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at this point I don't get what Joey's plan is for this company the animation sure I've been finished on time anymore and I certainly don't see why we need this machine it's noisy it's messy and who needs that much ink anyway also Texas so we had each one of us donate something from our Workstation we put them on these little pedestals in the break room to help ease the gods Jeffy says keep things going but I tell you what if one more of these pipe bursts I'm out of here so I go to get my dustpan from the hall closet the other day and guess what I I can't find my stupid Keys it's like they disappeared in the thin air or something all I can think of is that they must have fallen in one of the garbage cans and I was making my rounds last week I just hope nobody tells Sammy because if he finds out I lost my keys again I'm out of here I don't care everyone's walking around here like grandma just died nothing but angry faces everywhere these people gotta lighten up I mean hello you make cartoons your job is to make people laugh I'm telling you if these people don't start cracking a smile every now and then I'm out of here these guys out of the warehouse get to play games all day while I'm stuck cleaning our Factory they keep laughing themselves at their own back room so I sent it to a look guys that says just mine right here's an idea why not make these games to knock open the door if you win it'll be fun for you guys and it saves me the trip down here every day they went for it like a dog to pot roast I tell you if these guys don't stop realizing who the Real Genius is I'm out of here so it turns out it's my lucky day I got to clean in some of the offices around 2 A.M last night and what do you think I'd find in one of the chairs big freaking chocolate cake just sitting there practically yelling my name you know I will cut I earn my pay every Don dollar but you know what this company's missing two benefiting points and this year cake it's a point hopefully no one finds out what I've done because if they did I didn't tell you what would happen I'm out of here it's dark and it's cold and it's stuck in behind every single wall now some places I swear this godforsaken ink is clear up to my knees Whoever thought that these crummy pipes do hold up under this kind of screen you don't know something about pressure is some kind of idiot but the real worst part about all this and then noises like a dying dog into half West legs make no mistake this place I won't be doing repair jobs for Mr Joey Drew these blasted elevators sometimes they open sometimes they don't Sometimes They Come and sometimes they keep on going to hell and back they keep telling these people if Mr Joey Drew keeps cutting Corners like this someone should end up falling to their death and it sure ain't gonna be me I'm taking the stairs from your support to check the home office client Julie Drew Studios although we're making progress the client's expectations keep changing what started as a machine to Simply mold life-size figures now seems to be teetering on the edge of magic more than engineering although Mr Drew remains convinced they're the same thing the process of running the cartoon film to the machine for the figures to imprint upon themselves is going well we've had several near successes one weird note the first figure ever created was a failed attempt in the likeness of the character called bendy since that time no other attempts of this particular figure have emerged and the one that did I don't know there's just something unworldly about him all right let's go over this again if the pressure goes over 45 I screw the safety open cut it right no for the last time you do that you blow every pipe in this place if it reaches 45 you unhook the safety switch you sure you know this sounds hard to compare our earwax to beeswax look it's not that difficult just keep an eye on the cage look pal if you think I'm doing my job and yours I'm out of here he appears from the Shadows to rain his sweet blessings upon me the figure of ink that shines here pray you hear me those old songs I still for I know you and I will be final embrace but love requires so first Joey installs this ink machine over our heads and then it begins to leak three times last month we couldn't even get out of our department because the ink had flooded the stairwell Joey's solution an ink pump to drain it now I have this ugly pump switch right in my office thanks giving just what I need Ed more distractions these stupid cartoon songs don't write themselves you know every artistic person needs a sanctuary Joey true has his and I've got mine favorite song the band show playfully Club the banjo banjo strungs in the base fiddle sings with deep articulation the base fiddle returns and sings aloud Triumph the drum Echoes out once more the piano delicately calls the piano returns in graceful Harmony the violin shudders with a piercing piercing the violin again screams sing my song and My Sanctuary will open to you every day the same strange thing happens I'll be up here in my booth the band will be swinging and suddenly Sammy Lawrence just comes marching in and shuts the whole thing holding tells us whole Witness ES projection boost in the recording studio that the little Devil Himself was chasing behind two seconds later projector turns out but Sammy oh no he'll come out for a long time this man is weird crazy I've got never mind to talk to Mr Jew about all this I really do but then again I have to have to the Jews got his own periodies no I'm not looking for trouble it's just the nature of us projectionists to seek out the dark places company that projectionists they always say creeping around he's just looking for trouble we're in trouble or not I sees everything they don't even know what I'm watching even when I'm right behind it may only be my second month working for Joey Drew but I can already tell I'm gonna love it here people really seem to enjoy my Alice Angel voice Sammy says she may be as popular as bendy someday these past few weeks I voiced everything cheers to dance in chick [Applause] star I really felt a connection with but she's a part of me Alice and I we're going places Everything feels like it's coming apart but I walked into the recording booth today Sammy was there with that Allison apparently I didn't get the memo Alice angel will now be voiced by Miss Allison Pendle part of you died when he said that there's got to be a way to fix this I would have thought me having lunch with Joey girouk apparently times are tougher than I thought for a moment there I thought I'd be stuck with the check but I gotta say he wasn't at all what I expected quite the charmer he even called me Alice and I liked it they told me I was perfect for the role absolutely