Ben Shapiro LIVE at University of Wisconsin–Madison
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Channel: Young America's Foundation
Views: 682,530
Rating: 4.8446221 out of 5
Id: xSoTX8xzqDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 58sec (6418 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Ben Shapiro is a conservative anti trump guy who disliked him for a lot of the reasons others did.
One of the smartest guys I've ever heard speak. It's basically if you're a conservative you are a racist to these people anymore
It's odd that they're imitating the Sparrows from Game of Thrones. Of all the despicable groups you use as a model for silencing the opposition, that has to be one of the worst.
Everything should get real dangerous for a little bit so we can weed out these overly safe people
get a fuckin job dude.
Wonder if it was another trigglypuff
Why are leftists so immature?
Fucking commies. You wonder why people voted for Trump.