BEST 20 DIYs of 2020 | Farmhouse Decor | Dollar Tree DIYs | Holiday Decor

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hey crafty peeps i'm so excited about this video top 20 of 2020 let's just get right into it for the next project we're gonna make some wall art although you could just set it on your counter as well i grabbed this charger and this wooden spoon and fork from the dollar tree what i love about that charger is you don't have to do anything to it looks great all on its own [Music] now i'm gonna add some black paint to these um one of my little methods is i just squirt paint right onto what i'm gonna paint kind of helps uh make it a little easier i tend to uh skirt too much paint um on paper wherever i put it when i do it that way this kind of just helps me not waste paint [Music] i'll set those aside to dry and now i've printed these out print these out cut these out on my cricut this is only the second project i've made with my cricut and i struggled a little bit here i think maybe i don't have the right transfer paper i'm not sure i struggled a little bit with these smaller words getting them all unstuck so i kind of spared you my process there and i will show you how i do it with the word love because that one was way easier and i just stick it to the middle of my plate when my kids were little uh they would say mom this tastes so good at dinner and i would say you know why you want to know what the secret ingredient is and they'd be like what was it and i'd say it was love and so when i saw this quote i was like that is exactly what i need in my kitchen because that is always what i tell my kids i made it extra special because i put love in it [Music] [Music] now it's time to add the spoon and fork i will do this again with both e6000 and hot glue to keep it in place lastly i will add the bow and the project is done and i love love love this i hung it on my wall with some command strips and voila as you can hear my dog is in the background saying hello and sometimes you might see her in and out of the frame but she's my little sidekick and she doesn't want to go too far from mama [Music] i just want to take a moment and thank you all for this amazing year of 2020. i just started this channel in april of 2020 and it has just taken me into the most amazing community of people between you guys my viewers and other amazing youtubers it is such an amazing community i just want to thank you all for being amazing of viewers you leave me the sweetest comments and it just really means a lot to me and i'm so happy to be on this journey of sharing craft tutorials because it really is my favorite thing to do and so i'm so glad that i can do this as a job now because it's just it's my dream job so thank you for helping me achieve that now one thing i would like to say as we move through this video is it all has original voiceovers so you'll hear me say this first project or this last project when it's really not the first or the last so you know keep that in mind as you move through this video and also as i said i'm a new to youtube this year and i played around a lot with how i filmed and edited so sometimes you'll see it over my shoulder sometimes you'll see it upside down and sometimes you'll see it see it right side up so please keep that in mind i know it'll go back and forth but i think i've found my groove now and again i'm just i'm just so blessed to be here so let's get moving on through the rest of these top diys to make this faux birchwood candle holder this is a new item that i just found at dollar tree recently along with this lightweight speckling also from dollar tree and i'm just gonna start grabbing some of this and rubbing it onto this i guess this would probably be a pencil holder um it was in their craft section and it's really nice looking i mean they also had it in square and so i'm just going to just push it down and it doesn't stick super gray you're going to see little pieces fall off but if you just take your fingertips push down and just go slowly around it it does stick and it will look so neat just wait and see [Music] and once it's dried i'm going to go ahead and take a piece of sandpaper and i am going to lightly and i mean very lightly sand this down it has a really neat texture but there's some little pokies and things so i'm just barely touching it with the sandpaper and it just smooths it out perfectly [Music] and now i'm going to cover it with a cashew colored paint from waverly and i'm just going to put that around the whole thing and this kind of seals it in kind of helps with the dust that was coming off of it and now i'm going to take hazelnut and i'm just going to make a very light line onto this and this is where we're going to make that faux birch wood and at first i found that i was using a too thick of a a brush i end up switching it out but it's okay if you make a little bit of a mistake like i just did it actually i end up doing it more on purpose because it makes just a deeper brown going around it and it makes it look like it has some depth so here i just go for that really straight tipped brush and it makes for the lines to be much thinner so i'm just going to play around here i'm going to go around making these little marks and then i'm going to darken up some spots and then lastly i'm going to make that work kind of looks like the wood is peeling away and you reveal kind of that dark black [Music] spot [Music] so [Music] here's where i just do that little darker spot i play around with some of the colors to give it that depth and just how the birchwood looks to finish off i just put this little piece of pool noodle in and some of this spanish moss on top you really could put anything you want inside this just seemed to fit perfect and then once that's on there i just let put this little battery operated tea light right on top and set it inside and it made the cutest and most rustic looking birchwood candle holder i found this amazing tabasco i always say tabasco tobacco basket at hobby lobby for 3.99 on one of their clearance specials and it says it was normally like 49.99 i don't think that could possibly be true because i don't think these really go for that much but anyhow i was very excited to get this for 3.99 it is the exact colors that i want so grab this family uh mdf sign from the dollar tree and i will use that and i will also use this um windmill also from hobby lobby it's actually a christmas ornament and i bought it on sale last christmas i've been holding on to it for a special project but it was normally i want to see it was normally like five dollars and i got it for like two dollars and then i'm gonna use some of this lambs here and some of this ribbon also from hobby lobby that i do believe i also got on a clearance at christmas time i love a clearance shopping so definitely check out those clearance sales that's how i stock up on ribbon and all those things okay so i'm going to cover this family sign here in the rust-oleum linen chalk paint and i will give that a couple coats once i decide how i want everything to look i will go ahead and glue everything down now the windmill i just used hot glue but i do suggest using it in combination with some e6000 it'll just give it that extra adhesive especially if it's something a little heavier and so i do use both e6000 and hot glue on the family sign and again i do recommend that and then i'm just setting my paint can on top just to give it some weight to help it stay glued down into my tobacco basket and while i'm giving that some time to adhere i'm and go ahead and make my ribbon now when i have ribbon that only has the pattern on one side this is my preferred way to make the ribbon so i don't have any of that other side showing through so what i do is i make a long strip and i fold it over and glue it basically making a circle and then i will cut another strip just slightly smaller than the first one and that will form the bow part and i will go ahead and push those together and i will tie them in the middle and that is how i will make my bow [Music] [Music] i'll lay the shorter one on top of the longer one i'll fold it in half to find my center and then i'll go ahead and take a little piece of twine and i will tie that around the middle and i'll give that a double knot and i just kind of fluff my bow around and then i will cut two strips that will become the