Beowulf - Seamus Heaney: Part 1 of 2

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Highbridge audio presents Beowulf translated in read by Seamus Heaney you so the spear Danes and days gone by and the Kings who rule them had courage and greatness we have heard of those princes heroic campaigns there was shield sheafson scourge of many tribes a wrecker of mead benches rampaging among foes this terror of the Hall troops had come far a foundling to start with he would flourish later on as his powers waxed and his worth was proved in the end each clan on the outlying coasts beyond the whale road had to yield to him and begin to pay tribute that was one good King afterwards a boy child was born to shield a cub in the yard a comfort sent by God to that nation he knew what they had told the long times and troubles had come through without a leader so the lord of life the glorious almighty made this man renowned shield had fathered a famous son Bao's name was known through the north and a young prince must be prudent like that giving freely while his father lives so that afterwards an edge when fighting starts steadfast companions will stand by him and hold the line behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere shield was still thriving when his time came and he crossed over into the Lord's keeping his warrior band did what he bagged them when he laid down the law among the Danes they shouldered him out to the Seas flood the chief they revered who had long ruled them a ring world Pro Road in the harbor ice-clad out boned a craft for a prince they stretched their beloved Lord in his boat laid out by the mast amidships the great ring giver far fetched treasures were piled upon him and precious gear I never heard before of a so well furbished with battle tackle bladed weapons and coats of mail the mass treasure was loaded on top of him it would travel far on out into the ocean sway they decked his body no less bountifully with offerings than those first once did who cast him away when he was a child and launched him alone out over the waves and they set a gold standard up high above his head and let him drift to wind and tide be wailing him and mourning their loss no man can tell no wise man in hall or weathered veteran knows for certain who salvaged that load then it fell to bale to keep the fort's he was well regarded and ruled the danes for a long time after his father took leave of his life on earth and then his heir the great half Dane held sway for as long as he lived their elder and warlord he was four times a father this fighter Prince one by one they entered the world here agarró they are the good huh lagaa and a daughter I have heard who was onyl as Queen a bomb in bed for the battle-scarred Swede the fortunes of war favored Hrothgar friends and kinsmen flocked to his ranks young followers a force that grew to be a mighty army so his mind turned to hall building he handed down orders for men to work on a great mead hall meant to be a wonder of the world forever it would be his throne room and there he would dispense his god-given goods to young and old but not the common land or people's lives far and wide through the world I have heard orders for work to adorn that wall stead were sent to many peoples and soon it stood there finished and ready in full view the Hall of halls Herot was the name he had settled on it whose pterence was low nor did he renege but doled out rings and torques at the table the whole [ __ ] its Gables wide and high and awaiting a barbarous burning that doom abided but in time it would come the killer instinct unleashed among in-laws the bloodlust rampant then a powerful demon a prowler through the dark nursed a hard grievance it hearted him to hear the din of the loud banquet every day in the hall the heart being struck and the clear song of a skilled poet telling with mastery of man's beginnings how the almighty had made the earth a gleaming plain girdled with waters in his splendor he set the Sun on the moon to be Earth's lamp light lanterns for men and filled the broad lap of the world with branches and leaves and quickened life and every other thing that moved so times were pleasant for the people there until finally one a fiend out of hell began to work his evil in the world Grendel was the name of this grim demon haunting the marches marauding around the heath and the desolate fens he had dwelt for a time in misery among the banished monsters Cain's clan whom the Creator had outlawed and condemned as outcasts for the killing of Abel the eternal Lord had exact adapt rice Cain got no good from committing that murder because the almighty made him anathema and out of the curse of his exile there'ss prying ogres and elves and evil phantoms and giants - who strove with God time and again until he gave them their reward so after nightfall Grendel set out for the lofty house to see how the ring Danes were settling into it after their drink and there he came upon them a company of the best a sleep from their feasting insensible to pain and human sorrow suddenly then the God cursed brute was creating havoc greedy and grim he grabbed 30 men from their resting places and rushed to his lair flushed up and inflamed from the raid blundering back with the butchered corpses then as dawn brightened and the day broke Grendel's powers of destruction were plain there was sale was over they wept to heaven and mourned under mourning their mighty Prince the story leader sat stricken and helpless humiliated by the loss of his guard bewildered and stunned staring aghast at the demons trail in deep distress he was numb with grief but got no respite for one night later merciless Grendel struck again with more gruesome murders malignant by Nature he never showed remorse it was easy then to meet with a man shifting himself to a safer distance to