Benghazi hero slams Clinton's defense of diplomat

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the fact is we had four Dead Americans was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night I decided they'd go kill some Americans what difference at this point does it make that was former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton making that infamous comment about the 2012 attack in Benghazi Libya that left four Americans dead her comments back then sparked outrage and tonight she's once again upsetting a Benghazi survivor this time after she weighed in on a story that President Trump would consider sending one of President Obama's former ambassadors to Russia for questioning Hillary quint Clinton tweeted ambassador McFaul is a patriot who has spent his career standing up for America to see the White House even hesitate to defend a diplomat is deeply troubling her tweet met with outrage from one of the security contractors who saved lives during the Benghazi attack he says are you effing kidding me Hillary Clinton you left ambassador Stevens in us to die in Benghazi then spewed lie after lie to the family members of my dead teammates and to the world to cover it up and now you have the nerve to talk about defending diplomats you are disgusting exclamation point Chris tanto paronto joins us right now for an exclusive story good to have you here Chris yeah that didn't sit so well with you did it no no it's completely disrespectful I they've already dishonored they being Hillary Clinton and those people that follow follow her support her as far as disrespecting the family members of my teammates and that's just you know that's just another jab in the eye it it is extremely mcgann disrespectful I can't think of a better word than that it just is terrible what about hypocritical in other words she's talking about how awful it is that the president might send an ambassador to Russia and you're saying hey it was pretty awful that you didn't look out for us in Benghazi oh it's not even awful I would say murderous we we had the assets available and she's the one that set him down that didn't allow him to come to us and I believe the the assets that were available in the area would have saved Tyrone woods and Glen Doherty is my two teammates lives it's an elitist attitude that we're seeing and you see it with Comey you see with Brennan you see the clapper that they feel like they've done nothing wrong ever and it's it's just mind-boggling sorry they've given you a personal explanation for anything no none at all and a lot of it would have been - and I even said this to him behind closed doors as far as my CIA leadership if you were to just apologize to us I'd have gone away I'd have kept deploying this never would gone on but you couldn't even have though just just apologize for your failures and again it's that attitude like Hillary Clinton's that that that is just disgusting people and and that's why we were supporting Donald Trump that's why people want a non-politician in the White House when you think about how he's approaching international situations and and don't forget he's taken a lot of heat for his comments there in Helsinki how is it that you you feel he's very different than than anything else you've seen before I mean you say you support him and yet there are many members of the military even who were very frustrated that he didn't jump to defend his own people his own intelligence people how do you reconcile all that right now you know when you're the intelligence community and you've got guys like Brennan in there you got guys like clapper that are spying on a presidential candidate they're spying on an American they even they even tried to justify the story of it being a video of our attack they didn't support us we were all fired I don't see how I can be mad at real Donald Trump I can't I can't be mad at Donald Trump for the agency that didn't even stand by us when we saved their people's lives so it's again it's one of those things where I think he's calling it how it is he's being a real person he's not being politically correct I don't want somebody politically correct I want somebody that's gonna say the truth in there and not continual to continually lie and that's what I saw in the past ministration that's why I saw with Hillary Clinton and then again of course that night when we came back it was lie after lie after lie which caused us to come forward and tell the truth ya know you got a lot of lies fed to you and I I can't imagine how that feels knowing what you risked knowing you know some dear friends of you will never be here again because of mistakes our government made and again these were mistakes that you know frankly could have been handled far more easily and they could have been avoided and to be honest eight guys died during war its war that's how it happens that war people die it's don't try to cover up what took place because of your political ambitions and that's what makes us upset that's what makes me upset and continually makes me upset with Hillary Clinton and people that were around her at that point in time well you definitely made that clear on Twitter today anyway sir it's it's good to have you here thank you for joining us tonight Chris thank you very much god bless you
Channel: Fox News
Views: 918,481
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Keywords: Fox News Channel, Fox News, News, trish regan, fox, the story, the story with martha maccallum, politics, secretary of state, clinton, hillary clinton, benghazi, clinton benghazi, benghazi survivor, obama, obama administration, russia, putin, putin diplomats, trump, trump russia, trump putin, hillary clinton benghazi, benghazi attack, middle east
Id: hyD2yxzJIhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 8sec (308 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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