tails and i'll just go ahead and pinch those together at the top and glue them to my bow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and while that's drying i'm going to go ahead and attach my bow and then i have the lambs here that i'll go ahead and just insert underneath my bow i always do the bow first because i find that sometimes if i do my leaves first things don't add up so go ahead and just glue the leaves and just kind of push them under the bow and then once this project is dry it is complete [Music] i am so excited that i was able to score some of these amazing calendars that the dollar tree put out this year they're so so good as you can see look there's some really cute easter each holiday has like really good designs that you can rip out and mod podge i got like three different calendars and they're so good i hope the lemons lemons are so cute bless our nest we all love that be kind these are all amazing signs that you can make out of this calendar so since i'm doing one for my bedroom i went ahead and chose the one that talked about love and not only does it talk about love but it is in my color scheme which is grays and whites and so i'm going to use it on this project now this calendar the pages are very thin and so i personally worry a little bit about mod podge just because it can cause quite a bit of wrinkles if you get it too wet um i have heard that you can still mod bottom don't get scared but i just want to make sure i didn't have too many wrinkles so i just use a glue stick and then i got this at target in their clearance section for a little over three dollars and this little wood palette sign and i just have been saving it for a special special project and this is it again my favorite chalk paint this rust-oleum lemon paint i got this off amazon about seven months ago i don't know if you can see in there how much is left but i tell you what such a good deal because i use it all the time and it has so much left still but it's just a really good white it's a little bit off-white and it dries well i just love everything about this paint can which is good because i have a lot of it all right so like i said i didn't mod podge i went ahead and just used a glue stick and like i said the paper is really thin so i went ahead and glued it down on a piece of cardboard this is actually the cardboard that came inside the calendar so that worked out great and then i'll go ahead and i'll just trim it all down and then once i get that done i will go ahead and use my hot glue gun and trim a trim glue the piece of cardboard down to my palette sign i'm gonna take some more of this eucalyptus um stem that i got from walmart as you can see i've already used it sometimes and i still have plenty left so for 1.99 i'm really getting my money's worth so i'm just gonna cut off two branches um to give the top of my um sign here a cute little look let me use three of these um ribbons that i picked up from the dollar tree the burlap ribbon the green i think they say gross green if i'm saying that right grogan i don't know one of those and then actually i should say this last one is not from the dollar tree it's a little gray gingham um but dollar tree does carry similar ribbon so i'm going to go ahead and i will make some ribbons out of those and add that to the top of my sign with my eucalyptus and this sign will be complete super easy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so for this first project i grabbed some of these wood boards from my scrap pile i buy my scrap wood on facebook marketplace because a lot of carpenters and whatnot and they sell what they have left over and i just buy like a crate for a certain amount so it works out great so i went ahead and i painted them all white with my rust-oleum linen white paint and i'm going to take the three different sizes here and those are going to be my pumpkins then i went into my um cricut design space and i decided how big i wanted the letters and then i went ahead and i cut out vinyl i used the font aphasia bt and i did three and a half inches tall by three inches wide and i will link that down below so you will have the spelling and everything and then i'm gonna go ahead and i'm just gonna put my vinyl down and peel it up and that will put the letters down on my pumpkins i thought this looked so high-end however if you don't have a cricut machine you can use stickers you can paint the letters yourself either way loved how it looked okay so now i'm gonna take some of the dollar store has these wood um pieces i found one bag one time and what i wouldn't give to find a whole bunch of them so i really hope you guys can find them because these make the best pumpkin tops however don't despair because i think a lot of us have sticks in our yards that could easily work so i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to add some e6000 on there and hot glue and i do that because the hot glue kind of gives it an instant adhering and the e6000 gives it a more permanent adhesive so go ahead and i will put those on the tops of my three pumpkins i'm using the wired jute from dollar tree and i realized i said dollar store in the last one but i meant dollar tree dollar tree all around i don't have a dollar store dollar tree okay so i'm taking the wired you and i'm just going to wrap it around a pen anything you have and i'm just going to make the little curlicues that will come out of the pumpkin stems and i'll make three of those [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as you can see i just add a little hot glue to the tips so that my jute does not fray i grabbed these leaf ornaments from dollar tree and i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna grab three of those and i'm gonna give them a wood stain look with the waverly antique wax and i just i love this product because it gives it that that like i said stain look and then grab a little bit of this wood filler and i'm gonna fill in um the holes here to my ornaments since they're not going to be ornaments um and so this will just fill those holes after it dries i just give it a light sanding to get it smooth and then i will paint [Music] them [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now it's time to start attaching things so i take my little curlicues and i just lightly wrap them around the stem i don't want to cause too much weight on that stem so i just lightly put it on there and then i'll dab a little glue on it and then i'll go ahead and obviously i'm going to put a little hot glue on my leaf and i will put that down and then i'm just going to take some of these ribbons that i've picked up some are from dollar tree actually i think all of these ones are from dollar tree and i'll just make some bows and i will just spruce this up as you see the lighting changes in the video right there that means that one of my kids has walked into my studio and opened the door wide and it's beautiful light but it's way way way way way too hot to have that door open where i live it's about 105 degrees so really trying to get those fall vibes uh come in because i am tired of this hot weather okay and i'm also just going to add a little bit of raffia with my bows just to give it a little bit more of that rusticness and once all of these are decorated to my liking i will go ahead and i will put my pumpkins on the last board the fourth board um to make it a stand [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for this project i grabbed one of these windmills from the dollar tree this um just some scrapbook paper from hobby lobby this is just a piece of foam core board that i already cut and these letters that i also cut and you can see here i just printed them out on my printer and then i just hand cut these out i will give a link so that you can do these yourself you could also use your cricut or silhouette machine but i wanted to make something that any of you could do these two metal um gosh i don't know what you would call in these metal signs i guess i purchased at walmart you get two different sizes they come in a pack of two and i want to say it's like four dollars it's really inexpensive and so we're going to use this for the back of our sign today first i'm going to dismantle the welcome part off of this sign as well as the chain [Music] do [Music] do this windmill has a bluish tint to it and it just kind of looks a little cheap and