 4.8100481 out of 5
Keywords: binoculars, hunting, shooting, leupold, vortex
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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