bed in the bathies for who could be blind to the evidence of his eyes the obvious nosov the hall watchers hate whoever escaped kept a weather eye open and moved away so Grendel ruled in defiance of right one against all until the greatest house in the world stood empty a deserted wall stead for twelve winters seasons of woe the Lord of the shielding's suffered under his load of sorrow and so before long the news was known over the whole world sad lays were sung about the beset king the vicious raids and ravages of Grendel his long and unrelenting feud nothing but war how he would never parley or make peace with any Dane nor stopped his death-dealing nor pay the death price no counsellor could ever expect fair reparation from those rabid hands all were endangered young and old were hunted down by that dark death shadow who lurked and swooped in the long nights on the misty moors nobody knows were these Reavers from hell roam on their errands so Grendel waged his lonely war inflicting constant cruelties on the people atrocious hurt he took over Herod haunted the glittering Hall after dark but the throne itself the treasure seat he was kept from approaching he was the Lord's outcast these were hard times heartbreaking for the Prince of the shielding's powerful counselors the highest in the land would lend advice plotting how best the bull defenders might resist and beat off sudden attacks sometimes at pagan shrines they vowed offerings to idols swore oaths that the killer of souls would come to their aid and save the people that was their way their heathenish hope deep in their hearts they remembered hell the almighty judge of good deeds and bad the Lord God head of the heavens and high king of the world was unknown to them Oh cursed is he who in time of trouble has to thrust his soul in the fires embrace forfeiting help he has nowhere to turn but blessed is he who after death can approach the Lord and find friendship in the father's embrace so that trouble time continued whoa that never stopped steady affliction for half gain some too hard an ordeal there was panic after dark people endured raids in the night riven by the terror when he heard about Grendel Hilux Thane was on home ground over in geekland there was no one else like him alive in his day he was the mightiest man on earth highborn and Parr barfle he ordered a boat that would ply the waves he announced his plan to sail the Swans Road and search art that King the famous prince who needed defenders nobody tried to keep him from going no elder denied him dear as he was to them instead the inspected omens and spurred his ambition to go west he moved about like the leader he was enlisting men the best he could find with 14 others the warrior boarded the boat as Captain a canny pilot along coasts and currents time went by the boat was on water enclose under the cliffs men climbed eagerly up the gangplank sand churned and surf warriors loaded a cargo of weapons shining war gear and the vessels hold then heaved out away with a will in their wood wreaths ship over the waves with the wind behind her and foam at her neck she flew like a bird until her curved pro had covered the distance and on the following day at the dew are those seafarers sighted land sunlit cliffs sheer crags and looming headlands the landfall they sought it was the end of their voyage and the gates vaulted over the side out onto the sand and murdered their ship there was a clash of mail and a Thresh of gear they thank God for that easy crossing on a calm sea when the Watchmen on the wall the shielding's look out whose job it was to guard the sea cliffs so shields glittering on the gangplank and battle equipment being unloaded he had to find out who and what the arrivals were so he rowed to the shore this Horsemen of Hrothgar's and challenged them in formal terms flourishing his spear what kind of men are you who arrived rigged out for combat in coats of mail sailing here over the sea lanes in your steep hulls boat I have been stationed as lookout on this coast for a long time my job is to watch the waves for Raiders any danger to the Danish Shore never before has a force under arms disembarked so openly not bothering to ask if the sentries allowed them safe passage or that clan had consented nor have I seen a mightier man-at-arms on this earth than the one standing here unless I am mistaken he is cruelly Noble this is no mere hanger-on in a hero's armor so now before you fare inland as interlopers I have to be informed about who you are and where you hail from outsiders from across the water I say it again the sooner you tell where you come from and why the better the leader of the troop unlocked his word horde the distinguished one delivered this answer we belong by birth to the geek people and owe allegiance to Lord he like in his day my father was a famous man a noble warrior Lord named Ed still he ought lasted many a long winter and went on his way all over the world men wise in Council continued to remember him we come in good faith to find your Lord and nation's shield the son of half-game give us the right advice and direction we have arrived here on a great errand to the lord of the danes and i believe therefore there should be nothing hidden or withheld between us so tell us if what we have heard is true about this threat whatever it is this danger abroad in the dark nights this corpse maker mongering death in the shielding country I come to proffer my wholehearted help and counsel I can show the wise Hrothgar a way to defeat his enemy and find respite if any respite is to reach him ever I can calm the turmoil and terror in his mind otherwise he must endure woes and live with grief for as long as his Hall stands at the horizon on its high ground undaunted sitting astride his horse the Coast Guard answered anyone with gumption and a sharp mind