Troy Polamalu Mini-Movie: The Tasmanian Devil Safety!

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Awesome short film

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/WesternEmployer9967 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

Of this doesn't get you hype for the hall of Fame idk what will

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Severe_Soft_8987 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

Excellent watch with some forgotten amazing plays. Great to hear Madden's voice too, it's been so long.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AmishButcher 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2021 🗫︎ replies
got to make it to the 42 for the first picked off guatemala palamalu going right the field is open aaron smith shields flaccomah i don't think i love football i love life i love life but football is a part of life and in that way i do love football i don't idolize football football doesn't run my life football is not who we are it's what we do you know he's very quiet never asks for much he never wants to be the vocal leader on this team he just wants to play football and be happy doing it he might be one of the greatest athletes that i've ever met he can do things that no other safety can do a rookie number one pick on the first sack of the day here comes the heat ray's in trouble good feet stripped to the bar it's in play and the steelers might have it it was stripped by troy palamalu the rookie from southern california dancing steps up throws on the run picked off roy valemalu with the interception whether he likes it or not he's facing one here two 15 to go in the fourth and intercepted picked off by his former roommate at usc troy polamalu pulamolo is still on his feet touchdown pittsburgh wow look at palamoli just reading the eyes of the quarterback sliding down the line getting into the throwing length another blitz mcnabb throws underneath and it's polamalu that polavallo is one heck of a young player there's the blitz they pick it up garcia throwing deep for brian intercepted by polamalu polamalu has man coverage see polamalu is going to run with him the whole way [Applause] great timing and how about the hands palmer will throw it at polamalu left sideline and he's picked it's polamalu how did he get out there and get this football the pittsburgh steelers so they got an extra body back there butts are hit by polamalu and sacked and brought down on his way to the pro ball for plays like that polamalu at the line of scrimmage then drops back from the outside to the inside a lot of what makes troy is his hair the hair gives him like a samson look it's very luxurious no player's hair has ever matched their style of play better than troy polamalu wild all over the place yeah it was a thing of beauty there's something about putting that helmet on he just became the tasmanian devil and he's out here destroying people beautiful beautiful play by troy palamalla the things that make troy troy are also the things that make him a little different he used his innate ability to read quarterbacks and anticipate and take calculated risks throws [Applause] david carr is thrown down like a small child by the 210 pound troy palamalu yet another sack of car and contend for a playoff spot here is third sack of the day he's everywhere it was almost like he knew the scenario called for this play and he was ready for the play he was so fast wow he just made that play bar no chance fumbled and untouched and it looks like 77 yards is the distance for troy malu [Applause] [Music] to make the tackle mcl and acl for palmer [Applause] has the interception troy polamalu what a good job seeing the quarterback looking and again reacting to it three guys out in front and the only defender there is troy polamalu i don't know how troy doesn't get blocked but he makes a great play splits all three offensive lineman played by pittsburgh and and nick saban did challenge later and that's picked off by paula marlowe do you need a play on defense he's going to make the play quick bass over the middle intercepted palamalu kalamalu to the outside 40. midfield and pull out of bounds inside the 40-yard line dragged down by larry johnson from behind he grabbed him by his hair you've got [Applause] roddy white down the field what a play by polamalu how's that for safety he's back he's looking he waits he dumps it and spat it down back to pick he's going to run to the far sideline and polamalu knocks him out of bounds at the eight yard line flying to him like a jet wow pitch out to lee oh great defensive play by polamalus he's a coordinator's dream you can do anything with him there is really no player on the defensive side the secondary that matches what polamalu can do troy palamalo will change a game he has closing speed it's just amazing on television you don't see troy in the screen and all of a sudden you see this thing darting and make the play just like a jet comes out of nowhere i like the kid troy you know he thinks he's a great broken field runner you know when he gets the ball you can pretty much book he's going to cut across the field picks it up then he flattens car to smart over the the shotgun inside the 40. lost the football talamalu has it coming this way gets a block 45 close to midfield only so much you can do when it rains as hard as you did tonight swarmed under his magazine excellent job by troy palamato diagnosing the plate they'll