Best "Beast Mode" Moments in Football History ᴴᴰ

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[Music] [Applause] Harris inside the building contractor [Applause] catch and run but I gather we just talked about 42 yards for dodging Harris [Applause] another completion [Applause] Stanback snaps in bag Anthony Chompy just got trucked freshman versus freshman listen that should be targeting on stand back what just happened I mean oh man third and 14 situation Vegas playing the game for the Ravens offense Flacco looking way near side across his body with the Foley's [Applause] 80 yards Baltimore with its lead ahead of Miami in the East and now the Raiders [Applause] you know this like Muhammad Ali or something so fast so sharp and hit so quick that you stunned the guys trying to tackle [Applause] david johnson cuts it back and is able to slip away from everybody and look at this run David Johnson ran through the entire Eagle defense all the way touched it in the end zone yeah the officials confirm he gets across the goal line Wow everybody had a shot to get him that may be one of the best runs we have seen all year Larry Fitzgerald out there on the point Darrin fells but it looks like he's down everybody sort of stops on the play right there and then he just runs through everybody else head Reynolds the last and Biggers keeps his balance ah you know that's worthy of beastmode there there are three of their tail backs are over seven yards per carry average Frazier more numbers more yards to those moving they don't have them yet but get Tommy Frazier how many tackles get one man break touchdown seventy-five yards went um over 200 on the night a career-high there's 43 yard line and it's Barry Sanders take advantage of touchdown watch through the right side Marcy's got a shot Roper's got a shot single Terry's got a shot Carriere had a shot he let him go and now you can just forget him lofts it up has O'Grady first down inside the 40 still on his feet down to the 30 are you kidding me he's gonna take it to the end zone what a job by Cheyenne O'Grady 62 yards sorry no pain hurts a linebacker who does not want to be in space and all this just walking right here he's got five six Colorado State players around him trying to bring him down and the effort and attitude for him to get through all these different tackles here they have you said it right oh my god nobody can bring down Cheyenne O'Grady here what a big play for Arkansas sorry over the top the pass is complete for a first down Adrian Peterson takes it inside the 30 to the 26 yard line 29 yard pass play that man right there Adrian Peterson look at that shot goodness that is a linebacker shot right there maybe this guy could play both ways you know what all the advantage went to William [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if we say that he won the Walter Payton he will resemble Sweden this is his quote the sweetness that you're going to get on the college level maybe even upper level watch the tackles that he breaks in and watch the determination at the end he dishes out punishment there keeps his balance now even at the end where there's nothing left [Music] Syracuse brings the Blitz they do come out throwing Maguire has time knowing the deep ball is Travis Rudolph weaving through the traffic delivering a stiff arm and scoring for Florida State so there's all [Applause] money you ran right through two men personal ram baptism cornet into the secondary [Applause] 22 yards all's I can think about is Herschel Walker on that Tennessee run right there how about bad and it was Howard Matthews who is a talker and Howard Matthews brings the heat yeah from the secondary level but Leonard fournette on that run guys watching the division this is supposed to go to the right side cuts it back business enough possessions hey Jay Dylan down the sideline Dylan trying to - to the end zone for the Eagles and he's gone hey Jay Dylan fourth rushing TD of the game and it's seven beats and one for 75 Watts this one now he's gonna skate to the edge he runs through the tackle gyre Alexander get off me he just throws the defender off his back 22 is Chuckie Williams was he's guarded by Dylan and the speed you know somewhere in the game he thought with a set of down gets him running going and put the score down but it's been wide open three star first the hole at the middle it's free [Applause] the 20 touchdown 96 yards to win the game in the first half of the three nothing lead Winston Benjamin again inside the 30 wakes attacker painted it inside the 15 [Applause] he is he first down Vance McDonald and he keeps his warning can he get there 75 yard touchdown McDonald you kidding me Wow he just ran over Chris Conte watch him right here McDonald he's uncovered he's on the back side he's got that little corner out and what a stiff arm