Best AI Detector & Humanizer: Humanize AI Text and Bypass AI Detection with Humbot

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so in this video here we're going to take a look at how we can do research with that chat and make the responses and output more humanlike we're going to use a tool called hbot AI which is basically just an AI detector and humanizer to bypass AI detections but it can also be used for research if you want to write notes about specific things we can basically just take our responses from chat DBT format it and humanize it with the other AI tools you can produce AI generate content with both chat gbt cloth free and also Gemini but this video we're going to use chat to do research so the first thing here that we're going to do is open up a Wikipedia page about the Transformer architecture for the Deep learning model this is the building block the whole architecture basically running every single last language model out there both the detectors the AI detectors the lar language models Gemini gbt and all those models they Ed the Transformer architecture onto the hood so right now we want to do some research again we want to have some spefic specific notes we want to generate summaries and so on that we can go over instead of reading these boring Wikipedia pages but it can also be any other web page document or whatever we just throw it into chat TT and make it help us let's just scroll a bit down to the act like architecture I'm just going to copy paste all the text here so I'm basically just going to grab all of it let's scroll a bit further down so we have our decoder let's end it off there and we scroll all the way up here at the top so right now I'm just going to copy it let's go in inside chat gbt we open up a new window with the new gbt 4 Omni model gbt 4 so right now we're just going to make it do the research for us write the notes do the omary and then we can learn about it after that and just make it more human-like to read it afterwards so right now I'm just going to prompt it to be able to do that so so right now I've just copy pasted the whole prompt and also the text directly into chat DT so we have all of this here let's see if it's actually able to go in and do the research for us and also just put out the whole format so right now we can see just out of the box the response from chat TBT is very AI generated it looks very robotic it is just step by step and it's not really good you can copy paste this directly into the notes so let's trying to make it a bit more real so it will be easier to go through and also if you need to do a ton of research preparing for exams or just looking into new areas that you don't have just have to like sit and read all this AI generated text can also be used for like just bypassing AI detectors and so on for plagarism free content or if you're producing content blog post video scripts and so on right now we're just going to grab all of this let's now throw it into the AI detectors before we go in and humanize it so the first one that I'm going to test out is originality doai I also have another video where we basically just covered the bypass gbt tool so right now I'm just going to hit scan now we will get the detections in just a second or the results if it's air generated or if it's human likee already while it's procing it let's just go and throw it through the other tool so we also have gbt Z I'm going to run the scan you can also upload files and so on and we can pass way more characters into it here we have Ser DBT we detect the text content at scale we can do the exact same thing so here we're just testing a bunch of different AI content detectors and then we can goad and humanize it with homard AI before we pass it through the other detectors as well hum AI is also going to run these checks here but it is also good to just go in manually do the checks to make sure that it works so right now we can see we get all of these scores the human score is 38% so that is very low this wouldn't be able to pass an AI detector likely AI generator the first part here and unlikely AI generator here at the end but it is still a very low human score if you look at content at scale it passes as human actually because it's just it is still very simple explanations it's only like a single sentence but it still Flags some of it as highly likely to be AI generated and here we can see that it says most of your text is AI gbt generated with a 30 almost 33% AI gbt generated and we can see DBT 40 91% probability that this is AI generated and it pretty pretty much just Flags everything in here the last one is originality AI which we processed in the start 100% II sa% original it Flags everything here as red with a confidence score above 90% so let now going to take a look at this humbard AI tool it is basically just an AI detector and humanizer to bypass AI detections I'm just going to paste in the exact same code we have some Advanced options if you want to do it quick enhanced and also Advanced I'm just going to go with the advanced mode we humanize it first of all you can also just detect AI content it's going to run through all the checks that we just did but even though you're running the checks in here make sure that you manually verify it with some of the other detected as well your content is very likely AI generated here we see this is the symbol for 50% human ridden human ridden so only Rider and cross plaque flag it as human ridden and we have copyed leaks as AI generated where the other ones thinks that this is both human generated and also AI generated so right now we have the detections we can humanize it it's just going to take a few seconds it's not going to change the context of your text it understands it reasons and then it goes in and humanizes your text so right now we can see we have our humanized version in this article it's going to basically just do some reformatting and basically just divide it up instead of having these individual chunks and do a better summary while putting in some words which are more humanlike compared to the AI responses from chat DT and this is the exact same thing if you're using chat DT CLA free Gemini whatever last language model that you're using to generate context it won't be able to bypass these AI detectors so right now we can see that the output content seems to be human ridden let's now copy it and let's go in and test out the other tools as well so now we're going to run a new scan with originality AI we scan it and we can run it through all the other detectors as well so if you just take a look at the result from originality doai we can see that pretty much everything is flaged as green if you go a bit further down we can see here something at the bottom it flags that as AI generated just because it's like listing different types of models as bird and DPT so it has an 83% originality score and this is also because we only have like 600 words if you have more words it will of course be easier to go in and humanize it and so on and pass these AI detectors but this one here here is passing if we take a look at the gbt 01 2% probability that this is AI generated so this is very good 2% AI 98% human if we take a look at the zero gbt 0% AI gbt generated content your text is human written content at scale passes as human we only have a few Flags here at the bottom as we also had with originality Ai and also in the top here as well but pretty much everything is then GRE green if we take a look at the last tool it is Winston Ai and it has 90% human score so that is also pretty cool and unlikely air generated everything is marked in green down here at the bottom so this is pretty cool this is how you can bypass a detector humanize it make it more human both so it will be easier to read so thank you guys for watch this video here definitely go in and check those tools out I think it's really useful for doing research don't use this tool to cheat don't use it for research p papers if you're writing reports and so on also assignments for school don't use it to cheat use it to make yourself more efficient generate content and also make your AI generated text more humanlike check out the tools and then I'll just see you guys in one of the upcoming videos until then Happy learning so we also have an AI career program if you want to learn how to land AI jobs and get AI freelance work I teach you everything in there we have programs all my technical courses weekly live calls personal help and I would love to have you guys in there help you out in any possible way you can check out the program down description and the community and then I'll just see you guys in there
Channel: Nicolai Nielsen
Views: 5,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai detection, bypass ai content detection, how to bypass ai content detection, ai tools, artificial intelligence, chat gpt, bypass ai content detector, ai detector bypass, large language model, ai detection tool, bypass ai detection, ai detection bypass, ai tools for content creation, bypass ai detector free, ai content detection bypass, how to bypass ai content detector, ai content detection bypass tool, bypass ai detection free, meta ai, llama 3, ai detection tool free
Id: Im4MwcJiKHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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