well it is from the dollar tree so i am just putting a light coat of gray paint over the top just to kind of dull it give it more of a rustic look and i really like how it turned out it really helped dull the blue and just make it look a little bit more metal [Music] [Music] i measured out 11 by 11 on this the foam board and that's what i cut this too that'll give me a nice metal border when i put it down on that metal piece so i'm gonna go ahead and just take some double stick tape you can use glue anything i just i kind of like double stick tape because it's not that messy and then i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to wrap the scrapbook paper around the foam cardboard [Music] i use mod podge around the edges here to wrap the paper around and secure it and then i just use regular scotch tape to double secure it [Music] [Music] now i'm going to place everything down kind of decide where it's going to go and i decided not to use a little middle button on the windmill i kind of liked it without it so i'm going to go ahead and find where i want these to lay and then i will go ahead and mod podge the letters down onto my board [Music] do [Music] do [Music] now i'm going to glue my foam board down to my metal sign and i just want to keep in mind there's the raised portions and then there's the valley so the mountains and the valleys of this thing so you can only put the glue on the mountain parts the upper parts hope that makes sense and then i'll go ahead and glue my windmill on and this project is [Music] complete [Music] do [Music] for this first project we're going to use this piece on earth unfinished wood sign from dollar tree one of their christmas signs we'll use the back and i grabbed some of these bells they were on clarence last year at joann's some twine some of these um ornaments from walmart and some antique wax and some white chalk paint a little bit of wood filler and then uh just any leaf or christmas pick that you find so first i'm just going to prep this sign i'm going to use a little wood filler here on these little circles so that it will look like one complete sign once that dries and i can sand it down then i will paint the whole sign with chalk paint while that wood filler dries i will go ahead and paint this sign with the antique wax this stuff works so great it looks like stain and it goes on really quick and dries really quick and i just use a light hand not too heavy again i want it to look like stain [Music] now i'll just give this a light sand and cover this with white chalk paint again i'm going to use a light hand i'm not going to fully cover the sign i'm going to kind of leave some spots that you can see the brown through it because i really want this to have kind of a distressed rustic look now i'm just going to attach this piece on earth sign and i am going to make it go all the way to the right because on the left we are going to decorate that side [Music] first i'm going to take some of this twine and i'm going to wrap it around several times i believe i do about three times here and then i'll just tie it off in the back [Music] i got this gorgeous pick from michaels in the grab bag last year i literally got like 15 of these in a five dollar grab bag it was amazing and i want to say they're like 20 retail which is crazy to me but i just go ahead and i clip off a couple different types of leaves that were on there just to kind of find the one that i like best and i go ahead and i pick this one and so i will um glue that down and then i grab one of these wooden looking ornaments from walmart i am loving their ornaments this year these little tiny ones they make amazing embellishments and so i'm just going to take this one here that looks like a tree and i think just fits absolutely perfect and then again one of these bells from joanne's again i got these on clearance last year i bought so many things like on super super clearance so this project is actually super inexpensive to make so make sure you catch those after sales in january and get some good stuff for next year so once i kind of decide that i like my design i'll go ahead and attach everything down [Music] so lastly i'll just cut some of this wrapping paper from dollar tree just to finish off the back of the sign [Music] now on to the tear tray for this project you're going to need two picture frames you're going to need some needle nose pliers you're going to need paint some e6000 and a candlestick i picked this candlestick up at a garage sale and they're usually easy to find at thrift stores you're also going to need some thin cardboard pieces and this is going to help with getting your frame flat again now for this project we are going to use the back of the frames because we want a flat surface so just like in the previous project i'm going to take off all the hardware and ickiness off the back so that i have a nice flat surface then i'm going to take my flat piece of cardboard cardstock i guess it's not cards it's what comes with cardstock so just a little bit thicker and i'm going to trace around that and then cut it out now i used my paper cutter to get this out because i wanted a really nice solid cut so straight but you can do this with a x-acto knife and ruler or if you're really good with scissors cutting it out but for me i just wanted to make sure it was a perfect cut [Music] and now i'm going to attach my thin piece of cardboard to my backing and then i will attach that back into the frame [Music] and now i will repeat those steps for my second frame [Music] and now it's time to cover these frames in paint once again i used chalk paint in linen white i ordered this paint from amazon and it has lasted me for a lot of projects so a big old can of this is highly recommended you're just gonna put this on generously on all parts of the frame except you don't you can do the bottom if you like and it took me two coats to get these to the coverage that i wanted and then of course i'm covering my candlestick once my frames and candlestick are dry i am now going to distress the whole project and so i take a little bit of black paint and i use a dry brush and i get just a small amount on my brush and then i start lightly wiping it on to my frame now you're going to while you watch me paint this here um like i said i'm using just a light hand and taking my time um to give it that distressed look i just also want to thank you guys so much for watching and subscribing and you've really made my 2020 so exciting when i started this channel in april i just had no idea that i would get as far as i have uh this is actually my second project that i ever posted and it's one of my favorites it's one of my favorite decor pieces i decorate it for every holiday and it's just it works out so great in my decor so i hope these projects have inspired you i just really can't wait to show you more in 2021 and again thank you so much for supporting my channel okay now that i'm happy with all of my distressing it's time to piece it all together so i'm going to take the largest picture frame and i'm just kind of trying to find the center so i will know where to glue my candlestick okay so now i'm going to add my e6000 glue to the bottom of my candlestick you can use just hot glue but it's not going to be as sturdy and since you're going to be adding items on the top tier it's best to make this really sturdy so i'm using the e6000 and then i'm also going to use hot glue just because it helps keep it in place while it's drying now i'm adhering the top tier to this tray and i'm going to you'll see here i'm going to even it up a little as it's crooked at first there we go and i just kind of i take my ruler and just kind of check in to see if it looks like it's even and that's it this beautiful tear tray is done you should wait a day until you decorate it because you want to make sure your glue has dried properly but i just think this tray turned out so good and looks so high-end and in the next frame you're gonna get to see how i decorated it for this last project i am going to take this sign from the dollar tree um you can see that it is halloween um these actually were 50 cents after halloween and i bought like i don't know 10 of them at least because these make great projects year round the mason jar i do believe they have a mason jar right now for their fourth of july so you should be able to find on