Ben Roethlisberger & Troy Polamalu's FIRST PLAYOFF Game! | Overtime THRILLER!

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[Music] heinz field in pittsburgh the same 65 000 fans to see and pittsburgh presents one of the great stories of this football season in young ben roethlisberger the toast of the town number seven is and let me tell you something in that very first game he didn't play the best that he could play a frenzy of fans here at heinz field look at the towels 28 degrees it was 50 degrees warmer three days ago they had to cut the grass at heinz field friendly home of the pittsburgh steelers heinz field they were 8-0 this year and rarely trailed in fact they never were behind at home going into the second quarter all season look at the numbers for roethlisberger they're all time for a rookie but the best of all is 13 starts 13 wins over a thousand kicks in his career and he sends his left foot into this one and spins it towards santana moss hit immediately by sean murray who is the special team star out of brown and put the game away first down on the pass play to mccarrans [Applause] if he's twisted down by clark higgins pagans who replaced jason gilden at that outside linebacker spot well chad pennington is not the most fleet-footed quarterback in the national football league and this pittsburgh defense from every position can run and that was an excellent job of maintaining the upfield containment by hagins he's still able to go inside the block but still maintain contain to that side of the field really well done by hagins they bunched three wide receivers to the right and now brings seoul the full [Applause] as this steeler defense puts on the pressure hagens and ferry are the two linebackers no score [Applause] [Music] [Applause] who led the steelers with 80 catches this year his sixth consecutive year as the top receiver for pittsburgh first down at the jets 49 and here comes the bus rumbling to the 41-yard line a gain of eight for bettis who started six games this year and all six they carry for more than a hundred yards back to betis he's got the first down and more to the 34-yard line huntington's [Music] [Applause] in the game last month after the interception he was auditioning for tailback what a run by paul lamalu after the interception and the first mistake belongs to chad pennington and the jets i must not see polamalu who floats out from underneath and then he just runs right over curtis martin polamalu at the line of scrimmage then drops back from the outside to the inside second and six for roethlisberger to throw what a catch twisting his heinz ward as he also on his way to a pro bowl again four straight years makes that a very tough catch and look at him go back to ben early in the season heinz ward told roethlisberger you're trying to be too perfect just throw it let us make the plays well that's exactly what happened there that was not a perfect throw but heinz ward went back and dug it out a receiver of burst's skills [Applause] steelers have had their problems in the red zone surprisingly [Applause] he stays in with kreider the fullback in front of him third and short who else touchdown he scored 13. touchdowns rushing on the regular season he gives the steelers a nine-nothing lead first down play action pump fake and then he has to eat it there's chris hope the defensive tackle comes in makes the play line up martin and jordan in the backfield at the same time and then jordan goes outside and martin goes down another loss as farrier and williams collaborate on the tackle last four games at home it was a first down pennington going deep for moss almost pulled in by moss willie williams got a hand in there to save a score into that throw it is right there for moss and it is just an outstanding piece of work by willie williams look how he times it perfectly hitting moss right on the shoulder the instant the ball gets there field goal if they make no more yards and bennington in trouble throws as his arm is hit incomplete and uh [Applause] the ball in a first down out at the 33-yard line think of ben roethlisberger as a rookie he's just their quarterback that's kreider shifting in motion and blocking for venice who breaks through the line and he bumps his way almost to midfield before harry coleman the safety can bring him down marked at the 25 46 seconds left in the half pennington screams it back to martin and martin is tackled by polo another big open field play by this second year safety to head downfield take a look at that you don't see another steeler in the picture down field kimo von olhofen is coming back from the inside i don't know that he's going to make that tackle what a play what a yard saving tackle by polamalu don't try i think you could do one in the middle and spike it not bad in the middle well it's an incomplete pass or did they roll the uh pennington down in the grass but they're taking shots that's important