perfect now Joey's going around saying things behind closed doors I can always tell now he wants to meet again tomorrow he says he has an opportunity for me I'll hear him out but if that smooth talker thinks he can double cross an angel and get away with it well oh he's got another thing coming Alice oh she doesn't like liars the quiet that's hard to come by these busy times and yeah sure it'd be stink to I have it down here but it's just perfect for an old Lyricist like me Sammy songs always got some bounce but uh if I didn't get away once in a while they'd never have any words to go with them so I'll keep my mind of singing and uh my nose closed maybe we'll be seeing what the big deal is so what if I went and painted some of those bendy dolls with a crooked Smite but sure no reason for Mr Drew to be flying off a hand let me and if he really wants to be so helpful he could be telling me what I'm going to be doing with this Warehouse I got full of that angel watching my comment about a scrap of that nasty self you probably have to melt it all alone to be rid of it all uh you say uh the real problem with Mr Drew is that uh he never actually tells those little people anything oh sure according to him there's always big stuff coming adventure and famous like but uh I'm the guy see who has to make sure our budgets don't go all out of whack just because genius upstairs went out and got himself another idea speaking of which and this is top secret apparently Mr Drew has another large project in mind now and it ain't gonna be cheap [Laughter] [Applause] only two weeks into this company and already it's gotten interesting Joey is a man of ideas and only ideas when I agreed to start this whole thing with him I thought there'd be a little more give and take instead I give and he takes I haven't even seen Linda for days now still someone has to make this happen when in doubt just keep going Henry on the plus side I've got a new character I think people are gonna love there's nothing wrong with dreaming wishing for the impossible is just human nature that's how I got started just on this already we all want everything without even having to lift a finger they say you just have to believe police can make you succeed belief can make you rich believe can make you powerful why women not believe you can even cheat death itself now that is a beautiful and positively silly thought I believe there's something special at all two minutes straight you'll get conquered even your biggest challenges you just have to believe in yourself and remain honest motivated and above all who you really are okay let's stop right there I can only do so many takes in this trash a day and tell the guys that writing I want more ideas of the word training in every message keep railing on that get dreaming dreaming dreaming people just eat up that kind of slow what it's still hard turn off damn it a small demo to all administration offices rumors have begun to fly that we simply can't tolerate any longer the idea that the company is in some form of financial difficulty is untrue and Slanders lie against us it's also been known to me that some backroom incompetence are not trusting in my leadership as a leader I'm always steering the vote guiding our destiny looking at the big picture no need for you people to worry about such complicated things just do whatever it is you do and trust your leader which is me listen Tommy I know you boys over in jail I'm doing your best but I'm paying for living attractions not weird Abominations whatever that great thing was I saw wandering around your office you better keep it locked up tight I realize it was the first to check but imagine if the Press caught sight of it Mike's getting up investors and in response to your previous memo and claim that your failures are because these things are so us that damn it we'll give them a soul after all I own thousands of them I know how much this park means to you Susie Alice means a lot to me too gosh all of my characters do in fact I'll bet you in a little secret I too really believe my characters are more than just drawings they're alive they're part of this and I want people to know them as well as I do I want people to be able to shake their hand spend an afternoon with them love them Susie I'll be straight with you I'm putting together a small project a little ceremony if you will you will if it works a lot of dreams will come true and I want you to be a part of it I want you to bring Alice to life once again what do you say it's simply awe-inspiring but what can accomplish with their own hands a lump of clay can turn to meaning if you strangle it with enough enthusiasm not just on a silver screen but in the hearts of those we entertain with our fancy moving pictures but when the tickets stop selling when the next big thing came along only the monsters regained Shadows of the past but you can save them Henry you can peel it all away you see there's only one thing Bindi has never known he was there for his beginning but he's never seen the end for 40 years I've built attractions that staggered the imagination colossal wonders such as the world has never seen I have earned my legacy with sweat right in front of everyone high level investors Wall Street tycoons the Arab tactless Joey Drew introduces me the great Bertram Piedmont as Bertie like I was his child you may be paying me Mr Drew But You Don't Own Me I'll build you a Park bigger than anything you could ever possibly conceive but before you go taking any bows Mr Drew know that this Grand achievement will belong to me and to me alone the biggest park ever built a centerfold of attractions each one more Grand than the one before it it makes my eyes come to tears at the thought but then oh Mr true for all your talk of dreams you are the true architect behind so many nightmares I built this park it was to be a masterpiece my masterpiece and now you think you can just throw me out travel me to the dust and forget me no this is my Park my glory you may think I've gone but I'm still here the only thing that works around here is my ulcer half these people don't know a wrench from a dang Steamroller a bunch of morons is what they are spend their day in the warehouse arguing over who's supposed to be doing what or playing them silly games still I'm not complaining I get most of my time to myself suits me just fine nothing about is me is that mechanical demon in the corner brookson's been working on it for a month now says it'll walk someday and maybe dance all it does now is give me the creeps I swear when my back's turned that face moving
Channel: Crooked Art
Views: 6,022
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Id: soyn_Vpf0g0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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