that sign now so i just peel everything off of it i prep it and then i will be using a dollar tree place mat to make this next project [Music] now i'm going to cut this placemat up so that i can adhere it onto my mason jar sign the live part was off to the side and i wanted it to all line up so i cut this straight and then eventually you'll see here i cut the eat and love away from each other too to give it a little extra at this point i'm not exactly sure how it's going to fit so you're going to kind of see me fiddle around with how i'm going to get it all to fit on there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] at this point i decide they're not going to touch each other there's going to be a space in between each word so i'm going to paint black in those strips so that when you see that space through you'll only see black now i was trying to just get by with painting the strips but then i ended up i kept having to move where i was painting and honestly if i would have just painted the whole thing it probably would have been easier so it's up to you but i kind of lined it up and i painted the strips [Music] [Music] and now it is time to glue these three strips from the place mat onto the mason jar sign okay i didn't show this step but i did quick and paint the lid from the purple that was there and i turned it i painted it gray i just did that by mixing some black and white paint and then i will finish by adding the last strip to the side [Music] okay and now i'm going to flip over the sign and i'm going to cut off all this excess placemat so that it is just in the spots we need it and you'll see here i cut it once around and then i kind of go back and trim it up [Music] and for the last step of course i have to add some ribbon so i just have this small buffalo check ribbon that i picked up from the dollar tree and i'm just going to glue a strip to the back and then i'm going to tie a little ribbon a little bow and add that to the front and this project will be complete [Music] what i also love about this sign is that it is a place mat so it's really durable kitchen decor because if anything gets on it really you can just wipe it off and so i just think it makes the perfect decor for your kitchen for the first project i'm going to take this home sign from the dollar tree i'm going to take some scrapbook paper that i picked up from joanne's and a scrap piece of wood that i just had in my stash and then i'm just going to paint that piece of wood with a darker red paint and i want a really uh thin layer because i kind of want it to look almost like a stain and more rustic [Music] [Music] now i just grabbed a baby wipe just to kind of wipe off some of this excess paint you can use a clorox wipe you can use a wet paper towel it really doesn't matter which one just something with some moisture that can wipe up the extra paint [Music] now i'm going to take this home sign and i'm going to go ahead and break apart the letters they break apart pretty easily um at first i leave the little prongs in there thinking that i'm going to keep them to put everything back together but then it ends up being better just to kind of take the little metal um pieces off the two letters that have them so now i'm just going to trace around my letters onto my scrapbook paper and this first one i'm not sure why i was doing it the hard way and tracing on top of the pattern i normally always flip it over and do on the back so i definitely recommend that and i do that on the other letters so you just pick out your print for each letter trace it and cut it out [Music] [Music] so and this is the part that i previously mentioned i just take my needle nose pliers and i just kind of pick out those little um pokey prongs that were originally holding this together because when i attach it later on i really didn't need [Music] those [Music] and now it's time to mod podge these papers onto the letters and something you're going to learn about me is that i am a scrapbook paper addict the amount i have i could easily open a store i absolutely love the patterns i love mixing patterns so you'll probably see a lot of this type of stuff in my videos i just really think it adds something extra than just painting it now with this project you absolutely could just paint these letters red white and blue but again i love patterns and i just this paper from joann's i think it was four for a dollar so really affordable and yep i just love it [Music] [Music] real quick i want to show you this pen exacto knife and so it's a really tiny blade kind of like we would find in your cricut so you can um cut more like circle with it and honestly i forgot i had it when i was cutting out my o all right so i wanted to make a saying to go on the bottom of my sign and so i came up with home of the free because of the brave and i just made that on my cricut and real quick before i do that i just sanded down the edges of my home sign and this just gets off any extra paper it also just gives it a little extra rustic farmhouse look you can use sandpaper but i find that i really like just using a nail file it's really easy to hold and do around the letters i'm new at using vinyl with the cricut and i really appreciate the tips that i got on my last video they were really helpful and that was to um put your image upside down when you're peeling it off and that worked so much better so that's all i do right here and i mean what a big difference it was just by flipping it over so again i so appreciate tips please comment with tips whenever you might have one because i will probably use it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now it's time to glue my letters back together now one thing i want to mention you want to make sure the bottoms of your letters all line up so they are flat i kind of missed the mark a little bit on the m so just really make sure that when you're putting it on you hold the letters vertically to make sure again that the bottoms are all flat in the same level [Music] so [Music] i'm just going to quickly sand around my base i just again want to make it even more of a rustic feel [Music] do [Music] and now it's time to attach the home letters onto the base and then the project is complete [Music] for this last project i wanted to kind of get back to my roots which is scrapbooking and paper crafting i have an entire craft shed full of scrapbook supplies so that means stickers and buttons and brads and you name it i probably have it and so i really wanted just to fully make over one of these pumpkin signs with as many textures and things as i could and so i start that here by using some of this dollar tree contact paper and i'm gonna use it actually on both sides so it'll be a finished project and this was all inspired by linda over at faith chick 777 i will link her down below oh i love her paper crafting how she adds it into her crafting so inspiring and that is why i wanted to make this project so it's a little bit more advanced and it's not necessarily things you can just go out and buy all these little tiny things but if you're a craft hoarder like myself go into your stash find a bunch of little fun things and just start adding them to your project as i said that it reminded me you can use things like bottle caps and bread ties and i mean pieces of straw like just think outside the box think of things that have texture that you could add to a project so i have this piece of scrapbook paper that kind of looks like leather and i traced out the pumpkin but i don't want this piece of paper to be as big so i don't want to cover the spot um where i have the contact paper but i also want to give this a different look so what i've done is i've drawn a little bit smaller of a pumpkin on the back and then i'm taking my paintbrush and water and i'm watering along that line and it just makes it so that you can tear the paper really easy and again that just adds another element of texture having it be torn the next element of texture i'm using that same rug anti-slip mat and i'm going to do the same thing here where i cut it down smaller than this brown piece of scrapbook paper so now i just kind of start laying stuff down i start playing around with the different things i have pulled out from my stash i won't be using everything but um i'll start using some of the things for the little slip mat i just glue it down in the middle