Best Apple Art Wins $5,000 Challenge!

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i just bought every single apple at the grocery store we have five artists and a ton of apples whoever has the best art has a chance to win up to five thousand dollars per subscriber and i'll buy you a ton of apple pie artist each one of you can start out by choosing 30 apples go also the four hours just started i think i'm just gonna grab a bunch of apples all different shapes and sizes there are a lot of apples to choose from and whoever loses has to stare at this apple for one hour that's not gonna be too fun i don't know why people like green apples they're so sour jake did you just bruise one of the apples what if i did then i'm calling the cops viv choose someone michelle jake choose someone dizzy drake uh misha ken viv who did you choose michelle michelle give a topic piano all right viv you have to make a piano izzy give jake a topic all right jake you're making a dog themed apple sculpture jake give michelle a topic uh squirrel and a cowboy hat michelle give mackenzie a topic piano again yeah i'm gonna see see who has a better piano yeah all right mackenzie all right izzy who did you pick oh all right okay that's cool all right so izzy your sculpture needs to have something to do with farts so obviously we're gonna have a lot of apples left over so we're either going to give it to a food bank or just give it to whoever wants more apples here you go jake thanks all right everyone know the topic i better see some amazing farts pianos squirrels and cowboy hats and dogs and you may be thinking mackenzie izzy viv they're all threatening competitors this round but in case you guys forgot last time we did the watermelon challenge michelle actually won michelle you're the fruit champion why did you not list me as a threatening no opponent [Music] all right there so i heard you're struggling a bit what is the plan i wanted to make a big piano using all the apples but i just don't know how i'm going to put them together i think i'm going to do a dog holding on the plan right now is to make the squirrel on the couch with the cowboy hat first my card little apple guys i see everyone going pretty small right now keep in mind you have 30 apples and you could win more so for this challenge it might be good to go big kids this challenge is a friendly reminder to eat your fruits viv take an apple jake take an apple michelle take an apple kenzie take an apple there you go my cat first person who finishes the apple wins something last person also wins something go oh mackenzie and viv are chopping them up jake you even eat slow i eat so slow okay all my friends know all right that's good enough izzy izzy's first all right that's good enough jake good job michelle good job mackenzie viv it looks like you came in last all right good job izzy this box is yours you get more apples izzy this is like 50 to 60 apples right here viv since you came in last you get applesauce three two one i'm scared jake is savoring every drop oh jake you squirted your sauce all over the wall [Music] tell me how your piece is going so far it's going okay i'm just carving a bunch of little apple bottoms well so far i've built the piano and the bench i have a cowboy hat and then i have the squirrel tail and that's about it i'm doing a demon dog typically like he's got some gnarly that actually looks pretty good probably gonna put a tennis ball in his mouth or something else because he's a demon dog so we'll see i finished my piano i think i'm gonna do multiple instruments to make an earthquake so we're about to do a challenge and one person will decide the fate of everyone here here's what's gonna happen you will all have three minutes to go bobbing for apples whoever gets the most will decide everyone's fates it's outside go three minutes started already yeah three minutes already started okay oh they've already got one all right so apparently you either gotta press it on the side get the stem or you gotta suck it all right come on [Music] jake you didn't get any yet oh my goodness izzy you already have three [Music] how do you do this all right two minutes left oh you only have one i can't do it michelle you're very good you're doing every last video oh my goodness jake has seven three two one stop oh my goodness one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen jake off fifteen did anyone beat fifteen five mackenzie had five michelle you had one how much is yours to the side baby four izzy how many do you have ten jake follow me jake you're about to get a huge advantage here's your list of advantages there are five of you you get it apply this to each person okay one artist will get to do any topic they want and that's me okay mackenzie you have to do 10 minutes of wall sits viv you will have 50 burpees michelle you will be tossing 100 apples into a bucket and izzy you will be helping me for 30 minutes oh okay hi everyone get to whatever you're supposed to be doing izzy had a valiant effort in the uh apple bombing competition so i decided to go easy