will take the measure of two things what's said and what's done I believe what you have told me that you are a troupe loyal to our King so come ahead with your arms and your gear and I will guide you what's more I order my own comrades on their word of honour to what your boat down there on the Strand keep her safe in her fresh tar until the time comes for her curved pro to preen on the waves and bear this hero back to geekland may one so valiant and so venture 'some come unharmed through the clash of battle so they went on their way the ship rode the water broad beamed bound by its hawser and anchored fast bore shapes flashed above their cheek guards the brightly forged work of Goldsmith's watching over those stern-faced men they marched in step hurrying on till the timbered Hall rose before them radiant with gold nobody on earth knew of another building like it majesty Lodge there it's light Shawn over many lands so they're gallant escort guided them to that dazzling stronghold and indicated the shortest way to it then the noble warrior wheel down his horse and spoke these words it is time for me to go may the Almighty father keep you and in his kindness watch over your exploits I'm away to the sea back on alert against enemy Raiders it was a paved track a path that kept them in marching order their male shirts glinted hard and hand linked the high-gloss iron of their armor rang so they duly arrived in their grimoire Grethe and gear at the hall and weary from the sea stacked wide shields of the toughest hard wood against the wall then collapsed on the benches battle dress and weapons clashed they collected their spears in a Seafarer stuck a stand of greyish tapering ash and the troops themselves were as good as their weapons then a proud warrior questioned the men concerning their origins where do you come from carrying these decorated shields and shirts of mail these cheek hinged helmets and javelins I am Hrothgar's Harold and officer I have never seen so impressive or large an assembly of strangers stoutness of heart bravery not banishment must have brought you to Hrothgar the man whose name was known for courage the gate leader resolute in his helmet answered in return we are retainers from helix band Beowulf is my name if your Lord and Master the most renowned son of half gain will hear me out and graciously allow me to greet him in person I'm ready and willing to report my errand Wulfgar replied a Wendell chief renowned as a warrior well-known for his wisdom and the temper of his mind I will take this message in accordance with your wish to our noble King with that he turned to where Hrothgar sat Wulfgar addressed his dear Lord people from geekland have put ashore they have sailed far over the wide sea they call the chief in charge of their band by the name of Beowulf they begged my lord an audience with you exchange of words and formal greeting most gracious Hrothgar do not refuse them but grant them a reply from their arms and appointment they appear well borne and worthy of respect especially the one who has led them this far he is formidable indeed Hrothgar protector of shielding's replied I used to know him when he was a young boy his father before him was called edge still a crew of seamen who sailed for me once with a gift cargo across the gate land returned with marvellous tales about him a Thane they declared with the strength of thirty in the grip of each hand now holy God has in his goodness guided him here to the West Danes to defend us from Grendel this is my hope and for his heroism I will recompense him with a rich treasure go immediately bid him and the gates he has an attendants to assemble and enter at the door of the hall Wulfgar duly delivered the message my lord the conquering king of the Danes bids me announce that he knows your ancestry also that he welcomes you here to hear it and salute your arrival from across the sea you are free now to move forward to meet Hrothgar in helmets and armor the hero arose surrounded closely by his powerful Thane's a party remained under orders to keep watch on the arms the rest proceeded led by their prince under haratz roof and standing on the hearth in webbed links that the Smith had woven the fine forged mesh of his gleaming male shirt resolute in his helmet Beowulf spoke greetings to Hrothgar I am halex kinsman one of his Hall troupe when I was younger I had great triumphs then news of Grendel hard to ignore reached me at home sailors brought stories of the plight you suffer in this legendary Hall how it lies deserted empty and useless once the evening light hides itself under Heaven's dome so every elder and experienced councilman among my people supported my resolve to come here to your King Hrothgar because all knew of my awesome strength and so my request o king of bright danes dear prince of the shielding's friend of the people and their ring of defense my one request is that you won't refuse me who have come this far the privilege of purifying Herot with my own men to help me and nobody else I have heard moreover that the monster scorns in his reckless way the use of weapons therefore to heighten he lacks fame and glad in his heart I hereby renounce sword and the shelter of the broad shield the heavy war board hand-to-hand as how it will be a life-and-death fight with the fiend whichever one death fells must deem it a just judgment by God fate goes ever fate must Hrothgar the helmet of shielding's spoke there of my friend you have traveled here to favor us with help and to fight for us my household yard are on the wane fate sweeps them away into Grendel's clutches but God can easily halt these raids and harrowing attacks now take your place at the table relish the triumph of heroes to your heart's content then a bench was cleared in that banquet hall so the gates could have roomed to be together