there because i know i'm going to be putting something over that area so it's not going to matter if the glue shows through and then um i'll just yeah like i said i'm just gonna keep kind of pushing things down i'm gonna add a little bit of this glue because it does dry clear and then so that will work and this is another piece of scrapbook paper that kind of looks like linen uh this piece uh this grateful wood um piece there i got from hobby lobby i do believe but i i know michaels and joanne's carry them too so and then i'm going to take my little ink pad here in java which is a brown color and i'm just going to ink the edges of my paper here and just add a little bit of distressing around [Music] so i know i'm moving rather quickly through this project but i'm really just trying to give you a visualization of the different textures that i use and how i just start layering different items so as you see i'm putting a little bit burlap on the stem and then i'm going to use that big old leaf again i love those leaves and i'm going to cut it down and i'm actually going to make three leaves out of this [Music] [Music] okay now i'm just going to start playing around with some of my ribbon here from dollar tree as well as some of the burlap from dollar tree um i got this little who knows where this little tag is from i in my stash and this other little tag too but um i do know you can buy these little um i don't know how you say it f mermaid oh my gosh i don't even know how to say that word but little pieces at the scrap book section i had this little leather frame this little tiny frame i guess you could put it around somebody's face in a picture grab some of these little leaf buttons and then i'm just going to start layering everything down [Music] [Music] i'm gonna just take my paint brush and dip it into the ink pad and then just kind of go around this grateful just to give it a little bit more of an aged look and to make it pop off the paper a little bit more isn't it funny how my little ink pad just kind of jumping around when i have it in fast motion like that and then um i'm just gonna add a few more little embellishments then i'm gonna take one of the little chipboard pumpkins from dollar tree and i'm gonna cover it in the ink from the chalk chalk pad and then i'll use one of those little white rub ons and then i will add that to my project [Music] i had such a good time making this pumpkin it was just a fun way to use textures and scraps of other things i had in my stash and just to kind of make something totally different and unique and so yeah this is so fun i plan to do some more projects like this so i hope you enjoy ones like this it'll help you use up some of those things that you've held onto for this next project i wanted to create a farmhouse clock i had seen some around and they were all over a hundred dollars and so i knew i could recreate it for around ten dollars i used both of these as my inspiration and i am so excited with how this turned out it has been on my wall for several days it works and i'm so excited the supplies you will need is two of the poster boards from the dollar tree as well as an 18 inch wire wreath form you'll need a pack of the four tin cans i think they call them a wooden dowel two of the sticker sheets with the numbers on them an exacto knife you will need some e6000 some extra strength tape a glue gun some paint and lastly a working part of a clock so you can take apart an old clock you have or i will link below a little clock kit for five bucks off amazon all right so once you gather those supplies you're going to start with your foam boards so they are 20 inches wide so i want to make a square so i'm going to make it 20 by 20 and this will work perfectly with our 18 inch wire wreath form if you want to make a smaller one dollar tree does carry smaller wreath forms and so then you would only need one of these foam boards i do believe and the only reason i needed two is because i need a longer piece for the center so now i'm going to cut four strips at one and a half inches each and this is going to be the border of our clock as you'll see me working on the ground here i found this project because it was a little larger that i actually just sat down on the ground and worked on this project it worked a little bit better for me than taking over my entire kitchen table that i think my family appreciated that and so right here i'm just going to cut down the top and bottom pieces to fit in to my square here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and now i want to make an x in this clock sign and so i measure across and it is 24 inches and this is why i needed the second piece of board because i didn't have 24 inches in length left in my other board and so here i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to kind of do i guess you would call kind of like an arrow in the corners so that it will fit in my corner so that makes sense so i'm making the tip of my um cross sides pointed so it'll fit into the corner of the whole thing i hope that makes sense i think you can see here what i'm doing [Music] [Music] okay now i'm going to take apart my wire wreath frame you'll see me struggle a little bit but i promise you it's really easy the pieces are held together by the horizontal pieces and you literally just have to take your pliers and just bend them and the whole thing will come apart so just takes a little bit of time but i promise you it's super easy kind of wussy with my hands and i didn't have a problem [Music] and once you un bend them all the outer ring and the inner ring will be released and they become the perfect size for our clock okay so now it's time to just glue everything down that i have so far i'm gonna go ahead and glue the border down and then i will glue my x down and when i'm gluing my x down i want to cut it in a way so that they're not laying over the top of each other also i don't know what i would do if my glue gun was not cordless on this project because i was nowhere near where the cord would be so i use a sure bonder cordless glue gun that i will link in the description i just love it who wants to be tangled up in a cord i don't [Music] now i'm going to give this clock a coat of paint with the rust-oleum chalk paint in linen and i will just cover the whole thing with this paint [Music] do once everything's covered i'm going to go ahead and start distressing it i use steel gray chalk paint from waverly and i just took a very dry brush so this brush was actually one that had kind of had crusted paint on it because i wanted it to be super stiff and i just barely dip it in the gray paint kind of wipe it off a little bit and then just brush it across this um sign clock whatever you want to call it and as soon as this gray starts going down i can't even believe how rustic wood it looks i originally squirted some brown paint down yes you'll see because i thought i was going to use some brown but i just love the way the gray looked and i didn't think i needed the brown so i'm just going to go ahead and i'm going to do this all over the entire thing as you see here and it just looks it really looks like wood okay so now it's time to work on our numbers i got these um stickers from dollar tree i was one one short so i had to get two sheets so you're to go ahead and you're going to stick them down on just a little piece of thin cardboard or you might call this chipboard and this is just going to give our numbers a little bit more substance because a sticker isn't quite hefty enough i'm going to take some white that same white rust-oleum paint and a little bit of black waverly chalk paint and i'm just going to mix these together to get a good gray once i'm happy with the gray i'm going to take one of the little dabber sponges from dollar tree and i'm just going to start dabbing that on all the numbers and this is going to give us our galvanized metal look and so as i'm dabbing just kind of being very sporadic and random and then i'm going to go back in after i've got them down all in the gray i'm going to go back in with that black do a little bit more on top and i'm just going to kind of keep dabbing until i get that metal look that i'm looking for [Music] once my numbers are dry i will go ahead and just cut them out with my scissors you can use an exacto knife if you're better with that i'm better with scissors so