Best Beginner MTB Ride: Fullerton Loop Trailguide

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outsiders hello tony macaroni here uh got a lot of aliases these days it all has to do with italian food for some reason go figure anyway today back by popular demand we've got another trail guide for you guys this time it's the fullerton loop beginner intermediate it's got a great workout to it's about 13 miles it's amazed that's why this trail guide is going to be helpful for you guys and the last time i made this video was four years ago so it's about time we update it the production value and my editing skills have gone up a few notches so i'm happy to make this one again and last week when i threw out do you guys want to see more trail guides the unequivocal answer was hell yeah so i'm excited to dip back into that genre and get that going that's what kind of started out on the channel and that's what i'm happy to get back to i love making them i love hanging out with you guys so that's what we're going to do and right now what i'm going to do is shut the hell up because we've got a trail guide to show you and i'm not going to get there any faster by jim jevin so i'll see you in the other side say hello to me [Music] all right we are at the fullerton loop courthouse the cones give us the uh indication we're the right place that's the usually the entrance from the parking lot parking is free as always and from there you're just going to jump on to this makeshift fire road this starts off the loop gonna cross the street here go straight across and continue on the fire road you were just on chill little warm up area get your blood flowing get into character get your brain set you're on a bike ride people you're not thinking about work you're not thinking about your problems if you can help it you're putting on a positive mental state because that's going to carry you through the ride and it's going to feel a lot better when you're done exercise fresh air natural dirt beneath the rubber of your tires i'm not a motivational speaker but that was my attempt we're going to cross another road of about 5 000 on this loop so pay attention i crap you not think about the fullerton loop there's always like a little fun extra credit if you're looking around for him nothing too crazy but it's got them for you if you seek them out this is one of them in the beginning of the trail section here i want to say is a warning it's the most popular section of the loop because it's the closest to the parking lot as you get further in a little less crowded we're going to snap off a left here in the hills trail play with the sewers across the street again into actual hillstone park our first taste of some single track on this route got a little jump over here another one over here they'll take them where we can get them again this loop you guys it's beginner but there's some stuff there [Music] here's another one and save some room for dessert on this little hip right here beautiful we're coming up to euclid right here we're going to make a cross into the next section there's a couple different options to go down but this is the steepest one and then get ready for a punchy ass climb we're gonna take this road straight we're in the neighborhoods and this is why this loop is so confusing you find yourself at random places in fullerton i've lived here for seven years now and some of these locations i only know because i pop through them through other options throughout the loop into different random neighborhoods and parks this next section i want to give you guys a warning do not cross the street from this point there's been numerous people have gotten killed in the last year just in this one little intersection area so stay to the right go either use it as a bike lane stop with the light or come to the walk signal not only does it keep you guys safe and it makes the neighbors happy man like nobody wants to see that stuff happen in their neighborhood and you guys know how this stuff goes got the green light everybody's happy we're following the rules then we're going to cross right here through this dirt patch [Music] across the street and just stay left you'll see the big brown path follow it up all right we're gonna cross the street onto bridal trail a park that i'm at probably four times a week with a little pupper pip this is where we make the rounds pee on tree to treat a tree i said this uh years ago but if you see me out here say hello you'll recognize me by pip's ears and the big white tacoma in the parking lot give me a hey buddy hey buddy how you doing we're going to zip up here across the street another little punchy climb and then we've got one of my favorite sections on a loop [Music] all right cross the street snap off a left here up to the single track if you want some extra credit but you all should and drop yourself in single tracks right here and a little whoopty it's a little off camber but you get used to it sections like this [Music] you got options here i like to stay on top i like to go all the way up top this is fairly recent last couple of months nice little hip into the downhill section and make laps on that if you want to you got the energy go for it stay left follow the dirt you go left in the sidewalk or another little optional fun zone [Music] then straight up the sidewalk to the next intersection through that into the next trail and banger right here on castlewood trail [Music] [Applause] about a quarter of a mile up you can go right or left left is kind of where the punchy annoying climb is but there's some fun single track up top that you kind of pay your dues to get to that's what we're doing today it's usually what i do on the loop taking where you can get them this back end here kind of winds around got a couple options here for the descent i usually go for this one the