and the party sat proud in their bearing strong and stalwart an attendant stood by with a decorated pitcher pouring bright helpings of mead and the minstrels sang filling Herot with his head clearing voice gladdening that great rally of geats and danes then the gray-haired treasure giver was glad far-famed and battle the Prince of bright dames and keeper of his people counted on Beowulf on the warrior steadfastness and his word so the laughter started that didn't got lighter and the crowd was happy well Theo came in Hrothgar's queen observing the courtesies adorned in her gold she graciously saluted the men in Hall then handed the cup to all ranks treating the household and the assembled troop until it was bare wolves turn to take it from her hand with measured words she welcomed the heat and thank God for granting her wish that a deliverer she could believe in would arrive to ease their afflictions he accepted the cup a daunting man dangerous in action and eager for it always he addressed wealth he'll Beowulf the son of edge Theo declared I had a fixed purpose when I put to see as I sat in the boat with my band of men I meant to perform to the uttermost what your people wanted or perish in the attempt in the fiends clutches and I shall fulfill that purpose prove myself with a proud deed or meet my death here in the mead hall this formal boast by Beowulf the gate pleased the lady well and she went to sit by her oath gar real and arrayed with gold then it was like old times in the echoing Hall proud talk and the people happy loud and excited until soon enough half Danes air had to be away to his night's rest he realized that the demon was going to descend on the hall that he had plotted all day from dawn light until darkness gathered again over the world and stealthy night shapes came stealing forth under the cloud murk the company stood as the two leaders took leave of each other Hrothgar wished Beowulf health and good luck named him hall warden and announced as follows never since my hand could hold a shield have I entrusted or given control of the Dames Hall to anyone but you Ward and guard it for it is the greatest of houses be on your mettle no keep in mind your fame beware of the enemy there's nothing you wish for that won't be yours if you win through alive Hrothgar departed then with his house guard the lord of the shielding's their shelter in war left the mead hall to lie with wealth fill his queen and his bed mate the king of heaven as people learned had posted a lookout who was a match for Grendel a guard against monsters special protection to the Danish Prince the gate placed complete trust in his strength of limb and the Lord's favor he began to remove his iron breast mail took off the helmet and handed his attendant the pattern sword a Smith's masterpiece ordering him to keep the equipment guarded and before he bared it down Beowulf that Prince of goodness proudly asserted when it comes to fighting I cut myself as dangerous any day as Grendel so it won't be a cutting edge I'll wield to mow him down easily as I might he has no idea of the arts of war of shield or swordplay although he does possess a wild strength no weapons therefore for either this knight unarmed he shall face me if face me he dares and may the divine Lord in his wisdom grant the glory of victory to whichever side he sees fit then down the brave man lay with his bolster under his head and his whole company of Sea Rovers at rest beside him none of them expected he would ever see his homeland again or get back to his native place and the people who reared him they knew too well the way it was before how often the Danes had fallen prey to death in the mead hall but the Lord was weaving a victory on his war loom for the weather gates through the strength of one they all prevailed they would crush their enemy and come through in triumph and gladness the truth is clear Almighty God rules over mankind and always has then out of the night came the shadow stalker stealthy and Swift the whole yards were slack asleep at their posts all except one it was widely understood that as long as the Lord four batted the fiend could bear them beyond his shadow born one man her ever was in fighting mood awake and on edge spoiling for action in off the Moors down through the mist bands God cursed Grendel came greedily loping the bane of the race of men roamed forth hunting for a prey in the High Hall under the cloud murk he moved towards it until it shone above him a sheer keep of fortified gold nor was that the first time he had scouted the grounds of Hrothgar's dwelling alone ever in his life before or since did he find harder fortune or Hall defenders spurned and joyless he journeyed on ahead and arrived at the bomb the iron braced door turned on its hinge when his hands touched it and his rage boiled over he ripped open the mouth of the building maddening for blood pacing the length of the pattern floor with his loathsome tread or the baleful light flame more than light flared from his eyes he saw many men in the mansion sleeping a rank company of kinsmen and warriors quartered together and his glee was demonic picturing the mayhem before morning he would rip life from limb and devour them feed on their flesh but his fate that night was due to change his days of ravening had come to an end mighty and canny hey alex kinsman was keenly watching for the first move the monster would make nor did the creature keep him waiting but struck suddenly and started in he grabbed and mauled a man on his bench bit into his bone wrappings bolted down his blood and gorged on him in lumps leaving the body utterly lifeless eaten up hand and foot venturing closer his talent was raised to attack Beowulf where he lay on the bed he was bearing in with open Clos when the alert heroes come back and armed block for stalled him utterly