Benny Hinn Sings Worships songs 43 minutes

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[Music] Jesus they're just something [Music] that man master save Jesus [Music] like the fragrance after the way [Music] jeez Jesus Jesus let all Heaven let the earth throw clay kings and kingdoms all pass away like there is something [Music] lift your voice and sing the game Jesus Jesus [Music] there is something master say she like the fragrance after the way [Music] she [Music] wonderful pastor let all heaven Libya [Music] they'll all pass away but there's something very something about that name very something [Music] you are beautiful beyond this [Music] - wonderful or comp [Music] nothing of us [Music] Congrats they was [Music] how they say [Music] smash didn't throw the bomb [Music] I stand in awe [Music] [Music] understand your mercy who can understand this mercy our minds do not have the capacity Lord to really understand your mercy surely we don't deserve it and daily you forgive us and daily you are patient with us continually watching over us you know us so well you know us better than we know ourselves and when we forget you you never forget us when we walk away from you you come looking for us you told us so often that you're a loving God but every day we see it in every day we are overwhelmed and amazed that the God of heaven would care so much for us who are we Lord like David we say what is man you are mindful of him the son ma'am you have visited here we sin and we fail yet you remain faithful thank you for your mercy thank you what a blood you shed for us the blood that is still available to wash away every sin and remove every stain we'll give you praise for your mercy whoo but Jesus can say come on to me all ye that labor and are heavy-laden and I'll give us what other man has said that Lord what other prophet what other philosopher has ever said these words none [Music] no one accepts you because you're so precious merciful we do not deserve it not one of us deserves it yet Louisville still will give you praise today we stand here thanking you [Music] we thank you for every moment you've come and touched our lives how often Lord we just ignore you but you never ignore us how often we hurt you you've never once wounded not one of us you're patient and kind that mercy that precious nursey lift her hands and thank him for his mercy think about the times he has loved you when you are unlovable think about the times he has come and touched a life when you did not deserve it think about the times you have forgotten him and he whispered in your heart and said I'm still here and we often wonder how can God love us like this how can we be be so deserving of this love why would he love us why would he care what is it about us he likes what is it he sees in us with nothing but dust why would God care for dust now you sing it again maybe now we'll have some meaning you are beautiful beyond description listen to the words you're singing too marvelous for words all I can say is not enough to describe him all I can preach for the rest of my life will not be enough to describe him all the preachers on earth that have preached through the centuries and will continue to preach cannot describe him he's beyond description the songwriter was right you are beautiful beyond description [Music] who can really describe the Lord can I paint or describe him can a philosopher describe him can the greatest preachers on earth describe him no no one can he's beyond description too marvelous for words who can fathom that blessed incredible love who can ever grasp his mercy sometimes we sing the song and don't really pay attention to what we're singing would you now do it would you think about how special you are to him lift her hands to him he deserves it he deserves your worship you are beautiful BR dis lips too marvelous for words [Music] - wonderful for comprehension nothing see not hurt [Music] what you can grasp your wisdom [Music] confer them your love [Music] so beautiful I give you praise Jesus smashed in throw the ball [Music] tell them I stand in awe of you [Music] you're so holy [Music] all praise [Music] you [Applause] everybody come on I just want to pray [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I wanted you to get the law the biggest shot of I sensed his friends [Music] and I knew this was the place before the sea your home heids we are standing [Music] it is we are Stan [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] Joan hands together please but not in there [Music] Lord impart wisdom impart on in part of authority and Victoria and I go further than that impart healing power if your hands to have it [Music] impart upon all of them touch [Music] I lift your hands and drink it in right now [Music] [Music] can you hear the sound of heaven like the sound of many waters this town of worship coming from the roll there are cries of and duration has been from every nation live the voice to make his glory know [Music] [Applause] holy holy you [Music] okay [Music] can you hear the side of heaven like the South many waters the sound of worship coming from the floor I was faithful because in there the sound of adoration as men every nation leave the boys to make is gloating on [Music] like the south [Music] the sound of worship coming [Music] [Music] I said can you you may hear the showerhead [Music] the sound of woosh [Music] [Music] I shall go [Music] it's that [Music] that sound rational sad of worship it's coming from [Music] come to pass in your life see [Music] I stand here this [Music] with very Victorian as he vanished oh yes [Music] and women were filled with the spirit I did my hands on you a man of God and I establish you tonight as Paul establish Timothy in this ministry [Music] oh Jesus my Jesus my Jesus my Jesus my precious [Music] i impart upon him there are you are performia the inheritance with Oh touch from the top of his head to the soles of his feet I pray that blessed anointing of this blessed Holy Ghost anointing of the Holy Ghost that flows through speak that glorious gift [Music] if your voice is playing the spirit all of you right now all of you play nice perfume on people it's exactly what I've been talking about here if the point to make is chlorine Oh can you hear sound of heaven the shower many walkers [Music] [Music] I am part upon you the inheritance of this ministry the wisdom the honor the authority the victory in the devlins share healing anointing and the baptism of the Holy Ghost shall flow as you sing [Music] at him lay hands on him pick him up pick him up pick him up [Music] Jesus nodded evil I import executive said now lift your hands and bring the spirit [Music] can you hear the Sun of heaven [Music] here like the sound of many waters [Music] exactly the same she's a part of this [Music] paratis honor victory and dividends and healing [Music] who's the young lady Tiffiny the Lord is sending you to be a populace you know do you know that Jesus enhancing them the name of Jesus Christ a blast the inheritance and wisdom honor and authority victory the Devils the healing in Jesus name chymotrypsin bacon tomorrow okay come on Oh Lord my God Oh Lord my God come on people let's pray [Music] consider all [Music] I tell you me I feel have died I see the stars I [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] [Music] I think that boys come from Jessie did you hear that I I hear I hear that his his number-one song is his eyes on the sparrow it's 12:30 Midnight's now listen are you here tomorrow please be here tomorrow no there's no morning service afternoon at 2 o'clock can you come back and sing it's a deal where'd you get that voice from there God you know you've got the same anointing is simple the same as Donny you're a dawn and a Jimmy and adjust you all in one yeah God in heaven dear God that's something can you just give me a line of his eyes on the sparrow the verse why should I feel okay I know Mom why should I feel discouraged why should I feel I got to sing this is too long [Applause] sure [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm blown away by what God is sending us good night see tomorrow come on I'll see bye-bye come on guys I see [Applause] [Music] you know in every service there's a moment where everything is just right this is the moment I'm the guy that he let me let's go just like last night I'll safety Cheryl and slash started you remember I am the God that hid in the garage people I was taught to stand up come on Bobby stand [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks y'all [Applause] yes [Music] the two heads receive it right now come on [Music]
Channel: Tito Ojeda
Views: 2,074,897
Rating: 4.6884341 out of 5
Keywords: Benny Hinn (Author), you are beatiful beyond descrption, Jesus oh Jesus
Id: Ml_lT_i1Zk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 3sec (2583 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 05 2014
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