i just and i didn't have any problem just following the sticker outline and cutting them okay and then once that's done the next step is going to be using these 10 circle what do you want circle tins from the dollar tree i just need two of them and i just need the lids and these are going to be like our faux rollers to our like barn door barn door clock if you so so i'm going to go ahead and i'm just going to cover these with the black chalk paint and i'm going to take my wood dowel and this was just in my scrap wood thankfully and it was literally the perfect length but you can get these at any hardware store and i just also cover this with the black chalk paint when all my numbers are cut out i'm going to take black ink and i'm just going to dip a sponge in the ink and then i will just brush it on the out sides of my numbers and this just gives that a little bit of depth and makes it look like a rustic metal number [Music] [Music] now i'm going to tack down my wire frame here i'm just going to use a small bead of hot glue more than anything just to kind of keep it in place and then what i'm going to do once all of that is kind of tacked down and in place i'm going to take some of the wire that i find in the automotive area of the dollar tree and use that wire to just really hold it in place so right now i'm just checking to see where my numbers would lie because i want my wire to be under that so you don't see it i'm going to take my little piercer tool from dollar tree and i'm going to pierce a hole on each side of the wire the wire frame and then i'm going to take my little piece of wire and feed it in so that you can see it goes over my frame and i'll pull it tight and then i will twist it and that will just give my wire frame a little bit more sturdiness to more adhered to my board so that we don't worry about it falling off now i'm going to adhere all the numbers down now i originally used hot glue but here's the thing wire and hot glue is kind of iffy it doesn't always hold and so i highly recommend you use e6000 instead because i ended up going back later and re-gluing them with that so while hot glue is nice and quick e6000 works a little better okay so now i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna paint on my faux uh oh hinges hinges is the word i'm gonna um paint on the hinges really all i'm doing is painting on a rectangle so don't worry it's not that hard just painting on a black rectangle [Music] then i took some brads that i had in my stash and i painted those black as well i'm going to use my piercer tool here and i'm going to pierce two holes and i'll feed those brads through this [Music] do [Music] so with the tin lid i'm going to also pierce a hole into the center and feed a brad through [Music] okay so now i'm going to use a fun tool that you've probably not seen this is called a crop-a-dile and it has two different um hole punches that make two different size circles and this middle part here is for putting together brads and eyelets no grommets and eyelets it's actually a scrapbooking tool and i'm a scrapbooker at heart and so um that is where this tool comes from it works great it like the hole punch goes through like anything and it works really good on belts like when you need that extra hole in a belt and so if it's something you're interested in i will also link that tool down below okay so once i got my little hole in my tin now i'm gonna just kind of make a little hole in the top of my board here this is what's so great about working with foam board it's so easy to work with so i just grabbed this little piece of a skewer that i've also painted with the black chalk paint and this is going to be what adheres our roller to the top even though this is not a non-functioning roller let me just tell you that part it's just for looks so there you go that's what that is going to look like there's a little piece of hot glue in there and push this screw back in there and i'll flip my board over and we will feed the tin through there and i'm just going to put a bunch of hot glue in here to adhere it again metal slash 10 and hot glue don't always get along they don't really stick but this is kind of temporary because when i go to really adhere this down i'm going to use some gorilla glue tape and so that'll be our final adhering and that is what i'm going to do right here so now i'm putting it down on the ground and face side down and i've put our the dowel across the top and i'm going to use this gorilla glue black tape here to get the wooden dowel to stick to the circle tents and so on right here i'm just making sure that my dowel is equal on both sides and for some reason of course putting the little clock pack in that footage disappeared but you're just going to use that piercer tool again to make a circle in the very middle of the clock and then just kind of work it till it's big enough for your clock piece and it's the easiest thing you'll know when you see it you just push it right through and then when you flip your clock over you'll just push the little hands down and that's it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i use the same tape just adhere that back part onto the clock and then here you will see a front view of how the hands look once they're in place and this farmhouse clock is complete i think it turned out so good i think it looks good as a picture what do you think this may be one of my most favorite projects i hope you enjoyed it too and i hope it's something you feel like you can make because that's over a hundred dollars that you'll be saving by making this project yourself for this project you'll need this thankful and blessed sign from dollar tree and then this wood looking um sticker i guess you would call it also from dollar tree um i guess it can be used on like your wall as like a backsplash but i'm gonna use it on this pumpkin and i love mixing textures that is one of my favorites i like metals and woods and and uh natural things so i thought this is gonna be a really cool pumpkin so i go ahead and i just flip my pumpkin over and this like i said it is adhesive and it is very sticky so i'm gonna go ahead and it's just like the perfect size i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna stick it down on top of my pumpkin and then i will cut around it you'll see me fiddle a little bit with cutting because it is so sticky [Music] [Music] [Music] as you can see it kind of lifted from the backing sheet easy fix i just took a little bit of hot glue and went around the pumpkin and that adhered it great [Music] i'm going to use some of this new uh i guess you would say wider cream nautical rope that the dollar tree is carrying uh one pack will be enough i'm going to go ahead and just uh put it around my pumpkin so you can see just hot glue and just kind of give it that 3d look and like i did in the last project i'm going to glue this twine to the back of my stem and just wrap it around to make that jute twine stem [Music] [Music] [Music] and now it's time to embellish with a ribbon i do believe i got this ribbon either from hobby lobby or michaels [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm going to make a jute bow so the way i do that is i just cut off a little strip that'll be how i tie it off and then i go ahead and i just wrap this a few times around my fingers just depends how full you want it once i get that i go ahead and take that first piece that i cut off and i put it around the middle of where my fingers were and i'll tie it in a knot and that will make a juke bow [Music] [Music] [Music] i'll reattach this metal metal leaf that was on the pumpkin originally and add my jupo and this very neutral mix textured pumpkin will be complete [Music] for this last project i'm going to make over these two houses from the dollar tree i got this little wood round also from the dollar tree so i printed off something that is a circle that is a similar in size and i will give you a link to that just some scrapbook paper some ribbon white paint and some mod podge and then i found this at the hardware store it's called like gutter guard something like that and so it's like three dollars for this huge roll and i was like oh my goodness i love that texture i'm gonna buy it and see what i can do okay so now i'm just gonna paint these two houses white i'm gonna use the back side of the taller one and then the