the captain of evil discovered himself in a handgrip harder than anything he had ever encountered in any man on the face of the earth every bone and his body quailed and recoiled but he could not escape he was desperate to flee to his den and hide with the devil's litter for in all his days he had never been clamped or cornered like this then he elects trusty retainer recalled his bedtime speech sprang to his feet and got a firm hold fingers were bursting the monster backed tracking the man overpowering the dread of the land was desperate to escape to take a roundabout road and flee to his lair in the fens the latching power in his fingers weakened it was the worst trip that terror monger had taken to Herot and now the Timbers trembled and sang a whole session that ha rode every day inside the stockade stumbling in fury the two contenders Christ through the building the hole clattered and hammered but somehow survived the onslaught and kept standing it was handsomely structured a sturdy frame braced with the best of blacksmiths work inside and out the story goes that as the pair struggled mid benches were smashed and sprung off the floor gold fittings and all before then no shielding elder would believe there was any power or person upon earth capable of wrecking their horn rigged all unless the burning embrace of a fire engulf it in flame then an extraordinary wail arose and bewildering fear came over the Danes everyone felt it who heard that cry as it echoed off the wall a God cursed scream and strain of catastrophe the how love the loser the lament of the hell serf keening his wound he was overwhelmed manacled tight by the man who of all men was foremost and strongest in the days of this life but the L group's leader was not inclined to allow his caller to depart alive he did not consider that life of much account to anyone anywhere time and again bear wolves warriors work to defend their Lords life laying about them as best they could with ancestral blades stalwart an action they kept striking out on every side seeking to cut straight to the soul when they joined the struggle there was something they could not have known at the time that no blade on earth no blacksmiths art could ever damage their demon opponent he had conjured the harm from the cutting edge of every weapon but his going away out of this world and the days of his life would be agony to him and his alien spirit would travel far into the fiends keeping then he who had hollowed the hearts of men with pain and affliction in former times and given offense also to God found that his bodily powers failed him he elects kinsmen kept him helplessly locked in a handgrip as long as either lived he was hateful to the other the monstrous whole body was in pain a tremendous wound appeared on his shoulder sinews split and bone lapping 'he's burst Beowulf was granted the glory of winning Grendel was driven under the Fen banks fatally hurt to his desolate lair his days were numbered the end of his life was coming over him he knew it for certain and one bloody clash had fulfilled the dearest wishes of the Danes the man who had lately landed among them proud and sure had purged the hall kept it from harm he was happy with his night work and the courage he had shown the gate captain had boldly fulfilled his boast to the Danes he had healed and relieved a huge distress unremitting humiliations the hard fate had been forced to undergo no small affliction clear proof of this could be seen in the hand the hero displayed high up near the roof the whole of Grendel shoulder and arm his awesome grasp then morning came and many a warrior gathered as I've heard around the gift whole clan chiefs flocking from far and near down wide-ranging roads wandering greatly as the monsters footprints his fatal departure was regretted by no one who witnessed his trail the ignominious marks of his flight or he'd skulk towei exhausted and spirit and beaten in battle bloodying the path hauling his doom to the demons mirror the bloodshot water wallowed and surged there were loathsome up throws and over turnings of waves and gore and wound slowly with his death upon him he had dived deep into his marsh den drowned out his life and his Heath and soul hell claimed him there in a way they rode the old retainers with many a young man following after a troop on horseback in high spirits on their base deeds Beowulf doings were praised over and over again nowhere they said north or south between the two seas or under the tall sky on the broad earth was there anyone better to raise a shield or to rule the kingdom yet there was no laying of blame on their Lord the noble Hrothgar he was a good king at times the war band broke into a gallop letting their chests horses race wherever they find the going good on those well-known tracks meanwhile a thane of the king's household a courier of tales a traditional singer deeply schooled in the lore of the past linked a new theme to a strict meter the man started to recite with skill rehearsing bailiffs triumphs and feats and well fashioned lines in twining his words the light of day broke and kept brightening bands of retainers galloped an excitement to the gabled hall to see the marvel and the king himself guardian of the ring horde goodness in person walked in majesty from the women's quarters with a numerous train attended by his Queen and her crowd of maidens across to the meat hall when Hrothgar arrived at the hall he spoke standing on the steps under the steep eaves gazing at the roof work and Grendel's Talon first and foremost let the Almighty father be thanked for this sight I suffered a long harrowing by Grendel but the heavenly Shepherd can work his wonders always and everywhere not long since it seemed I would never be granted the slightest solace or relief from any of my burdens the best of houses