run with willis who dances made a man miss wants the football troy palamalo comes in just knocks it out here come the steelers on the blitz and throws an interception that play and this one as well first down toss and that's over to deshawn jackson the rookie the regular season until now ball batted in the air and pokemon who almost got there the steelers think they have it that was off the fingertips of l.j smith and off a vicious hit it was batted in the air watch polamalu goes out wow what an athletic play by polamalu the guy with the ball is going to go down to me he's the best badger in football watch the way he tackles he never slows up he runs through everything trying to hold the breath till the very end rivers open jackson drops it unbelievable wow he got his hand underneath there get his body in position you think there's no way he can still make the catch just scoop it up just fingertips national football league right now with the interception at the goal line and there goes troy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a little fake with his shoulders and he's picked off palamalu another tashard choice is showing what he's made of as polamalu makes the play a gain of only one the american football conference championship game be special today i need you i need you today i'm not gonna walk away from the game saying you know what maybe i should have stepped just a little bit out of my shell would have made the difference you know in winning and losing this game when i think about troy and i try to define some of the plays or the moments that are his it was a fc championship we had a fourth down and one and flacco is going to run a quarterback sneak they send the guy in motion and troy's got this guy man-to-man and right when they get to the football he stops tracking his guy and he runs toward the line of scrimmage here's the snake flacco second chance second effort and it looks like they're gonna mark him short of it [Applause] was the first to come over the top joe flacco goes right with them there's no power behind this look at this oh my gosh he stopped way short he won that game later and secures the afc championship for us turn over time back turn over time let's go [Applause] flacco in the shotgun drops the throw throws over the middle intercepted by palomar on the 40 near side 35 at the 30. he's after 25 running to his right side he's picking up some free space in the far side into 20 15 10 5 he's in touchdown pittsburgh in a super bowl a 40-yard return by troy palawa troy polamalu came across the field because he saw joe flacco under pressure and looking to his right to polo model's left we also felt like this is our division there's no better way to drive that point home than beat them in the afc championship game and beat him three times in a football season what makes teams great what makes games great and it's these these opportunities that seldomly come raymond james stadium the site of super bowl the adversity that we had faced throughout the course of the year have prepared us for that moment coach always talks about sticky lombardi all these marks you know have memories and a lot of players that have worked really hard to get their hands on this the pittsburgh steelers have won the super bowl for a six-time unprecedented palamala's presence changes everything he's the whole key to that defense you cannot say enough about what he means to that steelers team what he was just a guy that was everywhere he was always there at the critical time he could sniff a play he anticipated play his range and his ability to just sacrifice his body to make plays whether it was a tackle you know in the run game or what he did in coverage second down and five here's collins back to pass again going deep down field into traffic and what an interception one-handed by troy polamalu [Applause] he was about 10 yards off the ball and absolutely ripped up and caught him in the backfield three tight ends first and ten from the 29. peterson running left and he is brought down by polavano these teams are well prepared and well pledged the number means nothing flying in to make a first down stop but right here he shot his gun he came flying off that corner he is a vicious tackler he seems to play very intuitive and get to the ball wherever it may be [Applause] denver can not run the ball orton throws mike tomlin challenged the reception no they don't they barely got townsend on the field in time and boy i think the steelers who were out there ready to go make the play on vincent including polamalu he's a guy that if i line up against him i would want to know where he is on every single play and even when you think you know where he's at he's probably not there he's probably somewhere else from the 21 matty ice first pass and it's picked off troy polamalo with the interception what remains first and ten here comes the quarterback wow where did that airplane come from superman second down and 10 at the nine yard line the handoff deadline williams android game out of nowhere [Applause] pittsburgh the blitz [Music] phil with the block [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in the backfield by troy olamallo and he gets knocked down and the ball is losing it's picked up by woodley and he gets taken down to the 10-yard line huge huge play get his teeth lit up with that visual aids [Music] touchdown look at that athleticism by troy polamalu reaching the ball over the pylon for