inside of the shorter one so while i'm painting these i just have to say i've actually held onto these houses since they came out last year because i wanted to make sure i did something special with them because they're so hard to find and they're back you can actually get them on the website right now so i actually ordered a whole case of them because i'm so excited to have more of them be on the lookout because they are going to be in your dollar tree soon [Music] so i went to my stash because i was looking for the little white picket fence that you can buy i mean joann's michael's hobby lobby all have they're already made they're these little wood picket fences and i couldn't find it but i did find these little mini popsicle sticks and i was like i guess i'll just make my own little fence much easier just to buy the pre-made one but you can do it this way too so i'm just going to paint these little sticks white as well and then i'm going to glue them together to make a little picket fence so i measured my circle and then i got on my computer and i drew a little circle a little bit smaller and then i found a graphic by just searching like farmhouse graphic and then i just made this little printable printed it out on my printer and i'm just going to hold this up to the light so that i can see where it's going to be centered and then i go ahead and i trace it and i cut it out and then i will mod podge it right onto this piece of wood [Music] i'm gonna cover the taller house with this buffalo check paper uh i obviously did not need to paint that top part of it um but didn't hurt anything so go ahead and just cut this out and i will also mod podge that on to the large house for the gutter guard i just cut off a strip and then i just kind of made little snips and cuts until i got it to fit and that's the piece right here didn't think you needed to see me fumble around and so to get this inside oh ignore that i was just fixing some paint going on in there okay so i haven't adhered anything yet now i'm going to adhere my fence together so i just take my hot glue gun and glue this little fence together [Music] so i'm just going to cut down my fence here because i don't want it to be super tall and cover um the graphic and so just with simple scissors i can cut it down [Music] now it's just a matter of adhering everything together and i'm going to add just a little bow and this project will be complete [Music] [Music] do do [Music] with these houses you can turn them around and decorate them for another season this project is a set of faux books i used one of these packages of tumbling blocks from the dollar tree and some ribbon i used just some white cardstock and just some markers this project really inexpensive it's cost just barely over a dollar and it's a nice alternative to actual books and so what i'm gonna do here is i'm going to put these into threes so for my first layer i have 3 6 12 blocks here so i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to glue a set of three together and i'm going to do that four times and once my four sections are done now i'm going to glue one section on top of the other and i'm going to do that one more time and once those are done i'm going to glue those two sections together and there's my first faux book and i'm going to do this two more times so that i have three faux books [Music] now i'm going to measure my cardstock so that i can fold it all the way around these wood blocks and that will be my cover of my book so i will cut three of those out [Music] [Music] [Music] now before i glue my covers on i'm going to go ahead and write what i want to say so that way in case i mess up i can just cut a new one so i decided that i wanted my books to say stars and stripes there's a ton of different sayings you could say like home of the brave or [Music] land that i love sweet land of liberty um god bless america so you got a lot of choices here if you want to step this project up a notch you could go onto your computer and you could write these that type these out and print them and then your lettering will be spot on i thought sometimes i just like to have my own handwriting too so i wanted to make this a quick and easy diy but like i said you can always step it up a notch this is a really great set of double sided markers that are from michaels and i will make sure that i link those down below as well [Music] [Music] so [Music] another great tool is this glue gun from sure bonder it is cordless and i know that in the past i have gotten so irritated with a cord getting in my way or kind of like falling down because the cord like shoots off the table or whatever so this one actually can be off the charger for two minutes um typically i just put it right back on its base but it has a little glue um trap i guess you would call it or a drip trap also so it's a really great glue gun i will also link that down below and any other items that i think you will also love and once our books are all glued with our covers on them i'm just going to add a ribbon and our faux book stack will be complete [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i often get asked about how i make my bows um look nice and even and so i wanted to go really slow on this part so you can see how i do it i always pull it tight and then i pull the tails till i get my loops to be exactly the same size and once i do that then i start clipping my tails and everything is to the the what sword uh equal sides [Music] [Music] okay this is my favorite project of this video so i'm using one of these treat this uh decor pieces from the dollar tree and then i found these cute little gnome ornaments on a site called craft deals i got all sorts of gnome unfinished wood and they have a bunch of other unfinished wood so i will definitely link that below a very affordable pricing so yeah the site is amazing so i'm going to take apart this truck i'm going to take the tree off and then after i do that i'm going to sand off the merry christmas glitter and since that's gonna leave kind of a you know a film afterwards then i'm just gonna cover it with a coat of red chalk paint okay i wish i knew which diy er i saw with this little ladybug vacuum that totally influenced me to buy one um but anyhow it totally vacuums up your glitter or any little you know pieces it's a must it's a must to have i want to say it's like ten dollars i will link that below too okay as you can see i already painted my truck i painted it with the crimson red paint chalk paint and now i'm going to use this ivory chalk paint to paint my gnome [Music] beards [Music] so for their hats i had some of this buffalo check just scrap ribbon that you know i can't throw the scraps away so i'm just using a little bit of this detail glue that i got from dollar tree and then i'm just going to glue this piece of ribbon as their hat and then i will just cut around it i found a couple pink beads in my stash so i thought those would make cute noses you could use little mini pom-poms you could just draw the nose on so all sorts of little things and then i did have some of these white pom-poms and i just kind of cut it down and roll it to use on the tip of his hat [Music] so with my cricut i cut out the words rollin with my nomi's and so i'm just going to add that to the front of this truck [Music] okay here's where clearance shopping comes in handy i got this sign for 49 cents at ross this was like who knows how far past christmas but way past christmas and it was still in their stuff and i really it's a cute sign i don't really have much green in my decor but so uh i could just cover this with a coat of black paint to cover up the words but i was kind of getting tired by this point so i just used a piece of black card stock and i just glued that piece of cardstock down and then i'm just going to kind of start once i get this piece down i'm going to glue my truck on i'm going to glue my gnomes back in the truck and add a bow and this project will be complete [Music] [Music] for this next project you're just going to need a board i picked this up at hobby lobby in their clearance for a dollar 19 and one of these pots from the dollar tree a piece of scrapbook paper or you could even use some burlap i found this paper that looks like burlap so i was like this is perfect and so um you'll go ahead and you'll cut out your piece of scrapbook paper or whatever