here comes the blitz pennington screens it and right into a mass of steeler tacklers led by james ferrier gerald sole had no chance finish of the season six starts six 100 yard games roethlisberger to the sideline complete times ward a first down and a 12-yard pickup second and eight then the throw caught by burris there he is ahead of david barrett mexico burris turned and the ball was there earlier in the game back to burst on a passing down they go to the run and burris takes advantage a gain of seven before trevor johnson and company can get him down big jb jerome that is look at the wink this guy loves life and loves the game of football but just again look at look at the look at the nimbleness the lightness on his feet [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] his first carry and he gets down to the 40-yard line a gain of seven before barton and barrett make the stop so a first down at the he 37.00 for six seven more he's facing another right now we open the fourth quarter first down at the third second down at the 30 and venice gets a first down and more he's to the 22. and this is where the steelers with their ground game have uh worn down so many defenses at 34. i'm here [Applause] the big man is all the way to the 46-yard line in jets territory well i remember bill cower saying what was your biggest surprise about roethlisberger he said i had no idea he could move the way he moves we knew he's a big strong guy but this took us by surprise we're into training camp looking at each other going this guy can motor and it's 6'5 you know 241 pounds he brings a lot more to the table than just strength 20 yards on that run remindful of his days with the redhawks at miami of ohio dennis he's eager to get the ball back and down to the 40 a gain of nearly six jeremy twoman hasn't caught a pass today go over the middle complete first down at the 30 to burris gives the deuce staley and staley dragging tacklers to the 10 a gain of almost eight steps up third and one at the eighth [Applause] ran into his own man but got his head down low and burrowed for what appears to be enough for a first down [Applause] to the left allen fannika gets the good trap block and reggie tongue just not able to make the tackle at the one yard line now taken for granted extra point but this is big too josh reed ties it at 17. they reverse it to jericho and he just gets back to the line of scrimmage and that's all camo von oleh for not fooled a bit six yards is the longest by a visiting kicker this would be 47. and if he misses pittsburgh will get out standing field position is it long enough no it hit the crossbar 46 it would have been good 47 too long they just wanted to make sure that under no circumstances even if this was a missed field goal that pittsburgh could not have a chance to run a play okay now that they're down to four seconds there will be they're guaranteed of there being no time left on the clock at all herman edwards not an offensive touchdown in the game for the jets and yet they have a chance to dismiss the number one seeds the steelers if this kick is good it's going to be spotted at the 33 so a 43-yard attempt and the steelers will use the timeout to ice doug bryant a large upset crowd will tell you whether the jets win he missed it well let's play some overtime [Applause] even had he caught it would have been well short of a first down the second half has tested the confidence of ben roethlisberger throws to the side a sliding catch by heinz ward the deuce first down up to the 28th [Applause] like a rookie at times tonight staley [Applause] jets come with a blitz brothers burger being chased [Applause] he's got it to the 36. third year runner from georgia delivers based on these first two weeks of the playoffs staley look at him charge through two tacklers and fall at the 19. will be third and five smart guy just follows dan kreider right up into the hole so it rests on the right foot of jeffrey who made a 45-yard field goal does open the scoring tonight it's good the jets dismissed so close to victory themselves and the steelers in front of this vociferous home crowd move on to the afc championship game and will host it it's up to reed number three from 33. and the 16-1 steelers move on you
Channel: Itz Yinzburgh
Views: 22,125
Rating: 4.9359431 out of 5
Keywords: Pittsburgh, Steelers, NFL, Highlights, ESPN, Ryan Clark, Ben Roethlisberger, Kordell Stewart, Troy Polamalu, Hall of fame, Hines Ward, Playoff, Playoffs, classic, james harrison, joey porter, minkah fitzpatrick, juju smith schuster, legendary, najee harris, kevin greene, bill cowher, greg lloyd, steeler nation, steel curtain, mike tomlin, tj watt, devin bush, chase claypool, diontae johnson, heinz field, highlights, hype, itz yinzburgh, steelers, touchdown, three rivers, pittsburgh
Id: h9LGu8P1nVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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