glittered and reaped and ran with blood this one worry outweighed all others a constant distress to counselors entrusted with defending the people's forged from assault by monsters and demons but now a man with the Lord's assistance has accomplished something none of us could manage before now for all our efforts whoever she was who brought forth this flower of manhood if she is still alive that woman can say that in her Labor's the Lord of Ages bestowed a Grace on her so now Beowulf I adopt you in my heart as dear son nourish and maintain this new connection you noblest of men there will be nothing you'll want for no worldly goods that won't be yours I have often honored smaller achievements recognized warriors not nearly as worthy lavished rewards on the less deserving but you have made yourself immortal by your glorious action may the god of Ages continue to keep and requite you well then half gained some presented Beowulf with a gold standard as a victory gift an embroidered banner also breast mail and a helmet and a sword carried high that was both precious object and token of honor so Beowulf drank his drink at ease it was hardly a shame to be showered with such gifts in front of the hall troops there haven't been many moments I am sure when men exchanged for such treasures at so friendly a sitting an embossed Ridge a band lopped with wire arched over the helmet head protection to keep the keen honed cutting edge from damaging it when danger threatened and the man was battling behind his shield next the king ordered eight horses with gold bridles to be brought through the yard into the hall the harness of one included a saddle of sumptuous design the battle seat with the son of half Dain rode when he wished to join swordplay wherever the killing and carnage were the worst he would be to the fore fighting hard then the Danish Prince descendant of Inge handed over both the arms and the horses urging Beowulf to use them well and so their leader the Lord and guard of coffer and strong room with customary grace bestowed upon Beowulf both sets of gifts a fair witness can see how well each one behaved the chieftain went on to reward the others each man on the bench who had sailed with Beowulf and risked the voyage received a bounty some treasured possession and compensation a price in gold was settled for the geet Grendel had cruelly killed earlier as he would have killed more had not mindful God and one man's daring prevented that Doom past and present God's will prevails hence understanding is always best and a prudent mind whoever remains for long here in this earthly life will enjoy and endure more than enough they sang then and played to please the hero words and music for their warrior Prince harp tunes and tales of adventure there were high times on the hall benches and the Kingsport performed his part with the saga of Finn and his sons unfolding the tale of that fierce attack in Friesland when Nath king of the Danes met death and his sister Hilda burr suffered cruelly son and brother she lost them both on the battlefield they foredoomed cut down and spear gored she in shock waylaid by grief Hawks daughter how could she not lament her fate when morning came and the light broke on her murdered ears and so farewell delight on earth war carried away Finn's troop of Thane's all but a few how then could Finn hold the line or fight on to the end with Hengist how saved the rump of his force from that enemy chief so a truce was offered as follows first separate quarters to be cleared for the Danes Hall and throne to be shared with the Friesians then second everyday at the door light of gifts Finn some of [ __ ] Walt would honor the Dames bestow with an even hand to hang guests and Angus men the wrought gold rings bounty to match the measure he gave his own Friesians to keep morale in the beer hall high both sides then sealed their agreement with oaths to Hengist Finn swore openly solemnly that the battle survivors would be guaranteed honour and status no infringement by word or deed no provocation would be permitted their own ring giver was dead and gone they were leaderless enforced allegiance to his murderer a funeral pyre was then prepared effulgent gold brought out from the Horde the pride and Prince of the shielding's lay awaiting the flame everywhere there were blood plastered coats of mail the pyre was heaped with bore shaped helmets forged in gold with the gashed corpses of well born Danes many had fallen then Hilda burr ordered her own son's body to be burnt with laughs the flesh on his bones to sputter and blaze beside his uncle's the woman wailed and sang Keynes the warrior went up carcass flame swirled and fumed they stood round the burial mound and hold as heads melted crusted gashes spattered and ran bloody matter the glutton element flamed and consumed the dead of both sides their great days were gone warriors scattered to homes and forts all over Friesland fewer no feeling loss of friends Hengist stayed lived out that whole resentful blood sullen winter with Finn homesick and helpless no ring oral Pro could up then and away on the sea wind and water raged with storms wave and Shingo were shackled in ice until another year at peered in the yard as it does to this day the seasons constant the wonder of light coming over us then winter was gone Earth's lap grew lovely longing woke in the cooped-up exile for a voyage home but more for vengeance some way of bringing things to a head his sword arm hankered to greet the duty thus blood was spilled the gallant Finn slain in his home the wildness in them had to brim over the hall ran red with blood of enemies Finn was cut down the Queen brought away and everything the shielding's could find inside Finn's walls the frisian kings gold colors and gemstones swept off to the ship over sea lanes then back to Dane land the