we've been waiting for him to get going he's had an injury look at that right there first and ten for the Oilers recovering that block kick there down to the RAM 22 just the start of the fourth quarter 10 3 Los Angeles [Applause] oh wow [Applause] [Music] well up here beautiful running well mr. Robertson tremendous around I'm still thinking [Applause] tony dorsett why did you hate rabbits Earl Campbell is strong shoulders into your teeth [Music] he get LSU touch name [Applause] Norsemen riches there is for that lead Walker he's in his secondary that guy's chaps back run another touchdown for net [Applause] [Music] [Applause] man oh man [Applause] and again sidestepping stays on his feet he breaks another tackle through slavery [Applause] touchdown on Jeff's spectacular Chris Ivory 31 yards tremenda Furth [Music] [Applause] [Music] you'll never see 46-yard right now Roger Craig is the best running back in the league I can see why you know he has that thing of giving those knees high and keeping the shoulders low and he makes every team looked like they're bad tackler watch wave gets that line me action keeps those feet going like two Pistons then at the same time that the knees are going high and keep it going his shoulder can get low to take on a cackler that total breaking into the open field and shoves away subs away and blasts his way out of the end zone a spectacular run by the most spectacular runner in the NFL Adrian Peterson Wow that this guy is special and and the great Jim Brown we just talked about when you see a guy like this crank office now first down for Tampa Bay they needed that completion of Bend and now they get a good run from he won't go down LeGarrette Blount one of the best of the Year LeGarrette Blount all the way and he broke tackles and every step [Applause] by the second year back out of Oregon that is unbelievable initially Desmond Bishop 55 is right in the hole for what would have been basically no gain and then there's five or six guys that that have a chance to make a play on him that's just pure effort right there by LeGarrette Blount a big bag six foot 250 pounds worth resembled Marshawn Lynch last year in that playoff game against the New Orleans Saints and 54 yards he fought there the each must have twisted and knock beautiful guys over spun around accelerated Drive starts at the one I'm looking for little breathing room and they get that and 20 more Derrick Henry still going stays inbounds he might go 99 yards but you're gonna see that Jaguars they collapse on that left side and Derek Henry's just able to find a little bit of a crease and then if he's able to get down that sidelines 99 yards images of Tony Dorsett on Monday Night Football right there boy he just threw coy way away right there and was not gonna be [Music] some high-steppin into shifty maneuvering and peterson tries to stay inbounds maybe she stayed inbounds [Applause] Marshawn Lynch 79 yards unless he stepped out and you saw Peterson come over not to make the tackle but just try to strip on it's not quite the earthquake run but it's close they've got three defensive linemen right in the center this is all Marshawn Lynch and Peterson one of the fastest guys goes to try and strip the ball out Rashad Johnson it's unbelievable honestly it's unbelievable I won't care if he ever talks to the media watching that guy play is remarkably here's the key right here right foot in clearly left in right in and off he goes to the longest run of his career one of the greatest plays I've ever seen right there an individual effort sick literally physically every call that sick that is absolutely spectacular and he does it all the time what has ant Anstead done for you lately about silent now as opposed to when the Saints have the ball oh look at this one Marshawn Lynch pest blockers now he's dancing his way to the touch watch him cut it back and you're going to see all kinds of people sprinting down the field to help him he breaks the tackle of Shanley runs through sharper runs through a dowel runs through Jabari Greer get off me he says to Tracy Porter look all the way down the field Hasselbeck all the offensive linemen are you kidding me Columbus is down the field 78 Columbus the offensive guard the quarterback Hasselbeck was 30 yards down the field look at the hustle by Palumbo's here he is right here Hasselbeck michael williams lochley look at that Locklear and Hasselbeck coming up from behind are you kidding me
Channel: the CNtaco
Views: 1,037,071
Rating: 4.8615527 out of 5
Keywords: football, college football, football highlights, football history, stiff arms, trucks, broken tackles, tackle breaking runs, best ever, greatest, best touchdowns, cntaco, the cntaco, jukes, nastiest jukes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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