on her 100 apple throws this is gonna take forever [Applause] mckenzie your pianist is jacked he got some work done oh you also gave him nipples all right michelle [Music] huh all right whoa jake that's actually sick oh whoa that's cool boys and girls come with me you will all take turns trying to toss that apple in the bucket let's just say you're gonna want to get it in all right izzy go for it oh not quite izzy oh he almost hit the camera man oh mackenzie's got one oh that wasn't even close michelle all right everyone get back to work except for mckenzie you see this knife you're going to be able to go up to one person's art and go one swift chop there you go jake no mckenzie jake any last words before mackenzie chops your art just get it over with mackenzie [Music] i think i'm so sorry jake if you work fast you might be able to still pull this off come on get back to work i believe in you jake vlog about um how you're gonna salvage it don't think i'm gonna salvage it [Music] five four three two one time's up right viv so who gave you the topic of a piano tell me what you did with it i decided to make an orchestra show and then i made three instruments and then dax is conducting the show the big show of the orchestra viv i really really liked the instruments you made especially the top of this piano which you dropped let me tell you this it looks absolutely incredible this top part very nice details on there i did a kind of slug monster type creature it has a shell on the back it has a tongue and there's a little person i guess prey in there tongue is like textured it has little claws because they sliced through its face and they exploded so i had to piece it back together lost some teeth in the process honestly i'm kind of surprised you recovered from that looking at it from over here i can't tell that someone chopped through the head i'm not gonna lie the the eyes really bring it to life so this is probably one of your stronger pieces so jake gave me the topic of squirrel with a cowboy hat so that's what i did and the squirrel was really lonely so i made him some [Music] it's not bad i actually like your swans quite a lot i think the swans came out nice i feel like you could have polished up the squirrel a little bit more well i wasn't expecting to do a squirrel with a cowboy hat michelle gave me the topic of doing a piano i built a piano and then this is pierre the bodybuilder guest looks so bad because he's like playing in very emotional song i'm very creative i i like the piano one of the keys looks kind of off yeah it's because he's playing so aggressively because he doesn't know his own strength mckenzie not gonna lie the proportions will look a little bit off very creative mackenzie all right so mackenzie gave me the topic of farts i wanted to create an explosion of farts which was my initial idea but i was like okay where'd farts come from but so i i carved a bunch of butts and i also carved this cute little character head so i was like oh my gosh i'm gonna make a ninja obviously izzy your story is kind of falling apart no no no it's an interesting design i like the creativity thank you but is he having nothing but butts as body parts to mason look a little peculiar now it's time for eliminations first person that's getting eliminated today my friend isabella i'm sorry izzy you're eliminated next person that's getting eliminated all right mackenzie i'm eliminating you all right michelle i'm gonna have to eliminate you i'm sorry viv and jake and the winner of our annual apple carving competition is jake i thought you were done after mckenzie chopped it in half but you kind of put the face back together pretty well i thought it was done too honestly i was just about to walk away but then i was like you know what i have nothing better to do right now so good job jake you just won our apple competition everyone else this is an apple go ahead start staring at it if anyone talks from now on that's an extra 10 minutes one literally one word will be 10 minutes can we talk that's an extra 30 minutes viv are you joking y'all are done y'all are done jake for winning you get this apple pie it looks gross wow dick and jake do you see something i like this apple pie jake in there is 500 for you to keep thank you zachary you're welcome we may or may not have messed around with the apple pie a little bit are you saying i shouldn't be actually eating it no please don't need to jake okay you're about to win money for someone who presses subscribe in the next 10 days we're gonna play five rounds of rock paper scissors each time you beat me that's a thousand dollars to one person who subscribes rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot all right one thousand dollars rock paper scissors shoot oh two thousand you win two grand for someone who subscribes so subscribe subscribe for the two grand jake got [Music] you
Channel: ZHC Crafts
Views: 6,412,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Bs9XeoA-Gxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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