warrior troop bore that lady home the poem was over the poet had performed a pleasant murmur started on the benches stewards did the rounds with wine and splendid jugs the Queen spoke to Hrothgar enjoy this drink most generous Lord raise up your goblet entertain the Geats duly and gently discourse with them be open-handed happy and fond relish their company but recollect as well all of the booms that have been bestowed on you the bright Court of Herot has been cleansed and now the word is that you want to adopt this warrior as a son so while you may bask in your fortune and then bequeath kingdom and nation to your kith and kin she turned then to the bench for her boys sat all the youth together and that good man Beowulf the geet sat between the brothers the cup was carried to him kind words spoken and welcomed and a wealth of gold given to the hero two armed bangles a male shirt and rings and the most resplendent torque of gold I ever heard tell of anywhere on earth or under heaven then the queen pronounced in the presence of the company take delight in this torque dear Beowulf wear it for luck and we're also this mail from our people's armory may you prosper in them be acclaim for strength for kindly guidance to these two boys and your bounty will be sure you have won renown you are known to all men far and near now and forever your sway is wide as the winds home as the sea around cliffs and so my prince I wish you a lifetime's luck and blessings to enjoy this treasure treat my sons with tender care be strong and kind here each comrade is true to the other loyal to Lord loving in spirit the thanes have one purpose the people are ready having drunk and pledged the ranks do as I bid she moved then to her place men were drinking wine at that rare feast how could they know fate the grim shape of things to come the threat looming over many Thames as night approached and King Hrothgar prepared to retire to his quarters retainers in great numbers were posted on guard as so often in the past benches were pushed bedding gear and bolsters spread across the floor and one man lay down to his rest already marked for death at their heads they placed their polished timber battle shields and on the bench over them each man's kit was kept to hand a towering war helmet webbed male shirt and great shafted spear it was their habit always and everywhere to be ready for action at home or in the camp in whatever case and at whatever time the need arose to rally around their Lord they were right people they went to sleep and won paid dearly for his nights ease as had happened to them often ever since Grendel occupied the gold hall committing evil until the end came death after his crimes then it became clear obvious to everyone once the fight was over that an Avenger lurked and was still alive grimly biding time Grendel's mother monstrous hell bride brooded on her wrongs she had been forced down into fearful waters the cold depths after Cain had killed his father's son felt his own brother with a sword branded an outlaw marked by having murdered he moved into the wilds shunned company and joy and from Cain there spraying misbegotten spirits among them Grendel the banished and the cursed but now his mother had sallied forth on a savage journey grief racked and ravenous desperate for revenge she came to Herod there inside the hall Dane's lay asleep Errol's who would soon know a great reversal once Grendel's mother attacked and entered then in the hall hard honed blades were grabbed from the bench many a broad shield lifted and braced there was little thought of helmet or woven mail they woke in terror the hell dam was in panic desperate to get out in mortal terror the moment she was found she had pounced and taken one of the retainers in a tight hold then headed for the fen to her o'the car this man was the most beloved of the friends he trusted between the two seas she had done away with a great warrior ambushed him at rest Beowulf was elsewhere earlier after the award of the treasure the gate had been given another lodging there was uproar and Herod she had snatched their trophy Grendel's bloodied hand it was a fresh blow to the afflicted bond the bargain was hard both parties having to pay with the lives of friends and the old Lord the gray-haired Warrior was heart sore and weary when he heard the news his highest-placed advisor his dearest companion was dead and gone Beowulf was quickly brought to the chamber the winner of fights the arch warrior came first footing in with his fellow troops to where the king and his wisdom waited still wondering whether Almighty God would ever turn the tide of his misfortunes so Beowulf entered with his band in attendance and the wooden floorboards bind and rang as he advanced hurrying to address the Prince of the England's asking if he'd rested since the urgent summons had come as a surprise then Hrothgar the shielding's helmet spoke rest what his rest sorrow has returned alas for the Danes as Sheree is dead he was Airmen laughs elder brother and a soul mate to me a true mentor my right-hand man when the ranks clashed and our boar crests had to take a battering in the line action a Sheree was everything the world admires and a wise man and a friend then this roaming killer came in a fury and slaughtered him inherit where she is hiding plotting on the corpse and glorying in her escape I cannot tell she has taken up the feud because of last night when you killed Grendel wrestled and racked him in ruinous combat since for too long he had terrorized us with his depredations he died in battle paid with his life and now this powerful other one arrives this force for evil driven to avenge her kinsman's death I have heard it said by my people in Hall counselors who live in the upland country that they have seen to such creatures prowling the Moors huge Marauders