you choose to use to put inside that picture frame again i tell everyone look for things on clearance that you can make over because that sign is so cute um to make over for a dollar 19 has a really nice wood frame and it's gonna yours you'll see it's so easy to make over and it's better than a board you know that you could pick up at the dollar tree so definitely hit those clearance um sales those departments at your craft store um hobby lobby it's in the back of the store um i think it's the same actually at michael's and joann's it's always in the back of the store so take a little trip down the aisle see what you might find because i think you can tell this is a really nice frame so once i get that um put in there i see that this is showing through so i'm just kind of rubbing a quick coat of white paint over it just so it won't show through i'm on my scrapbook paper and then i will go ahead and mod podge this down to um my frame and then once i get that completed i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to cut the tin pot in half so this was my first time doing that i used some tin snips it was really easy to cut as far as it wasn't hard on my hands like i could cut it easily but it's awkward because of the shape it's in so take your time um it does take a little bit of trial and error there but definitely with the tin snips it's not hard to cut [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] with my half pot here i'm just gonna add some ribbon i'll glue it to the back wrap it around and glue it to the back on the other side and then i'll go ahead and i will glue this tin down to my sign [Music] and with the same buffalo check ribbon i'm gonna go make a bow and add it to the front of this pot this kingdom ribbon is actually in the halloween section right now at dollar tree and i had to buy four rolls i probably could have bought more but uh what a great dollar tree find [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and i'll just glue that ribbon on and then i will fill this with some of this eucalyptus um this eucalyptus pick that i picked up at walmart i believe it was two dollars and it's a really nice full pick as you can see i just cut the tip um off and then i can just put it right down in there i actually had one i'd already used um some pieces off of so i ended up using that one it wasn't quite as full i didn't even glue this down in there this way you can change it out if you'd like for a different season but there it is this last project is super easy and i just think it turned out so great this is a new sign that i found at dollar tree i love it and this is snowflake it's from michael's it was on sale for a dollar and some more of these ornaments from walmart as well as some more of the antique wax and some ribbon and what i love about this snowflake is that it already has that whitewash rusticness to it so i didn't even have to do anything so that was pretty great so first you're just going to cover this little wooden sign with this antique wax [Music] and once that's done it's just a matter of gluing everything down so i just hot glue down the snowflake then the little ornament charm and a bow and that is it this project is done super fast super quick but it looks really amazing [Music] okay you'll need this sign and these metal letters from dollar tree i lost the footage there so i had to find a little clip it from somewhere else but anyhow you're gonna paint that sign with black chalk paint and then i just spray painted these metallic letters with white primer spray paint you can also use white chalk paint i just thought it was easier to do it that way and i just went ahead and attached them with um e6000 because i find with the hot glue on metal just doesn't stick that well okay i'm sorry again if this footage went a little quick but it was the only way i can recover it was in like speed mode i'm going to take some of this plastic chain also from dollar tree it's super lightweight and every other chain will come undone so i went ahead and i made groups of three and then i'm going to flip this sign over and i'm just going to add these little chains to go between my letters haunted beware and spooky again i will use uh some e6000 for that extra hold but i'm also going to use some hot glue just to give it that immediate [Music] hold [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this was another super simple diy that i think turned out really good and looking way store-bought for this first project i'm going to use one of these sleds from dollar tree they're cute on their own i'm going to rustic this one up and some of the tree stems branch stems whatever you want to call them from dollar tree two sheets of this scrapbook paper and this stem that i picked up from joanne's it i believe is normally 3.99 i got it for like a dollar last year but any stem will do so i'm going to trace out this um sled that's hard to say not shed but sled uh on this piece of paper now what i'm gonna do is i'm going to push the sled all the way to the right on this paper it's really important that you do this on both pieces so that your lines match up [Music] [Music] [Music] now i'm just going to grab a piece of sanding paper here and just sand off that lovely glitter and then i will use some mod podge and i will put the scrapbook paper on top of the sled [Music] [Music] because this is a little bit thicker wire on this stem i'm gonna use my tin snips i will link a pair of them below they definitely help me out because i do have weaker hands so i need a little bit stronger of a tool and so these work great as you can see just plops it right off i'm gonna use one of these little branches i can't i can't calm branches i don't even show what you call them anyhow they have wire inside of them so you can manipulate them to whatever shape you like and i am just going to put it there at the top of the portion of my sled and then my bow will go on top of that and so now i'm going to go ahead and get some ribbon out this is some ribbon i picked up last year i picked up so much clearance ribbon i highly recommend buying on clearance after the season it was like i mean we're doing christmas but it was like christmas opening up all my ribbon that i bought for super cheap last year so anyhow for this type of ribbon i am just going to make a loop by gluing the two ends together and then i will gather it in the middle and i'm going to make two of those loops [Music] [Music] okay now i'm going to lay the shorter loop on top of the longer loop i'm going to cut just a little piece of the ribbon here to cinch around the center as you can see just like that and i will glue that together do [Music] okay now my ribbon needs some tails so i'm going to cut a long strip and i'm going to go ahead and dovetail the edges of both the sides the edges both of this ribbon and then i will just kind of cinch it there in the middle and i'm just going to take a little piece of twine and tie it just so it stays i don't always do that but this time i just feel like it was going to stay better if i did that and then i'll glue it to the back of the bow [Music] okay now it's just a matter of gluing all this down and then this cute rustic sled is all complete [Music] so [Music] i often get asked how do i store and organize all the decor that i make and so i store a lot of it in my garage on racks but i run out of room and i don't want to put any more racks in because i do like to park both cars into the garage and so i found the best solution it's the flexi spot garage rack and it hangs from the ceiling so you screw it into the joints of your ceiling and then it hangs down so it's totally out of the way and it takes up all that space you weren't gonna use anyway and i got the four foot by eight foot which is huge and i can put so much stuff up there it holds 600 pounds so we're really excited about it i think i might want another one i just like everything off the ground i like a clean garage and so it's just been the perfect solution so i'm gonna show you or how i set it all up oh
Channel: Lisa Kennedy - Dollar Mom
Views: 280,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #dollartreediy, budgetdiys, #heidisonboul
Id: unApkwginMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 17sec (9437 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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