crumpled chute right there nothing clean about it and you got this little weird section right here i'm gonna hop up here and yeah if i didn't mention it this loop is good for beginners or if you're local just want to get a ride in after work or before work gets the exercise in about 12 miles 13 miles depending on what you do and that's a workout for sure [Music] [Applause] going to come over the hump to a beautiful view we can see catalina today and go down for a minute hey guys and we'll do one more of those head up to our cutner trail this nasty little climb right here will get you right in the gillette starts off steep and then mellows out [Music] trail makes you work man one more punchy up then you got the view of the loop that makes the whole thing worth it that's my opinion anyway best view in fullerton in my opinion all right let's get one you guys it's been a minute since we've done an appreciation station [Music] and from up here you've got all kinds of options if you want to have a session little drop in shoots from here on my left hand side here down to the the bottom my favorite is over here at the end you can keep on going right after down the chute watch out for hikers along this traversing bunny rabbits apparently and this is the fastest section of the entire loop right here you can really open up the brakes no hikers allowed in this section and we're going to need to cross the street over here just be careful and take a right on laguna road to get into the park here on the left-hand side look at those flowers it's so pretty and it traverses right across the hillside here just keep going straight until it brings us to yep you got it another street crossing this time right into laguna lake a fairly large man-made lake filled with uh fish you can go fishing here there's ducks there's turtles and we're back where i'm from in connecticut this would be called the pond this is a nice spot if you want to chill bring a lunch have a snack write a poem snap off a couple haikus and have a sandwich feed the ducks why don't you i don't actually i don't recommend that you're not supposed to feed the ducks at a lot of places so kids do as i say not as i do although i just said to feed the ducks but then i took it back i know it's getting confusing coming out of laguna lake sharp right i like to go up this little half pipe thingy [Music] get some speed on this traverse here because you're heading up the hill single track fire road always single track if you can you could stay up top here if you hang on to the last bit there's a nice little side jump you could take down to the next trail it's coming up right over here you're gonna cross this bridge here and then take a sharp left you could either do this drop or go around good to drop it's more fun another sharp left this is where it gets confusing folks pay attention and you're gonna follow the tracks down when you see the trail shift right going on the up and up take it and boom it's going to put you right next to the golf course to like a little staging area and then drop it in once again a little jump here on the side if you want there used to be some bigger ones there but they got taken down believe it or not i've never gotten hit with the golf ball in this section ever not even right here there's no fence i know that was an open invitation for me to get hit in the head with a golf ball but i am wearing a helmet a brand new gymnasium trail helmet what a segway huh folks rounding around the golf course we're about to go into a tunnel which i'm freaked out about every single time because i coyote came out of here one time as i was entering the only thing i'm scared of is a scared animal because they go into self-defense mode and uh i don't really have one of those turns into a little bit of a single track and we're just gonna follow this straight up and we're gonna finish things up on the dirt right here this is going to take us into the golf course parking lot because we're not over yet folks i got gotta get you back to the courthouse where we started because that's where your car is at make a left that puts us on harbor boulevard i like to take a right through the sizzler because this is probably the only time i'm ever gonna be at the at the sizzler i think i was at a sizzler one time back when i was a kid i think it's buffet style in the news recently there was a fight that broke out out of sizzler because they ran out of steak there's one thing that scissor doesn't need to run out of its stake but if there's one thing people need to calm down about it's steak jesus imagine getting a fist fight because the steak ran out you got to be hungry none about steak and sizzle we're heading back to the courthouse right now and then boom courthouse parking lot jam-packed not because the courthouse is open because people like to ride this loop look how crowded that is people like bikes and that's nothing wrong with that all right you guys that's where i'm going to leave you don't forget to like subscribe if you like the video more trail guides coming in the near future i told you i'm going back to redo some of these i'll see you next time
Channel: The Outsider MTB
Views: 5,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theoutsider, mtb, mtbr, mountain, mountainbike, mountainbiking, mountainbiker, california, socal, orangecounty, singletrack, bikecrash, bikefail, gopro, review, strava, outdoors, traveling, exploring, sethsbikehacks, skillswithphil, bkxc, punter, loamranger, riding, cycling, remedy, pinkbike, ytindustries, capra, capraelite, ytjeffsy, ytizzo, ytcapra, singletracksampler, enduro, downhill, crosscountry, besttrails, biking, roadtrip, travel, outside, allmountain, bikepark, skypark, snowsummit, snowvalley
Id: Rzo43A3QZ6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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