from some other world one of these things as far as anyone can ever discern looks like a woman the other warped in the shape of a man moves beyond the pale bigger than any man an unnatural birth called Grendel by the country people in former days they are fatherless creatures and their whole ancestry is hidden in a past of demons and ghosts they dwell apart among wolves on the hills on windswept crags and treacherous caches were cool streams pour down the mountain and disappear under mist and Moreland a few miles from here a frost stiffened wood weights and keeps watch above a mirror the overhanging bank is a maze of tree roots mirrored in its surface at night there something uncanny happens the water burns and the mere bottom has never been sounded by the sons of men on its bank the Heather stepper halts the heart in flight from pursuing hounds will turn to face them with firm-set horns and die in the wood rather than dive beneath its surface that is no good place when wind blows up and stormy weather makes clouds Scud and the skies weep out of its depths a dirty surges pitched towards the heavens now help depends again on you and on you alone the gap of danger where the demon waits is still unknown to you seek it if you dare I will compensate you for settling the feud as I did the last time with lavish wealth coffers of coiled gold if you come back Beowulf the son of edge still spoke why sir do not grieve it is always better to avenge dear ones than to indulge in mourning for every one of us living in this world means waiting for our end let whoever can win glory before death when a warrior is gone that will be his best and only bulwark so arise my lord and let us immediately set forth on the trail of this troll dam I guarantee you she will not get away not two dens underground nor upland groves nor the ocean floor she'll have nowhere to flee to endure your troubles today bear up and be the man I expect you to be with that the old Lord sprang to his feet and praise God for bail Wolf's pledge then a bit and halter were brought for his horse with the plaited mane the wise King mounted the Royal saddle and rode out in style with a force of shield bearers the forest paths were marked all over with the monsters tracks her trail on the ground wherever she had gone across the dark Moors dragging away the body of that Thane hrothgar's best counselor and overseer of the country so the noble Prince proceeded undismayed up fails and squeezed along narrow foot paths and ways where they were forced into single-file ledges on cliffs above layers of water monsters he went in front with a few men good judges of the lie of the land and suddenly discovered the dismal wood mountain trees growing out at an angle above grey stones the bloodshot water surged underneath it was a sore blow to all of the danes friends of the shielding's a hurt to each and every one of that noble company when they came upon a shuri's head at the foot of the cliff everybody gazed as the hot gore kept wallowing up and an urgent war horn repeated its notes the whole party sat down to watch the water was infested with all kinds of reptiles there were writhing sea dragons and monsters searching on slopes by the cliff serpents and wild things such as those that often surface at dawn to roam the sale road and doom the voyage down they plunged lashing in anger at the loud call of the battle bugle an arrow from the bow of the gate chief got one of them as he surged to the surface the seasoned shaft went in deep and his freedom in the water got less and less it was his last swim he was swiftly overwhelmed in the shallows crowded by barbed bore Spears cornered beaten pulled up on the bank a strange Lake birth a loathsome catch men gazed at in all Beowulf got ready and his war gear indifferent to death his mighty hand forged fine webbed male would soon meet with the Menace underwater it would keep the bone cage of his body safe no enemies clasp could crush him in it no vicious arm lock choke his life heart to guard his head he had a glittering helmet that was due to be muddied on the mere bottom and blurred in the up swirl it was of beaten gold princely headgear hooped and hashed by a weapon Smith who had worked wonders and days gone by and embellished it with bore shapes since then it had resisted every sword and another item lent by Unferth at that moment was of no small importance the brown handed him a his dad weapon a rare and ancient sword named grunting the iron blade with its ill boarding patterns had been tempered in blood it had never failed the hand of anyone who have to dit in battle anyone who had fought and faced the worst in the gap of danger this was not the first time it had been called to perform heroic feats Beowulf son of edge still spoke wisest of Kings now that I have come to the point of action I ask you to recall what we said earlier that you some of half gain and gold friend to retainers that you if I should fall and suffer death while serving in your cause would act like a father to me afterwards if this combat kills me take care of my young company my comrades and arms and be sure also my beloved Hrothgar to send hail like the treasures I received let the lord of the Geats gaze on that gold let her Ethel son take note of it and see that I found a ring giver of rare magnificence and enjoyed the good of his generosity and Unferth is to have what I inherited to that far-famed man I bequeath my own sharp honed wave Sheen to wonder blade with grunting I shall gain glory or die
Channel: SkitlerRemix
Views: 738,233
Rating: 4.8174272 out of 5
Keywords: beowulf, seamus, heaney, audio, book, old, english, epic, poem
Id: AaB0trCztM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 27sec (4047 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2012
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