the touchdown that is remarkable enzo intercepted [Applause] shotgun formation from before up in the air and kicked off it's troy polamalu olamalu picks up his seventh pick of the year what happened just tip tip up in the air and you know i gotta watch on film everything palamalo goes up in the air he catches guys like troy palamalu are the guys that you get down in your stance you look back there and you take off for a route and you think you're free and next thing you know they're coming out of nowhere i saw paul model take off to the right on the snap i came back to the six i couldn't see it i'm running right in the palamalos paulo came to smash on this side yeah that was paula i learned palamalu over the top he's a very good cerebral player he makes a lot of plays because he's smart and he watches a lot of film and you can tell he anticipates really really well troy polamalu timed it perfectly sometimes it looks like he's cheating or he's guessing but he's making educated guesses out there from the 30 on first and 10. jackson steps up avoids the pressure [Applause] who's in front of the guy and it gives painter an opportunity to throw it instead a will take it into the end zone first down mccoy there it is there it is that time he did jump on it coming back the other way back in play setting up the screen to you're not going to jump over polamalu he'll rise right up with you not many players in this game anticipate the snap count quite like troy polamalu [Applause] now gabbard hit as he throws and he goes down troy polamalu well where's paula malo well he's right in your face it's been seven years as an assistant under his brother in tampa bay and it's andrew hawkins with troy polomolo over there defensively timmons has already had a sack for that pittsburgh d first and ten they turn it over on down 32-yard line he hit seneca wallace before he can run the play times it up perfectly put in for farrier third down and two here comes worlds oh it was picked off by troy did he stay in bounds yes he did he's a pressure leads to picks and see palamalu takes advantage of it up and immediately gets in on dalton been making plays for years against the bengals his first career sack came against cincinnati back in 2003. athletically he can do things that no other safety could do he's sensitive looks like he saw the future he was a jedi he was one with the football you know he is a ball magnet troy polamalu said no way troy palamalu is the biggest hitter in steelers history plays like a guided missile great tackle again jumping the gun we're talking about having a quarterback snap count down pat just that feeling of winning football which we're so used to it's a vintage troy polamalu trying to time a snap get back there and cause havoc and brandon marshall gets taken down by troy polamalu this guy makes the flashiest plays of anybody in the national football league watch him come all the way across [Applause] there's the past wide open [Applause] taking on his former hometown team third and seven prior spinning away from the defense and throws a pitch troy palamalu and he's inside his territory and mcfadden is trapped for a loss by polamalu great player he's just special the big hit and all he rips his hands through there olamala brings them down and the ball was joined loose watched troy palamalu come in with the hit on chris overnight and just robs him of his mail third and ten weeding back pocket collapses heat the balls out he's hit and set steelers pick it up polamalu stripped him troy palamallo another big takeaway lost but they're down against the bengals tannehill throws intercepted [Applause] touchdown steelers what an effort doing what troy does and the titan lunging and loses the ball the ball definitely gets ripped down by polamalu third and eight flynn he got away from one and he's getting blind he fumbled the ball and keisel may have vacuumed it in and it is a fumble by the quarterback and their steelers have picked it up becky going to come over the first set closing in on him as paul ramaru this is a tape tripped up by troy polamalu fitzpatrick holds it throws it crossing hopkins to midfield deandre hopkins lost the football pulled out by mike mitchell and polamalu has it for pittsburgh hola malou sneaks in there comes up with a takeaway for the 39th time in his steeler career they put troy up on the big screen and the fans wave their towels in appreciation there's a lot of temptation on the football field dealing with arrogance ego of pride that i just try to protect myself against i think there comes a point in the game where you're not really cognitively thinking you just kind of see the way everything develops the way the the offensive lineman come up the way they get set you kind of see their splits you kind of see the quarterback's energy and the more and more you play the game of football the more and more you have the sensitivity the rhythm of the football game right when you need a big play who shows up number 43 i know this guy is a ridiculous competitor his heart is just is huge i'm very proud to be a teammate i'd like to think that i share that same passion that they do however i may not express it the same way they do
Channel: NFL Throwback
Views: 114,405
Rating: 4.940351 out of 5
Keywords: nfl, american football, nfl history, nfl highlights, nfl vault, nfl throwback
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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